SAVOR || s. rogers

By carolinescouch

10K 465 1.3K

"I'll spin for you like your favorite records used to." IN WHICH a light-hearted and playful agent of S.H.I.E... More

Graphic Gallery
1 - Where it All Began
2 - Double Missions
3 - Recovery
4 - Disappearance
5 - The Game of Life
6 - Solving the Puzzle
7 - Back in Action
8 - Escape
9 - Shoes Two Sizes Too Big
10 - Fugitives
11 - Roadtrip Questions
12 - Revelation
13 - The Night Everything Changed
14 - Reckless Love
15 - Helping Hands
16 - Changing Tides
17 - Reconciliation
18 - Wrestling with the Past
20- The Winter Soldier
21- Ressurection

19 - Truth Will Out

164 10 29
By carolinescouch


AVENGERS. THE HEROES OF EARTH were given that title by Nick Fury. Emersyn thought it was odd they only avenged and never prevented. The team only came together after horror and destruction killed thousands of people. Yet, it gave them more purpose and more drive. Every army needed inspiration and revenge satisfied every passion in men's hearts. A blade becomes sharper when its wielder is bloodthirsty. The finger does not hesitate at the trigger because it wants nothing more than to see justice done. Nick Fury believed in avenging, justice, and revenge.

Emersyn wanted to be an avenger for the man who gave them that name. When the shield failed to protect, the gun became the instinct, and defense turned to offense. She wanted nothing more than to deal cards of justice to all the HYDRA agents who stole Nick Fury from her. While they may thought they were taking out their biggest adversary, they only awakened an angrier one.

This drive stirred up Emersyn's nerves as she paced the house waiting for the return of Steve and Natasha. Sam and her had gotten acquainted talking about their pasts and how Emersyn ended up in this situation. Varying thoughts flooded through her head and she was struggling to focus on one goal. In the back of her mind were unanswered questions about her parents' death, S.H.I.E.L.D's downfall and all her friends still working there, and then every time she heard Steve's name her stomach somersaulted. Their impulsive kiss did not even seem real to her, and Emersyn replayed her memories to ensure it was not a dream. However, above all of this, the most prominent thought had caused her the most tears; Nick Fury's murder was left unavenged.

Ever since she had run into the hospital ward and heard the flatline, a depression hung over her. It may have been lifted at times, but was always present like an unseen pressure pushing her down so it took more effort than normal to do the simplest things. Speaking up was suddenly difficult, and her reflexes became sluggish. Anxiety tortured her mind in ways she had never experienced, and now that the man who had always told her what to do was gone, Emersyn was lost. She turned to Steve for direction and he fell into the leadership role effortlessly, but no matter how confident he appeared, he was just as in the dark as she. The only way out was to find the truth about Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D., so she set her mind on this goal so nothing else would distract her.
Emersyn feared that her fractured mental state would affect her mission and lead to her messing up, or failing to protect the two people she was holding onto. So, her mind became focused on the mission alone. Steve had said that there was still a fight, and if they lost, then none of her other worries would matter.

The fight began unraveling as Emersyn spotted two figures walking toward Sam's house. Her heart leaped and she ran to open the door for the newcomers before they had a chance to knock. Steve and Nat appeared on the other end with worn expressions, but as soon as they saw Emersyn, they beamed with smiles. Evidently surprised to find their friend up and ready, the returning duo asked if they had missed anything. Emersyn did not mention her nightmare or the chaos in her head, but quickly redirected their focus to the mission and asked whether they had retrieved the Falcon gear successfully. Steve gazed at her curiously, trying to decipher any hint of hidden sadness, but was amazed at Emersyn's bright attentive eyes and her focus.

Steve and Nat displayed a red and grey metal case that somewhat resembled a jetpack. Emersyn stared unimpressed. Sam promised her it looked cooler when he put it on but she remained dubious. Nat then pulled out four pistols with a grin. Emersyn's eyes widened and looked the weapons over in satisfaction.

"Thought we could use some extra help to tempt Sitwell," Nat smirked.

Emersyn nodded as she peered through the barrel of a pistol. "Yeah, better use than bird brain over here."

Sam gasped and argued, "This thing could whoop your ass before you even get your finger on that trigger."

Emersyn continued to examine the artillery. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Sam shook his head and looked at Steve for support but the Captain just shrugged. They discussed plans for capturing Sitwell and Emersyn offered to speak with him because of their history. She knew how to push his buttons and flatter him, so Emersyn persuaded the team that she could get him to follow her. Steve seemed skeptical as usual and she assured him, "I'm very manipulative."

