part ten

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"every single thing I touch, becomes sick with sadness"
- taylor swift

"Scott! no!!!" I screach as Scott scoops me into his arms, "I don't wanna get wet!!" I plead, but it's to late, he's already launched me into the lake, the water is cold against my skin as I start to sink, I swim to the surface just as Scott jumps in after me, "my hair probably looks disgusting" I say trying to get it out of my face, "your hair looks perfect" Scott says swimming over to me, I smile and try to hide the blush that's creeping into my cheeks, but he sees it. "blushing for me? I knew you had a crush on me" he says as he rests his hands on my waist, "I dispise you" I tease, "no you don't" he whispers just before his lips meet mine.

"rise and shine!" a cheery voice says, I open my eyes and look around.

no lake. no Scott.

"did you sleep out here?" Xander asks me,

I have been at Hawthorne house for exactly one week, and each day my dreams feel more and more real.

I look down and see that I am still in yesterdays attire, and I am on the couch, I fell asleep here.

and that's when last night comes flooding back to me.

"who's he?" a voice asks me timidly, I am startled and turn my head to see Grayson walking into the room.

"who is he Malia" he repeats his question, I look to the phone he is holding up, and I catch my breath when I see the instagram post I made days ago.

"I wasnt aware that you knew my instagram" I say sighing and looking back down at my computer.

"Malia I-"

"don't" I cut him off, "please just don't"

me and Grayson have become sort of friends in this last week, so I suppose I should've told him Scott.

"Scott" I say, "his name was Scott".

after Grayson left last night, I must've just fallen asleep right here.

"you look like a hot mess" Xander says, I glare at him and he takes a step back.

"hey calm down princess, I said a hot mess"

I roll my eyes at him and slide off the couch,

"I'll be in my room" I say before going just there.

I facetime Amelia the second I close my bedroom door behind me.

"can you come visit me? Brandon too," I say pleading my bestfriend,

she grins before holding up two plane tickets, Brandon pops his head in the screen,

"see you soon Mal" he says

there is no fucking way

I think before saying goodbye to them, I asked them to come visit me not thinking they would, and they had already bought tickets?? this shit is crazy.

I love them for it.

someone knocks on the door and I shout for them to come in,

it's Avery.

"so..." she says taking a seat on the edge of my bed,

I look at her suspiciously, "okay just spit it out Ave"

she sighs, "fine"

she takes a deep breath before saying eight words I would of never expected.

"I think Grayson has a thing for you"

oh for fucks sake.

"you've got to be fucking joking" I say looking her dead in the eye.

her smile falters when she realizes I don't like him at all.

I mean how could I, my heart is held by a ghost, and this ghost does not like to share.

"why can't I just be friends with a guy" I ask my ceiling.

"because you're gorgous and guys can't resist you" Avery pipes in,

I fall back onto my bed and sigh, I hate my life.

"also there is a huge gala event tonight and I was hoping you would come" Avery says,

"I'll be there" I say sighing, even if I feel like shit and am tired as bloody hell,

I would never miss the chance to wear a dress and heels.

short chapter!!! I am keeping them shorter so I can update more xx and to make it clear this is not a book where she will fall in love with grayson, sorry to disapoint. I love you all so so much and hope you have a splended week, also I am writing this before the superbowl and posting it after, so I predict the cheifs win, fingers crossed!! MWAHHHH

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