Already Gone

By HiiPower_333

2.5K 130 10

Hailey a teenage girl living a hard life struggling with her inner dark thoughts, after her father's death sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 17

45 4 1
By HiiPower_333

Fact 17:

Recent research suggests that depression can shorten the lives of people with cancer by years.


I could disappear forever and it won't make a difference in the world. 

Before all this I can't remember how I felt before and I think that's the most saddest thing anyone could ever feel. 

Drowning in complete sadness. 

My legs is numb from the lack of blood circulation running through my legs being in the same position for too long. On the bathroom floor not knowing what to do with myself. Tears stopped rolling down my face but the tightness in my throat still lingers painfully. Feeling emotionally drained I lean my head on my arm. My eyes feeling heavy but I force myself not to sleep. 

"Hailey." Sky's voice entered the room. 

My eyes snap towards the now open door surprised to find him standing here. He closed the door his eyes never leaving mine. 

"I can't believe she did this." He growled in anger.

He walk towards me kneeling in front of me his eyebrows knitted together but slowly softening as he continue to stare at me. I swallow loudly unable to take my eyes off him, my stomach twist creating an usual feeling. 

Sky's POV 

My eyes zeroed on Jessica when she touch me pulling me away from the door where I know for a fact Hailey is in. The minute I saw her standing there tears in her eyes my heart dropped an unsettling feeling erupt inside. It was like a nightmare having her in that spotlight with that hideous see through dress. Everyone was laugh, pointing and even recording and what pissed me off more was no one, not a single person spoke up. They knew how wrong this was, how disrespectful and cruel this is but no one did a thing. That's what pissed me off.

She stood in front of me with the trashiest outfit on, her boobs almost pushed up to her neck. She grinned at me as if nothing happened. I grab her arm roughly pulling her away from the bathroom my blood boiling. I roughly dropped her arm pushing her away from me causing her to whine unattractively.  

"I can't believe you fucking did this to her!" I yelled feeling my temper rising. 

A protectiveness towards Hailey surfaces and I knew in my gut and being I wanted to be the one to protect her. I wanted all of this to stop. She's been through enough but no one sees that. 

"I did and I can do what I want with her." She spoke like a true brat that she is. 

"You'll pay for this you understand me." I hissed lowly. 

"Are you threatening me?" She glare. 

"Stay away from her or you will regret ever making her life miserable. I will ruin your father and you know I can so do not tempt me or I will take everything you have away from you." My voice came out harsh and cold.

"You wouldn't do that." She whispered hurt. 

Her lips dropping that smug smile and replace by a frown, her body tensing. 

"You love me Skyler you wouldn't hurt me like that." She frown sadness seeping in her eyes. 

"I will do it and you know I don't bluff." I glared. 

Rage replace her sadness and knowing her for so long I knew that was a way to deal with her pain. She acts out of anger and that's all she knows how to do. 

"What about me Skyler?! She made my life miserable! She ruined everything!" She yelled veins popping on her neck in anger. 

I glared at her even more my hands forming into a fist. For her to say Hailey was the one hurting her, abusing her, bullying her for all these years irritates me. Not only does she dismiss what she's been doing is wrong she turns it around and makes it about her. I would never thought the first time I met Jessica she would turn out like this because she wasn't this reluctant to hurt Hailey nor was she ever cruel and mean. She was once a nice girl I thought I would easily fall in love with but something changed. Frankly I just don't care anymore, I stopped caring about her. 

"She hasn't done a thing to you and I don't care if she has all I care is what you have been doing to her for the past years." With that I walked away my brain pounding against my skull at the conversation we had.

I stood in front of the door and sighed her horrified face flash over my face when I saw her. The minute she ran off my feet seem to follow her in instinct.   

I crouch over and took out a pin and trying to unlock the door. Once I open the door my eyes land on her. I found her the wild pound in my chest settled down when my eyes settled on her. I didn't realized the heavy weight on my chest until it faded away. 

