and we played

By amyhopeey

48.2K 2.6K 961

Things were never supposed to go like this. Mya had her life figured out. Even her love life, to be honest. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Extended Epilogue
Author's Note

Chapter 29

812 44 24
By amyhopeey


I'm a girl with basic needs.

I really am.

And when someone offers you an entire day to take aesthetic photos in aesthetic places, my girly heart does a jump and I'm in heaven.

Hence why I'm currently taking a photoshoot with my coffee as if it were the new Kardashian. Lukas and Maddie are long gone on the road to their date, so I entered the coffee shop to chill. I have good few hours to complete my fake Insta story mission. I can take five minutes to feel cool sipping the overpriced coffee my ex-fake boyfriend got me.

As I said. Basic needs.

I'm posting my masterpieces, not forgetting to tag Maddie on each of them. I only look up as a sort of darkness appears in the room, and my blood rate grows at alarming levels. As I look up from my phone, dark eyes meet mine and my first instinct only screams one word. Run.

"Hello, sweetheart", he growls. Never had a fucking clue what that means, but it seems to match this moment.

Without asking me first, he takes an empty chair from a nearby table and takes a sit at my table.

Dude, what the heck?!

"What are you doing here, Delance?", I ask him, my tone going about five octaves lower. He just ruined my delulu moment.

"What a lovely coincidence", he says. He helps himself to my coffee, without asking me first. "Tastes good", he comments after swallowing, making sure his Adam's apple does the work. "But you taste better."

Oh. My. God.

"Okay, that's it. We're done here", I cut him short.

I pick up my coffee and make sure to wipe it very much so that every little of his dark mouth bacteria that might provoke mental health issues doesn't reach my lips.

He smirks as he looks at what I'm doing.

"I think you missed a spot", he whispers.

I look up at him. He cups my face with his hand and brushes his thumb on my lips. I quickly pull away, cause his touch sends shivers in my body for a reason and I am very uncomfortable with that thought.

"I'm gonna go now. Bye", I tell him, standing up, taking my coffee and wanting to run away. But I don't, for I can't give him the satisfaction he won.

He follows me.

Of course, he does.

"Seriously, what's your problem?!", I shout as I'm outside and he's still in my shadow. "Are you going to stalk me now or what?"

"I'm only looking at what's mine", he answers, clearly unbothered.

Fuck this shit.

I turn around, and press my fist on his chest. "Stop following me. Stop thinking I'm yours. I am not and never will be."

He presses his lips on my neck, breaking every rule there is. I know something electric passes my body, heading straight to my core. Why is my body reacting the opposite way of what I want? "You feel it too, don't you?", he whispers, his lips still on my skin. I take a step back, freeing myself.


"I could wreck your whole world", he continues, his eyes staring in mine. "Give me five minutes and you'll be screaming my name."

"I hate you", I whisper.

"We'll get there, sweetheart", he replies with a smirk.



I turn around, continuing to walk in my direction. He keeps on following me. There is no way I'm getting rid of him. He's a man on a mission.

And for some reason, that mission is me.

Cursing the universe that it brought this guy into existence, I slow my pace and start walking next to him. If he's going to follow me today, at least he can walk next to me and not in a creepy stalker way.

"So, is that how you do with every girl?", I ask him. "Follow them, stalk them..."

"Only with one", he answers, smirking deviously at me.

"Is that supposed to make me feel special?", I continue. I might as well tease him. He wants my lips around his, I want him wrapped around my fingers.

"Does it?", his voice a challenge.


"Make you feel special."

"It makes me want to point a blade at you then stab your heart to see if devils like you can bleed."

"You flatter me", he replies.

I look at him. "I find it rather alarming you find that a flatter."

He chuckles, not going deeper in that topic. We keep walking before he asks: "So, you and Winthrope, not anymore?"

"Yes, Lukas and I broke up, thank you for your concern", I mutter.

He smirks. "He never deserved you anyway."

I stop. "Oh really. And what do you know about that?"

"He offered you bits when you deserve wholes. He offered you smiles when you deserve pure everlasting happiness. He offered to build you a house when you deserve a home. He offered to love you when you deserve someone who adores you."

"And don't tell me you could be the one to offer me that?", I ask.

"You're right. I might not be the one capable to do that. But for you sweetheart, I'll do my best and try."

"I don't get you, Ashton", I mutter. "I swear, I don't. You act like a dick but then you expect me to believe you when you say you want to be my knight in shining armour. I am not stupid. It takes more than a few pretty words for me to believe you."

"Alright", he answers, his tone like a promise. I am rather afraid of what's coming next.


"Where are we going first?", he asks.

I'm not sure when my day turned into a "we" thing. Especially not with Ashton Delance.

"You? Hell. Me? Off to enjoy my day in peace and quiet", I answer cold.

"Oh, sweetheart, look at you. Thinking you can get rid of me so easily", he laughs. 

Someone please kill this guy.

"I'm going for a run", I give up exhausted.

He looks at the compression shirt showing every one of his abs, the shorts and the sneakers. "What a convenience. I happen to be dressed for a run", he exclaims.

I bet you five dollars he heard that conversation between Maddie and me back in her room and came here on purpose.

"What a convenience", I return his words. "You can run back home."

"Okay", he answers, turning in the other direction. He even starts walking and I am so close to get on my knees and thank anyone, literally anyone, that Ashton left.

Only he comes back.

To me.

"Guess I came home", he says.

I look behind me, to see if his crazy-ass mansion is there. But it's not.

Oh, he was talking about me.

I don't even begin to answer to that.

"I usually run on the High Line", I tell him.

I don't need to tell him to follow me. It comes like a fucking instinct to him.


"So, you're whipped after me, which is, honestly, understandable", I begin as we're running next to each other. I am looking at the view, the High Line really is my favorite place to go for a jog. The view is simply spectacular. And I love the way one can find nature in the middle of the city.

I don't have to look at him to see him smirk.

"But I have two questions for you", I continue.

He nods. "As long as they aren't how to best make me come. I'm afraid you'll have to find that out on your own."

Not going there. "How long and why?"

"How long have I been whipped for you?", he repeats, honestly a bit amused. "A few years, I'd guess. I don't know."

He's lying. He knows.

"And why", he continues. "I don't know. Trust me, I haven't understood it myself for a while. Why was I lusting over my biggest enemy's girlfriend? But then I noticed, every time I'm around you, you make my heart beat. I normally don't care about anyone, only for my sister, but apart from her, for anyone. But there is something different about you. You know what you want and you won't stop til you got it. You can make someone smile but set them on fire if they hurt you. You make people get addicted to you. I know you made me, for what matters."

"So why did you act like a dick to me?", I continue.

"Name one time I was a dick to you", he counters, his voice getting colder.

"Well, you called me a corpse for starters", I mutter annoyed.

"Because you needed to smile."

"You barged inside my car and wouldn't go out."

"Because you were crying and wouldn't tell me why", he replies exhausted. I think he is afraid of showing feelings. He gets tensed when he admits he actually cares about people. No matter how few those people are.

"You never smile at me", I end.

"Would you like me to smile at you, sweetheart?", he asks.

I don't know why but I freeze. And nod.

He stops too and comes cup my face again. This time, it doesn't feel as bad. "I would never hurt you, Mya", he says, his voice honest. "I could hurt anyone, but not you. I would kill the ones who hurt you, but I would never hurt you. That you can know for sure."

My bottom lip starts to wobble.

"We should keep going", I say, pulling away. "We still have places we need to get to today."

He swallows hard, and I can notice he feels hurt that I pulled away. He doesn't say it, but I can see it.

I sigh as I start running again.

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