Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43
Trackstar Antelope Volume 44
Trackstar Antelope Volume 45
Trackstar Antelope Volume 46
Trackstar Antelope Volume 47

Trackstar Antelope Volume 34

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 315: Let the show begin!

A large, loud bang, followed with a puff of smoke flashed upon the stage. Everyone in the audience jolts up in surprise. As the calm winds blow across the stage, a woman appears on stage; a koala, dressed in a bright, colourful skirt. I think that's the drama teacher of Opal Reef High, the herbivore high school in Whigata.

"Hello everyone, carnivores and herbivores, welcome to the Whigata Shearing Day Festivals for this year" she says in an inviting voice. "Our drama teams across Opal Reef and Whigata Co-Ed High have been working very hard this year to produce a show to be enjoyed by animals; old and young" the koala announces "So, without any further ado, let's begin!"

The show hasn't even begun yet, and I'm already super intrigued... I can't wait to see it all unfold onstage! The koala moves to the side of the stage and begins narrating the story.

"Long ago, before society had even begun, there were carnivores and herbivores. Living together, not even aware of each other's existence. Before too long, they had found each other, and used the other as a means of protection and strength. Herbivore helps carnivore, carnivore helps herbivore."

Onstage, there are carnivore and herbivore actors, portraying doing deeds for each other, like lifting heavy weights and offering eggs and milk.

"Among the most important herbivores in the world were... sheep. Capable of producing a heavy textile, used in creating warm clothing for animals of all sizes. They're smaller than the average herbivore, so they don't need to eat as much. Sheep wool was sought after across all corners of the globe, and still is today."

Across the crowd of carnivore and herbivores working together, a small sheep steps out from among them, showing off some shorn wool to the audience.

"In 1857, a settlement had been formed along the Marlu River, about five hours North-West from the small port town of Durranga. This settlement is known as... Whigata. Settled for its rich, fertile soil, it proved an amazing place to live for herbivores... including sheep, and carnivores to help out with the labour of shearing them for their wool."

Buildings in the background are slowly raised as the carnivores and herbivores on stage move towards the buildings.

"These lands are amazing for our crops, and even better for our wool, egg and milk production for carnivores!" says one of the herbivores onstage.

"It's a wonderful, open and welcoming environment for all animals; carnivore, herbivore, big and small" a carnivore calls out.

"But tragedy strikes the golden lands of Whigata, as the state politicians in Durranga are fed up with the control of carnivores across the state" the koala narrates.

There are now two herbivore "politicians" acting on stage, leaning over a table.

"The carnivores have too much power and control over the country" one of them says

"If we aren't careful, we herbivores could lose our jobs and all our money! We need to restrict their control slowly and carefully, so they don't get wise..." the other says.

All the actors on stage quickly run into two separate groups: herbivores and carnivores. The herbivores are standing on a small platform, giving them more height.

"And eventually, carnivores, and herbivores, all across the state of Werrina, were segregated by 1902. Towns were divided, minority species had been banished from their communities, cutting ties everywhere, including in Whigata."

The herbivore group onstage waves the carnivores off, leaving just them onstage, to show them living in peace and harmony.

"And so, tensions between the carnivores and herbivores grew beyond segregation. The herbivore population grew rapidly, as it was seen as "the peaceful corner" of the state. Wool and crop trade still remained high, though there was almost no use for eggs or milk"

The show looks amazing this year! I'm sure the others are having a great time.

Chapter 316: Syd the Tyrant

"A few years after the segregation rule had been enforced, sheep grew restless. There was no one around who could shear the wool properly because the herbivores weren't skilled enough. Eventually, they learnt how to do it themselves, but they could barely shear it all off"

Onstage, the herbivore actors tried as hard as they could to shear off all the wool on the sheep, but they couldn't do it.

"Meanwhile, the other carnivores were fed up. Their rights were stripped, and had all herbivores to blame, saying that they were scheming behind their backs to get rid of them, so they can be safe"

Two canines rush onto the stage and begin arguing around a table.

