Forever The Name On My Lips

By lyricaldr3ams

43.1K 1K 812

You always thought your love story was epic. It started with a boy and a curse. For centuries, it survived ev... More

ten part one.
ten part two.


1.1K 25 39
By lyricaldr3ams

fifteen. i had all and now none of you

You were in the front seat of the truck as Klaus drove you all to Mystic Falls, silent in your axienty as you awaited the revelation in Mystic Falls. You'd tried to text Damon, to warn him, but he didn't respond. Hell of a time to put you on silent, you thought.

Klaus was silent for most of the ride, letting you and Rebekah talk as you caught her up on the technological advances of the last century. But you felt him watching you periodically from the corner of his eye. Rebekah sat back, playing with her new phone as you turned to him.

"What?" you asked him.


"You keep staring at me," you said. "Say what you want to say or stop looking at me."

He turned to look at you for a moment before turning back to the road. "You know, don't you? What he's hiding?"

"Why would I?" you tensed.

"Oh I figured your good friend Damon must have told you," Klaus said nonchalantly.

"Who's Damon?" Rebekah asked from the back.

"Stefan's brother," Klaus told her. "According to Y/N, I could learn a thing or two from their brotherly bond. She and Damon have become such good friends this last century. So, come on, love. What is Stefan hiding?"

"I don't know," you lied.

"Now, why don't I believe that?" Klaus said. "Ah well, I'm sure I can guess. Because I've been thinking about it since we left. What could Stefan possibly be hiding? He came with me to save his brother's life, and as we saw in Chicago, Damon is alive and well. So what else could tie him to that one pony town?"

You didn't answer. You were pretty sure he wasn't expecting an answer from you anyway.

"What made Stefan go back to Mystic Falls anyway?" Rebekah asked. "From what I remember in the 1920s, he never wanted to go back."

"What could drive any man to do that which he swore to never do?" Klaus countered, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You knew he wasn't only talking about Stefan. "Love."

"The girl you mentioned?" Rebekah asked. "But she died, didn't she?"

"That seems to be the mystery," Klaus said as he met your eyes. "You know, I do hate betrayal in the morning."

"I'm bored," Rebekah sighed, breaking the staring contest between you and Klaus. "How much longer till we get there?"

"Not much longer," Klaus said before looking forward again. You sighed and stared out the side window. You knew this wasn't going to end well.

• • •

When he finally stopped the truck, you got out and looked around. Mystic Falls. "This place looks boring," Rebekah said as she got out, caring Stefan on her shoulder.

You smiled at her as you followed them to the back of the truck. She dumped Stefan inside and climbed back out. "I'm going to go finish my game while we wait for him to wake up," she said holding up her new phone before she got back into her seat.

You looked over at Klaus. You wanted to run, to find Damon, to warn him of what was coming. But you knew you wouldn't get far. Whatever Klaus was planning, he wanted the element of surprise.

"Up you go, love," he held his hand out for you to help you into the truck.

You rolled your eyes and climbed in yourself. He sat on a crate, watching you as you walked over to Elijah's coffin. You opened it, and sighed. Elijah's hair was unkempt and you knew he would hate that. You pushed it back for him, feeling Klaus watch you.

"You told me it was too late," he said. "Is it because your heart has found another Mikaelson? I did notice you and Elijah seemed quite cozy when I saw you."

You turned and looked at him seriously. "Elijah is my brother, just like Kol, just like Finn," you said. "My heart hasn't found another. I'm not you, Niklaus."

"You're the only one who owns my heart," he said, confused at your statement.

You looked at him, reading his face. You sighed. What had you expected? He would stay celibate for a century just because you had? You owned his heart, he said, but not his body. You could ask, you thought. You could push until he told you, but did you want to know? Could you handle the answer? You sighed and turned back to look down at Elijah once more before closing his coffin gently.

Stefan woke up suddenly and looked around in confusion before his eyes settled on Klaus. "Just give me a chance to explain myself, okay?"

"No need, I'm not mad," Klaus said. "I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding."

He opened the back of the truck. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan."

"I'm not holding onto anything, she's wrong," Stefan said.

"Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we? Sorry, mate, can't have you interfering. This part will have to be done on my own," Klaus said before he sped forward and snapped Stefan's neck again.

He looked over at you. "Stay here, watch him."

"I should come with you," you started to panic. What if he ran into Damon again? "I know Mystic Falls, and the others, they trust me. I'll be more use to you there. Rebekah can watch him."

He eyed you, suspicion filling his face. "No. You will stay here," he said again.

"Klaus," you started.

His look shut you up. "Don't make me snap your neck too, Y/N. Rebekah," he called.

She appeared, her phone still in her hand. "Is it time to begin?"

"Not quite," Klaus said, his eyes not leaving yours. "Stay here, watch them."

Rebekah looked at you in confusion before nodding at her brother. He disappeared, leaving the three of you behind. Rebekah's eyes were still curious as she watched you.

• • •

Rebekah's phone rang shortly after. "What is it, Nik?" she answered. You were sitting beside Kol's coffin. There wasn't much you could do. If it had been anyone else giving the order, you could have convinced Rebekah to let you go. But regardless of her feelings towards him or his actions towards her, she would always side with him. You knew that. You also knew she could easily chase you down. You were old, but she was an Original.

"I found out what Stefan was trying to hide," you heard Klaus say over the phone. "Seems our comrade left out a very important detail indeed. The doppelgänger is still alive and well."

"What?" Rebekah's eyes met yours.

"I'm going to need a bit of motivation to get them to solve my little hybrid issue for me," he said. "Be a dear and get the werewolf for me, will you, little sister? We're at the high school. Can't miss it, biggest building in this little town."

"What should I do about Stefan and...Y/N?" Rebekah said. You saw the suspicion in them.

"Make sure they don't interfere," Klaus said after a moment and hung up.

Rebekah put her phone in her pocket. "How could you, Y/N? I know you're angry at what he did, but you'd really betray him, betray us like this?"

You had been thinking the same thing since you'd left Chicago and texted Damon to warn him. You knew now why Klaus had compelled you to leave him, and yet, you still tried to warn Damon he was coming. You had loved Klaus, and it was that love that turned you into a vampire. You still loved him with your entire heart. Even when you didn't remember him, part of you knew your heart wasn't your own. So why? Why would you do this?

You thought it was because you wanted to save Damon. You knew he would die to protect Elena. And he was your friend. Regardless of his reasons, Klaus had abandoned you. He had sent you away, and from the feel of it, he had not spent the last hundred years alone as you had. But Damon never did. He said things and did things that made you angry, that should have turned you against him. But at the end of the day, he had never betrayed you. You all brought something with you when you turned, and you knew yours was always your love for Klaus and your loyalty. Maybe that was why you couldn't fully forgive Klaus. Maybe that was why you wouldn't betray Damon now, even if it meant Klaus wouldn't get what he wanted. You would never help them kill Niklaus. Your love for him was too strong for that, but so what if he couldn't get his stand-in family with the hybrids.

Maybe that was it. Maybe it was because he was trying to replace you all with his hybrids. He could have had the family he always wanted. He wasn't as alone as he claimed to be. He had you, once upon a time. He had Rebekah and Kol and Elijah and Finn. But it wasn't enough for him. Because he didn't want equals, you thought. He wanted servants. He wanted soldiers. Like you had all been once. Until he dismissed you.

"I didn't betray you," you said softly. "As for Niklaus, well, he betrayed me first."

Stefan woke up again with a start. Rebekah looked over at him. "Oh, he lives."

"What happened?" Stefan asked.

"You took a beating," Rebekah crossed her arms. "My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper."

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Stefan asked, looking at you in a panic.

"You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding," Rebekah said.

"I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to," Stefan said.

"They know," you said quietly. Stefan's eyes widened.

"Yes, you just failed to mention that the doppelganger's still alive," Rebekah said.

"Where is Klaus now?" Stefan asked, his body rigid with this new development.

"With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off," Rebekah said.

Stefan rushed at her, knocking her outside the truck. "Where is she?" He demanded.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Rebekah smirked. She got up and pushed him against the truck. "Consider me jealous."

