Like Daylight (Taylor swift i...

By Ivory_Taylorsversion

11.1K 307 128

✨I once believed love would be burning red But it's Golden✨ This is fiction and taken from my imagination th... More

Hunters with cell phones (mother taylor)
Something happens when everyone finds out (GxG)
A careless man's careful daughter
Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you 🖤
Take pictures in your mind of you childhood room (mum Taylor)
twenty stitches in the hospital room (GxG)
This revolution, the time will come for us to finally win 💛(GxG)
I love you to the moon and to saturn (mother Tswizzle)
Hung my head as i lost the war (mom taylor)
Drinking beer out of plastic cups (gxg)
This is me trying... (gxg)
I was enchanted to meet you💜 (gxg)
Come back... be here❤️ (gxg)
You are in love, true love🩵 (gxg)
The moment i knew❤️ part 1(gxg)
The moment i knew❤️ part 2 (gxg)
The moment i knew❤️ part 3(gxg)
I used to know my spot was next to you 💜 (gxg) wifey tay
You belong with me 💛 (gxg) Dark tay
I can do it with a broken heart 🤍 (gxg)
Touch me while your friends play GTA🤍 (gxg) (mature)
Fearless💛 (mother Taylor+ travis)
So highschool🤍 (gxg)
Bad [girl] with a price, you know that I bought it🩷 (gxg)
I hosted parties and starved my body (gxg)
something was born on the Fourth of July (gxg)🇺🇸
So long London 🤍 (gxg)
Before you, I'd only dated self-indulgent takers❤️ (gxg)

Everything has changed❤️(adoptive mum taylor)

453 14 0
By Ivory_Taylorsversion

A/N: ok so basically with this I sort of started out thinking this was just gonna be some sort of charity thing ended with y/n getting adopted so you can see this did not go to plan I think I was sort of going from my own childhood dream which was to get adopted as foster care sucks.
So this is y/n basically getting adopted by Taylor Swift. I hope you guys enjoy and don't think this is really bad. I love you lots.
XOXO- ivy🫶🏻
Just a quick reminder that any votes and replies really are great as it lets me know if my writing doesn't entirely suck or if i should just quit altogether
This is around 2494 words
Y/N pov:
Living in a foster home with eight other kids, life felt like a constant struggle. Endless days of bullying left me feeling isolated, until an unexpected turn of events brought a glimmer of hope. Our foster home was selected to attend Taylor Swift's 'Eras' tour for free.

The night arrived, and as we entered the venue, the sheer magnitude of the concert overwhelmed me. The bustling crowd, the dazzling lights – it was a world I had never experienced.

Amidst the excitement, Andrea and Scott Swift approached our foster family. Their genuine warmth was a stark contrast to the harsh reality we faced.

"Enjoy the show, darlings," Andrea said with a reassuring smile.

Scott added, "Music has a way of bringing people together. Let the melodies heal your hearts."

The concert began, and Taylor Swift took the stage, pouring her heart into every song. It was a mesmerizing experience, a brief escape from the hardships we faced.

After the concert, as we gathered backstage, Taylor, without saying a word, handed me a guitar pick. It was a silent acknowledgment, a connection forged through music.

As we left the venue, the bullies' taunts echoed in my mind, but the music lingered, a source of strength. The 'Eras' tour became a turning point, a night where the power of music and unexpected kindness illuminated the path forward.

Everyone's pov:

In the quiet moments backstage, Taylor found her parents, concern etched across her face. "Mom, Dad, there's something I noticed about Y/N, the little girl from the foster home we met," she whispered.

Andrea and Scott exchanged glances, their attention fully on Taylor.

"I saw bruises on her," Taylor continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm worried. Are they taking care of her properly? She deserves better."

Andrea gently placed a hand on Taylor's shoulder, "We'll look into it, sweetheart. It's heartbreaking to hear, but we'll make sure she's safe. Sometimes, the smallest gestures can make the biggest impact."

Scott nodded in agreement. "We'll use our resources to ensure she's getting the care she needs. You're a compassionate soul, Taylor. Let's make a difference in her life."

With a shared determination, the Swift family set out to ensure that Y/N, the 6-year-old girl they had met that night, would find the love and care she deserved.

Days later, Taylor arrived at the foster home accompanied by her lawyers and Tree Paine. Determined to make a difference, she faced the workers, declaring her intention to adopt me, Y/N, the 6-year-old girl she had met at the 'Eras' tour.

The workers, caught off guard, tried to persuade Taylor that adopting another child might be a better choice. Taylor, however, stood firm, her lawyers advocating for the well-being of the child she had noticed.

After some tense moments, the worker reluctantly handed Taylor the necessary paperwork. Undeterred, Taylor made her way upstairs, guided by the dim light filtering through the hallway.

Upon entering my room, Taylor's heart sank at the sight – a bare mattress on the floor. She approached with a soft smile, "Hey there, Y/N. How would you like to come live with me, where you'll have your room and lots of love?"