Rogers raised his brows and flashed her a disturbed look. Sam loudly cleared his throat and tried to redirect them to the mission. Emersyn chuckled at Steve's expression and took a pistol from Natasha. "If it doesn't work I'll just use a gun!"

"Great," Sam muttered.

Emersyn smiled innocently and recognized Steve gave up trying to argue with her. She was satisfied because what Emersyn did not reveal was her own agenda was at play too. The curiosity about her parents' death nagged her conscience, and she needed a high-level agent to pry information out of, so Sitwell was her perfect target. Like the Lemurian Star all over again; she would go in with one mission and complete two. Hopefully this time it would not result in head trauma.

Steve had chosen to sit in the backseat with Emersyn on the drive to Sitwell's location (which she had found by stalking his old phone number) and once again was squashed in a small car unfit for super soldiers. Emersyn smiled at his knees that were awkwardly pressed against Natasha in the passenger seat.
Steve sighed and craned his neck to look at the redhead in front.

"Can you move your seat up?" Steve asked.

Nat didn't bother to acknowledge him. "No."

Emersyn laughed and caught a glimpse of Natasha's smiling eyes through the mirror. Steve fell back with a groan and turned to Emersyn with a glare. "Did you put her up to this?"

"No!" Emersyn raised her hands. "You're just too big for normal people cars."

"Or you're just insistent on mocking me," Steve grumbled.

Emersyn smirked at his attitude but noticed the slight curve of his lips he failed to hide. "You know you like it," she said.

Steve whipped around. "What did you say?" He snapped but Emersyn knew he was playing along. She simply held eye contact with a smirk and Steve broke character in seconds.
He chuckled and shook his head. "How do you do that..?"

"It's the feminine gaze, Rogers," Emersyn explained as if it were truly scientific. "Known to make any man swoon or be utterly terrified just from one glance."

"Shoulda used that in the army," Sam muttered from the front.

Steve scoffed but remained staring at Emersyn. "I'm that easy to manipulate, huh?"

She quirked a brow. "You're easy to read."

"Am I a good book?" He quipped.

Emersyn leaned back in surprise. "Wow, Rogers, you've kept your humor. You're pretty witty for a guy who just found out everything he fought for was a waste."

Steve shook his head. "It wasn't a waste." His voice had become very sincere. "I wouldn't change what I did. And neither should you."

Emersyn smiled softly and murmured, "Thanks."

The car fell into a comfortable silence as Sam and Natasha shared a look but kept their thoughts to themselves. They approached a government building where Sitwell was just departing from, and Sam pulled over to the side of the road to let Emersyn out.

"Well, it's time to ask Sitwell on a date," She huffed as she reached the door to leave.

Steve suddenly paused her with his hand on her shoulder. "Wait."

Emersyn turned in surprise. "Yeah?"

Steve glanced at his palm which seemed giant on her small frame. He retracted his hand awkwardly. "Uh, make sure to talk on comms and let us know if you need backup. Don't do anything reckless. Stick to the plan."

"I'll try," Emersyn nodded.

"That's reassuring," Sam muttered under his breath. Nat smacked him in response.

"Okay, good luck." Steve dipped his head.

Emersyn hopped out of the car and saluted Rogers before slamming the door with a mischievous grin. Sam threw up his hands and mouthed angry words through the window. Emersyn pretended to not understand. "What?" She yelled. "I can't hear you!"

Nat put her head in her hands while Sam rolled down the window and began to holler after Emersyn who had already turned away.

A voice came through her comms, "Sam wants to have a talk with you after we're done." Nat's words were barely distinguishable over the background noise of frustrated voices.

Sam's voice came in and out of Nat's mic in an attempt to make himself be heard. "Don't... ever... you hear! Emersyn!"

Nat murmured something and Sam said distantly, "Wait I have my own comms?"

Another line connected to Emersyn's ear and she was blasted with, "Can you hear me? Don't slam my ca-" She pressed a finger to her ear and silenced the comms with a chuckle. Emersyn waved over her shoulder with a grin and hurried to find Sitwell.

Sam fell back onto his seat in defeat and shook his head. "The sass that girl had is disrespectful. Wasn't she just crying a few hours ago?"

Nat smiled fondly as if she were revisiting memories. "Yeah.. She's banged up. Mentally, emotionally, literally...but every day she walks outside with a smile on her face because that's who she is."

Sam chuckled. "Well, you guys look like you need an optimist around here."

