Scooby Doo: "Whispers Of Crys...

By LoneWriting2021

2.8K 107 23

In the quaint town of Crystal Cove, a new mystery-solving duo emerges, unveiling secrets that lie beneath the... More

S1Ep1: Beware The Beast From Below
S1Ep2: The Creeping Creatures
S1Ep3: Secret Of The Ghost Rig
S1Ep4: Revenge Of The Man-Crab
S1Ep5: The Song Of Mystery
S1Ep7: In Fear Of The Phantom
S1Ep8: The Grasp Of The Gnome
S1Ep9: Battle Of The Humungonauts

S1Ep6: The Legend Of Alice May

296 10 4
By LoneWriting2021

Late at night, a sleek black limousine with tinted windows glided to a stop outside a charming suburban home. The door of the house swung open, and a young teen named Randy emerged, a prom flower cradled delicately in a glass case.

As Randy made his way toward the waiting limousine, he gestured to his date inside, only to be caught off guard as his mom swooped in, camera flashing. "No more, mom. Come on, come on. I mean, that's like your third memory card," he protested with a good-natured eye roll.

His mother beamed with excitement. "Sorry, it's just that I remember my prom. So much joy, so much passion." She reached out to affectionately brush Randy's cheek and then glanced back at her husband. "The best night of our lives, remember, dear?"

Randy's father wore a stern expression, his arms tightly crossed. "You didn't go with me!" he retorted, his voice tinged with disdain.

Randy's mother realized her misstep and replied softly, "Oh. Right."

As the limousine driver honked the horn, Randy hurriedly made his way to the vehicle and stepped inside. His date, with ravishing blonde hair and captivating blue eyes, greeted him with a flirtatious smile before the door closed, and the limousine pulled away.

"Thanks for coming with me, Randy," his date purred. "Can I make a little confession? This isn't my first prom."

Randy chuckled at the remark. "Well, what do you mean? Were you held back?" he asked, a touch of confusion in his voice.

Drawing closer, his date said, "No, at my other schools, I went to prom with other boys," as she began to touch Randy in a flirtatious manner.

Amused, Randy continued to chuckle. "Look, I just want to party hardy, get my swerve on, you know," he said with a playful air gesture.

His date playfully teased him, resting her head against his chest and beginning to touch him more affectionately. "I just want you to know that I think you're the one," she said, poking his nose and whispering into his ear, "Are you, Randy?"

As she backed away, locking eyes with Randy, she suddenly grabbed her face and ripped off the skin, revealing horrifying features resembling a ghostly visage.

Randy freaked out, backing away into the corner. "What?" he exclaimed, horrified by the terrifying transformation unfolding before him.

His date grinned menacingly. "Be my boyfriend, Randy. Forever and ever, and ever and ever," she said in an eerie tone. The limousine drove away, filled with the date's chilling laughter and Randy's frightened cries echoing into the night.

Ethan POV:

I stood in the school hallway, absentmindedly twisting my locker dial while engrossed in my phone. The air was filled with hushed whispers about the upcoming Prom, but I couldn't muster much interest in the whole affair.

Suddenly, a shout broke through my reverie. "Ethan!" Shaggy bounded up to me, his usual nervous energy on full display. "Like, you've gotta help me dude," he implored.

I raised an eyebrow in response. "What's up?" I asked, trying to make sense of his urgency.

Shaggy fidgeted with his fingers. "Prom's coming up, and Velma wants it to be the official announcement of our relationship," he blurted out.

"Ah, and you're concerned because the Vincent Van Gogh marathon coincides with it, and you don't want to disappoint Scooby. You're not sure how to tell Velma," I summarized, understanding Shaggy's dilemma all too well.

Shaggy shook his head and gave me a pleading look with his puppy dog eyes. "The marathon is all week, so you just have to explain to Scooby that Velma didn't have anyone to go to the prom with, and you wanted to be a good friend and take her. It's not really lying," I said.

