part one

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"we're so young, but we're on the road to ruin"
- taylor alison swift

Me and Amelia walk down the corridors of our boarding school, our voices echo throughout the building, showing us that it's empty,

"Mrs. Alfresco is gone, we need to hurry!" Amelia says as she pulls me down the halls,

I give it a second of thought before breaking into a sprint, it's not a crime for us to see our boyfriends after school hours, and if it is then its a crime I'm willing to commit.

we break through the doors and I see him leaning against his jeep with Brandon next to him,

Amelia runs to Brandon and plants a kiss on his lips. Scott however is more subtle about it,

he pushes off the jeep and slowly walks towards me, I smile. he does this every time he sees me.

"you, miss Malia Grambs" he says as he reaches me, "have been out of my arms for far too long" he says,

and with that he scoops me into his comforting arms, "I love you Malia Noelle Grambs" he says looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes,

"I love you Scott Micheal Adams" I say as my lips finally meet his.

"where are we going today?" I ask as I turn to face Scott.

Amelia and Brandon are in the back making out, per usual, and Scott is driving with one hand rested on the wheel and his other on my leg.

"wherever you want" he says looking over at me with a small smile, "let's go to the rock" I say.

"make sure to stop by the store" Amelia's voice pipes in from the back,

I laugh surprised she was able to take her lips of Brandon's for more then a second, I can't blame her though, he's been gone for five months now as his parents sent him away to Europe to look at colleges.

I don't know what I would do if I had to go over a week without seeing Scott.

I first fell in love with him two years ago, I was fourteen and him fifteen, I can't imagine my life without him, but I could've just as easily never met him.

it was a blessing that I bumped into him causing him to spill his drink all over me and himself, we had laughed it off and ended up talking for hours.

at the end of the day he asked me out.

we pull up to the store and Scott parks the car, "we'll be back" he says to the two in the back, and he slides out of the drivers seat.

I check my makeup using my phones camera as Scott makes his way to my door, he opens it up for me and offers me his hand.

I take it and step down from the Jeep.

"God we get it, you guys are in love"

Amelia says from the back seat, Scott grins, "you're just upset Brandon isn't such a gentleman"

Brandon scoffs, "I am a gentleman" he says as Scott closes the door to leave them to their bickering.

they are always arguing but it works for them, it's proof their love is stronger then most.

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