
By royalbree

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"You gotta let my love adorn you" -Miguel Two passionate souls meet one another following after dreams their... More

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521 53 24
By royalbree

Basketball Season: Game 1 🦊

I bounced the ball against the court as I eyed a few of my teammates who were trying to be open for the pass. I looked at Caleb who was waving his hands to pass but I ignored him. I crossed up the player in front of me as I started running down the court drowning out the crowd. I did a quick pass to another teammate as he shot the ball and hit a perfect three. I smiled clapping my hands when the opposing coach called a time out.

We only have 20 seconds left in this quarter before the game was over. I jogged over to Coach Knox who had a firm grip on his clipboard. "Looking good out there, we are 3 points away from winning"

I glanced at the scoreboard feeling the pressure. During the first quarter, most of our team was nervous and it showed. The opposing team took it to their advantage and scored a lot. We started picking it back up around the end of second quarter.

"I know we all had a lot of differences with one another but today we will work as a team, pass the ball the moment you see an opportunity to score. Got it?" I felt Caleb eyed me but I smirked. I had no intention on ever passing that nigga the ball. The ref blew the whistle as we all ran back on the court. I glanced out in the crowd seeing my father and aunt cheering me on. I looked a little more to the left to see Mani smiling at me with a poster of my face on it.

I smiled at her as the ref blew the whistle again. Caleb had the ball and of course he was blocked by two people. The ticking of the clock had us all on edge as he tried to fake them out. I sprinted towards the back of the court as I raised my arms. He glanced at me before throwing the ball my way. I looked at the clock as those few players started running in my direction. I looked around at a few of my teammates waving their hands or juking the person guarding them. I dribbled the ball once before stepping back and releasing the ball from my fingertips at half court.

I watched intently with my arm still in the air as the ball smoothly went into the net. The room went up in cheers as I heard the buzzer. I smiled as my team hurdled me. "Yuh we going out tonight boys"

I chuckled as they made their way to coach with huge smiles. I walked the other direction as Mani threw her hands up. "I'm so proud of you"

"I'm glad you made it baby" I said picking her up as she laughed. I pressed my lips on hers as I heard a few people around scoff. Hope they choke on haterade.

"You know I wouldn't miss it"

"You wanna come out with me tonight, the team celebrating" she shook her head.

"Actually I was hoping if I could take you out alone tonight for winning the first game"

"Damn you planned a little date for me" she smiled nodding.

"I mean you gotta drive us there but yeah I did" I shook my head as she started laughing.

"I'll let you drive my car this one time" she started shimming her shoulders.

"I'm bout to whip it like I'm lightning McQueen" I eyed her as she laughed. The guys would have to wait another day. I wasn't passing up any opportunity to hang with my lady.

"Get a little girlfriend and forget about me huh" I moved my glance as my aunt stood there smiling.

"Auntie I'm glad you could make it" I gave her a hug as she rubbed my back supportively. "This my girlfriend Normani"

"Oh chile we met, I teased her about the poster earlier, it's adorable"

"People thought I was a whole groupie" Mani said making us chuckle.

"Julian come here" my dad spoke waving his finger.

"I'll be right back" they nodded engrossing into conversation as I walked over to the huge group of people. I could tell from the stance, that the guy talking to my dad was a scout.

"This is my son Julian" I glanced at my dad seeing the hugest smile on his face. "This is Mr.Avion, he's a scout from Miami"

"How you doing sir" he smiled shaking my hand.

"How you doing Julian, you know we've been watching you since freshman year"

"Really?" He nodded.

"After today's game, your potential is at all time high and more teams are more than likely going to reach out to you. How do you feel about taking basketball to pro level?"

"Oh that's all he talks about, it's been his dream ever since he could dribble" my dad said as I eyed him. Mr.Avion smiled.

"That's what I like to hear, if this is something you want to take more seriously. We start boot camp next semester in preparation for the NBA drafts" he passed me a card before patting my shoulder. I stared at the card in disbelief.

"I'm so proud of you son" I looked at my father before making my way to the locker room.

"I thought I wasn't shit" I reminded him. When he tried to compare me to my cousin, it felt like he was trying to strike a nerve.

"You know I didn't mean that" he tapped at that card. "Seize this opportunity, live up to Harris name"

"Dad" I sighed pinching my nose.

"We'll talk more about this Monday, enjoy your weekend" he smiled walking away. I pushed the door open as I spotted a few of my teammates preparing to leave. I slapped hands with a few of them before going to my locker. I looked over seeing Caleb mugging me before whispering something underneath his breath.

"What 'ya say?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Coach told us to work as a team but of course you always steal all of the attention"

"It was less than 10 seconds left, I took the shot for the team" He scoffed.

"Bullshit, Alvin was open. You could've cost us the game"

"But I didn't, it's not even that deep" I muttered taking off my jersey.

