Unclear Future

By MichaelaRoan

140 23 8

A year after Team LIAC (pronounced Lilac) was made, Lukas Lavender meets up with his sister's team. Team TEAL... More

♦ Chapter 1
♦ Chapter 2
♦ Chapter 3
♦ Chapter 4
♦ Chapter 5
♦ Chapter 6
♦ Chapter 7
♦ Chapter 8
♦ Chapter 10
♦ Chapter 11
♦ Chapter 12
♦ Chapter 13
♦ Chapter 14
♦ Chapter 15
♦ Chapter 16
♦ Chapter 17
♦ Chapter 18
♦ Chapter 19
♦ Chapter 20

♦ Chapter 9

6 1 0
By MichaelaRoan

Next day at Team LIAC's dorm

Ivory's giggling wakes up Copper and Ace. "What exactly are you giggling about?" Copper asks rolling her eyes.

Ivory holds in laughter, failing she screams, "OH MY GOD ACE CUT LUKAS'S HAIR!"

"What are you yelling about?" Ace says covering his ears. Ivory continues laughing pointing to the mass of lavender hair on the ground and a now broken pair of scissors. Lukas sits up in his bed confused for a moment noticing the loss of the 5 foot ponytail he flips out. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS DO!"

Ivory continues laughing, "ACE CUT YOUR HAIR WITH THESE SCISSORS!" Ivory says pointing to the confused Ace holding the broken scissors.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Lukas says standing up ripping the scissors out of Ace's hand, "You couldn't cut it straight either! REALLY! WITH A PAIR OF SAFETY SCISSORS?"

"What are scissors?" Ace says glaring at Ivory.

"Hey at least you don't look like your sister, and dude I didn't cut your hair." Ace says.

"Your girlfriend cut your hair," Copper comments getting tired of the yelling, " and I wouldn't make fun of Ace he came from a poor background and those are indeed safety scissors. Couldn't you find any better sharp objects Ivory? How old are you five?"

Ivory stops laughing, "How old are you one hundred and twenty seven? In dog years?"

"Ivory please go suck-" Ace starts.


"At least I don't look like a cripple trying to sword fight." Copper stammers, "At least I don't fuck the leader of our team for "Good points." Ace was holding in a laugh just as Team TEAL open the door with questioning looks on their faces.


Temperence giggles.

"YES! HAHA LUKAS! YOUR HAIR IS SHORT!" Lily shouts as Aiden Chuckles.


"She did a semi decent job, as Ace said you don't look like your sister now." Copper says.

"Thanks mutt."Ivory says.

"No problem Meat." Copper says.

"What do you expect with safety scissors, and I am allowed to come in uninvited, you could've been in danger." Temperence explains


"We just agreed your girlfriend is useless at finding sharp objects were you not listening?"Copper mocks.
"She isn't my girlfriend for the last time." Lukas says rolling his eyes, "I'm fine, it'll just take 15 years to grow it ALL back!"

"We should be going to classes, I hear a lucky student gets to fight the kitsuninja today." Ace comments. "I want to see someone get beat up."

"Big deal! It's Hair!" Temperence says.


"You're acting like a toddler, do you want to embarrass yourself in front of Ivory and the first years?" Copper comments rolling her eyes, tossing a small fireball at the back of Lukas's neck.

Lukas glares rubbing the back of his neck, "What was that for?"

Copper thinks for a moment, "For everything, Ace and I are going to class see you all later." Ace and Copper walk out of the room with a chuckle.

"Hey Lukas, you got... BURNED." Lily says following Copper and Ace with a laugh.

"Come on Aiden," Temp comments grabbing Aiden's hand and sticking her tongue out at her brother.

The teams meet up in the cafeteria after a boring 6 hours of school.

Ace crossing his arms sitting beside Copper, "This blows, no fighting, no mission, no decent food today? What am I suppose to do that's mildly interesting."

"Escorting me to the dance would be mildly interesting, but that's tomorrow so-" Copper sighs finished with whatever she was writing down.

