Mr. Bingley

By LFB1127

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Being the favourite Godson of the secondary school's headmaster at Bermondsey London, Mr. Bingley was given t... More

Author's Note
Chapter One - Life as a Student
Chapter Two - Encounter
Chapter Three - Curiosity
Chapter Four - The Diner
Chapter Five - Settling In
Chapter Six - The New Gym Teacher
Chapter Seven - Nervous Much?
Chapter Eight - Mixed Signals
Chapter Nine - Explanation
Chapter Ten - Confrontation
Chapter Eleven - Twice as Nice
Chapter Twelve - Unexpected
Chapter Thirteen - Love Happens
Chapter Fourteen - Trust
Chapter Fifteen - Lies...lies
Chapter Seventeen - Michael
Chapter Eighteen - Fury
Chapter Nineteen - Conflict
Chapter Twenty - Fix it or Lose it
Chapter Twenty One - Love Sick
Chapter Twenty Two - Heart On Fire
Chapter Twenty Three - Apologies
Chapter Twenty Four - Mixed Emotions
Chapter Twenty Five - Sleepover
Chapter Twenty Six - Make up Passion
Chapter Twenty Seven - Friend or Foe?
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Plan
Chapter Twenty Nine - Suspicions
Chapter Thirty - Reality
Chapter Thirty One - Encounter
Chapter Thirty Two - Broken Heart
Chapter Thirty Three - Blackmailer
Chapter Thirty Four - A Mistake
Chapter Thirty Five - Tricky Feelings
Chapter Thirty Six - Stacy Is Missing
Chapter Thirty Seven - Surprise!
Chapter Thirty Eight - Risky Plan
Chapter Thirty Nine - Love Conquers All

Chapter Sixteen - Starstrucked

31 3 0
By LFB1127

Stacy's POV

It was six fifteen a.m. and I am currently at my Aunt's car while I divert my attention to the right side window as I enjoy the cool morning breeze greeting me on the face as we're heading all the way to my school. Today is "casual day", it means you can wear whatever you like, thank God for a breather once a week from school uniform.

I can feel Aunt Emma's glances at the corner of my eye, I am this close to being confronted with regards to my clothes, I know..

"We should do shopping after my Anniversary vacation, your clothes looks like they're getting smaller for you." I knew it.

"It's not that bad." I replied. I am wearing a peplum skirt like a cheerleader, it was made in jeans fabric, shaped like a flower hiding my thighs, and a purple sleeveless laced tank top, and over it a jeans half length jacket. My hair is down since I didn't have time for a blow dry, only a black laced headband holds it together. And yes-my shoes, well, they were clogs in jeans texture as well.

Aunt Emma parked on a pedestrian lane just to drop me off, and Oh God! I almost blushed upon seeing Marcus! He's wearing a sleeveless loose plain white shirt and a trainer black pants, as he lift and jump at the same time to shoot the ball, you can clearly see the "V" line down the happy trail. He was playing basketball on the field that was just across where I am seated.

"Who is that handsome hunk?" Wait, what? Did my Aunt just eyed my boyfriend? And she clearly stated handsome hunk. Like a bubbly teenager.

"That is Mr. Bingley, our gym teacher."

"Clearly." She stated as I looked back at her she was starstrucked, mouth wide open and glaring obviously...that caught Marcus' attention as he paused and went to walk in our direction. Oh no! He is coming! Hold your horses! - my inner sense bids me good morning.

"Good morning, Mr. Bingley, this is my Aunt Emma." I blurted as soon as he reached our car. He bend down and extend his hands inside the car as he shook hands with her.

"Good morning Stacy, Ms. Walsh." I looked at him bewildered. "Mrs!" I insists. They both looked at me weird. "By the way, I'm Stacy's gym teacher."

Aunt Emma got off the car, so did I, and went around to face my teacher. Wait, is she flirting with him? "Pardon me, but I didn't know they have teachers your age, it's almost you can pass for a student." Okay..what is her point?

"Oh, because I just graduated college and teaching is my first job." He proudly explained.

"Oh, well then, they are lucky!" As she smiled sheepishly. What is going on with my own Aunt? Do I sense a rivalry in here?

"I guess I am more lucky to have students almost my age especially a bright one like Stacy." As he blinked at me. Okay, he did not just do that in front of my aunt did he?

Looking back at me I motioned to my Aunt that I have to go, and so does she, hoping she gets it, because she's starting to get on my nerves.

I hugged my binder tight and placed my bag on my shoulders as I waved goodbye at her. Turning around to get in her car, Marcus tapped the roof of the car as soon as Aunt Emma was inside. "It was nice meeting you Mrs. Walsh." That's right! Mrs! Means taken! Gets?!

"Likewise." She started her engine and waved back at us. And within minutes the Lexus SUV was out of sight. I started pacing towards the way thru the library as Marcus grabbed a hold of my elbow forcing me to face him.

"Stacy, what's wrong? Are you ok?" How can he know? I mean can he read minds?

"I'm fine." I lied.

"No you're not. Come on follow me." He let go of my elbow as we turned the other way towards the bushes towards a secret path leading to the other building. Wait, why are we here?

"Where are we going Marcus?" I cannot help but ask.

"This is where I am staying, come on." I followed him as we went inside the back door that looks like fire exit. I realized the door was being blocked by a stone to prevent it from closing completely. Maybe he did this on purpose so as to lead me here, it was planned, I should've known...

"Why did we not go thru the front?" I asked like an imbecile. He looked at me and shook his head grinning. He grabbed my hand, which caught me off guard, squeezing my palms, he added, "this way is safer." I get it. Like I didn't before....