As the lawyers ensured the legal process moved forward, Taylor envisioned a brighter future for a little girl who had endured too much.

Back to y/n pov:

Taylor knelt down beside the bare mattress, her eyes filled with genuine concern. "Hey, Y/N, it's okay. I'm here to take you to a better place, where you'll be safe and loved."

I, however, remained curled up in the corner, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. The unfamiliar surroundings and the prospect of leaving the foster home triggered a panic attack. My small frame shivered as I struggled to catch my breath.

Taylor's heart sank at the sight. She spoke softly, "It's alright, sweetheart. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm here to be your family, and I'll make sure you have everything you need."

As the panic attack intensified, Taylor signaled for her team to give us space. She patiently waited, understanding the depth of the trauma I carried. With empathy in her eyes, she continued to reassure me, determined to provide the safety and comfort I desperately needed.

Gently, Taylor approached, her soothing voice a balm in the midst of my panic. She sat down, keeping a respectful distance, and spoke with a calm reassurance, "Y/N, I know it's scary, but you're not alone anymore. I'm here to help you, to be your family."

She reached out, offering a hand for me to hold if I felt comfortable. "Let's take deep breaths together, okay? In and out, just like this." Taylor demonstrated the slow, calming breaths.

As I began to match her rhythm, Taylor continued to speak softly, sharing stories and comforting words. Her presence became a source of security, a lifeline in the midst of the storm. Slowly, the panic attack began to subside, replaced by a sense of trust in the person who had come to rescue me from a world of fear.

Taylor stayed by my side, offering comfort until the last tremor of panic faded away. In that vulnerable moment, a connection formed, and the journey toward a new and loving home began.

With utmost care, Taylor helped me gather the few belongings I owned – a small bag containing the remnants of my life in the foster home. She knelt down beside me, offering a comforting smile as she gently placed the bag over her shoulder.

Seeing my exhaustion, Taylor scooped me up into her arms, cradling me with a tenderness that felt unfamiliar yet comforting. As she carried me to the waiting car, I nestled against her, finding solace in the warmth and safety of her embrace.

Taylor's steps were soft and steady, and the world outside seemed to blur into a hazy background. The rhythmic beating of her heart, the gentle sway of her movements, provided a sense of security that allowed me to drift into a peaceful slumber. In Taylor's arms, the weight of fear and uncertainty began to lift, replaced by the promise of a new beginning.

The car ride to Taylor's apartment was a delicate dance between exhaustion and anticipation. In the car seat next to Taylor, I gazed out of the window, the city lights blending into a mesmerizing blur. Taylor occasionally reached over, her fingers brushing my hand, offering a silent reassurance that I was not alone.

Seated next to us, Tree Paine engaged in a gentle conversation. "Taylor, I've seen a lot of your philanthropic work, but this feels different," she remarked. Taylor nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and compassion.

"This is personal, Tree. Every child deserves a safe and loving home," Taylor replied, her gaze shifting between the passing cityscape and the small figure in the car seat. "I just want to make a difference in their lives."

As the car glided through the city, the lawyers in the trailing vehicle exchanged thoughts about the legalities and logistics of the adoption. Taylor's commitment to ensuring everything was done right underscored the sincerity of her intentions.

In the front, Greg and the security guy maintained a watchful presence. Greg turned toward Taylor with a smile. "This is a big step, Taylor. You're changing lives." She nodded, her focus never wavering from the road ahead.

The journey was both physical and metaphorical, bridging the gap between two worlds. The hum of the engine and the gentle murmur of conversation created an atmosphere of comfort, a stark contrast to the turbulence of my past.

As we approached Taylor's apartment, the excitement and uncertainty intertwined. The anticipation of a new home, coupled with the warmth inside the car, signaled the beginning of a profound transformation. The city lights outside seemed to welcome us, illuminating the path toward a future defined by care, compassion, and a newfound sense of belonging.

As the car pulled up in front of Taylor's apartment, the quiet hum of the engine ceased. Taylor carefully unbuckled my car seat, her reassuring touch grounding me. Tree Paine and the lawyers emerged from the trailing vehicle, while Greg and the security guy orchestrated a protective shield around us.

Taylor opened the car door, shielding me from the prying eyes of paparazzi who had gathered nearby. With a gentle smile, she helped me out of the car, cradling me in her arms once again. Security personnel created a barrier, ensuring a safe passage from the car to the apartment steps.

As we approached the entrance, Taylor exchanged a few words with Greg and the security team, expressing gratitude for their assistance. She navigated the steps with grace, carrying me securely, while the security personnel ensured a smooth transition, shielding us from the intrusive flashes of cameras.

The apartment door swung open, revealing a welcoming haven within. Taylor stepped inside, carefully carrying me across the threshold. The echoes of goodbyes and the subtle click of the door closing marked the end of a journey fraught with challenges and the beginning of a new chapter – one filled with safety, love, and the promise of a brighter future.