She grabbed a crowbar but you grabbed the other end before she could stab Stefan. You couldn't let her do this. She looked at you in shock for a moment before it morphed into anger. "Didn't betray us, huh? What rubbish."

"Rebekah, I don't want to fight you," you said softly. "Please, just let him go. You don't understand."

"Oh I think I understand very well, Y/N," Rebekah scoffed before grabbing you and pulling you to her. "But I also don't want to fight you so." She snapped your neck and you fell into darkness.

• • •

Stefan was still speared through the stomach with the crowbar when you came to. Rebekah had snapped your neck...what had you all come to? You groaned as you sat up, making your way to Stefan. Quickly, you pulled the crowbar out and he gasped out in pain.

"Where are they?" Stefan asked as he tried to breathe through the pain.

"At the high school," you said. "Stefan, he said he's going to use Tyler to motivate them to fix the hybrid issue. I'm assuming he means Bonnie."

"We need to go now," he said before stopping for a second. He looked over at you. "Can I trust you?"

"I don't want him to kill everyone," you said. "I know it will hurt Damon if you or Elena get hurt. So you can trust that."

He nodded. "You get Tyler, I'll try to get Elena."

You agreed and took off.

• • •

You were too late when you found them. Rebekah was sitting against the lockers looking at a phone and Tyler and Caroline were dead by her feet. She looked up at you, anger in her eyes. "Didn't stay down long, did you?"

"Rebekah," you said softly. "Please, don't do this."

"Don't defend my brother?" she scoffed. "Just because you forgot him doesn't mean I will. What I don't get though is how you could betray us? For 900 years, we loved you like a sister. Niklaus gave his whole heart to you. How could you side with them?"

"He daggered you," you reminded her. "He daggered you to prove a point with Marcellus. He daggered you when you wanted to leave with Stefan. Rebekah, I love him, more than you will ever know. Even after what he did, my heart belongs to him. But I can't let him kill everyone."

"Because of your friend Damon?" Rebekah scoffed. "For a few decades of friendship, you'd throw a thousand years away? What happened to Always and Forever, Y/N?"

"I'm not the one that forgot that promise, Bekah," you scoffed. "Niklaus broke it first. You really want to talk about Always and Forever? What did he tell you after he compelled me to forget you all and leave? That I decided it was too dangerous? That I wanted freedom from him? From Mikael? And you believed it? Elijah believed it? After all we had been through together? I treated you like a sister, and you thought I would just abandon you without even a goodbye? He may have lied to you, but you should never have believed it. It wasn't me that forgot about Always and Forever. It was you."

She looked at you with guilt in her eyes for a moment. You could see she was going to say something but she didn't get a chance. Caroline gasped, waking up and looking around. "What...what happened? Where's Tyler?" She turned and saw him, dead beside her.

"He's dead-ish," Rebekah said.

"What did you do to him?" She demanded.

"Think of it as he's having a nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid," Rebekah said, looking at Caroline's phone again.

"Ugh. Vomit," Rebekah scoffed at something on the phone and then froze. She tapped the phone, zooming in on something. "Is that my..." she looked up at Caroline. "Why is the doppelganger bitch wearing my necklace?"

She sped away, leaving you alone with Caroline and a dead Tyler. "You're back," Caroline looked at you. "Y/N, what's going on? Who is that?"

"Rebekah," you said. "Klaus' sister. Look, there's a lot going on right now so short version. Klaus is trying to force Bonnie to help him figure out how to make more hybrids and your boyfriend is the test subject."

"Wait what? Why would he want more hybrids?" Caroline asked.

"Soldiers," you said quietly before moving to grab Tyler's shoulders. "Come on, let's get him into one of these classrooms."

She nodded and followed you as you carried Tyler into a lab, placing him on one of the tables. "Is he going to be okay?"

"If Bonnie can figure it out, yeah," you said.

"And if she can't?" Caroline asked.

You looked at her sadly. "You might not want to be here for that."

She had tears in her eyes. "Why is he doing this? God, your choice in psycho lovers is worse than Elena's, Y/N."