I close the door quickly and locked not wanting drunken people interrupting that will cause Hailey to be more upset. 

As I lower myself in front of her my frown deepened seeing her face. Her eyes red and glassy and simply tired. I see a new rush of sadness washing over her tears rising up, her lips trembling and as hard as she try to keep it inside she couldn't. Before the tears fell I raised my hand and swiped it my eyes softening. 

"What are you doing here?" Her voice husky. 

I hate the way she sounded so worn out, so sad from all of this.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows came together in confusion. "I would never leave you here." I spoke softly. 

"Oh." Was the only response I got from her.

I search her face trying to figure out what she is thinking. Did she really think I would leave her in Jessica's house after what she did to her? Did she really think I didn't care about her? 

The moment I knew I cared about her was when we were 15. She was always in her own little world, unfazed about anyone around her. She never realizes how beautiful she is even now, boys would look at her but she would never see them look at her that way. When Mac and his group of friends were in the locker joking around about taking a bet to get Hailey's virginity something in me snapped. I walked straight to Mac and broke his nose and I told him and his friends if anybody ever harm Hailey in any way I will kick them off the soccer team. That's when I truly understood that I cared for her, I cared for this girl I don't even know. 

She walked around oblivious of her beauty and that's both scary and purely innocent. 

I recognized the pain written all over her face as she stare back at mine and all I want to do is erase it away. No force on earth can make this feel alright, to make her feel better. 

"I know something that can make you feel better." My eyes flicker over to the big gold and cream bathtub. 

Her eyes followed mine widening slightly, she shook her head immediately. 

"No way are we going to take a bath in Jessica's house." She shook quickly. 

"Oh come on! This will be great." I stood up turning on the golden handle and blocking the drain. 

"You're crazy." She chuckled standing up as well.

"Well if you won't take bath than I will you can just watch." I said playfully. 

A small smile linger on her lips amused making me grin wildly. I grab the bubble liquid soap and pour half the bottle in the water. 

"You're putting too much." Hailey spoke looking at me amused a smile lighting her face. 

"Who cares." I shrug. 

The tub filled with white foamy bubbles rising nearly to the top. The bubbles and massage seats on this tub is amazing. 

"Okay so are you getting in or not?" I smiled down at her.

She looks down on her clothes frowning a hint of red blush creep into her skin. 

"In my clothes?" She raised her eyebrows at me. 

"Well.." I trail my lips forming into a smirk. "I vote no clothes." I dismiss earning a playful glare at her. 

I chuckled seeing her face my smile widening. 

"The water is over flowing." She reached for the tap the same I did our hands colliding with each other. 

My eyes connected with her and for a second I see a glimmer of tiny happiness and for a second I wanted to capture it all. I wanted it to amplify, I wanted the happiness to burst in her that her lips would form into a grin. I wanted it all of it for her but you can't tell someone to stop being sad and be happy instead you have to make them feel it until they forget why they were sad in the first place. 

I stared in her eyes deeply captivated by her beauty that time seem to slow just for a fraction. My eyes flicker down to her pink lips, my will to pull away seem to be weakening and all I want to do is taste her lips. 

She gasp softly losing her balance snapping me out of my trance, my hands automatically shot to her wrist grabbing her to steady her but I lost my balance as well the floor wet and slippery from the bathtub. Before I knew it we were both falling in the bath, the bubbles and water swallowing us both. The sound of the water spilling on the floor and our laughter erupt in the room. There was so much bubbles that I couldn't even see her face. Our clothes and shoes soaked wet and we couldn't careless. I swat away the bubbles to see her face lit up her laughter so rare it made my heart stop to appreciate it. Both our faces and hair had bubbles sticking on our skin making us look goofy.

She saw the way I look and she threw her back and laugh, I probably look funny at this moment. She grab a handful of bubbles and she blew on it making it fly every where. We made funny faces and splash the water like a child while teenagers beneath our level got drunk. 