"I say we wage a war on those little traitors!" one of them says.

"Yeah! And who better to lead us than... our Commander!" the other says.

The herbivores run back onto stage, and show them living in a new, carnivore-free town. But suddenly, from the other side of the stage, carnivore troops march into the town, holding the attention of everyone.

"Introducing, the Honourable and Indestructible War Leader: The Wolf Commander!" one of the carnivores yells out.

The carnivore soldiers move out of the way to reveal... Syd. His wolf muzzle mask covers his platypus bill perfectly, and his tail is covered in bushy, thick fur. You could mistake him for a small wolf, and it is said that the real Wolf Commander was actually short.

"Pathetic herbivores!" he calls out. "You're time in the limelight is over. Surrender yourselves to me and my troops, or we shall burn down your communities, with you all inside... well? What's it going to be?" he bellows out in a dark and sinister voice.


Syd's performance as the Wolf Commander was so wonderful... no one could've guessed that underneath was just a platypus. Everyone is doing so well; the costumes are believable and look authentic. The props and backgrounds also look really nice too. Opal Reef High have outdone themselves this year.

But, towards the end, I can see Syd slowing down, breathing heavily, even having trouble moving. It wouldn't be stage fright... he's too confident and brave to be scared on stage.

It must be the heavy canine fur. A costume like that would leave anyone sweating bullets. Especially on a day like today. Despite all these troubles, Syd is still doing a great job. The sweat from Syd is making the glue on the costume fall off... I hope he'll be okay by the end of it...

The rest of the play unfolds, showing the origin of Shearing Day, the sheepdogs willing to help out the herbivores and even how the festival has been changed and shaped to this day.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is the true origin story of how Shearing Day came to be in our communities. Thank you, and a happy Shearing Day to all!" the koala finishes off.

The whole audience erupts into a loud, emotional applause... the way that they were able to convey such a powerful and important story like that was just incredible. And considering that these are just teenagers in high school makes it so much better.

The cast walk back onto the stage, including Syd, which not too much canine fur stuck on his body anymore, and take a bow. Syd waves to us, holding his military sword, as he walks back off stage, and the show has finished.

Chapter 317: Backstage Applause

"Wow, just... wow!" Levi told us. He was right to be excited for the play this year, even I thought it was better than the others.

"You couldn't have convinced me that the Wolf Commander himself was played by Syd!" Sam says in energetic enthusiasm. "He's talented, that's for sure"

"Aw man... did I miss the show?" I hear a voice from behind me. It sounds like Ollie. "Syd was telling me how amazing it was this year."

I turn around to see... Ollie... but she looks so different without all her wool. Somehow, she looks even smaller. She still has a bit of wool left over, but there's almost none left, compared to before.

"Wow Ollie..." Riley says. "You look... really different"

"Thanks..." she says nervously. "I love having the wind blow on my skin. I'm so ready for summer!" she adds. I notice how much more confident she seems now. A month ago, she'd probably be too scared to move at the sight of Levi, Sam, AND Riley... but now, it's like she's a completely different sheep.

"Well, I'm going backstage to see Syd... did you guys want to come along with me?" she asks.

"Y-yeah, sure" Levi replies.

"It'd be nice to congratulate him on a stunning performance" I answer. "Sure, let's go visit him!" I tell everyone.


Sam, Levi, Riley, Ollie, and I make our way behind the stage to see Syd, begin applauded and congratulated by stage crew and performers from both high schools. I'm really happy for him.

"Hey guys!" he calls out, after the crowd has been dispersed. He takes his wolf mask off to reveal his platypus bill.

"Syd, you were amazing up there, mate. Well done" Sam told him.

"Aw... thanks" he says, blushing a little bit. "I think I kinda screwed up a bit at the end... I was getting really overheated in the costume" he says. He points at the black shirt, pants, and tail, barely any fur left on it now. "I think the sweat did something to the glue, and all the fur fell out... I guess I made it look like the Wolf Commander was losing his fur over stress..."