"But that's still not being completely honest with him," Shaggy admitted, looking conflicted.

I furrowed my brow at him. "You've been keeping up this charade with Scooby for a while now. One more night shouldn't make that big of a difference. Or you could just come clean and put an end to the whole thing," I suggested, hoping to get through to him.

My words seemed to have an impact, and I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You know what the right thing to do is, Shaggy. Living a double life isn't going to lead to the outcome you want," I urged him.

After Shaggy nodded and walked away with newfound determination, I returned to my phone, finally managing to open my locker after twisting the dial. I was engrossed in my own world until Fred and Daphne approached. I gave them a quick wave before focusing on my task, but Daphne called my name, prompting me to wander over to see what she wanted to discuss.

"Hey, Ethan, take a look at that," Daphne said, pointing at a prom poster. "You got any plans?"

I glanced at the poster. "Uh, no. I'm probably just going to stay home and play video games," I answered, crossing my arms. "Prom is just a waste of time in my opinion."

Fred popped his head from behind Daphne. "You used to love dancing and having a good time," he remarked.

"That was when I was a kid, Fred. I've outgrown it," I replied, stifling a yawn. "What about you guys?"

Fred smirked. "I'll probably do the same thing I do every year—monitor my police scanner and patrol the sewers." He turned to Daphne. "Are you going to go?"

"I don't know, I guess if someone asks me," Daphne said, making it quite obvious that she wanted to go with Fred.

Fred snapped his fingers. "Gotcha. Well, good luck with that!" he said, seemingly oblivious to the underlying matter.

I couldn't help but shake my head as I watched Fred strike up a conversation with a girl who had blonde hair and blue eyes, fully aware of the jealousy brewing in Daphne.

Just then, the girl looked in my direction and winked before making her way over to me. "I'm Alice May. I'm new," she introduced herself with a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ethan Jones," I replied politely. "And these are Fred and Daphne," I added, gesturing to my friends.

Daphne attempted to bring the conversation to a close. "New, huh? Well, good luck. Come on, Fred, Ethan. Let's go."

However, Fred seemed oblivious to Daphne's attempt, continuing to engage Alice. "You know, this school can be like a maze," he said, opening his locker and retrieving a small-scale replica of the school. "I've actually made several models of it in my spare time to chart my class routes," he explained, handing it to her.

Alice accepted the model with a smile. "Oh, how sweet, thanks Fred," she said appreciatively. She then looked between Fred and me. "I think I'm going to like it here," she remarked with a hint of flirtation in her voice.

Later, in the assembly hall, I sat next to Shaggy with Scooby resting between my legs, as we listened to Sheriff Stone and Mayor Jones at the podium. Velma leaned over to Shaggy and whispered, "Just a few nights away. Don't forget to call the limo guy."

"Yeah, you got it, Velm," Shaggy replied, wearing an uneasy expression. Under his breath, he muttered, "Like, help," knowing he was in a tough spot.

Daphne seemed annoyed. "Where's Fred? He said he would be here," she said, glancing to her right. "Oh, no, he didn't."

Fred then strolled in with Alice. "Hey, gang. This is Alice. She's new. I've been showing her around," he announced.

Alice smiled and added, "Fred's like my white knight," clearly flirting with Fred.

Daphne scrunched her face. "What a sweetie," she said, clearly agitated and furrowing her brow.

Mayor Jones cut through the chatter in the hall. "Now, if you could all quiet down, Sheriff Stone has a few words," he announced.

Sheriff Stone then took over, standing at the podium. "Prom, yes, obviously we want a safe, enjoyable evening. As some of you might be aware, there have been several recent reports of a phantom limousine with a Ghost Girl inside," he began.

"Stealing young men away into the night, it is likely part of some arcane ritual," Sheriff Stone continued. "Because of this, we are advising all students not to get into phantom limousines on Prom night, if at all possible. That's all I've got," he concluded.