"Wait..what?" you were confused. You thought Caroline liked Stefan.

"You've missed so much while you've been away on your little road trip," she said. "Damon is totally worming his way into Elena's pants. No offense, I know he's your friend."

"Damon and Elena got together while we were gone?" you looked at her in shock. You hadn't expected Damon to move in while he was trying to save Stefan.

"No, but it's only a matter of time," she scoffed. "He's totally into her and she knows it but she just keeps letting him in."

You sighed. "Caroline, Damon isn't as bad as you think."

"When we first met, he compelled me and drank from me," she told you.

"Okay, so your experience is bad," you conceded. "But underneath all...that, he cares. Especially about Stefan. Trust me, he's not going to just take Elena right now, not while Stefan is stuck with Klaus because he needed to save Damon."

"I guess you're right," she said. "God, life was so much easier before we knew about Klaus."

You laughed at that. You liked Caroline. She was strong, stronger than people knew. Whatever happened with Tyler, she would make it through. "I'll give you that," you said. "He does tend to complicate things."

"Y/N," she said seriously. "Do you think Bonnie can do it? Can she save Tyler?"

You thought about it for a few moments before looking at her. "I knew her ancestor, back when we were human. I didn't tell you guys that before because know why. Ayana, Bonnie's a lot like her in a lot of ways. And I can you tell you since then, the Bennett witches have never ceased to amaze me. If anyone can, it's her."

"I hope you're right," she said softly.

For her sake, you hoped so too.

• • •

Rebekah soon returned. "You'll be happy, Y/N," she said, sitting on a table. "Soon, the doppelgänger bitch will be dead."

"Why would she be happy about that?" Caroline asked, confused.

You knew what she meant. Elena had the same face as Tatia and Katherine, two women who had almost come between you and Klaus. It was no secret between you all that you hated the doppelgängers. You would have been happy to kill them all once upon a time.

"Elena isn't like them," you told her quietly.

"Oh please," she rolled her eyes. "The doppelgängers are all the same. More trouble than they're worth."

Suddenly, Tyler woke up, sitting up abruptly and looking around. "Where am I? What happened?"

"Tyler," Caroline said slowly.

"Don't be shy about it " Rebekah prompted.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition," Caroline said cautiously.

"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets," Rebekah said. "You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not... You're pretty much dead."

"You're going to be okay, okay?" Caroline put her hand on his arm. "It's going to be okay. Bonnie will fix it."

"I wonder how she's doing," Rebekah said, looking at the phone. "Tick tock goes the gym clock."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked her.

"Oh nothing much," Rebekah smirked. "Nik just put a little timer on. If your witchy friend doesn't find the cure soon, then your precious Elena is Stefan food."

"What?" Your eyes widened. Stefan would never...unless he didn't have a choice. "He compelled him?"

"He's such a bore now, all broody and angsty," Rebekah said. "He just needed a little push."

You heard a commotion outside the classroom and looked over at Caroline. "Wait here," you said, before speeding out. You saw Klaus standing behind Elena. Stefan was watching them, a dark look on his face. No. You knew that look. You'd seen it before, on his brother in the 70s.

"Ripper," Klaus said. "Perhaps you'd like a drink from the doppelgänger's neck."

Stefan's face changed before he sped at her. Elena screamed as Stefan bit into her neck. "No!" You yelled, speeding in. You pulled Stefan off of her and he growled at you. "Elena, run."

"You shouldn't get between a Ripper and his prey, love," Klaus tutted. He grabbed Elena so she couldn't leave.

"Shut up, Klaus," you said as you threw Stefan off of you when he sped at you. He tried to attack you again but you flipped over him, grabbing his neck and snapping it. Elena was crying, looking at Stefan's dead body on the ground. You glared at Klaus. "What the hell did you do?"

"I fixed a problem," he said before smirking at Elena. "And found the solution to another." He looked into her eyes, compelling her. "Just hang tight for me, love. Perhaps take a nap?"

He sat her down and walked out, back to the classroom where Tyler was. You looked at Elena was put her head down on the table and closed her eyes before sighing and following him.