Ace sighs trying not to lay his head on the table from being tired, "Oh look, the rest are coming over here- HEY EVA WHO ARE YOU TAKING TO THE DANCE?" trying to act amused.

"Oh my dust-" Ivory mutters.


"Shit. even you're boring today." Ace lays down at his seat.

"You guys were here early what were you doing?"Lukas asks with the first years sitting down at the table.

"Studying and talking, Ace is bored out of his mind." Copper rolls her eyes taking out a text book.

"I think Ace can talk for himself." Lukas comments annoyed.

"Who really cares?" Ivory comments, "let the mutt talk, it's not like she's really important." Copper sighs.

"The tension can be cut with a knife, um, I believe I must go and um, get a drink." Temperence says.

"You have water." Evan states.

Temp gives the water to Lukas, "No, I do not." She gets up and walks to the line, Aiden's gaze following her.

"I suppose we need to have like a multi-team meeting?" Ivory suggests.

"Meetings are boring and annoying just like your face." Evan says.

"Technically, meetings tend to solve more issues than you complaining your...butt off." Aiden says.

"He meant ass." Evan corrects.

"Ivory, we've been in this school for 2 years now, do you ever remember us talking about anything special? Or at the least relevant." Lukas says.

"That should change then." Ivory comments glancing at Temp, "You might want to start out with her, she's taking hits for her team and ours." Coppers ears flick in curiosity not commenting. They see Bazaar walk over to Temp and put his arm around her. She raises her eyebrows, although they can't see this and she mumbles something, she then glares at him, as if he was threatening her team and walks back towards them. She sits down angrily, almost spilling her tea. Lukas glares at the kid silently.

"Who was that?" Aiden asks slightly confused not remembering said student's face.
At this time Ivory gets a call on her scroll she picks it up quickly with a frown.
"Hello mother and father," She mutters. Copper glances at the people around the table with a blank face.

"Temp, answer Aiden before I have to beat the kid up." Lukas says sipping at his coffee.

"But, I can't... yes I know." Ivory continues her face seeming to turn green and her hands shaking as she's holding up the device.

"Lukas I'll gladly beat up that kid, free of charge." Ace says propping up his head with his right hand.

"I said I was going to." Lukas waves a hand in front of Temp, no reply she was staring at her tea.

"But the dance-" Ivory says looking like she's about to vomit.

"Alexander Bazaar, he just flirted with me before calling you a coward and my brother a 'Bitch.'" Temp explains.

"Ok Aiden we're beating him up later pal," Lukas says crossing his arms.

Temperence glances worriedly between them, holding Aiden's hand under the table, and glaring at Bazaar's team. "Surplus dust... that's not humain, how many people have tried such a thing?" Ivory says crossly, "You ruined my chances even if I wanted to, no-"

"What a bunch of idiots." Ace complains.

"Fine, next month then, if you mess up, you've lost your only successor." Ivory hangs up. "What's going on?" She asks.

"I could ask the same to you. Well, I was getting my tea, and Bazaar came over and flirted with me, I denied him so now my brother is a 'Bitch,' Aiden is a coward, and I am a whore, because apparently, I am sleeping with Aiden, and Evan."

Ivory nods, "Sorry for not listening," She says with a sigh, "Anyways as you may have heard I'm getting a layoff from this school."

"This is so stupid! You're leaving me with the boys! Well, and Copper and Lily! But I will be the only human girl, not saying that Faunus aren't cool, it's just you guys have ears, and it's awesome and then there's me and I'm like super lame and normal." Temp complains.

Copper gives a questioning look at Ivory and Temp, "Temp I'm sure, once you would improve your weapon you'd be more unstoppable than I... Not saying your weapon isn't good." Copper sighs, "What are your parents doing this time?" Copper asks towards Ivory.

"Copper that's not a good-" Lukas starts.

"Why would I tell you? out of all people!" Ivory says.

Lukas sighs, "Temp is interested, explain to the first years."

