birthday candles | the inheri...

Par msshawthorne

5.6K 135 271

"i'm blowing out the candles, talking to the stars" - carter ryan 💌 Plus

part one
part two
part three
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty one

part four

247 7 8
Par msshawthorne

"well I must admit it, I would marry you in an instant"
- the lumineers

the weeks between now and when Scott's dad got back were magical, Amelia got sick for the first couple of days but we all took care of her.

Brandon refused to sleep until she was well, and once she got better Brandon took a nine hour nap.

we spent the first few weeks of summer having the time of our lives, one monday morning Scott woke me up early to take me to a river where the two of us sat on the grassy shore and watched as little kids splashed eachother with water.

"someday, we are going to have a family, and we will bring our kids here"

Scott had promised me that morning, even though I only smiled up at him, I really was just not saying anything to keep my excitement in.

because truly thats what I'm looking forward to, mine and Scotts family.

on the friday after Amelia got better, the four of us went to some highschool party since me and Amelia hadnt been to one in years.

we weren't missing out on much though, somehow in the time we went away to boarding school, the parties had gotten even worse then they already were.

although maybe they were always this bad, and we couldnt tell cause we were only middle schoolers tagging along with Amelia's older sister.

she passed away the summer before highschool and was one of the reasons Amelia went with me to Avalon Academy.

we were both young and greiving the loss of a loved one.

the party was full of drinking and drugs, but since none of us do any of that we left early and ended up going back home to watch a movie.

and one time we even found a cliff that lands into a lake, and we all went jumping off of it.

that was probably my favorite day, we spent all of it just jumping and swimming, we also had a little picnic on the rock where Brandon accidently kicked the basket of food into the lake and we all had to jump in after it.

Scott brought it back to me and we all laughed when he decided to take a bite of the soaking wet sandwhich so I wouldn't feel bad about the food being wasted.

he carried me to the car and wrapped me up into his lettermen (he was team captian on the LaCross team) we all drove home cold and shivering but still with highspirits and laughing at all of Brandons stupid jokes that nobody but Amelia got.

and every single night the four of us would lay on the roof and watch the stars for hours.

until I would fall asleep and Scott would carry me down from the roof, which caused Scott to fall but he protected me and took the fall damage.

just a sprained wrist but I still have felt bad since, Amelia showed me the video later because she was secretly recording the sweet gesture of him carrying me down, and we all laughed when the video caught Brandon audibly cussing once Scott had fallen.

but we still went up every night after that, nothing could stop us.

but now its the morning that Amelia and Brandon are leaving, Scott's father is going to be here at 11:30pm tonight so we planned the whole day as a goodbye to the two.

we will still see them everyday since we all live nearby but still, its not the same, it means no more, star watching until 3:00am and no more mornings of me and Amelia forcing the guys to watch my little pony with us.

but Scott has a suprise planned for us all so when I wake up this morning I am excited rather then sad, because Scott's suprises are always the best.

I walk out of my room to find Amelias and Brandons bags already packed and by the door, that makes me sad but I put on a smile as I walk into the kitchen.

Scott is dancing to Bruno Mars while Brandon is laughing his head off and sitting next to Amelia with a hand rested on her leg.

Amelia looks so tired.

and so relatable.

shes eating cereal and drinking water while she tries to make her eyelids not close, but I can see them drooping.

before I know it Scott has picked me up and is kissing my cheek,

"good morning" he says smiling,

"good morning" I say as he puts me down, and then I stop and give him a look.

"how do you have so much energy at-"

I look at the time on the stove, "six am" I finnish,

"because you're here" I raise an eyebrow, he smiles, "and because of what I have planned for today".

Amelia rolls her eyes and says, "this asshole wont tell us anything" Scott grins,

"thats because its a suprise" he says taking my hand, we walk over to the counter and sit next to Brandon and Amelia.

I rest my head on the counter and he strokes his hand through my hair as him and Brandon start up a conversation.

I'm wide awake and ready for the day by 7:00 and we all wait by the door as Amelia slips on her last shoes, she straightens up and Brandon offers her his arm.

she gratefully takes it since she is still half asleep and we all go outside, Scott already loaded their bags up into the back of his blue jeep.

once we are all in the car he turns to me and grins,

"first stop, coffee" I smile back and he leans over to buckle my seatbelt,

"THANK GOD" Amelia practically shouts from the back I laugh as her body slumps against Brandon who holds her as she rests.

its a little past 7:20 when we pull into the drive through for dutch bros coffee, "what can we get for you today?" the voice, female, in the drive through speaker box asks.

Scott turns to me a question on his face, the regular? I nod to him and he orders me a medium dutch chocolate supreme with 2 pumps of espresso and mint foam.

he then turns to the back and gets Amelia and Brandon's order, Amelia orders a lage black coffee and Brandon orders a sweet tea with extra sugar, opposites.

we move forward in the drive through line and are handed our drinks the second we reach the window,

the girl who hands us our drinks looks my age, maybe older, and by the way she is looking and talking to Scott makes it obvious he is her type,

but Scott only holds my hand and makes sure the girl knows in no world she has a chance.

I feel bad for her as we drive away, but then again she was the one hitting on my boyfriend, so I let it go and take a sip of my drink,

Scott ordered a dark chocolate coffee and I take a sip of his just to see what it tastes like.

he laughs at my expression,

"thats disgusting"

I say trying to get the taste out of my mouth, he leans over and takes a sip of mine, looking like he wants to say the same thing about my drink, but instead he grins,

"it's so sweet" I laugh and look down at my drink,

"what? my drink"

he smiles.