"You'll never understand what it's like to grind everyday just for these whack ass team to notice your hard work. Instead they see your last name and think your goated"

"Get out my face bro, nobody is getting handouts"

"It should've been you instead of Hillary that night"

"Damn Caleb, you know we use to be cool at a point and for you to point fingers like that night was my fault is crazy" —I looked at him as he balled his fists—"Everything has been rooted by your deep jealousy with me, get over it"

"Maybe I should fuck your girlfriend then laugh in your face and see how you feel" I stopped what I was doing.

"Nigga don't test me" He smirked.

"She look like gives deep thro—" I swung at him as I heard the locker room door swing open. As soon as my fist connected with his face, I sent another.

"AYE... you two break it up" Coach Knox warned pulling me off him. Weak ass.

"He just lunged at me coach, I was minding my business" Caleb lied as he held his bloody nose.

"Caleb let me remind you just how thin these walls are. We all heard the conversation. Now I suggest you head out of here" he sucked his teeth as he snatched his bag, brushing past me. Coach turned to me.

"Me and you are having a long conversation about you getting caught racing during fall break" I scratched the back of my neck. I was hoping he would never find out. "This is my last pass Julian, if it happens again I won't hesitate to suspend you off the team"

"Aight" I muttered.

"Get out of here and avoid trouble"

                                          ♡ ♡ ♡

"I think I like being passenger princess, I can get use to this" Mani rolled her eyes taking another sharp right. We were a few inches away from rolling over the curb. "I take it back, you can keep the title"

"That curb appeared out of no where" I glared at her as she held back her smile. "Ju you're fine"

"Shit I can't tell, a nigga clutching his pearls"

"Boy please, you want me to caress your thigh like you do me?"

"Unt unt keep them hands on 10 and 2" I joked as she smacked her lips.

"Such a drama queen" I shook my head as I looked out the window seeing the place we were pulling into.

"Did you take me to Drive in theater" I questioned with a smile.

"Guilty" she passed the lady two tickets before driving to the third lot. "We focus a lot on my hobbies for dates, so I wanted to switch it up"

"Which movie we watching?"

"Do the right thing" I started smiling as she settled on a parking spot. "I know you seen it like a million times"

"It doesn't matter, I still appreciate this" she smiled.

"Oh I almost forgot" she turned to reach in the backseat pulling out a basket full of stuff. When did sneak this in my car?

"—I knew y'all were going to win, so I got you this" I looked inside seeing my favorite snacks, some Nike socks and a game I wanted for my ps5.

"You've been promoted. You are now my elite girlfriend" she started laughing as I sat the basket on the ground. "You know you ain't have to get me anything"

"My love language is gift giving, I couldn't help myself"

"C'mere" she leaned over pressing her lips on mine as I held her chin in place. "You look beautiful today"

"Julian" I chuckled as she covered her face. I grabbed one of her hands as I eyed her up and down.

"And you looking delicious" she couldn't hold back the smile.

"The movie bout to start, pay attention" she muttered avoiding my glance. I looked at the huge screen as the opening credits were still playing.

"It's gonna be hard to pay attention, when you distracting me"

"How am I distracting you?" She took her glasses off sitting them in the cup holder.

"Cause you sitting there looking and smelling good as hell" she started smiling.

"You on 10 with the compliments tonight"

"I want to keep you smiling and laughing forever" she started playing with her ring.

"Can I ask you something?"—I nodded—"do you see a future with me?"

"This is a lifetime baby, you stuck with me"

"So you're not gonna get bored of me....or leave me for someone else?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where is this coming from?"

"I've been doing a lot of thinking recently, you have one year left while I have two" she sighed. "Then there's the possibility of you being a professional ball player"

"My career isn't gonna effect what we got going on"

"What if you're tired of waiting for me to finish school and find someone that's more fulfilling than me"


"I just wonder if this is just a college relationship."

"Normani look at me" I grabbed her hand as she peered her eyes up at me. "I'm not going nowhere, I promise"

"—when I get in a relationship, my only end goal is to grow old with that person. That's what I envision for us and I promise that will never change" she stuck her pinky out as I looped mine around hers.

"Okay what if..."

"Aht, just trust me and let my love adorn you" she smiled.

"Okay Miguel, I'll stop overthinking it"

"I'll reassure you more so you don't have those thoughts" I kissed the back of her hand as the music from the movie got extremely loud. For the remainder of the movie, we joked with one another or I answered questions she had about some scenes. This was a night I would remember forever.

                                          ♡ ♡ ♡

"I actually enjoyed that movie more than I thought" she said. I unlocked the door noticing a few shot glasses on the table. They probably pre gamed before going out tonight.

"It's one of my favorites, I appreciate this whole night" she started smiling as I opened my bedroom door.

"Good get use to it" I closed the door behind her as she sat her stuff at my desk. "Can we listen to some music"

"Yeah" I went to my phone as I pressed shuffle on my slow jams playlist. I plugged my phone up as I went to find something to change into. "This the best part of the night"

"What is?" She asked.

"Ending the night with you. I look forward to it every-time you come over" She smiled.