"Please?" Temp says looking pleadingly at Ivory, "For Lukas and I?" She slightly smiled when she said Lukas and raised her eyebrows slightly, elbowing her brother. Lukas rolls his eyes knowing faintly of Ivory's parental issues.

Ivory grins for a minute before explaining, "Due to the Schnee Dust Company sending one of their daughters here next year, my parents seem to think they have the right to try and "Beat" the company they work for by having a better daughter and successor of their company."
Copper glares trying to keep her eyes on her book instead of listening in on the conversation. "They've decided to do so by making their daughter, "Living dust" which by the way is dehumanizing, and dangerous." Ivory continues.

Lukas looks more annoyed, "Living dust is a theory that's forbidden, how did they get permission to do so?"

"They found another Mine, and didn't tell the Schnee's about it though I guess their recent plan explains what they did to me as a child." Ivory sighs, "Too much explaining."

Aiden looks uncomfortable with the mention of parents, "How could they do that? That's not what parents do-," he says frowning.

"Dust isn't living. Therefore, they are stretching science." Temp says.

"It's a mineral... but if you'd pump it into say a good host or whatever, there's a theory that the chosen dust can say take over a person's-" Ivory continues,her breathing shallow.

"Okay that's enough." Lukas says looking green in the face.

Ace snores sitting beside Copper. Copper sighs getting up from the table stretching. "Ace wake up, would you want to come with me or not, I'm getting you some sleeping pills."

"Inhumain." Temp mutters, glancing at Aiden who was gripping his fork like he was going to stab someone. Her eyes softened, "Aiden," she said worriedly, "Do you wish to return to our dorm?" She then said bye to Copper and Ace, whom were walking away. Aiden doesn't reply letting go of Temp's hand and laying his head on the table.

Lukas glances at Aiden before standing up from the table as well, "I'll be back in a minute." Ivory frowns being left alone with Team Teal they sat there quietly.Temp moves to sit next to Ivory. "Hello."

Ivory glares into space, "Hi Temp,"

"I ship it." Temp whispers.

"I'm 60 percent sure he's not over Copper yet," Ivory comments.

"I can still ship it," Temp says.

"We need to make up a ship name for her and Lukas," Lily says done with her food.

"The Lavender Moon." Temp says as Ivory chuckles; a smash is heard across the cafeteria.

Temperence squeals in shock jumping out of her seat. "What was that?" Lukas walks back with a smirk on his face sitting beside Aiden since Temp took his seat.

"If he bothers you again, I must note, he's missing multiple teeth and I might've broke his nose, and or a window, whatever works, I think his team is carrying the child to the nurse-" Lukas starts.

"Why are you beating up younger students you bully?" Ivory mocks changing the subject.

"I wanted to beat him shitless, thanks a lot Lukas." Aiden mumbled, swearing, which is rare.

"Actually if I'm correct due to his semblance you could easily beat him up tomorrow even better, minus punching his teeth in I'm not sure if the nurse can even hand that." Lukas says making a dramtic gesture with his hands, and patting Aiden on the back with a smirk. His dark gaze dissapearing a second later.

"Good."aiden says.

Lukas raises his eyebrows at Temp before conversating more, "What's up with you?" Ivory chuckles elbowing Temp amused at Lukas's attempt to talk to Aiden.

"He called my girlfriend a whore, nobody gets away with that." Aiden says.

"Ah okay, so nothing else?" Lukas says.


"I said I needed to borrow it plus you're still eating, so shut up." Lily growls.

"Stop arguing over a damn book! Here take my fucking book!" Temp says.

"Damn! What the hell is wrong with you Temp?" Lily and Evan say.

"Females." Temp says.

"Huh?" A few of the people at the table question as Temperence who  points in the direction of Amanda, who is a whore.

"This is what I get for socializing." Lukas mutters.

"I am sorry I don't like her staring at all three of you guys, I am territorial." Temp says.

"Even towards Evan?" Lukas comments joking.

"He is part of my team, so yes. I don't want to hear it, if someone stared at Ace I would also be territorial because he's my friend, I think." Temp mutters.