"knowing that you love me"

that sends me into a fit of giggles as he continues to sing my favorite song.

soon enough we are all joining in and the car is filled with joyus laughs and off tune singing,

the only ones to stay on key are me and Brandon, Amelia and Scott however sound like dying seals.

I laugh as Scott sings the last words,

"sweet knowing that I love you and running my fingers through your hair"

he pauses and drums on the steering wheel before finnishing.

"it's so sweet"

we all break into applause as Scott grins,

"I think you are even better then taylor swift" I pipe up,

he only laughs and replies,

"nobody, is better then the music industry"

I smile at that and we continue the drive to who knows where while practically screaming our favorite songs.

two hours later and we are finnaly here, whereever here is.

I step out of the car and look at my surroundings, and that's when I see it,

"oh my god Scott" I breathe, Amelia comes up behind me and gapes at the veiw.

Scott took us all to a place we never thought we'd see again,

the four of us had found this place two summers ago while driving around, a small abandoned shack on a beach.

"what do you think?" Scott asks us, "its perfect" I say, "better then perfect" Amelia says running into Brandon's arms.

"it's awesome dude" Brandon says looking at the shack,

we grab a basket Scott had packed filled with food and a few blankets and then we make our way to the shack.

once inside I look around and it looks just like I had remembered, I run over to the corner of it and smile when I see our signatures carved in from 2 years ago.

two summers ago:

"Scott! over here" I shout towards him, he runs over to me with my bestfriend Amelia and his bestfriend Brandon, following close behind.

they enter the shack and all collectively gasp at it,

"a shack on the beach?" Amelia asks,

Brandon laughs and looks at my bestfriend like he is in middle school and has a crush on the new girl.

so I make eye contact with Amelia and raise my eyebrow before pointedly looking at Brandon, she blushes.

"I have an idea" Scott says taking a pocket knife out of his, well, pocket.

I look at him suspiciously but before I have a chance to say anything, he starts carving his initials into the wood.

"your turn" he says handing me the knife, I look down at his initals and begin to carve mine right next to his, Amelia carves her's under his and Brandon carves his next to Amelia's.

"perfect" I say looking at the clump of initals, "almost perfect" Scott corrects before taking the knife from brandon and carving a heart around all of our initials,

"now it's perfect" he says looking at me, I blush under the gaze of his perfect brown eyes, he smiles at me and takes my hand in his, subtle but also meaningful.

"we have to come back here in a few years" Amelia decides, Brandon looks at her and says "definetly".

"promise?" she asks looking up at him, he looks at her and then at me and Scott and says, "promise",

the boys then share a moment of almost understanding that I cant seem to grasp, I look at our initials and know we will be back here someday.

present time:

"I remeber that day" I say quietly, Amelia smiles, "so do I" then she turns to Brandon and says, "and I made you promise we would come here again!" he grins,

"I don't break promises" he says, "you knew?" I ask with a hint of suspision in my voice, him and Scott share a look and its like I got deja vu watching them,

"Bran knows everything" Scott says, "I even knew my boy loved you before you did" he says clapping Scott on the shoulder, I laugh, of course he did.

Scott draws a small pocket knife out of his pocket, and I swear this is real deja vu, it's the same knife i think as he sqauts next to our initals,

"wait!" Amelia says, so he pauses and lets her take a photo of the initals before he does whatever hes about to do.

he starts carving his initals a few inches away from the heart guarding our older initials, he then hand me the knife and I swaut down next to him and begin carving mine next to his, Amelia carves her's under his and Brandon carves his next to Amelia's.

and then Scott carves a heart around them.

actual fucking deja vu.

I pull out my phone this time and snap a picture of the initials two summers ago next to ours now.

thats when I see her, my fourteen year old self, looking over at a fifteen year old Scott, how the time flies.

we spend the next few hours talking, and we all feel some sort of free, laying on blankets, eating snacks and laughing like we used to.

so much has changed since two summers ago but also so little, some things stay the same, the four of us, this shack, summer.

at 5:30pm an alarm goes off and we all sit up, Scott laughs trying to shut it off, when he finnaly does he looks up at all of us.

"time to go" he says, and a wave of sadness washes over all of us but we pack up the blankets and food, and then give one last look at the initals,

"lets come back in two years" Amelia says.

"promise?" I ask looking at the boys, Scott looks at me and says, "promise".

the car drive feels shorter then on the way here, we listen to music and exchange jokes but we are back in new castle too soon.

we drive over to Brandons place and we park, "I'll see you tomorow?" I ask them, they nod,


we wave goodbye to them as they carry themselves and their luggage up the porch steps and into the house,

"time to see my dad" Scott says, I squeeze his hand and we get back into the car.

it takes us five minutes to get to the house, and once we do I already can tell his dads here, the lights are on and a beer bottle is splashed on the walkway.

Scott groans and then helps me out of the car, we walk up to the house and when we aproach the shattered glass, Scott scoops me into his arms and carries me over it,

I smile at him as he places me down on the porch, and we get ready to face his dad,

I open the door and we both walk in expecting just his father, but we see his father, with his lips smashed against a girl who looks just a few years older then me.

"what the fuck?" Scott asks causing the two to break apart, the girl looks bewildered while his father looks annoyed, "son" he scoffs,

"father" scott replies in the same cool tone, I grab his hand and hold on for dear life because I can practically feel him falling apart,

"welcome home dad".

I got olivia rodrigo vibes while writing this...hope you enjoy xx don't be a ghost reader xo

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