"Jinkies. Talking about a bad date," Velma remarked with sarcasm in her voice.

"I'll say," Fred declared, standing up. "Gang, I think we've got a new mystery on our hands."

As the school bell sounded, I stood up, and Alice walked over to me. "You know, Prom is quite the magical night. Maybe a handsome rogue will sweep me off my feet," she said with a wink before turning to walk over to Fred.

"Well, I'd better get going. Still a lot of unpacking to do at my house," Alice mentioned, glancing at Fred.

"Need a lift?" Fred offered to drive her home.

"That's okay. I like walking," Alice said, putting on an innocent act. "It was nice meeting all of you," she added before casually walking away.

Fred grinned, shifting his focus to Daphne. "You coming, Daph?" he asked.

Daphne, arms crossed, replied resolutely, "I'll walk as well. I need to conduct further research on those missing kids from the Crystal Cove Caves – the ones Mr. E cautioned us about. I can't stand going home clueless." She directed the last part pointedly at Fred.

I had made the decision to head out late at night for some skateboarding, despite my dad's insistence that I perfect my skills, especially since he's the mayor and doesn't want his reputation on the line.

As I sat down on a bench to listen to some music and relax, a strange rustling noise caught my attention. I used my phone's torch to look around, but as I began to move away, the area fell silent.

I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry," I said before realizing it was Alice, who had a smile on her face.

"You should watch where you're going," Alice teased, letting out a little giggle.

I blushed slightly. "Yeah, sorry about that," I replied, my curiosity piqued. "What are you doing out this late?" I inquired, feeling both confused and suspicious.

Alice started playing with her hair. "Oh, Ethan. You always like getting straight to the point," she said, gently touching my arm in a flirty manner. "Maybe you'd like a nice midnight walk."

I gulped. "No, no. I should get home," I said, attempting to leave. But Alice grabbed my shirt, and before I knew it, her mouth was on mine, and I found myself unable to resist kissing her back. The kiss turned passionate before I broke away, leaving the park and heading home. As I lay in my bunk, I sulked about how complicated things had become, wishing I had never met Alice.

The next morning, I found myself at the K-Ghoul station with the gang, attempting to put the events of the previous night behind me. Daphne mentioned that Alice had been using the showers at school and had gone down into the basement. "I'm telling you, she's up to something," Daphne said, stroking her chin.

Fred didn't seem to take the concerns seriously. "Come on, Daph. So Alice was using the shower and hanging out in the school basement," he chuckled. "Haven't we all?"

"No, we haven't," I interjected, giving Fred a pointed look. "Unless it was to solve mysteries, which I doubt Alice does."

"What if Alice is the ghost girl the sheriff mentioned?" Daphne asked, looking at Fred. "You could be in danger, Fred."

"Don't you think I'd know if she were a ghost girl?" Fred retorted, still not convinced.

Velma chimed in, "I'd be willing to bet no," teasing him.

Scooby joined in, saying, "Yeah, me too."

Shaggy added his input, "Like, what do we really know about Alice?"

"Besides the fact that she's super nice, and her hair smells like peaches," Fred said, touching the bottom of his chin, "and sometimes, I get lost in her eyes, and-"

Daphne cut him off, asking, "Fred Jones! Do you like this girl?" She straightened, her posture intense as she looked Fred straight in the eye.

Feeling the heat, Fred averted his gaze. "Wow, look at the time," he said, pointing at his wrist.

"You're not wearing a watch, Freddy," Daphne stated, seeing through his attempt to weasel his way out of the conversation.

Fred looked at his wrist. "Oh. Well, I better go find one, then," he said, quickly leaving with that excuse in place.

Trying to shift the mood, Angel spoke up, "You guys should take a look at this." I walked over to see what it was. "That boy your ghost girl grabbed a couple of towns over. Baby, he wasn't the first."