"Well, the verdict's in," Klaus said as he walked into the room. "The original witch says the doppelganger should be dead."

Rebekah stood, a grin on her face. "Does that mean we can kill her?"

You rolled your eyes. Knowing Esther, it meant the exact opposite. Klaus seemed to be thinking the same thing as he pulled out a vial.

"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite," Klaus said. "Call it a hunch." He threw the vial at Tyler. "Elena's blood. Drink it."

Rebekah grabbed Caroline as she tried to move to Tyler. "No, no! Tyler, don't!"

"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment," Klaus said.

Tyler looked at the vial in pain. You knew he was hungry. He was in transition, and Klaus was right. If he didn't drink, he would die anyway. Finally, he drank it.

"There we go. Good boy," Klaus smirked.

Tyler screamed out, groaning and writhing in pain. Suddenly, his face changed. His eyes were yellow, like Klaus'. He had veins under his eyes, and his fangs popped out. This hadn't happened with the others. You watched in horror as Klaus' wish came true. He had his hybrid.

"Well, that's a good sign," Klaus said.

"What have you done?" You whispered quietly.

"It's the New World Order, sweetheart," Klaus said, looking at you. He had anger in his eyes. You guessed it was more than just snapping Stefan's neck. Rebekah had probably told him what you'd done.

"Do you really think the witches will stand for this?" you asked him.

"She tried to stop me and she failed," Klaus said. You knew he was talking about his mother.

Rebekah finally let go of Caroline, and she tried to rush to Tyler, but you sped over to her, stopping her. "Don't," you said. "He's not in control at the moment, and his bite will kill you."

"I have to help him," she cried.

"I know," you said softly, hugging her. Unfortunately, you had a feeling there was nothing she was going to be able to do for him now. He was now a hybrid.

• • •

You were walking to the hospital when Rebekah caught up with you. You had gone back for Elena, but found Klaus had taken her. It didn't take you long to figure out where. He needed her, needed her blood. He was never going to let her go now.

"Y/N," Rebekah was sitting on a truck as you passed by.

You ignored her as you continued to walk. Now that the night was over, you had time to process everything. And you were not in the mood to hear more shit right now.

"Y/N, please, I'm sorry," she said.

That stopped you in your tracks. You turned and glared at her. "Sorry? For which part, Rebekah? For breaking my neck? For the things you said? Or for siding with Klaus again after everything he's done to you?"

"He's my brother," she said softly.

"And I was your sister," you said. "I loved you as a sister for centuries. I always protected you, even from him. I always helped you. And when you had a chance to help me, you showed me where your loyalties lie. So sorry if I don't believe your sincerity."

"What's going on here?" Klaus suddenly appeared beside you.

"Nothing," you said, trying to walk passed him but he grabbed your arm to stop you.

"Given your track record tonight, love, I think it's best you stay out here," he said.

You pulled your arm out of his grasp, glaring at him. "Don't touch me," you said. "Where is she?"

"Elena is making a generous contribution to the cause at the moment," Klaus explained.

"So the doppelganger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution?" Rebekah asked.

"Seems so," Klaus said.

"How did you know?"

"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?" Klaus asked. You alone heard the sadness in his voice. You remembered that night well, when his mother had turned from him, had cursed him. Even Rebekah didn't know the true details of that night.

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you," Rebekah said.

"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her failsafe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelganger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead," Klaus trailed off.

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species," Rebekah finished for him.

"Leaving me alone for all time," Klaus said.

"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah looked at him.

You scoffed. "Alone? You've never been alone, Niklaus. You had a whole family beside you. You had me. Do you really think the hybrids can replace that?"

So maybe that was more of the reason you were so against this little plan of his, you realized. He had cast you aside, even if it was for your own protection. He had betrayed your trust. You would have followed him anywhere, done anything for him. But he didn't care. Now, he would have more obedient soldiers, and your family still lay in their caskets.

He looked over at you, a smirk on his face. "Is that what this little rebellion is about? Are you jealous that I may have some new playmates soon? Don't worry, love, they won't hold my heart as you do."