"Man, I never thought of it like that... I was in love with the story" Levi told him

"Yeah, it's an amazing tale, and all of it is true. It's hard to believe how different species relationships were about 150 years ago. Oh, sorry for being a bit under dressed by the way..." Syd says, blushing again. He's only wearing a singlet and some gym shorts... not a lot of clothing, compared to the costume.

"I'm sure you'll be feeling a bit cooler now that you're out of the heavy clothing" Riley says.

"Man, I am still sweating and overheated..." Syd replies, panting. "I better cool down some other way. Speaking of, have you seen Ollie? She'd be finished by now, surely" he adds. The three of us look around behind us quickly. She was here just a second ago.

"Yeah, we saw her just after the show finished, she suggested that we come here to congratulate you" Sam tells him.

"The last I saw of her was just before we got behind the stage" I announce.

"Hmm... it's not like her just to wander off without telling anyone" Syd tells us. "You guys go out and see if she's in the seats or something... I just need to... cool..." he adds, before collapsing suddenly into a chair behind him.

"Oh man, Syd, are you alright!?" I ask him.

"I'll stay here with him" Levi says. "You guys go on and see where Ollie went to... I still had some questions about the play, of course"

She'll be around here somewhere, surely.

Chapter 318: Wool over our eyes

"Maybe we should check the shearing area first... sheep are known to stick close to others" I tell Sam and Riley. It's not like her to announce herself then mysteriously move off.

"Hey Riley..." Sam calls to him. I can see he's a bit nervous. "This might sound a bit weird, but do you think you might be able to smell her?"

He's right. That did sound very weird. But it's a good idea, considering how strong his nose is.

"Good thinking, but all I can smell is sheep fleece and oils... I can't get a hint anywhere" Riley admits.

"I'd suggest splitting up... but you guys can't go anywhere without an herbivore next to you..." I say. "Normally, we'd ask around if anyone had seen a sheep, but... obviously we can't."

"Hi..." I hear a soft voice from behind me. I immediately turn around, expecting Ollie just to be standing there, as if she was the whole time, but instead I see Sekeen, Levi's younger brother.

"Oh, hey Sekeen..." I reply as softly as possible. I can't let him know that something happened, otherwise he'll panic and raise the alarm. Quick, change the topic. "Uh... what did you think of the play?"

"It was soooo good!!! I can't believe that it all happened before. And the sheep look really different at the moment" Sekeen yells out in excitement. I guess he's not used to seeing them without wool

"Yeah, you're right buddy... we're actually looking for one at the moment" Riley said to him. I forgot how hard it is talking to little kids.

"The girl you were talking to before? I saw her move off with some other big kids" he said innocently. Sam, Riley, and I immediately jump in shock, but try our hardest to contain our surprise.

"Oh yeah?" Sam said, almost out of breath. "Did you see who they were and where they went?"

"I think they were two canines; they went into that building over there, but I don't think they were sheepdogs" Sekeen replied, pointing to a warehouse. "Maybe there's another show in there, can we go?"

The three of us look at each other... the warehouse looks like it hasn't been used in decades, and it's not even on the map. She must've gone there.

"How about you go find your kinder teacher... we'll go along and see if there's a show..." Riley says.

"Okay... I'll see you guys, bye bye!" he says before skipping off.

" way or another, there's gonna be a show in that warehouse. This one won't have fake blood or fake fighting..." Riley says. I'm nervous, but also brimming with confidence... I think I'm ready to fight, for once.

"Sekeen said that she just left with two other canines... She would never move off with a carnivore and randomly go off to a freaky warehouse?" I wonder out loud. "We need to go over there and investigate" I add, turning around to the warehouse.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a moment..." Sam says, holding us back. "Jamel, do you remember what Coach Harris talked to us, after... y'know... Abe at Berriwan?"

My heart sank. The Black Market, of course! That crow who stole Todd and Mary's egg was working to sell it off. These mystery canines must be trying to smuggle Ollie off to some sort of illegal meat shop. In Durranga, Lavalla, or maybe somewhere else!