The computer displayed the information about the missing students, and I ran my hand along my face. "Looks like all we've got to do is prove Alice is the ghost girl and put an end to it, especially if Fred's the latest target."

"Not on my watch," Daphne said, determined to save Fred from his poor judgment.

As I drove the Mystery Machine to where Alice was supposed to be staying, Velma was curious and decided to ask, "Exactly how did you get Alice May's address again?"

Daphne, holding a piece of paper with Alice's address, replied, "I found it in her locker. I noticed the combination while Fred was helping her. Lucky, huh?"

"Yeah, very lucky," I retorted, my voice tinged with sarcasm.

Upon arriving at the destination, I realized we were at the Crystal Cove Cemetery. I parked the van by the front and observed the gate, feeling confused by all of this. Daphne suggested splitting up into different groups.

Daphne and Scooby went off together, while I stuck with Velma and Shaggy, keeping a close eye out for anything suspicious. I shined my flashlight around, searching for clues as to why this location would be listed as Alice's address.

Velma decided to ask, "So, how's it going with the prom tickets?" She looked at Shaggy, seeking answers.

Shaggy glanced in my direction, a look of needing help in his eyes. I started whistling and continued walking, only to then hear Velma freak out and begin kicking old, weathered tombstones out of the ground.

Shaggy reacted quickly, calming Velma down enough for the screams of Daphne and Scooby to prompt the three of us to start running to find them, running down from a steep hill. "What's going on?" I said, wanting to know.

Daphne pointed behind us. "That's why."

I glanced back to see the Ghost Girl coming straight at us. Daphne and Scooby tripped, colliding with us. I went backward, crashing through a tombstone and found myself using it as a board, sliding down a hill and flying through the air.

My friends also landed on two sets of tombstones, with Daphne and Shaggy on one and Velma and Scooby on the other. Velma pointed forward at a family crypt, and I attempted to make my way toward it.

However, I was pulled off my feet by the Ghost Girl, who grabbed my jacket and looked deep into my eyes. She just stared into them, giving me the chance to kick her off me. "Ethan!" Velma shouted, running full force into the Ghost Girl, causing her to tumble and fall over a tombstone.

I got up and followed my friends into the crypt, closing the door behind us. I took a moment to breathe in and out. "Thanks, Velma," I said, smiling at her.

Velma chuckled and patted me on the head. "No problem, Blondie."

"If that was Alice, she needs some serious moisturizer," Shaggy quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

On the tomb in front of us was the name Carlswell, which was the last name of Deacon Carlswell, otherwise known to our group as "The Creeper." I guessed this must be his family's crypt.

Velma ran her hand along her face. "Hold on. Isn't Carlswell still in jail? Alive?"

Velma and I lifted the lid off the tomb to find it was empty except for a few key items. Daphne reached in and took out a mask. "This is part of the Creeper's old costume," she said. In her other hand, she was holding a receipt. "And look at this, a transfer slip from Crystal Cove High."

As the banging echoed from the other side of the tomb door, I braced myself for what might come next. The door swung open to reveal Fred standing there with a curious expression on his face. "Hey, gang. What are you doing in here?" he asked, taking in the surroundings. "Wow. This is a neat mausoleum."

"Fred, you're safe!" Daphne exclaimed, rushing to hug him. "I'm not sure how to say this, but Alice May is a ghost. She wants to add you to her man posse."

Fred cocked his head in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Daphne, tell him!" I urged, exchanging looks with the rest of the gang.

A heavy silence fell over us. It wasn't that we doubted Daphne's words, but rather that there was no concrete evidence linking Alice to the Ghost Girl. Fred seemed to have jumped to conclusions, assuming that Daphne's concerns were merely rooted in jealousy over Alice asking him to the dance.

The following evening, I entered the bedroom to find Fred struggling with his tie. "Let me help you," I offered, and he agreed. As I began to tie his tie, it felt as though we were kids again. "Are you excited?" I asked.

"A little. I'm going with a girl I think I like," Fred replied, sounding uncertain.