We reached the third floor and he started to juggle his keys to a door that says, 307B, he pushed it open, and pulled me in, closing it slowly behind me he pushed me by the door and kissed me hungrily on my lips, my binder fell from my grasp as he slowly remove my bag that was resting calmly on my shoulders, my hands snaking his nape, his hands at the edge of my buttocks as we moaned in between kisses.

Grasping for air, he let go of me, leaving me wanting more, then he spoke "Now, are you okay?" I smiled.."yes."

"You shouldn't be jealous Stacy, you have me."

"Excuse me, I wasn't-..." He cut me off by kissing me again. He bend down to kiss my chest, I feel a tingling sensation in between my thighs, which gives me a cue to stop this before it gets any further...I slowly moved my face away, hinting him to stop teasing me.

He got the idea and slowly moved away from me. Studying me with those lustful almond eyes, he pulled me to sit down on the sofa as he let go of me while he brew some coffee.

"I'm sorry, I just can't wait to kiss you." He said as he sat beside me waiting for the coffee.

"No, it's not you, it's the way my Aunt is acting, like she was starstrucked on you." I finally vent it out.

He leaned on my shoulders and smelled my hair while grinning sheepishly. "Stop thinking about it, I'm gonna go take a quick shower, you can eat if you haven't eaten, feel at home okay?" He pecked me on the cheek and went straight to the left door leaving it half closed for me to enjoy the view. Is he tempting me? I can see from where I was seated that he pulled down his pants, Oh my God! I just saw his buttocks! They are so round and fluffy. So sexy...

He went to close the glass shower door as I heard the brewed coffee came to an end. I got up and opened the cupboard looking for mugs I giggled as I saw a mug labeled "hunk" in bold black letters, I remembered my conversation with my Aunt a few minutes ago. I took out that mug and a plain white one as I poured the coffee for him and one for me. I glanced around, it was definitely a man's lair, there wasn't any feminine touch to begin was cozy and very modern..he must be rich to afford one like this, yet it was puzzling to think that he is only a teacher. It looks like an executive's or businessman's suite.

Facing me with only a towel wrapped around his waist, he grinned sheepishly. "You like my place?" I nodded. "My godfather gave it to me, well not really gave, but allowed me to rent for free." I replied with a silent O forming in my mouth, in which he leaned closer to kiss the top then the bottom lips of mine. I felt electrified by his presence that I backed away and he leaned more closer trapping me on the corners of the kitchen counter, I was so nervous with what's gonna happen next, that I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. And with a sudden shift we are kissing each other hungrily, closing my eyes shut to feel the moment as he held me by the waist, I squirmed giggling while we kiss as I moved my hands down his waist only to find....WHAT?!? The towel was gone! I just realized I had touched the top part of his bum. I suddenly felt the presence of his erection nudging me more inside that corner like a helpless bunny.

"Marcus!" He stopped kissing me, surprised by my reaction I close my eyes shut, so as not to be greeted "hello" by his junior and he got what I meant by this. I heard him laugh as he picked up the towel from the floor, I hadn't realized it landed safely on my toes, I was probably caught up in the moment that I didn't feel it at all when it fell.

I must have been a sight to see because I can still hear his laugh. "You can look now."

"Are you sure? I have to be sure." I can feel him walk closely to me.

"You want to be sure? Here." He held my hand and placed them where it surprised me , purposely letting me hold his manhood. I felt the hairs, and it was hard as rock..I felt I got wet all of a sudden in between my thighs.

"Marcus please?"

"Please what?"

"I am not ready for this."

"I'm sorry. I was being stupid." I heard a zipper and he kissed my eyes. "You can look now, no more kinky games this time."

Even I wanted to see it badly, I have to stop the urge to do so because I can feel I will lose control upon seeing it.

I opened my eyes as his back was on me preparing his food. I went to hug his back, he closed his eyes and moaned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I whispered on his ear. He held my hands that was wrapped around his waist replying, "It's a very bold move for me to do, I apologize again, I have to control myself over you." I just realized I felt the same way.

He was now leaning in his kitchen counter while munching a wheat loaf with peanut butter and jelly inside. Looking at the clock it read seven forty five. We didn't seem to be that long inside, I guess that's what happens when you're too preoccupied.

"We should get going." He reached for my bag and his and he took my right wrist placing a gold bracelet on it that says S and a heart shape in between then the letter M. "Thank you." I mouthed. It was so sweet.

He kissed my hand and hugged me. He excused himself to brush his teeth and within minutes we were out of the building, went our separate ways so as not to be obvious and I went inside the library to spend what's left of my thirty minutes.

As soon as I got in the library I took the quietest farthest corner and clasped my hand on my face. I still can't believe what just happened between Marcus and I, it seemed sudden, I haven't even thought about that part, which for sure is expected to happen, but not so soon like this. Somehow I felt I had disappointed him, but deep inside it was all I ever wanted eversince I saw him.

My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was.

Stacy, I'm really sorry, you have no idea how embarrassed I am right now. I don't know if I can ever look straight into your eyes. I hope nothing will change between us. I love you.

A tear fell from my cheeks. Why was I crying? I am new to this emotions, I need to find Bridget.

I started typing back.

Marcus, it's okay, I'm okay. I was just surprised. Don't worry, nothing's changed.

This is definitely gonna be awkward when we see each other in class, I cannot forget the feel of his' on my palms, it was sexy and argh! I don't wanna think about it....


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Thanks!! You guys are the best!!!

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