Ivory smiles slightly, "I don't think he's ever really talked to you now that you mention it."

"Shhh, he only talks to Copper, that's what he does." Lukas mocks.

"Well, I am friends with his girlfriend, therefore he must be my friend." Temp states.

"He's worse than Evan once you get to know him, Copper also isn't his girlfriend." Lukas says.

"Nobody can be worse than him." Lily says.

"Trust me." Lukas as making another dramatic gesture.

"The almighty Evan 2.0 has flaws I must eliminate him!" Evan says standing up from the table with a fist in the air.

"Evan, please sit back down." Temp asks.

"Fine." Evan mutters doing as he was told.

"I am going to hit her so damn hard," Temp mumbles standing up.

"Relax." Lily says,

Temp glares at Lily before walking towards Amanda. "Hey, the slut comes forth." The girl rings, breaking the school's uniform dress code, Temp was tempted to recoil in disgust.

"Stop staring at my brother and my team." Temp declares.

"Fine, I will stop staring at your brother." The other girl rings, her voice making Temp flinch.

"And my team?" Temp continues.

"I won't stare at Evan." Amanda declares, flipping her hair.

"Aiden?" Temp says, glaring, refusing to back up from the disgusting girl.

"Oh, I will stare at him..." Amanda says.

"Don't." Temp states, giving the girl a death glare.

"Why?" She asks almost completely clueless or just sarcastically.

Temperence laughs coldly, "You really are clueless."

"What do you mean? You and Nightshade are a thing." Amanda states, smirking.

"No, now I recommend you do not stare at my boyfriend, Aiden, unless you want me to fuck your face up." Temp says.

"Make me." Amanda says as Temperence inhales; walking away. Amanda slugs a swing at Temperence. Temperence grabs her fist mid air and squeezes, crushing her hand. "Stay the fuck away." Temp mutters turning away towards her table. "Hi." She mumbles sitting next to Ivory. "YOU BITCH!" Amanda screams.

"WHORE!' Lily screams, flipping of the smaller girl.

Aiden looks at Temp, realizing a scratch on her cheek from where she blocked the punch, "Are you okay?"

Temp slightly smiles, "Fine."

Lukas and Ivory join in, "What can you do besides whine like a 5 year old Amanda?"

"Didn't your parents ever wash your mouth out with soap? I'd recommend going away-" Ivory comments giggling.

"My parents didn't treat me like yours do you. And Lukas, you're hair was longer than Rapunzels." Amanda says.

Lukas tilts his head, "I actually got it cut today, if you didn't notice, since you just happen to be staring at me sweet cheeks."

"You whined like a little girl." Amanda says mockingly.

"What did I fucking tell you, are you a dumbass? Get the fuck away, or else I promise I will kill you." Temp starts. Ivory punches the girl in the face sending her crashing into the table almost splitting the wood.

"High five?" Temp asks. "Sure," Ivory highfives Temp before Lukas walks up to the girl.

"If you talk, stare, walk, or breathe too close to our teams, I'll make sure your family; almost in poverty pays for such childish behavior. I will kill you." Lukas mutters the dark look on his face appearing again.

"Chose the wrong girl to fuck with." Amanda says throwing a punch at Lukas, him taking it without flinching.

"I am offended, I believe I am way sexier than Aiden." Lukas starts, his face turning into a grin.

"Sure, whatever you think." Amanda says. Lukas smashes a foot into the girls head knocking her out, then walking back to their table. Temperence glares at the unconscious body, looking as if she were thinking about something.

"Don't." Lily snaps.

"Bu-" Temp mutters.

"No." Lily growls.

"She was going to heal her, wasn't she?" Aiden says.

"Yes, she was." Lily answers.

"You can if you want sis, but ah, she'll get hurt twice as bad." Lukas laughs.

"You shouldn't be beating up on younger students." Ivory comments.

"Fine, Evan you can beat Amanda up next, since she dissed your "Nightshade Mojo." Lukas says.

"That was a horrible joke." Evan comments. Temp was next to her in a flash and she healed her.