"You don't sound the least bit confident," I observed, continuing to work on his tie.

"Prom is prom, Ethan. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel," Fred admitted, slouching his shoulders.

After finishing his tie to perfection, I smiled and patted his shoulder, about to leave when Fred stopped me. "I've got something for you," he said, opening a suitcase to reveal a prom suit inside.

My eyes widened in surprise. "What is this for?"

"If I'm going, then you're going," Fred stated, taking his bouquet of flowers and leaving the room.

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't deny that the suit fit me perfectly, and I looked quite dashing. It was time to confront my apprehensions and attend Prom. I had a feeling that something significant might transpire tonight, and I wanted to be there for it.

Stepping outside, I made my way to the Mystery Machine, where I spotted Daphne and Fred engaged in conversation. It seemed that Fred had had a change of heart, while in the distance, I caught sight of a limousine driving away with Alice inside.

I beeped the horn to grab Fred and Daphne's attention. "Get in, losers. It's time for Prom," I called out. They climbed into the van, and I set off towards the high school for the Prom. With a smile on my face, I savoured the happiness of the moment as we headed in that direction.

In the Prom hall, I observed the couples dancing and enjoying themselves. Taking a sip of my fruit punch, I found it quite delightful. Suddenly, Scooby came rushing through the hall and headed straight for me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

Scooby muttered, "Ghost Girl."

My eyes widened at his words. Before anything else could happen, the lights went out, and the music fell silent. On stage, the Ghost Girl stood, declaring, "Hope you saved a dance for me," as she sneered and glanced in Fred's direction.

"Oh, boy," I muttered, anticipating trouble.

The Ghost Girl leaped off the stage, prompting everyone to start leaving the hall. At the door, I spotted Velma and Shaggy looking bewildered by the situation. "Let's get out of here," Fred urged, and I concurred, rushing towards the exit.

Scooby dashed straight up to Shaggy. "Raggy, you're okay!" he exclaimed, jumping into his arms. "What are you wearing?" he asked, noticing Shaggy's prom suit.

"Like, um—" Shaggy stuttered, attempting to think of a response. Fortunately, the Ghost Girl shrieked, providing a welcome distraction.

"Explain later, Run!" Velma urged.

I swiftly closed the hall doors as we fled with the gang. However, all the doors were locked. Daphne gasped and hurried to Alice's locker, where she discovered the basement key. She revealed that being in the basement was safer than remaining outside with the Ghost Girl.

I leaned against the basement door, keeping it closed, while Scooby peeked through the keyhole. "Whew, she's gone," he announced, bringing relief to the group.

"Hey, you guys, look at this," Velma said, holding up a backpack.

Daphne recognized it immediately. "That's the same backpack from the Carlswell crypt."

Velma reached inside and pulled out a very distinctive top. "These are Alice's clothes," Fred observed.

"Along with Carlswell's creeper costume," Velma added, revealing the costume.

Shaggy scratched his chin. "Like, man, I don't get it. Why would a Ghost Girl need to change clothes?"

I chuckled. "She wouldn't, unless she's not a real ghost," I declared proudly, then turned to Fred. "You know what time it is."

With the most exuberant smirk, Fred set everything in motion. A few minutes later, back in the hall, he proposed that I become the bait, and I readily agreed. I would wait in the shadows until I spotted the Ghost Girl entering through the front door.

As the disco ball sprang to life, its radiance swept across the room, momentarily distracting the Ghost Girl. Meanwhile, I positioned myself alongside Fred, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Scooby, who were all playing instruments to set the theme.

Perplexed, the Ghost Girl questioned, "What is this?"

Emerging onto the dance floor, I revealed myself. "You wished to dance with a Jones, and here I am," I declared, extending my hand.

Glaring in my direction, the Ghost Girl sneered, "I'll destroy you all," before letting out a piercing shriek and lunging forward with her arms outstretched. "Fred, now!" I screamed, rolling out of harm's way.