"Oh... Sam, we have to try and stop them however we can... I know we're a little scared of what can happen, but I'm not gonna let them just devour her!" I tell him. "Maybe I can find a weapon in the building..." I say, a bit more quietly.

Sam looks at me in surprise, then frowns in frustration.

"No, I meant that how Coach Harris doesn't want us fighting others. We're placing our lives in danger again, and you're more endangered than anyone else... there could be a whole gang or something in there, plucking herbivores one by one!" Sam tells me.

Oh... that part.

Chapter 319: Ollie's Ordeal

"So, what should we do?" Riley asks him. "We can't just go running around the festival, yelling that the herbivores are in danger."

"How about we go over there and sneak around a bit to see what's up. If it's just some kids mucking around, we'll call for help at the main service desk. If it's something bigger, we'll call the police, okay?" Sam suggests. Sounds better than trying to fight anyone.

"Come on, we better hurry!" Riley says, before darting off towards the warehouse. Sam and I quickly follow and catch up to him.


With everyone so busy with the festival, no one notices us run along to the abandoned, forbidden building. I just hope that Sekeen is right about this...

We move away from the main festival area and towards the large, decaying, brick shack. What could've prompted Ollie to just randomly run off on her best friend, and her crush, towards some weird old building? We make our way towards the front of the building, to see the main door boarded up.

"We'll have to find another way around. I just hope we don't run into any confrontation..." Sam tells us. Riley and Sam don't like fighting unless absolutely necessary, and I don't want them to worry about me too much either.

The three of us then move towards the back of the building, afraid of what we might find... "Maybe the canines that followed her were sheepdogs... this might just be some tradition that they do afterwards... I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" Riley says, trying to keep calm. I daydream for a second and try to imagine what could be going on. I just hear voices in my head.

"Come here, little lamby... you'll taste better without all that wool..." I hear a sinister voice

"N-No... please, stay away from me!!" says a smaller, quieter voice. That must be Ollie!

"Too late, lamb chops... your time is up!" I hear, before a loud, chomping noise fills my mind.

I freeze on the spot, demented by what I just thought of.

"Jamel, are you alright?" Sam says to me. I then sped off towards the back of the building as quickly as possible. I didn't let it happen to Sona or Paddo, and it's not gonna happen to Ollie, or anyone else. I'm gonna find her, alive and well... hopefully not too afraid of carnivores after all this.

"Jamel, get back here! You could get yourself killed!" Riley called out while whispering. I don't care, as long as Ollie can live to see another day. They can take me instead; I'm sure antelope meat is more nutritious.

I turn the corner, with Sam and Riley catching up behind me. I see a door which looks like it's wedged-shut. It looks like this might be the only way in.

"Oh man... how are we gonna get this do—" Riley says, looking at the door. I suddenly step back and kick the door open with all my might (doing all that leg training with Sam really gave me a powerful kick. Maybe I could try out for soccer next year...)!

Sunlight fills the large, dusty building slowly. I can't see too much, but I can hear a few panicked voices. Those sick bastards are probably kidnapping dozens of herbivores.

Sam, Riley and I then move in, with the other two a little bit cautious. I turn around a corner to see a plain, empty room with Ollie inside and... two other sheep.

"Jamel!" she says, rather angrily. "What are you doing, you idiot?"

"Ollie, I'm here to rescue you, come on. We need to go back and tell the police" I reply, she moves up towards me and slaps me across the face. I step back in shock and pain. She has a really strong arm.

"You dumbass! I don't need to be rescued." I notice that the small amount of wool she has is very clean and glossy now. The two other sheep just look on in anger and disgust.

Since when did I become the bad guy, trying to save my friends' lives?

Chapter 320: Shy Love

"But... what are you doing here in this old warehouse?" Sam asks from a bit further back.

"I am getting my makeup done, and my friends are helping me out!" Ollie says, still a little surprised to see us. I'll never understand girls... I'm afraid to ask this next question

"Why here? Why not in the toilet blocks or in the shearing shed?" I ask her, still stepping back. The slap still hurts.

