Danmachi Short stories

By rennymanuel2005

82.7K 1.5K 568

Just a bunch of scenarios and stories for certain characters in Danmachi. More

Aiz Wants a Lap Pillow (One-shot)
Ryu's Little Bunny (One-shot)
Alise hates paper work (One-shot)
Syr can be Dangerous (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 1)
Zeus and Hera (Part 2)
High Elf (Part 1)
High Elf (Part 2)
High Elf (Part 3)
Zeus and Hera (Part 3)
Zeus and Hera (Part 4)
High Elf (Part 5) Released on -->
Big sister is an Air Head (Part 1)
Zeus and Hera (Part 5)
Big sister is an Air Head (Final Part)
Confession aftermath's (Aiz)
Zeus and Hera (Part 6)
Confession Aftermath's (Tiona)
Zeus and Hera (Part 7)
Shakti's day off (One-shot)
Confession Aftermath's (Ryu)
Zeus and Hera (Part 8)
Hestia Familia's vacation (One-shot)
Confession Aftermath's (Syr/Freya)
Zeus and Hera (Part 9)
Alfia's troubles (One-shot)
Orario School in the modern day (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 10)
Confession Aftermath's (Lefiya)
Blonde Elf? or blonde half-spirit? (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 11)
Confession Aftermath's (Helun)
Christmas spirit (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 12)
Confession Aftermath's (Haruhime)
Bell's a girl?! (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 13)
Laurier Swall's rabbit survey (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 14)
Confession Aftermath's (Lili)
Alfia and Riveria babysit (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 15)
Confession Aftermath's (Chigusa)
Alise has enough (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 16)
Confession Aftermath's (Amid)
Hop rabbit! Hop! (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 17)
Confession Aftermath's (Riveria)
Underground auction (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 18)
Confession Aftermath's (Eina)
A day in a life of the sword princess (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 19)
Confession Aftermath's (Lyra)
The three virgin goddess (One-shot)
Zeus and Hera (Part 20)

Confession Aftermath's (Ardee)

990 23 14
By rennymanuel2005

Massive shout outs to!


Alexei Barrett

Nicholas Koenig

Thank you for your support and I welcome you to our small community! I hope you enjoy everything available.

Consider supporting me for exclusive content and perks in the process! 



In the early morning light that bathed the bustling streets of Orario, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation. Adventurers and common folk alike walked through the crowded streets, preparing for the challenges and opportunities the day would bring. Among the energetic crowd was Ardee Varma, a renowned member of the Ganesha Familia, known by her moniker Vyasa.

Ardee's face beamed with joy as she navigated through the busy streets. The city's pulse resonated with the rhythm of countless footsteps, creating a lively symphony of activity.

Ardee: *This day can't get any better!*

Her words to herself, carried the infectious enthusiasm that seemed to radiate from her very being. Beside her, her sister Shakti looked on a bit confused with her sister's cheery attitude to the day.

Shakti: What's gotten you in such a good mood this morning?

Ardee's eyes sparkled with mischief as she responded with a giggle, a secret tucked away behind her smile.

Ardee:*Giggle* You'll see soon!

The two sisters moved gracefully through the crowded streets, Ardee leading the way with a playful determination. Shakti, intrigued and slightly puzzled, followed along, anticipating the surprise that awaited her.

Shakti: Can you at least tell me now where we're going?

Ardee: *Giggle* Nope! Come on!

Ardee grabbed her older sister's hand, increasing their pace as they weaved through the sea of people. Laughter and the occasional giggle could be heard on their walk, creating a harmonious backdrop to the lively cityscape.

Meanwhile, in another part of Orario, a different scene unfolded. Bell, accompanied by his mother Meteria and Aunt Alfia, strolled through the city streets. The trio exuded a sense of familial warmth, and behind them, Bell's famous protectors, Cynthia and Violet, maintained a vigilant watch.

Bell: *Smile* Trust me, this is going to be great!

His enthusiasm bubbled over as he shared his excitement with his family. Meteria, unable to contain her curiosity, wore a playful pout.

Meteria: *Pout* Mouuuuu! Bell! Tell mama already!

Bell, amused by his mother's antics, responded with a joyful giggle, withholding the surprise that awaited them.

Bell: *Giggle* Nope! It's a surprise.

Alfia: Sister, it's a surprise from Bell. Let's not ruin it by trying to know what it is ahead of time.

Bell: See! Aunty gets it.

Meteria, still pouting, couldn't help but playfully protest.

Meteria: Boohoo! Alfia does anything you say anyway!

Alfia stammered, attempting to defend herself amidst the laughter and banter. Meanwhile, the two maids trailing the group observed the familial dynamics with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

Cynthia: I have to say I'm so curious! Bell-sama hasn't said a thing about where were going and what were going to do! It's exciting!