"Get the fuck away from me," she growled shoving Temp.

"KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF DUMBASS BITCH!" Lily shouted running between them and punching Amanda, hard.

"Hey I thought we agreed I could beat her up next?" Evan moans bored.

"Nobody is beating her up." Temp says dragging Lily to the table, "WE are training."

"But-" Lily starts.

"Yes?" She asks, raising her eyebrows, "Would you like to object?"

"No." Evan looks at the table.

"Okay." Temp says her face lighting up, "Let's go! Race you!" She exclaims running through the door. Lukas and Ivory follow Team Teal, having nothing better to do with half of their team missing.

At The Gym

"Evan, you were rusty." Temp said after fighting him and he was on the ground.

"Damn Temp! Holy shit! You train too much." Evan says as she shrugs. 

"You should fight Ace, Lukas."

Lukas looks up from his study, "Why's that? I'm pretty sure he's not here and or making out with Copper." he says annoyed.

"Exactly, he needs to practice." Aiden says.

"Hypocrite."  Evan says as he slices Aiden across the face with his sword.

"Damn," Aiden mutters. Temps Lifts her land to Aiden's face and heals him glaring at Evan.

"Evan is correct you never really have fought against him." Ivory comments typing rapidly on her scroll.

"I'm not fighting him unless he walks into the gym thank you." Lukas says with a sigh.

"I think your luck has ran out then." Says Lily pointing to red and blue walking in, while rubbing her head.

"Ace!" Temp semi shouts. "Fight my brother please!"

Ace and Copper walk over quietly. "Why?" asks Ace rubbing his eyes.

"Ace might be on medication and you're asking to fight him?" Copper says to Lukas as heraises his eyebrows questioningly.

"Lukas doesn't want to, I brought it up. Do you have a problem with that, Ms. Koyo?" Temp comments sassily. Copper's fox ears flick multiple times before she quietly sits down between Lily and Ivory. "Fine." She mutters.

"Good, now that that's settled, um Ace why would you be taking medicine, if it's an injury I can heal it, you know." Temp says.

"Mental illness if a difficult thing to heal, and I'm 50 percent sure that wouldn't help with nightmares." Ace says walking over to one of the gym mats in stance.

"Nightmares are bullshit," Lily comments crossing her arms.
"If you'd let people help maybe you wouldn't be in a bad state." Lukas comments getting onto the mat in stance.

"Oh, sorry." Temp says looking at the ground guiltily.

"Okay whatever giant." Ace says with a smirk.

"Okay midget man." Lukas comments.

Lukas charges at Ace almost smashing two fists into his stomach. Ace slides out of the way before jumping into the air and smashing a foot into Lukas's head. Lukas staggers holding his face with his left hand, he didn't remember him being that strong. Lukas takes out his throwing knives with a shake of his sleeves. Throwing one at Ace's right knee and landing a hit. Ace glares at the knife before ripping it out and throwing it off of the mat. Ace's gauntlets form up his arms; he charges at Lukas punching him in the face, and then hitting him with an upcut. Lukas flies up into the air for a minute due to brute force before disappearing into thin air. Ace looks around cautiously as he makes his way back to the middle of the large mat, on his toes he shoots arrows around him in a circle. Lukas throws; two knives hitting Ace between the shoulder blades possibly hitting the wings underneath. Before reappearing in front Ace, as he goes to punch him the arrows explode making Lukas slide backwards with scorched hair and outfitting. Ace somehow was safe from the blow, he charges at Lukas dropkicking him off of the mat.Lukas ignoring the rules at the gym charges at Ace putting him in a choke hold.

"Hey! You lost stop that!" Copper says standing up defensively fox ears reared back with a scowl.
Ace flails around a foot or two off of the ground due to Lukas being extremely taller than him.
"Tell him to go fuck himself and I will!" Lukas says tightening his grip.
Copper becomes angered, "What the bloody hell is your problem! Let him go!" Copper marches over standing in front of Lukas with flames wrapping around her feet.
Ace bites Lukas's arm until blood is drawn.
Lukas tightens his grip to the point where Ace's face his blue.
Aces fails more gasping for breath, kicking his feet frantically, ripping Lukas's sleeves with effort.
"I will hurt you." Copper growls tugging on one of Ace's hands.