"I was talking to my friends about it in the shearing area, and they wanted to do some makeup. The line to the bathroom is super long anyway. They are every year..." Ollie says, finally calming down.

"She said she wanted to ask a guy out, but she didn't tell us who it was" one of the other sheep tells me

"When we were going backstage to see him, my friends came up behind me and suggested getting my makeup done. I didn't want Syd to see me, so we went here." Ollie tells us. We look around the room, at the decaying walls, shattered windows, and graffiti everywhere.

"But what made you come here? This place is freaking me out, you guys seem fine by it" Sam asks.

"Oh, this place? We sheep like to come here after getting sheared just to catch up and chill out a bit. It only looks abandoned and broken down on the outside so other animals wouldn't snoop around here" one of Ollie's friends says.

"I saw a little bit of Syd's performance at the end. He did pretty well, how's he doing now?" Ollie asks.

"He's just resting for now. Being dressed up in a costume like that can leave someone exhausted, especially on a day like today..." I tell her. I left out the part about him collapsing in his seat from exhaustion, so she doesn't panic.

"Alright... I think I'm ready to see him now." Ollie says. She turns around, and she's wearing a really nice skirt, suitable for a day like today. "How do I look?"

It somehow looks like she's glowing with confidence and pride. Her makeup is done perfectly, and the skirt really suits her well.

"You look very lovely..." I say softly. "Syd will be very happy to see you, even with just less wool" I tell her.

"Thanks... by the way, Sam, I need a favour from you." Ollie turns to him.

"Uh... y-yeah, what is it?" he replies.


Ollie's friends stay behind, as the four of us head back to see Syd. Hopefully Levi has been able to cool him off since then. We move back to where we last saw them, with Ollie walking behind Sam. She'll jump out behind him to surprise Syd when we get there.

"By the way, Ollie..." Sam asks before we head off to see Syd. "We heard that there were two canines with you when you were walking off to the warehouse. Who were they?"

"I didn't have anyone else with me, except my sheep friends who you saw before" she replied, a little confused.

"Oh, hang on. Levi's brother must've seen them without all their wool, and they probably thought they were canines or something... some young canines usually need glasses around Sekeen's age" Riley tells us.

We move into the backstage area to see Levi rush out. He has a few scratches and cuts across his face and body, and he's all out of breath.

"Guys, wait... don't go in there!" he says, panting heavily.

Suddenly, a few canines in security uniform rush past us and swarm into the small building.

"Wh-where's Syd?" Ollie says quietly.

Chapter 321: Investigating the Festival

"He... left a few minutes ago. He said he was going to "cool down", but I don't know what he meant. He could be anywhere" Levi replies, sitting down.

"Levi, what happened in there, are you alright?" Sam said, crouching down to him.

"Well... I was just about to leave, to see where Syd went, and suddenly this bull rushed right past me, and there were three dogs following him, I think one of them was Odis." Levi says, still panting. A bull? Could that be Murray? What's he doing being chased by Odis?

Herding dogs, like Odis are known for having incredibly strong bonds with cattle and sheep, like Murray and Ollie. Something must be very wrong if they're hunting him down...

I suddenly feel some tugging at my shirt. It's Ollie, who's starting to look anxious.

"Jamel... where's Syd?" she says in desperation. Even I'm getting a little concerned right now. A few other animals are showing up now, to see what all the commotion is.

"Hey Sam, Riley. Is it alright if Ollie and I look for Syd? We just want to make sure he's okay" I ask them.

"Well... Jamel, it could be a bit dangerous now... we don't know what's out there." Sam replies to us.

"I'll go with them, I won't be much use around here..." Levi says, standing up from before. He looks like he's recovered a bit from before.

"Be careful, you guys. Text me when you find him, Jamel, okay?" Riley asks me. And with that, the three of us head off to find Syd the Platypus. I lead Ollie and Levi towards the main entrance, and I begin investigating.

"Alright... as we made our way over here, I listed some places where he could be... the ice-cream van, under the shaded area or inside one of the market warehouses." I tell them.