Violet: *Sighs* Focus on your duties Cynthia.

Cynthia: Boohoo!

Violet: *Did she just copy-*

Cynthia: Hey, since you know everything you must know where were going right?! And why?

Violet: That is not my place to tell.

She said, as she focused her gaze to the trio in front of her.

Cynthia: I.........Just cant wait!

Violet: Hush, we'll be there soon.

Meanwhile, in a refurbished small church, away from the main street of Orario, Ardee and Shakti arrived.

Shakti: This church.......Hold on Ardee, isn't this a property of the Hera Familia?

Arde: Yup! Some high ranking member of the Familia holds this place with high regards, it's why this place is kept clean.

The church was small in size but was well maintained. The walls had no stains and the windows were kept clean. The furniture inside was also well maintain with no damage whatsoever. 

The surroundings of the church was also serene with small patches of flowers around the front of the church. And with the church only being around a relatively small road, the people that walk by were few compared to the main road.

Shakti: But why are we here?

Ardee: *Smile* Just wait... he should be any second now-

Bell: Ah! Ardee, you're here!

Just as Ardee was about to complete her sentence, the person she had been waiting for made his entrance.

Ardee: *Smile* Bell!

With an excited smile, Ardee rushed towards the white-haired boy who had just arrived, and they embraced in a warm hug, a familiarity that spoke of a close friendship.

Shakti: E-Eh?

Shakti's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the unexpected sight. She wasn't the only one caught off guard, Meteria, Alfia, Cynthia, and Violet, all of them wore expressions of astonishment as Ardee and Bell shared a lovely hug.

Shakti's gaze shifted between her sister and the renowned adventurer Bell Cranel, trying to make sense of the situation.

Shakti: A-Ardee, w-why are you talking with Bell Cranel?

The confusion etched on Shakti's face was evident, reflecting the collective bewilderment that enveloped the group.

Meteria: She's right, Bell. Your going to need to fill us in.

Alfia: Hm... You're Shakti Varma, the captain of the Ganesha Familia.

She said with a tone of neutrality.

Alfia: *Glare* And she must be...... Arde Varma, your younger sister.

She said with an angry expression.

Meteria: So, are you planning to tell us?

Meteria's words carried a mix of curiosity and concern, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assessed the situation. Alfia, with a thoughtful and angry expression, observed the unfolding scene, her gaze flickering between Shakti and Bell who was still hugging Ardee much to her annoyance. Meanwhile, Cynthia and Violet, Bell's protectors, exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared confusion.

Shakti, still grappling with the unexpected encounter, sought an explanation.

Shakti: Ardee, what's going on?

Ardee, breaking the hug with Bell, turned to her sister with an amused twinkle in her eyes and said-

Ardee: Shakti, meet Bell Cranel—our surprise for the day!

Shakti: Eh?

Meteria: Huh?

Alfia: Come again?

Cynthia and Violet: What?






In the wooden seats of the church, Bell, Ardee, and Meteria were seated. Alfia couldn't bring herself to sit, so she stood behind her sister. Cynthia and Violet also remained standing for their duties. Shakti, on the other hand was on the same situation as Alfia, she couldn't get herself to sit down, so she stood beside Ardee, who was seated next to Bell, and they were holding hands.

Meteria: Bell, can you please explain to Mama everything from the start?

She said as she held her cheek with her hand with a troubled expression.

Everyone looked at the apparent couple with anticipation, wanting answers.

Bell: Well, Mother, do you remember what you said to me a few months ago?

Meteria: Hm? What I said a few months ago? I said a lot of things.

Bell: How you wished I would find a special partner soon, how you don't want to have wrinkles before you have a grandchild.

Meteria: What? I....... never...... said...

A few months before

Meteria: Bell!! When are you going to give me a grandchild! Mama's not getting any younger, you know!

She said with teary eyes as she hugged Bell tightly in her arms.

Bell: *Blush* W-What! M-Mother w-what are you saying?!

Meteria:*Crying* Mama wants to spoil my cute grandchild!

Suddenly, Alfia came to the rescue and separated Meteria from Bell.

Alfia: *Sigh* Sorry about that. She's had too much to drink.

She said as she looked at the now sleeping Meteria in her arms.

Bell: *Blush* I-It's alright...


Meteria: *Blush* O-Oh... Now that you mention it, I do recall something along those lines...

Bell took a deep breath before continuing, his eyes locked with his mother's.

Bell: So, after that night, I couldn't stop thinking about your words, Mama. And then, I met Ardee.

Ardee smiled warmly at Meteria, her love for Bell evident in her eyes.

Bell: Ardee has brought so much joy and love into my life, Mama. She's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Ardee nodded in agreement, giving a gentle squeeze to Bell's hand.