For several minutes we spent out time relaxing in this little world separate from others laughing with each other. No matter what happened tonight I wanted her to forget the slightest bit and I know tomorrow is going to be a mess but for now I want her to forget. 

I grab hold of her wrist making her tense. 

"Come here" I spoke softly pulling her through the water. 

She took a sharp breath when my hands land on her hips pulling her on me making her legs straddle over me. I caught her head between my hands wiping away the bubbles so I can have a clear view of her face. 

"I hated what Jessica did to you." I spoke creasing her cheeks my eyes wandering over her flawless skin. "You don't need make up to look beautiful Hailey." 

She stayed still as my fingers ran over her jaw, nose, cheeks and forehead. She stayed still but her breathing went uneven making me smile softly. She place her palms over my chest, the heat of her touch had me sighing in relief of the closeness. Her long wet dark eyelashes stick on her cheeks whenever she closes her eyes. There's little beauty mark on her face and jaw that I love. 

"I'm sorry for not getting here fast enough." I whispered softly. 

She shook her head immediately her once tense body relaxed on top of mine. The dress she's wearing is darker and less see through.

"If I knew she would do that-

"It's okay, it's not you're fault." She assured but I shook my head knowing that Jessica's anger was mostly jealousy and that big part has got something to do with me. 

I remember her quick forgiveness with Jessica and the compassion and understanding she held but only to have it thrown at her face. The love she held and kindness is something I have never seen before. Dad and Mom once spoke to me about Hailey saying she is her dad's daughter kinder than most people and at times that gets them into a whole lot of trouble. 

I promised her dad I will look after her and I'm doing that for him but most of all I want to do it for me. 

"I want to take you out some where." I grinned my hands finding her own.

My action seem to surprise and I can tell she is unsure in what to do next as my I pull her hands away from my chest to lace my fingers with hers. 

"Where are you taking me?" A small smile lit up her face. 

"Tomorrow night. Some where you've never been before." I held her hands.

A true smile stretched on her face and I watch as the sadness in her eyes fade away. An over whelming feeling of pure joy that maybe I got something to do with that happiness. 

For the next minutes we stayed like this holding each other with the white fluffy bubbles surrounding us. Being with her left a jolt in my chest and no one has ever done that to me, not Jessica or any girls I've been with. 

We got out when the water got cold our feet meeting the wet floor reaching all the way to the floor. We both shared an amused look at the mess we made making this moment even better. I opened the door my arms automatically wrap themselves around Hailey without even thinking. We found Bonnie sitting on the floor with a big jacket and jeans in her hands. She drew her attention to us shoving her phone in her pocket. 

Her jaw dropped seeing us, she quickly stood up looking over our shoulders bewildered. 

"What the hell? Did a cyclone happen in that bathroom?" She joked looking over our wet clothes amused. 

We chuckled lightly but I can see the slight redness creeping in Hailey's cheeks making me grin my arms tightening around her. 

"Anyway, here Hailey I thought you would need it." Bonnie offered her the clothes kindly. 

I watch Hailey's features soften at her kind gesture like no one has ever done this to her. Look after her. 

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Change in there no one is there we will be right here." Bonnie pointed to the room beside us. 

She nodded and look over at me before walking away my eyes never leaving her. Bonnie cleared her throat roughly making me roll my eyes to her. She wiggle her eyebrows at me. 

"So?" She prompted. 

"I approve Skyler, I approve." She nodded giving me a thumbs up. 

"Shut up Bonnie." I smiled amused. 

"Whatever. I tried erasing all the videos in people's phone but there are some real assholes in this place." Bonnie growled. "Is she okay? I can't believe you would associate yourself with these type of people." 

"Sorry to disappoint mom." I spoke playfully loving her for being pushy at times telling me what to do and protective. "Thank you." I pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry I'll take care of those you haven't." 

Soon us three went out of this place without anyone hassling us. Most of them too drunk to care and are dancing wildly. 

Tomorrow I'll make her feel something she have never felt before.  

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