"Uhh... Jamel?" Ollie tells me. I ignore her, as I'm so focused on my thoughts

"Ollie, you and Riley will check the ice cream van and the shaded area, and I'll check all the warehouse areas. Although, I think this year they shifted the van closer to the market, so it might be best if you two go to there, and I check the shaded area..." I continue droning off.

"Jamel?" Levi says, trying to get my attention.

"But then again, they need to keep the shaded areas close to the ice cream vans, because a lot of animals like to get their ice cream and it always melts away—"

"JAMEL, listen!" Ollie yells at me. It's the loudest I've ever heard her since... well, by a long shot. It's enough to shut me up, that's for sure. "I don't think Syd's in any of those places."

"What? Well, where could he be?" I ask him. Even Levi looks a little confused. I notice that he's trying to stand out of the way of everyone, so they won't notice his cuts and scratches.

"Well, he is a platypus. What do platypuses like to do?" Ollie asks me. Well, I know that this one is a tremendous actor, and a great friend.

"Umm... acting as a wolf dictator hellbent on crushing herbivore society?" I reply.

"Jamel, come on. Take this seriously" Ollie replies. Maybe that wasn't a good answer.

"They like swimming, I guess." Levi suggests. Of course... why didn't I think of that. I guess Ollie's slap must've knocked something loose in my head.

"Exactly..." Ollie replies while pulling out a map of the aerodrome fields. "And the nearest place where he can go swimming is... the Marlu River" she says, pointing to the blue ribbon that runs above the showgrounds. "We should probably check there, you know"

I guess it makes sense. Besides, she knows more about Syd than I do.

"Come on, let's go see if he's there" Ollie says, before running off. Man, it's crazy how much she's changed since she's lost her wool. Levi and I run to catch up to her.

Chapter 322: Splashing in the Marlu

We rush past all the small vendors and markets towards the back of the field. Eventually we come across a wooden fence, which must be the edge of the showgrounds. On the map, there's a nature strip, full of trees, and just past there is the Marlu River.

Levi gives us a boost up over the fence, before climbing over it himself, and then we rush off to the riverbank, before a thought runs across my mind.

"Hey Ollie..." I ask her. "If Syd really wanted a swim to cool off, why wouldn't he go to a wharf or a swimming dock where there are swimming areas?"

"Syd likes to swim by himself. And he's an amazing swimmer too. He can hold his breath for about three minutes underwater! He likes to find quiet areas, where he can relax and soak up by himself" she replies.

Hmm... sounds peaceful.

Eventually, the three of us can see the river and the trees begin to clear up. The river shimmers a nice, muddy colour as the sun beams down on it. Poking out of the river surface, we can see a pair of little webbed feet and a large flat bill. Either it's a really big duck, covered in fur, or it's...

"Syd!" Ollie cries out in relief "Thank goodness, we've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Didn't I tell Levi that I was going to cool off?" he replied, head floating just out of the water.

"I didn't know what you meant by it, mate... come on, we should get back to the aerodrome fields" Levi replied.

"Alrighty, just give me a second to swim back to the shore" Syd tells us. As he rapidly swims back to the riverbank, I notice everything around us... his dark, almost furless theatre shirt, the military tracksuit, his prop rifle and sword, even his undies... all these clothes kind of pushes a question in my head.

"Hey Syd, if all your clothes are here... what exactly are you wear—" I say, before stopping myself. He surfaces on the riverbank, with water dripping off him in all directions. He stands proudly on the bank, happy that he's finally cooled off. I answered my own question... In the river, Syd was wearing... well, nothing!

"Syd! Cover yourself up, mate!" I call out, looking away in disgust. Levi and Ollie are also looking away, but I can see Ollie blushing, as bright as a tomato.

"Well, I can't go swimming in those heavy clothes... I'd sink! Plus, I'm a platypus, a semi-aquatic animal. It's natural for me to live like this sometimes" he tells us. "If you don't like it, you can always look away, because I always go swimming like this!"