Bell: I want you to be a part of our journey, Mama, and share in the happiness we've found together.

Meteria's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at Bell and Ardee, realizing the depth of their love.

Meteria: *Sniffles* My dear Bell...

Shakti, who stood beside Ardee, wiped away a tear, moved by the emotional scene unfolding.

Bell: Mama, Ardee and I are engaged. We wanted to share this moment with you and everyone we care about.

The church was filled with a mixture of emotions. Joy, surprise, and overwhelming love.

Meteria: *Teary eyed* My baby boy~ Finally all grown up~

She felt  hand on her shoulder, when she looked, it was Alfia giving her a small smile.

Meteria: *Teary eyed* I can't be any happier~ A mother's first wish is the happiness of their child~

She said with full emotions as she grabbed Alfia's hand on her shoulder.

Alfia switched her focus, from her sister, to Bell and his now fiancée.

Alfia: Bell.

Her short words immediately got the attention of Bell and Ardee, as well as Shakti who was behind them. Even Cynthia and Violet, who's been silent giving the family their space looked at each other nervously.

Shakti: *She wouldn't do anything drastic would she?*

Alfia: *Smile* Congratulation!

When those words came out of Alfia's mouth, Bell couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief before smiling and saying-

Bell: *Smile* Thank you.

Shakti: *S-She's not mad? I heard that she's very protective of Bell Cranel. What ever you did Ardee, good job!*

She thought with relief

Ardee: Miss Meteria, Miss Alfia, don't worry! I'm going to love Bell with all my heart! You can count on that!

She said with eyes full of determination. Her words spurred Meteria as she stood up and grabbed both Ardee and Bell making them stand on their feet.

Meteria: *Teary eyes* This calls for a celebration! Come Ardee, have lunch with us back home!

Bell: M-Mama don't pressure Ardee too much...

Ardee: No way Bell, It's no problem at all! I'm more than happy to join you if you please. I hear Miss Meteria likes sweets maybe we can go but some on our way?

Meteria: *My~ She knows! If she keeps this up I'll have her call me mama by the end of today!*

Bell: Well if your up for it, then let's go have lunch. Aunty join us.

Alfia: *Smile* No thank you Bell. I think you should enjoy this time with your mother and.....Fiancé.

Her smile was serene as she kept her eyes close.

Ardee: Shakti-nee how about you? Gonna join us?

Meteria: *Smile* Your more than welcome to if you wish.

Shakti: *Blush* A-Apologies but I'll have to decline. A-A captain has many things to do.

Ardee: Oh, alright then

She said with a tinge of sadness

Meteria: *Smile* Great then, let's go!

She grabbed Bell and Ardee's hand as the three began running out of the church filled with excitement

Bell: *Blush* Mama slow down!

Ardee: *Smile* So exciting!

As the three of them left the church, Alfia looked to Cynthia and said-

Alfia: What are you doing here? Go with them.

Cynthia: Huh? A-AH! Sorry!

She was still a but out of it due to the situation a few moments ago.

She scurried out trying to catch up to Bell and the others, leaving only Alfia, shakti, and Violet in the church.







Alfia: Nice sister you have there Shakti Varma 

Shakti: *Nervous* Y-Yes...

She's been wanting to leave the church as soon as Ardee, Bell and Meteria, began to leave, but for some reason Shakti stood unplace unable to find the strength to move her legs. It was only when Alfia spoke to her did she realize it was her preventing her from moving.

Alfia: How is she?

Shakti: *Nervous* T-The kindest...   *T-This is the Alfia t-the silence I-I've heard of...*

Alfia: Hmm... I see.

Suddenly the unknown force that was preventing Shakti to move disappeared, when she looked Alfia had her eyes closed.

She took the as her que and began to walk away, still with shaky legs. As she reached the wooden door she looked back one more time to the last two in the church.

Alfia stood still with her arms crossed and her eyes closed. The maid behind her, silent the entire time also had their eyes close, with their hands clasped together like what maids of the highest caliber does.

When Shakti was gone, Alfia gently spoke

Alfia: Violet, I want to know everything that girl Ardee does in her day to day.

Violet: Do you disapprove of her, Alfia-sama?

She asked in an equally gentle voice.

Alfia: As an adventurer I trust her. As a woman I know almost nothing about her. I wont hand Bell over someone I know nothing about.

Violet: I understand

Alfia: I want to know very details about her, if she so much as sneezes I want to know about it.

Violet: It shall be done.

Alfia: Good..........Very good.

She then sat down on the wooden chairs of the church, deep in her own thoughts.


Again thank you to!


 Alexei Barrett

 Nicholas Koenig

Consider supporting me for exclusive Danmachi fanfiction stories!


I hope everyone enjoys!

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