"Like you already haven't!" Lukas snaps at Copper loudly, the dark look appearing on his face again.

Temp waves her hand, healing both of them, also somehow helping Ace's breathing problem before passing out from healing too much.

"No," He mutters, catching her. "Stop it you fucking assholes.!" Aiden screams worriedly, swearing and yelling, which is very unusual.

"You guys are fucking clowns!" Lukas says throwing Ace to the ground and crossing his arms.
Ace clears his throat before walking over to Aiden in apology. "I'm sorry," He says cracking his neck standing beside Aiden and the almost unconscious Temp.

Temp looks at Lukas expectantly.

"How dare you!" Copper says clenching her fists to her sides in anger, the little flames turning black before disappearing
Lukas lowers his gaze with tear filled eyes..

"I am going to kill you Lukas!" Lily screams when she walks in from the water fountain, seeing her best friend unconscious.

"I didn't meant to-" Lukas starts as Temp sits up, healed.

Copper smashes a palm into Lukas's forehead leaving a black mark, "I don't care what you meant to do, I don't care what you did or didn't do! Stop acting like a fucking victim!" Copper throws a ball of fire at Lukas's side before being held back by Ivory.
"Stop it!" Ivory yells.

"Wow, you guys call us immature." Aiden starts. as Temp slaps him across the back of the head. "Shut up!" She whispers to him.

Lukas hold his side pleading with his eyes, "I'm sorry Copper."
Copper growls, "You aren't." Before taking her seat crossing her arms.

Temperene tried not to scream at Copper. But, she does anyway. "Okay, listen here you little bitch! I get it, he's you're fucking boyfriend! That gives you no fucking right to hit my fucking brother! You are going to manage to get on my bad side! Do not fuck with my family!"

Copper glares, eyes flashing grey before standing up again. "Oh you mean the brother who left you alone for a year with an abusive dad? Or how he gets to get away with such actions? Or the brother that just had you waste your semblance?"

Temperence slaps Copper across the face before leaving. "Fuck you!" She screams at the door.

Aidan follows Temp, mouthing, 'I'm sorry' to Copper before walking out.

Lily groans holding her head in pain. "Copper you need to shut your mouth."
Copper glares at the multiple people staring at her, she sent bad vibes out in hope of getting them to leave or shut up. "It's not my fault." Copper says crossing her arms.

"Really? Because if you can see into minds, I have noticed, then you knew she didn't want her brother to know that their father abused her, it's a touchy subject. Therefore you pretty much got on Lily and my bad side, have a wonderful day." Evan replied coldly, walking away, followed by the she-wolf.

Copper crosses her arms. "I'm sorry... I can't preform-"
Ivory was comforting Lukas, angrily replying, "You're already dead." Ivory sighs, "He fucking loves you, and you just keep pushing at everyone like the fucking savage beast you are."
Copper chuckles lightly, "You think I'm the most blind person here, do you not, understand why I do anything I do? Or are you just some spoiled brat made out of money? Your mother and father let them live in poverty why is that?"
"Oh as if you're so perfect, charming everyone with your mind control and ripping them apart from the inside?" Ivory strokes Lukas's head, "You were suppose to help us protect the first years not, destroy everything."

Aiden walks in. "Um, sorry, she forgot her weapon." He grabs Yin and Yang and leaves.

"Copper stop." Ace says rubbing his neck tired.

Copper stiffens, "I'm done, with your love triangles, your auras, your presence, and this fucking team! Don't act like you know me when you obviously don't You all pretend to care, your lies are getting old.." Copper storms out of the gym.
"Wait for a fucking minute!" Ace says standing up just to tumble into the bench he was near.
"I'm sorry for almost killing you." Lukas says softly, "But you don't deserve her."
Ace coughs before standing up steadily, "Neither do you. You don't deserve Ivory either. But hey just my suggestion-"

"Shut up both of you, we're going to the dorm, nothing else is happening. Leave the kitsune alone. Hopefully she kills herself." Ivory says waltzing out of the gym followed by a depressed Lukas. Ace takes his now daily pill before falling asleep on the bench.

