part twelve

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"and it's hard, to be at a party when I feel like an open wound" -
taylor swift

I step foot into the helicopter with Avery close behind.

the night could not of gone by any slower, the food and drinks were good, and they had a decent selection in music, but towards the end of the party I almost lost my fucking mind.

"I know you from somewhere" a voice says from behind me, I turn to face the girl who said this, when my breath catches.

it's the girl me and Scott found macking on his father, the last thing I wan't to do is talk to my dead fiances, dad's hookup.

so I do the only thing I'm good at, besides playing the piano, I pretend.

"I must have one of those faces" I say to her, trying and failing to brush off her comment.

"No" she says matter of factly.

I can see the moment she remembers me completely, "Your Scott's gi-" she starts, I begin to wonder if she knows what happened.

she cuts herself off abruptly, "Oh my God, I am so sorry hun" so she does know.

I hate the look of pity in her eyes, I hate the way her hand reaches up to pat my arm, I hate the way she refers to me as if I am twelve and her thirty when we are the same age.

but most of all, I hate the fact that she has a reason to say sorry, that I am here at this fancy party, and he is gone.

"It's okay" I say, she looks at me like she has never beleived someone less, "I'm okay" I say trying to reasure her, she finally drops her hand and smiles at me politely.

that's when I begin to wonder why she is in texas and why she is at a rich bitch event.

"if your young, pretty and rich" I say looking her over, "then why the hell are you slumming Scott's father" she almost looks taken aback.

she looks bewildered, and doesn't answer me for at least a minute.

"I'm not" she finally says, "what do you mean your not? we saw you two" I say trying to keep my voice low.

"he wanted to piss off his son, I needed money, so..." my mouth falls open, "excuse me?" I manage to get out, she nods her head as if she is embaressed.

"why would you need money?" I ask her, she sighs and begins talking.

"me and my aunt got into a fight, and she took away my credit card and all my savings, since it technically is all hers, anyways I bought the first plane ticket away from here and left, it just so happened to land me in conetticut, and I  ran into a drunk man who had a pocket full of cash, looking back at it, I was stupid, he probably stole the money or something, but I didn't think about that, I only thought about how he needed a girls lips on his and I needed cash. so when he asked me if I'd do it, I said yes. anways me and my aunt made up and now everythings back to normal".

I blink at her, I am no longer confused, but angry.

"everything" I say adding a emphasas on the word, "is not back to normal, Scott is dead. and he died thinking his father was slumming it with you, his awful father wanted to hurt him even more then he already has, and to embaress him, and you helped that".

I turn on my heel and leave the girl standing there, shook.

I take the seat in the very back with Grayson beside me, "you okay?" he asks,

I smile even though it is completely forced, "yeah of course I am"

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hope you enjoyed this chapter, MWAHH

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