You pushed him back. "You really think this is about some insecure jealousy?"

He growled at you as you hit him in the chest. "I've put up with this opposition so far, Y/N, but you're pushing it."

"Yeah? What are you going to go?" you hit him again. "You want to compel me again? You can't dagger me like everyone else, so what are you going to do, Niklaus?"

He grabbed your arms and twisted you, pulling you back into his chest. "You don't want to find out, love," he whispered into your ear.

The fight left you and you sagged against him. It didn't matter what you said anyway. He had compelled Stefan, a man he said was his friend. He had done it again, just as he had done to you. Compelled the people around him to fit his own needs. It wasn't about your protection, you thought. It was for him. So he wouldn't have to deal with your death he was so sure was coming. Your Niklaus, the boy who you had run around on these very grounds with, who you had made flower crowns for, who had sworn he would never hurt you, who had promised you forever, he was gone. Only Klaus remained.

He let you go when he realized you weren't going to fight him anymore. "Rebekah, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena."

She nodded, looking at you once more with apologetic eyes before leaving.

Klaus was watching you still, his expression one you could not read. "You know, I never thought I would stand victorious without you by my side," he said softly after a moment.

"Whose fault is that?" you countered.

"Y/N," he started but suddenly Damon appeared.

"This looks...tense," Damon said.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party," Klaus said.

Damon glared at him. "Where is she?"

"Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause," Klaus smirked. Damon scoffed and tried to walk passed him, but Klaus stopped him. "I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate."

Damon pushed Klaus' hand off him. "You'll have to kill me."

"Damon," you groaned. Why did he always go inviting trouble?

"Oh, I would love to kill you, but I made a pledge to your brother," Klaus said. "And unlike him, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't car that much anymore. I know Y/N does, but what's one more transgression between us, eh, love?"

He pushed Damon against a car and went to rip his heart out but you rushed forward, grabbing his arm.

"No, Klaus, please," you begged. "Don't kill him."

He bristled at your words, his eyes hard on you. "You turn so easily against me, but come running in defense of your friend?"

You panicked, trying to think of something, anything you could do to convince him. "Let's leave," you said suddenly. He looked at you in question. "I'll come with you. You and me, let's just go. We can...we can be together again. Please, let's just go."

He tensed at your words. "You would give in to me, to save him?"

"Yes," you said softly. "It'll be just like old times."

"You can't be serious," Damon groaned.

"I am," you said. "Klaus, I promise, I'll forgive you, and we can move on, together. Please, just leave him. Let's just go."

He seemed to consider your words, his eyes not leaving yours. "No," he said. You looked at him in shock. This is what he had been asking of you since the night of the sacrifice. You had been sure he'd give in. "I want your heart of your own free will, Y/N, not because of a debt you think you owe."

He turned back to Damon and raised his hand again to rip his heart out, but Damon just smirked. "You don't want to know about your friend Mikael first?"

Both you and Klaus froze. Klaus grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward. "What do you know about Mikael?"

"Just that he knows you're here," Damon said. You felt panic rise in your chest. Mikael knew where you were, he knew where Klaus was. But he was dessicated, wasn't he? Klaus had told you that. He wasn't a threat to him anymore.

"You're bluffing," Klaus said, grabbing his throat.

"Katherine and I found him," Damon choked out. "Consider it our leverage."

Klaus threw him to the ground and looked at you. You could see the question in his eyes. He wanted you to go with him, to flee with him as you would have in the past. But that time was gone, and he wasn't going to get your heart again willingly. You shook your head at him and he growled before speeding off.

Damon stood up and wiped the dirt off his clothes. "Guess that scared him, huh?"

"What the hell are you thinking?" You smacked his arm. Had they really found Mikael? You wouldn't put it passed Katerina. She would do anything to save herself. Even make a deal with the devil.

"I was thinking it was my turn to save you," he said. "I mean, I can't really compare to that performance, but you know. Klaus, we can be together. I'll forgive you and have your babies. Oh take me, Klaus." His voice went high as he imitated you.

You rolled your eyes and smacked him again. "I don't sound like that."