After an... unsettling reunion with Syd, we all head back to the Aerodrome... fully clothed. We see Sam and Riley hanging around the main entrance, waiting to see us. They look a bit worried, but I'm sure they'll be comforted by the fact that Syd is safe and sound.

"Oh, you guys found him?" Riley says, his ears perking up in interest. "Where was he?"

"We saw him swimming in the Marlu river... well, we saw a bit too much of him..." Levi replies. "What's news with Odis and that bull guy?"

Sam and Riley look at each other nervously. I'm sure it's not too bad... otherwise they'd be really concerned, right?

"Murray was taken to the hospital, Jamel" Sam tells me. A sharp feeling punctures through my heart, poor Murray. I didn't really like him, personally, but he never deserved to be attacked. "He was attacked, and he had bite marks all over his legs by those two dogs from before. They're at the police station now. Murray will be fine, but no one knows where Odis went"

"All that we do know is that Odis was trying to stop Murray from getting hurt, which is good. I just hope that he's okay as well" Riley tells me. I guess for a herding dog like him, it's good that his job came first.

Chapter 323: Herbivore Support Team

He seemed pretty distraught when he confronted me, Riley and Levi a few weeks ago. We look over to Ollie and Syd, who don't even seem to care in the slightest about what's being said.

"...well, what I'm trying to say is... well..." Ollie says, nervous again. "I... I LOVE YOU!" she blurted out suddenly. Syd is taken back by surprise. I don't think he would've ever expected that. His face blushes up a deep red, which contrasts with his brown fur.

"Oh... wow, Ollie..." he replies. He can perform on a stage in front of a thousand animals, but he can barely compose himself in front of a girl who just declared her love. "I... didn't realise you though this way..."

His blush is now accompanied with an awkward smile, as the four of us look onwards at Ollie and Syd. Ollie's expecting a reply, a sign, something that Syd can give her as a response to her sudden words.

"I... love you too, Ollie. I never realised it, but I love your personality. Your wool is so bright and lovely, and you just have a smile that tells me that everything is going to be okay, as long as you're around" Syd tells her. That sounded like it came straight from the heart... or maybe a movie. Still, it was a lovely response.

"Wow... congratulations, you two" Sam says. Sam, Riley, and Levi look just as shocked as Syd.

"What do you guys think we should do now?" Levi asks us. I have no clue, now that everything has happened.

"I guess we could take a look around again..." I suggest.


We spend the rest of the afternoon going around and checking everything out again. I never would've thought that Shearing Day would be made more interesting with carnivore friends as well, and I'm glad that they could come along with me. Eventually, we all head our separate ways, and Ollie, Syd and Levi wish me the best of luck for the State Finals. It's only a few more days until we leave for Durranga, and I feel prepared as well. This might be the last time I see those three until I get back from the State Finals...

I meet up with mum and dad and we drive back home. Other than Syd going missing for a little bit... and finding him... without clothes, today turned out pretty well. Ollie even got some wool for Sam, Riley, and Levi as souvenirs for the day, which I know they'll hold onto for a while.

Once I get home, I read a bit more into my almanac and do some homework. After a while, dad comes into my room.

"Hey, buddy. I just got a call from my workmate, Murray. He says that you might know his son from school?" he asked me.

"The bull? Yeah, I know him, I guess..." I reply. I know that our dads get along, but Murray and I certainly don't.

"Well, he hurt his leg recently, and he'll be off of it for a while. He says that he wanted to see you at his place" dad told me. Why would Murray want to see me after all that's been done? And why should I see him? He kicked me in the ribs and insulted my friends. "Come on, he wanted to talk to you about something at school, and he won't be able to see you until you get back from your race in Durranga." When Dad was away from work after his accident, he had a few of his workmates over to keep him company and see how he was doing. Murray's dad visited every day to make sure that he was getting better. It's only fair that I do the same.

"Alright... I'll go and see him." I tell dad. He smiles at me, understanding that I know what it means to him.