Steve smiled to himself in the back. "Yeah..." he murmured as his eyes followed Emersyn's figure disappearing in the distance.

Emersyn strutted towards the building Sitwell was exiting from, still dressed in her old clothes that were wrinkled from Sam's washing machine. Her hoodie served as a good cover for the guns strapped to her hips. Emersyn pressed a finger to her ear and informed Steve, "I have eyes on Sitwell. Calling now." His bald head stuck out amongst the crowd and she smirked thinking she would be attempting to flirt with that man. Several bodyguards were beside the agent, so Emersyn hoped the call would be taken in private.

She dialed his number and heaved a breath; nerves were not usual for her, but something flipping around in her stomach was restless with anticipation. The call was hacked to appear like Alexander Pierce's contact thanks to Natasha, and Emersyn watched with relief as Sitwell paused his conversation with another man and picked up the phone.

"Yes, sir?" he answered as he waved the guards off.

Emersyn smiled widely and forced a high-pitched tone. "Hi, Sitwell! I've been looking all over for you."

There was silence on the other end for a moment. "Emersyn?" Sitwell asked.

"Yes, I need your help." She answered urgently.

"You're a fugitive, Emersyn, give me your location," Sitwell ordered.

"No, I'm undercover. I spied on Rogers to see how much he was hiding about Fury and everything. Pierce assigned it to me. I discovered stolen files that Fury left behind for Rogers, but when I tried to get them to Pierce, Rogers turned on me. You're my last contact." Emersyn emphasized a desperate tone of voice. After several seconds of no response, she gritted her teeth and whispered, "Hail Hydra."

Sitwell visibly ran his fingers across his brow and murmured, "Where are you?"

Sighing with relief, Emersyn replied, "At your 10 o'clock with the beautiful red hair."

Sitwell scoffed but scanned the street for her. "Your pride survived."

Once they made eye contact she began walking towards an alley down the street and continued speaking, "Glad you find it amusing, Sitwell. I've missed our little talks."

"Hurry it up, Emersyn," Steve ordered through comms. She rolled her eyes and turned into a secluded backstreet. Sitwell followed her a moment later and was met with a wide grin spread on Emersyn's lips.

Her eyes traced him up and down. "Nice suit."

Sitwell narrowed his gaze at her outfit as he lowered the phone. "You don't conform."

Emersyn smirked and walked closer with a flirtatious gaze. "Well, it's a little hard to dress sharp when you're on the run."

Sitwell smiled slightly and inhaled sharply as Emersyn pressed a finger to his chest. Her voice was soft and purposely alluring. "If you want to match, I could mess up that suit for you."

Natasha groaned audibly through the comms.

Sitwell chuckled awkwardly and stammered his reply, "I-I've got places to be after...this."

"Oh?" Emersyn piped. "That's a shame. Well, I suppose I should ask for my favor." She grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. "I know you're a busy man, but you would do something for me, wouldn't you?"

Sitwell cleared his throat and tried to look anywhere but Emersyn's piercing eyes. "It...uh...depends on what you're asking...Em..Emersyn."

She chuckled an exaggerated laugh and pressed her finger to her ear to turn off her comms while pulling a strand of hair back. "Well there's this file that I just couldn't get my hands on..." she explained. "And with you being such a high-level agent and all, I really hoped you'd let me see it." Sitwell narrowed his brows. "Or tell me about it?" Emersyn smiled sweetly.

"What..." he muttered.

"5..H..4..R..P. Know anything about it?"Emersyn left her lips slightly apart as she exaggerated the pronunciations.

"Sh-Sharp?" Sitwell deciphered the file name.

"Uh-huh." She smiled. "I need to know about me, wouldn't you agree? You'd like to know more about me...yeah?"

Sitwell shook his head. "That file is restricted." He cleared his throat and stepped back. "Show me the plans from Rogers."

Emersyn's eyes drooped and she sighed heavily. "Well, now I am going to have to mess up your suit." She grabbed Sitwell's shoulders tightly and shoved him against the wall with her knee driving into his crotch. Sitwell doubled over in pain and groaned, "What are you-!?"

Emersyn reached under her hoodie for her pistol, cocked it, and pressed it hard against Sitwell's temple. He recoiled but she held him still with her other arm. "Woah, woah!" He spluttered but was cut off as Emersyn's voice sliced through the air like a knife. Any trace of softness had vanished. She gritted her teeth and enjoyed feeling Sitwell under her control. Her hatred for him over the years was being satisfied the longer her fingers pressed the gun closer to his skull. "I'm only going to ask this one time. Show. Me. The. File."