With a tender smile, Taylor welcomed me into her home, the warmth of the apartment enveloping us. As we stepped inside, the inviting ambiance revealed a place designed with care and thoughtfulness.

"Hey there, Y/N. This is your new home," Taylor said, leading the way through the cozy living room adorned with plush furniture and soft colors. The walls echoed with a sense of comfort, and the air was filled with the subtle fragrance of familiarity.

We wandered through the kitchen, where Taylor pointed out the array of snacks and goodies stocked just for me. The refrigerator held a delightful assortment of treats, and the countertops were adorned with playful decorations.

As we moved through the apartment, Taylor opened a door to reveal a bedroom tailored just for me. The room sparkled with warmth and personality, a reflection of Taylor's effort to make it uniquely mine. Soft toys adorned the bed, and the walls were adorned with vibrant colors that mirrored a world of possibility.

"Here's your very own space, Y/N. I hope you feel at home here," Taylor said, her eyes reflecting genuine care. The room wasn't just a place to sleep; it was a sanctuary crafted with love and consideration.

As I absorbed the details of my new surroundings, a sense of belonging began to take root. Taylor's thoughtful gestures turned a simple apartment into a haven, a space where the echoes of the past could fade, making way for a future filled with warmth and security.

After the tour of the apartment, Taylor and I settled into a quiet routine. It was late, and the day had been filled with emotional highs and lows. Taylor, understanding the need for comfort, suggested a warm bath before bed.

As we entered the bathroom, Taylor started running the water, and the gentle sound of it filled the room. She turned to me with a kind smile, "How about we make tonight's bath a special one, with lots of bubbles?"

I nodded hesitantly, my past experiences with baths clouding my excitement. The bathroom, a place that had once been a source of dread, now held the potential for a new, positive association.

Taylor sat by the tub, her presence a calming anchor. "We'll take it slow, okay? No rushing." Her words were reassuring, and as she filled the tub with warm water, the fear I associated with baths began to dissipate.

The water was just the right temperature, and Taylor poured in a generous amount of bubbles. She looked at me, her eyes gentle. "Whenever you're ready, we can get in together."

I took a deep breath and tentatively stepped into the water. Taylor joined me, sitting at the edge of the tub. As I settled into the comforting warmth, Taylor engaged me in conversation, diverting my attention from any lingering anxiety.

"Have you ever had bubbles this big before?" Taylor asked, creating playful mounds of bubbles with her hands. Her genuine enthusiasm for something as simple as bubbles transformed the atmosphere.

She washed my hair with care, using a gentle shampoo that filled the room with a soothing scent. Throughout the bath, Taylor maintained a continuous conversation, sharing stories and asking about my favorite things.

As we approached the end of the bath, Taylor carefully dried my hair and wrapped me in a fluffy towel. The once-intimidating bathroom had become a place of solace, thanks to Taylor's patient and caring approach.

She hugged me close, whispering, "You're so brave, Y/N. I'm proud of you." The words resonated, creating a new narrative for a space that had held painful memories.

With Taylor's guidance, the bedtime routine became a comforting ritual, a gentle transition into a night filled with the promise of safety and warmth. The fear that once lurked in the shadows began to recede, replaced by the healing touch of kindness and understanding.

As the calming warmth of the bath faded away, Taylor guided me through the bedtime routine. The soft glow of the bedroom lights created a comforting ambiance. Taylor knelt beside my bed, her presence a gentle reassurance.

"Alright, Y/N, let's get you all tucked in," Taylor said with a warm smile, pulling the covers snugly around me. She sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "How about a bedtime story or a song to help you drift off to sleep?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of security in her caring presence. Taylor began to sing a soothing lullaby, her voice a melody that wrapped around me like a soft blanket. The familiar lyrics and the warmth of her song eased away the remnants of the day's tension.

As the last notes of the lullaby hung in the air, Taylor sensed something more. "Is everything okay, sweetheart?"

I hesitated, but with a deep breath, I admitted, "I'm scared of the dark. Can I... can I sleep with you?"

Without hesitation, Taylor smiled warmly. "Of course, Y/N. You're not alone anymore." She walked with me to her room, where the soft glow of a nightlight bathed the space in a gentle light.

Taylor tucked me into her bed, creating a safe haven where the shadows held no power. "You can stay here as long as you need to, okay?" she reassured, her presence a shield against the fears that lingered in the darkness.

As Taylor settled beside me, I felt a sense of belonging and safety. Her soothing words and the shared warmth of the bed became a cocoon, shielding me from the anxieties that haunted the night. With a final tender goodnight, Taylor's presence became a source of solace, promising a night free from the grip of fear.
Let me know if you want me to add more to this I hope you enjoyed it I think this is the longest one I have wrote so far. Anyway I just wanted to say that as a reminder if anyone has any requests if you tell me I will do my best to write it but Yh hope you have a great day.

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