"I look forward to it as well" I slipped my shirt off as I tossed it into my hamper.

"Ouu can you turn this up" I upped the volume on my speaker as Obsession by Eric Bellinger started playing.

"What you know 'bout this" I said jokily as she walked over to me.

"Boy I put you on to this"

"Actually Shazam did, don't get it twisted boo"

"You're so sassy" I smacked my lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck looking up at me. I licked my
bottom lip as my arms snaked around her waist.

You ain't nothin' like I thought you was
You my left and right, you my all above
You got character
Nothin' compares to you
Know you've been all that I needed
More than, I was completed

She hummed to the lyrics softly as I pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I can be honest with you?"


"I'm falling for you and truthfully it scares me a little. This is uncharted waters for me" she stopped humming as I cleared my throat. "Everything just feels complete when I'm with you mani"


"I know it seems soon but I can't deny how deep my feelings are developing for you" she started smiling.

"Then let's navigate the uncharted waters together... because I feel the same" I picked her up as she let out a laugh. She met me in the middle as our lips connected. In that moment I realized how much she anchored me to the present, making my days fuller than the last. The way she always truly listened to me, making me feel seen and heard in a world that often felt too chaotic. Even through her personal battles, she always had room to support me—I was falling hard.

Fortunate by Maxwell started playing as I laid her back on my bed, our lips still connected. The kiss got deeper as tongue was added. The sexual tension begging to be released as her hand moved slowly down my chest. I tugged her bottom lip between my teeth before moving my kisses towards her ear, teasing her.

"Fortunate to have you girl, I'm so glad you're in my world" I whispered the lyrics in her ear as I planted more kisses on her neck.

"Julian" she muttered as I smirked.

"Tell me what you want" she pouted as I chuckled.

"My body language ain't enough" she asked tugging onto the waistband of my jeans. I continued my trail of kisses as she slipped her shirt off.

"You ever had head before?" I questioned as I sat up looking down at how perfectly she laid against my bed, in nothing but her bra and sweats. She shook her head.

"Never experienced foreplay" I rubbed her thighs as I untied the drawstring of her sweats.

"I enjoy pleasing my lady, so you gotta let me know what feels good to you, Aight?"

"Ok" she lifted her hips as I slid both her panties and sweats off seeing her glistening pussy looking back at me.

"Damn she already wet for me" Mani covered her face as I leaned back down putting kisses on her stomach, letting my tongue trace upwards. I unlatched her bra as my tongue circled around her nipple. I took my time showing affection to both. As I was doing that, I let my fingers circle around her clit, showing some attention.

"Oh" she moaned lowly as my tongue traced back to her neck, biting it ever so slightly. I nibbled on one spot a little longer creating a hickey. Letting those fingers push inside her. Another moan escaped her mouth like music to my ears.

"This feels good to you?" I questioned as I pumped those fingers in and out and using my thumb to stimulate her clit.

"Mhm, don't stop please" I smiled as I pulled my fingers out. "You're such a tease"

I ignored her pouting face as I pulled her body closer to me, pushing her legs wider apart. I dove down as I dragged my tongue up her opening. I hooked my arms around her thighs as I finished my meal. Her moans grew louder as her body arched off the bed, making me more excited. I was ready to dive in and drown at this point. I didn't even realize another song was playing until she moistened my goatee. Her thighs relaxed as I took my time cleaning her up with my tongue.

I leaned up as I pressed my lips back on her."You still ain't tell me what you want"

"I want you" she bit her lip softly as we kept eye contact. I pushed my pants down as she propped up on her elbows watching me. I grabbed her hand as I removed my boxers letting my dick free. I put her hand around the shaft guiding her up and down it

"I don't play that running shit, you sure you ready?" I questioned as she bit her lip. She scooted down as she moved it to line up with her.

"Push it in" she mumbled. I put one hand on each thigh as I slowly pushed inside, feeling her tightness clamp around me. "Oh..."

"You okay?" She closed her eyes nodding quickly as I started my slow thrusts allowing her body to get use to me. "Look at me baby"

Her eyes opened as I picked up my pace not once breaking the eye contact we shared. She grabbed onto my arms as her eyes tried to slip close again. I leaned down pressing my lips against hers as she moaned.

"You gonna cum on this dick?"

"Ooo yes" she moaned as her walls tightened again making me curse underneath my breath. I bit my lip trying to restrain myself from releasing until she got hers first. Not even a few seconds later, she coated me with her juices. I pulled out as I did the same. I got up grabbing the towel from my closet wiping myself off and the mess on her thigh.

"Turn around for me" she did as I said and I pulled her hips closer and re entering. "Fuck" she tried to reach back and push me away.

"Ion do the running mani" I grabbed her hand pinning it on her back as I delivered her deep back shots hearing her moan out my name. The lyrics of the song playing was drowning out to the music we were making.

Give me your hand baby
(I know you've got a lotta strength)
Give me your pretty hand
(I know you've got a little life in you left)
Ooo show me you understand


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