Sitwell looked into her eyes with an unnerving smile. "You won't find answers. That information died with the man who killed them."

"Who's 'them'?" She hissed and forced the pistol against him harder. Steve's voice came through the comms, asking for an update and confused as to why she turned off her mic. Emersyn ignored everything but the fire burning in her heart to hear the truth.

Sitwell winced but did not lose his grin. "Your parents. I know what you're after, and you won't find it. It's buried six feet under with an eyepatch."

"Fury?!" Emersyn spat. "What did Fury know?"

Her intense gaze searched Sitwell for answers, but to her frustration, his face twisted into laughter. She blinked in confusion as creases formed at the corners of his eyes and he held no fear for the gun that could wipe off his smile in an instant. Emersyn angled the gun slightly off its target and pulled the trigger.

Sitwell flinched at the shot and staggered against the wall. His eyes met hers with a slight glint of fear, and Emersyn was in control again. She refused to be laughed at and kept in the dark like a child who was not allowed to hear the full story. Emersyn asked again with a seething tongue. "What did Fury know?"

Sitwell stared deep into her eyes and said clearly, "He ordered their deaths."

Emersyn's breath was cut short by a rusty pair of scissors that left her with but a whisper. "What..?"

"Emersyn we heard a gunshot, what's going on?" Steve asked through comms.

The voice was but a distant whisper in her mind she paid no attention to. Emersyn's
grip on the gun faltered and Sitwell noticed. In one flash of movement, he punched her jaw and ran down the alley. Emersyn staggered with the force and shook herself. With narrowed eyes, she darted after Sitwell and slammed him to the ground before he could round the corner. "You're lying," Emersyn hissed in his ear as she forced Sitwell's arms behind his back.

"I'm not." The agent groaned. "Fury killed your parents and the rest of their story died with him."

Emersyn's chest rose and fell rapidly with anger. She pressed Sitwell's head into the ground and demanded, "Tell me the truth!"

Sitwell groaned in pain and rambled his words."You don't believe me because you think Nick Fury was some angel of a director who never did a thing wrong! The devil was an angel once, Sharp. Nick Fury is not the savior you convince yourself he is."

Sweat dripped rapidly on her forehead as she held Sitwell down. Emersyn was nearly trembling as the words processed in her head. "No," she gritted her teeth. "That's not possible."

"Come in, Emersyn!"

Sitwell strained under her grip. "If you were Hydra you'd understand that, and since you're not, I've got three agents coming to take you out right now."

"What?" Emersyn looked up with sudden alertness. Several voices and hurried steps were heading in her direction. She activated her comms and said hastily, "Yeah, hey guys, I've got three Hydras incoming!"


Emersyn forced Sitwell up and shoved him forward. "Run." She ordered. "Coming your way!" Emersyn warned her team. While pushing Sitwell on, Emersyn fired shots carelessly behind at her pursuers. Sam's car was only a few feet away because apparently, they were driving toward her. Through the window, she saw Steve watching her with a stern gaze. The car screeched to a stop in front of Emersyn and Steve stepped out to meet her.

"Really?" He gestured to the agents at the end of the alley. "What took you so long?"

Emersyn shoved Sitwell into the backseat and sighed. "Well, you know, things got complicated." Steve huffed and put an arm on her back to lead her into the car.

Nat looked at the man who was crumpled into the seat next to her. "Hey, beautiful." She looked over his dirtied face with amusement.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Sitwell exclaimed.

"Shut up, doofus." Emersyn spat as she hopped in next to Natasha.

Steve took the front seat and urged Sam to drive before the agents caught up to them. Several shots were fired at the back window and Sitwell cowered trying to protect his head.

Emersyn rolled her eyes at him. "Get up. We're not gonna let them kill you."

Sitwell looked up in surprise and glanced between Natasha and Emersyn who shared a smirk. "We'll do that ourselves." Sharp assured him.

The car had got away from one part of the danger, but then Steve turned to face Emersyn with a furrowed brow and disapproving eyes. She sighed, "Here we go again."

"Why did you turn off your comms?" He began questioning. "And why was a gunshot heard? We're supposed to not draw attention to ourselves and you led three Hydra agents straight to us!"

Emersyn seemed unfazed and answered calmly. "I couldn't tell you what happened with comms, Nat's the tech-savvy one, ask her. And I almost shot Sitwell to encourage him to-" At Steve's wide-eyed look she repeated, "Almost."