"I think it was a pretty spot on impression," he said before looking at the hospital. "I'm gonna go grab Elena before he decides to come back for her."

"He won't," you said softly. He would run far and fast. You sighed. "Damon, about Stefan..."

"Yeah, Bonnie already filled me in," Damon sighed. "Just another problem on the list."

"I snapped his neck earlier, but when I went to check on him, he was gone," you said.

"I'm sure he'll turn up," Damon said. "Humanity-less Stefan is a pain in the ass, so I'm sure this will be fun."

You hadn't known Stefan when he had his humanity off. But you'd been with him all summer, you'd seen the things he'd done under Klaus' instruction. You'd seen how much he enjoyed them, though he was ridden with guilt after. You shuddered to think what he would do when he didn't feel the guilt anymore.

• • •

You walked into the Boarding House a little while later. You'd tried and failed to hunt down Stefan. But as you walked in, he was walking out of the parlor, a smirk on his face.

"You're here," you said, closing the door.

"It is my house," he said.

"Are you...are you okay?" you asked warily.

"Why wouldn't I be, Y/N?" he smirked. "I get to play watch dog for Klaus. My life is complete now."

"He told you to guard Elena?" You ignored his sarcasm.

"And you," he said. "Your boyfriend wants me to uh to keep an eye on you."

"You're still compelled?" you asked sadly.

"I guess I am," he said. "Because I can think of a million things I'd rather do than play guardian angel to you and his blood bag."

Your eyes widened at his words. How far gone was he that he called Elena, the love of his life, a blood bag? "Stefan, this isn't you," you said softly.

"That's where you're wrong, Y/N," he said. "You see, the Stefan you knew during the summer, he was weak, just filled with guilt and remorse. Now, I don't have to worry about that anymore. Now, we can have some fun." His eyes roamed the length of your body. "Too bad he compelled me to not touch you. Then we could have really had some fun. Anyways, I'm going to go see if I can find someone, I mean something to eat." He smirked and walked away.

You shook your head and walked into the parlor. Elena was walking out as you walked in. She stopped when she saw you, hugging you tightly. "Thank you, you know, for before," she said.

"You mean for not letting your boyfriend eat you?" You tried to joke. "No problem."

She smiled at you sadly before leaving. Damon handed you a glass of bourbon as you approached. "I just met humanity-less Stefan, and you're right. He's a pain in the ass," you said, taking a sip of your drink.

"Yeah well, Lexi used to be able to get him out of this, but I killed her, so we may be stuck with him for a while," Damon chugged the rest of his drink.

"We'll find a way," you said.

"We better," Damon said. "Klaus isn't going to just stay away forever now that he knows Elena's blood is his hybrid factory."

"You didn't really find him, did you?" you asked softly. "Mikael?"

"Katherine and Jeremy were going to continue the search when I saw everyone's messages," Damon said. "I'm sure they found him by now."

You flinched at his words. He didn't understand, but how could he? Damon didn't know the history you had with Mikael.

"You were with Klaus for a billion years," Damon said. "You know this Mikael guy?"

You were instinctively going to lie to him, but you realized you didn't need to anymore. He knew everything else, everyone did. Your past was no longer a secret. "He's...dangerous," you said. "He won't care who he kills to get to Klaus, and I will probably the first head on his chopping block."

He looked at you sharply. "Why?"

"Because Klaus loves me," you said simply. You chugged the rest of your drink. You didn't realize your hands had started shaking until Damon grabbed them.

"I'll protect you," he said.

You laughed, not maliciously. "Damon, Klaus is an indestructible hybrid and he ran at the mention of his name. Do you really think you'll be able to stop him?" You sighed and looked at him seriously. "Waking Mikael is the stupidest thing you could do, trust me."

"Yeah well, right now, I don't have any other choice," he said before letting you go and pouring you both another drink. "Drink up, at least Klaus is gone and this time, you didn't have to go with him."

But knowing what was coming, knowing who was coming, you almost wished you had.

• • •

Thanks for reading! What did you guys think? I feel like they both go back and forth between anger and love so much but like after 900 years together what do you expect??

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

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