At that moment, a rope descended, entangling around the Ghost Girl's hand, and the gang quickly pulled on it, hoisting her into the air. She dangled angrily, shouting and attempting to appear tough as the hall's lights flickered on.

Mayor Jones's voice echoed through the room, commanding everyone's attention. "Hazy Fantazie, Fred, Ethan. Didn't you hear me when I said, 'If you see a ghost girl, do not go to the prom with her'?" he remarked, clearly displeased.

Stepping forward, Fred reassured our father, "Don't worry, Dad. She may like a ghost girl, but in reality, she's..." With a swift motion, he tore off the girl's mask. "Alice May, or she's also known as..."

"Alice Carlswell," I and the gang chimed in unison.

Sheriff Stone stroked his chin in thought. "Carlswell? As in Deacon Carlswell? The Creeper?"

"That's right. He was my father," Alice sneered, beginning to reveal her backstory. "When Daddy was imprisoned, I vowed revenge on those who put him there. I used his old costume to create my own."

She continued, her voice filled with bitterness. "When I stumbled upon the legend of the Ghost Girl online, I was ready to spring my trap. I lured that fool Randy to throw you all off the track, and I kept him hidden and fed in my father's crypt."

After a pause, Alice continued to explain, "After that, it was just a matter of getting rid of your precious leader, Fred," she stated, eyeing him up. Then, she turned her gaze in my direction. "And maybe I got too attached to someone."

As everyone exchanged side-glances, I averted my eyes. However, Alice seemed determined. She deftly slipped one hand out of the knot, grabbed my tie, and pulled me in for a quick kiss. "I'll see you again, one day," she winked.

Sheriff Stone promptly grabbed her, placing Alice under arrest. I stood there motionless, unaffected by the kiss. It was as if there was nothing, just a dark, empty pit of no emotion.

"Ethan?" Fred asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I didn't answer for a couple of minutes before turning my head to look at him. "Yeah, I'm just peachy."

After everything had been settled, I spotted the Mystery Machine in the distance. As I walked alongside Velma, I could sense her gaze on me. I let out a sigh and asked, "You got something to say?"

Velma adjusted her glasses and spoke, "I know you, Ethan. You didn't react to that kiss."

Coming to a stop, I turned to face her. "Maybe I just want to kiss someone completely different," I replied.

Velma's eyes widened as she understood my meaning. "And I know I won't get it back. It just means I'm content being your friend, rather than losing you altogether," I said with a smile before continuing to walk towards the van.

"Oh, no," Daphne exclaimed as she noticed a bag by the Mystery Machine. "The Sheriff forgot to take Alice's backpack for evidence," she said, picking it up. "Sheriff!" Daphne called out, trying to get his attention.

As she waved her arm, the backpack shook and out tumbled an old yearbook. "This is one of the old Crystal Cove yearbooks," she remarked, picking up the book.

"Hey, look," Fred interjected, noticing something. "There's a page marked." He walked over, opened the book, and showed the four kids who disappeared and their mascot, which looked like a bird.

"It's them, the kids who disappeared," Daphne said, pulling out the locket with the picture of the couple and matched it to two people in the group.

"Check out the caption," Velma said, taking a closer look. "Brad Chiles, Ricky Owens, Cassidy Williams, Judy Reeves, and mascot Professor Pericles," she said, naming the names of the members. "Mystery Incorporated."

"Wow, I like that name," Fred said.

"It is catchy," I quipped, leaning against the van's side.

"Like, these kids were just like us," Shaggy said, signalling the same coincidences.

"The question is, why did they disappear?" Daphne inquired, leaving that question hanging in the air.

This new revelation brought to light the serious mystery about those four kids. As we all got inside the Mystery Machine, ready to depart and put this whole ordeal behind us, I could only wonder what life would throw at me and the gang next as we continued to unravel each mystery that came our way.

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