Natasha glanced at her suspiciously and Sam shot her a look from the rear view mirror. "Okay, guys," Emersyn defended herself. "I feel like you're ganging up on me. I was encouraging Sitwell to follow because he was being a butt." She jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "And Natasha brought the guns for a reason! I put it to good use."

Sam snorted. "I'm tempted to say something but I won't."

"Let's hear it, Sam," Emersyn argued.

The driver chuckled but Steve continued his lecture first. "Don't pull something like that again, you could've jeopardized everything."

"Sitwell's a good puppy," Emersyn grinned. "He just needed a treat to start talking."

Sitwell stared at her as if she were insane. "What the f-"


Sitwell cried out as he was thrown across the roof of an old office building. Steve had forced him up the long trek of stairs with Natasha and Emersyn to interrogate him. If Sitwell didn't comply they would simply throw him off the roof and Emersyn would see how cool Sam Wilson's suit really was.

Steve strut toward the cowering agent on the floor with long, powerful strides. "Tell me about Zola's Algorithm."

Sitwell hastily put his glasses back on his round head and backed away from Rogers. "Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve pressed.

"I was throwing up, I get seasick," Sitwell sassed.

Natasha whispered to Emersyn subtly, "You wanna kick him off or should I?"

Emersyn chuckled. "I did him enough damage already, you go ahead."

Romanoff shrugged. "Your loss."

Sitwell staggered against the edge of the roof and gasped at the giant fall behind him. Steve grabbed his jacket and held him tightly. Rogers' gaze was stone cold and his clenched jaw seemed to be carved of rock. Emersyn watched with growing admiration for the way Steve held himself with such confidence and poise. A natural power was around him that just felt right and everyone could sense it. He was in command and calm and Emersyn had no doubt that whatever was thrown at her, as long as Steve was there, she had no fear.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate you're going to throw me off the roof?" Sitwell smiled. "Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

Steve tilted his head and smoothed out Sitwell's jacket. "You're right, It's not." He offered the slightest smile. "It's hers."

With one swift kick, Natasha launched Sitwell off the ledge. A terrific scream followed that died away as he fell.

Emersyn tapped her foot casually on the ground. "I personally think we should just kill him after."

"Emersyn, we can't just kill him." Steve scolded.

"Not with that attitude we can't," she huffed in reply.

Rogers turned to her in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

She tilted her head playfully and smirked. Before they could continue their debate, the screaming returned and grew increasingly harsh as Sitwell was flying back through the air. Sam held him by the collar and soared above the roof in gray metal wings that moved fluidly like a bird. Sitwell was dropped onto the building with a groan and rolled several feet before trying to scramble to his feet. Emersyn's eyes, however, were locked on Sam's large wings that guided him effortlessly onto the ground again. They retracted into his jetpack and he turned to face them with red goggles.

Emersyn smiled to herself at the sight of the Falcon and felt a little more hope blossom in her heart. At Sitwell's shaky form, she murmured happily to Steve and Natasha, "See? A treat."

Steve raised a brow but began marching towards the Hydra agent. Sitwell was no longer hesitant to speak as soon as he saw them approaching. He put up a hand to stop them and babbled, "Zola's algorithm is a program..." he gasped for breath. "For choosing Insight's targets."

"What targets?" Rogers demanded.

"You!" Sitwell threw up his hand and continued rambling, "A TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA now... or in the future."

Emersyn looked at Steve in shock but his hard expression remained stoic. "In the future?" He asked. "How could it know?"

Sitwell laughed and sent chills running down Emersyn's spine. He raised his voice. "How could it not?"

They waited in stunned silence as Sitwell raised himself to his feet and explained hauntingly, "The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it."

The trio stared at him blankly and Sitwell grew frustrated with their lack of understanding. "Your bank records! Medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future."

Emersyn's brow narrowed and a nervous storm began to rage in her gut. "And what then?" Steve asked softly.

Sitwell's eyes darted around shakily and he took several sharp breaths. "Oh my God... Pierce is gonna kill me."

Steve took a step forward and raised his voice. "What then?!"

Sitwell gazed at them with an honest tongue that spoke words forever engraved into their minds. "Then the Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time."


Mkay I know this took like 3 months again 💀 and I'm sorry. If you've forgotten what's happened in this book— me too.
I had to reread 4 chapters to remember what I had planned AHAH I'm sorry my life is a struggle rn.

I'll have another chapter up in the next week for certain. I'm ready to get back into the action so if you're still here thanks for sticking with this 🙏 more good to come soon!

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