In TEAL's Dorm...

Temp walks over to her bead and hoists herself up. Faceplants into her pillow, thinking of what happened that year he left her. She cried.

"Temp," Lily whispered, never seeing their leader so vulnerable. Evan sat in his bunk and glanced sadly at the lavender haired girl crying.

"It hurts to see her like this," Lily whispers to Evan.

"Something I can agree on." He whispered back.

"Want to go for a walk?" Lily suggests as He nodded, standing up.

Aiden walks in after they left. "Temp?" She sniffled, trying to stop crying.

He walks to her bunk, "I'm coming up there," he said softly.

She scooted towards the wall to give him room. He climbed up and pulled her to his chest where she cried herself to sleep, he thinks he may have heard her whisper 'thank you,' but he's not sure.

Copper sits on the roof of the school;
She wore black shorts and a red tank top, during this cold night. Talking to herself. Blocking out clips of memories appearing before her eyes scattered. She didn't search minds on purpose, but she did replay horrible events in other's heads as sheer protection for herself.
"You do not need to be a tough girl." Temperence said once, however long ago.
"I'll care for you," Her teammates said multiple times last year.
Copper laughs sitting her head on her knees.
"I really fucking hate all of you beyond words." She mutters. Retracing the trails in the red forest. "Leaving you all, was a good choice, but I found all of you again. Just to find out you don't want to try to remember." Copper lays down with a sigh. "Time to test this." Black flames then wrap around her arm's viciously. "No more memories. No more." "Don't do that" a voice rang in her head. "Fuck you. I'm the villain, not the victim; as they all said." Copper passes out presumably erasing childhood memories. Other's memories. Even those of her parents, she has sketches and possibly records; but those were lost in the mess of the dorm her team had.

In Lily's 'Dream'...

They were finally coming, no one was to be left alive. There would be a few selected students who would make it, herself among them. She had no clue that this would come true, but it would, and she would indeed die, not Lily, but her friend, her protector, this was her  fate. Could it be changed?

At LIAC's dorm in the morning;

Lukas yawns getting up with Ivory at the same time for once.
"I see they didn't bother coming to the dorm." Lukas observes stretching.
"And that matters how?" Ivory asks rolling her eyes and starting to clean up the dorm, "I'd help clean up the dorm before those two savages trash it again."
"Fuck that. Hey aren't you technically a savage because your parents neglected to pay their workers?" Lukas says yawning more.
"We're cleaning." Ivory repeats, "I'm different then my parents."
"Sure, but you still do their bidding?" Lukas comments using his semblance to move multiple things around the room, picking up dirty clothes, stray books and papers on the ground, and dust containers; and sitting them back into their original places.
"Lukas, the dance is today, should you be worried about someone that won't go out with you? Or worried about my parents?" Ivory says watching annoyed, picking up a big red notebook, that was on the coffee table.
"I'm being a leader."Lukas says, sarcastically, "What's that?"
Ivory tosses it to Lukas who drops it on the ground.
The book's pages scattered on the ground, Lukas glances at the pages. "Come look at these." he says spreading the information out on the ground.
Ivory stands over the kneeling Lukas crossing her arms, "This is Copper's right?" she comments.
"Yeah look, I've never noticed this before, but she has records of deaths that have happened over 2 years ago and-" Lukas hold up a sketch promptly. "Who do you think they are?"
Ivory narrows her eyes, "White Fang." she says, "Without their masks, I remember nine-tails running a white magic temple due to powerful healing powers and beauty... the guy I have no clue."
"This might lead to us helping out Copper for once." Lukas says, "Should we tell the first years?"

"No let's wait until after the dance. We should check up on them." Ivory sighs, "And find the rest of our team."

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