"Thanks buddy. I'll get his address from him, and you can see him tomorrow, okay?" he tells me.

Sounds good to me... I guess.

Chapter 324: The Rural Bull

The next day, I wake up and dad gives me Murray's address so I can visit him.

1034 Coomealla Road. That sounds like it's a little bit outside of Whigata... I search it up online, to find that it's a dirt track, just south of Whigata. Looks like dad's car might get a bit dusty.

"You'll be alright, Jamel. A few kilometres on your bike, and it's mostly flat." Dad tells me.

"Yeah... wait, what? Why am I riding there?" I say. Is it that hard to drive there all of a sudden?

"It'll do you good. You're a state athlete, it should be nothing. Besides, your mother and I need to make calls regarding the summer harvest season, so we don't need you crashing around here" he replies.

"Crashing around? I'm as quiet as a mouse... most of the time" I say jokingly. I guess the trek into the dusty void will be good training as well...


After a hearty breakfast, I get on my bike and make the long journey down to Coomealla Road. The last time I went this direction out of town was when we went down to Berriwan, thank goodness I'm not riding my bike all the way down there. Eventually, the last houses of Whigata recede into farmland, and the fruit trees turn into orange, dusty soil. I keep on trekking on my bike until I see a faded wooden sign, which must be the road.

The only bit of vegetation around are some dried up shrubs and a few trees that could do with some water, it's really dry out here.

All the letterboxes on this road are piled at the start of the street, so I hope that Murray's house has a number outside as well.

I continue down the road, looking at the houses on both sides to see if they have a number. It doesn't take too long to find; 1034 Coomealla Road. It looks like a nice, cosy little shack with a large paddock behind it.

I park my bike up against the small veranda to see toys littered all across the front yard. Murray might have a little brother or sister, who I've never met before. I ring the doorbell, awaiting a response by his mum or dad. After a while, and a bit of shuffling from inside, the door opens to reveal... a bull. It looks like both Murray, but he's a bit bigger and his horns are a little larger.

Do I even have the right house?

"Who are you?" the bull says, bluntly and a little rudely. Oh yeah, I'm definitely at the right place.

"Uh... I'm looking for Murray" I say quietly.

"We are the Murrays" the bull replies. Oh right, I forgot that I don't actually know his name. I guess he's been going off his last name for a while.

"Oh... well I, uh..." I stutter. How am I supposed to go from here? Suddenly, from behind the bull, I see Murray's dad.

"Oh, g'day Jamel. You're here to see Florian?" he says in a bellowing voice. Florian...

His name is Florian?

"...yeah. Is he here?" I say, trying to contain my laughter. I know it's wrong to laugh at names, but... Florian for someone like him?

"Yeah, he's just in his room. I'll show you the way" Mr. Murray tells me. I move into the living room to see... a lot of little cows and bulls running around. I never knew there were so many in the family. They're chasing each other, playing on the furniture, stomping around the house and everything. Eventually, we both make it to... Florian's room (I am not gonna get used to that name), and Mr. Murray knocks on his door.

"Oi, Flo" he says, pounding on the door. "Jamel's here."

"Oh... uh, thanks" I can hear from inside. I stand outside the room, as Mr. Murray walks away, back to whatever it is he was doing earlier.

I'm a little scared to continue on... but I have to.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 34: Bull Use ._./|\._.

Levi: What's the difference between cows and bulls?

Jamel: Bulls are the males, cows are the females. Sometimes, they're all categorised as cows though

Riley: Yeah, cows make milk, but bulls... what do they do?

Jamel: As I understand it, they're pretty useful on farms, because they have loads of strength and endurance. Murray's dad works with mine at the cheese place, he's massive.

Levi: Is it true that they get aggressive when you wave red cloth in front of them?

Jamel: No, that's just a myth. In fact, I bet they'd get annoyed by implying that. I have heard that when threatened, they use their horns against any attackers, which is smart

Levi: Why don't you use your horns to attack predators?

Jamel: Because I'm not big enough to take them on... I have my legs to run away, or I can get a friend to fight them for me

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