Fanganronpa: Destination Desp...

By bisexual_book-lover

4.1K 433 4.5K

Sachi Yayo is a girl that got into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Fanart Designer. The school had just b... More

Part One: Trapped by the Grassy Mountains Chapter One
Part 1/Chapter 2
Part 1/Chapter 3
Part 1/Chapter 4
Part 1/Chapter 5
Part 1/Chapter 6
Part 1/Chapter 7
Part 1/Chapter 8
Part 1: Deadly Life/Chapter 9
Part 1/Chapter 10
Part 1/Chapter 11
Part 1/Chapter 12
Part 1/Chapter 13
Part 1/Chapter 14
Part 1/Chapter 15
Part 1/Chapter 16
Part 1/Chapter 17
Part 1/Chapter 18
Part 2: Hidden Memories And Friendships/Chapter 1
Part Two/Chapter Two
Part Two/Chapter Three
Part 2/Chapter 4
Part 2/Chapter 5
Part 2/Chapter Six
Part 2/Chapter 7
Part 2/Chapter 8
Part 2/Chapter 9
Part 2: Deadly Life/Chapter 10
Part 2/Chapter 11
Part 2/Chapter 12
Part 2/Chapter 13
Another A/N lol
Part 2/Chapter 15
Part 2/Chapter 16
Part 2/Chapter 17
Part 2/Chapter 18
Part 3: An Attempt To Escape Humiliation And Factories of Steel/Chapter 1
Part 3/Chapter 2
Part 3/Chapter 3
Part 3/Chapter 4
Part 3/Chapter 5
Part 3/Chapter 6
Part Three/Chapter Seven
Part 3/Chapter 8
Part 3/Chapter 9

Part 2/Chapter 14

47 7 72
By bisexual_book-lover

 "What..." I heard Hikari start. "What do you mean, "they didn't commit suicide"? Isn't all the evidence right in front of you...?! There was even a suicide note!" I could hear anger rising in her voice.

"Calm down. All the evidence that I see points to the fact that there's a killer, not someone who committed suicide." Izumi looked at Hikari.

"Th-The hell...?!" I heard Hikari slightly curse.

"Wait... So... It isn't a suicide? How isn't it?" Mars asked.

"Think. Don't you think it's rather suspicious that there are other pieces of evidence in other places, besides the shed? Don't you think it to be rather odd that they would commit to it in the middle of their plans? Someone must have jumped them while they were actually making their way to the thrift store." Izumi explained.

"So you're saying that you were suspicious of Ishibuko because of that?" I asked.

"Precisely" she answered.

"Wait. Suspicious of me?! Aren't Amy and Allie the ones who were at the thrift store?! They literally told us themselves!!" Ishibuko shot.

"... That is a fair point." Aiko said, looking at Allie. "Earlier, you said that you were with Amy, and that you saw Sachi once."

"Didn't we also mention that we never saw Yukiya? Are you deaf or something?" Allie repeated.

"She's obviously lying! Vote one of them out!" Ishibuko yelled.

"Excuse me?" Amy asked. "He's the suspicious one! He's already trying to get us all to vote!"

"Ah, I thought I already said this before," Monokuma spoke up, "but I guess you guys just don't remember! Only the person who actually kills the victim will be counted as the blackened! So there is no use in accomplices!"

"See? Monokuma said it himself!" Amy yelled.

"Shut it!" Ishibuko spat.

"... Well... Now that that's out of the way... What else points to there being a murderer?" I asked Izumi.

"Like I said, there is a convincing amount of evidence in other places, such as the hot springs. Don't you think that's rather odd? If the "suicide" was in the shed, then why would there be evidence else where?" she repeated.

"She does make a rather convincing point..." Chidori noted. "Sachi, you and I investigated together most of the time... Do you think there was anything in particular that we saw that really stuck out to you...?"

"WOAH!!!" Ishibuko suddenly shouted. "You two investigated together?! Like... The whole time?! Don't tell me you guys started making out as soon as me and Hikari left!"

"It's Hikari and I, not me and Hikari, dumbass." Amy corrected. Ishibuko grumbled at his comment.

"... Let's not jump to conclusions Ishibuko..." Mirai said. "I don't think they'd do something like that while something like this is happening..."

"No kidding! Besides, I always thought that Sachi liked Mirai, not Chidori!" Haru commented.

"W-What...?!" I stuttered. "W-Where'd you come up with that idea?!"

"Haru... I think you're mistaken. Sachi has been hanging out with other people recently, not me. I'm sure there's someone else she fancies." Mirai corrected.

"What? But... But...!" Haru teared up.

"Ah! Hey, Haru, don't cry!" Tomoka jumped in.

Aiko did the same. "What's wrong, Haru?"

"I-I...!" she sniffed. "I wanted to sing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song!!"

"H-Huh...?! N-No, seriously, that's all wrong! We're just friends, that's all!" I corrected her.

Mirai looked over at me. "S-Sachi...? Wait, I thought you hated me...!"

"Can we skip all of this nonsense? We're here to figure out what happened to Yukiya, not whether or not Mirai and Sachi are in an intimate relationship." Izumi scowled.

"I-It's not intimate! It's j-just-!" I started, but Izumi shot a threatening glare in my direction. I remembered what she said before about Mirai and immediately shut my mouth.

"So we are done, yes?" Allie asked. "We can finally move on?"

"Y-Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Good. Now... Chidori, what were you asking Sachi?" Allie looked over at him.

"Oh, I-I was just wondering if Sachi thought there was anything particular that she thought was really unusual... Especially at the Hot springs." he repeated.

"Oh..." I started. "Well, I noticed that wherever we went, there were some type of scuff or drage marks on the floor-"


"... Right." I scratched my cheek. "Well, I mean, what do you think made that? If you look closely at them, then you can tell that they were probably made from someone's shoes. Not to mention, they seem to lead to the baths for the gender-neutral area, where more of them can be found, all they up to the actual water."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Monokuma shouted.

"I thought the same. I think we should focus on what made those marks, other than just classifying it as, "Someone didn't pick up their feet when they walked", you know?" Chidori said quietly.

"Hey!!" Monokuma continued.

"Well... W-What other evidence shows what could have done it?" Hikari asked.

"Oh, whatevs... I give up." Monokuma said sadly.

"Maybe something... That got dragged? Maybe someone killed Yukiya and then dragged them to the shed?" I suggested.

"Don't you think that would take to much time?" Amy started. "I mean, think. Considering all of the events that happened during and prior, don't you think that everyone who was out and about at the time have a pretty short time range? Assuming that the people who were out would be our suspects."

"Well... I suppose you're right. Ishibuko only went to the supermarket, so for him to have done something like that so quickly... That would be impossible. If Amy or Allie did it, which still doesn't make sense because of the accomplice thing, then they would have done all that in between the time after I left them and when Izumi and Chidori told them what all happened." I explained.

"Wait a second there." Izumi said.

"Hm?" I asked.

"I think you forgot about something." she said.

"What did I forget?"

"Sachi... You're the only other person that you didn't mention that was out around the time Yukiya should have died, when we know that you actually were out, judging off of what Amy and Allie said. Care to explain?"


damn thats the third or fourth time that izumi whipped out a cliffhanger from her pocket D-D

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