Godzilla: rise of evil

بواسطة Nwoliver2

12.1K 158 73

After his battle with MechaGodzilla and team-up with Kong. Godzilla descends into the ocean only to pass out... المزيد

The awakening
Living nightmares
Wake up call part 1
Wake up call part 2
Stone truths
Arendelle's new protecter
Knifehead, Leatherback, and Otachi, oh my!
You think yourself a god? Let me remind you who I am
A date with Elsa
Fire and ice
Mutual conversations
Meeting Zilla
Meeting Malifcent
A deal with the devil
The truth of Zilla
Author's note
Meeting the Strikers
A striking problem
Battle with the strikers part 2
Battle with the strikers part 3
Hero problems
Rise of the mutos
Mechagodzilla vs Ghidorah
Date night
Meeting Moana and Kong too
Growth spurts
Two kings walk into a bar
Two kings share a drink
Rise of the guardians
Author's note
A shattering truth part 1
A shattering truth part 2
A Confession
Rise of Ghidorah

Battle with the strikers part 1

170 5 2
بواسطة Nwoliver2

It was daytime in Arendelle, Baragon was still asleep and Godzilla still stood watch over the creature. Mothra had gone off to take a little break, but Godzilla knew that if at least one of them was present then it was unlikely anything too bad would happen. Maybe aside from a few buildings and such.

Meanwhile with the people of Arendelle, they had retreated to a near by cliff overlooking the whole kingdom, and they had set up tents, sleeping bags and other necessities for the temporary situation. Kristoff was handing out blankets and any extra supplies the people may have needed when he heard Anna trying to chase down a rambunctious Zilla.
"Zilla! Put Olaf's arm down right this second!" Anna yelled trying to catch up to her adoptive son.

"Hey Zilla, wanna play with my other one?!" Olaf said before throwing his other arm to which Zilla dropped the one in his mouth in favor of chasing the new stick. "Olaf, do not encourage him!" Anna exclaimed, running after the scaly mutant.

Kristoff just chuckled watching his love go after the baby iguana. His eyes then shifted to Elsa, who was standing by the cliff side watching the bay of Arendelle, or more likely watching Godzilla. She bit down on her fingernails nervously, she didn't want to admit, but she had a bad feeling about this. Kristoff approached behind her. As if sensing him, she spoke.

"I should be down there with him." Elsa said. "I'm sure Godzilla can handle it. I mean, it's just one titan. It's not like he's alone or anything." Kristoff tried to reassure her. "But this isn't a titan we're talking about here, Kristoff. This is Baragon." Elsa said, never adverting her eyes from the bay of Arendelle. "I don't get it, what is it about this titan that's so bad?" Kristoff asked.

Elsa said nothing. She just handed him the book of titans. "Turn to page Forty-seven." She asked.
"Okay...wait, what am I going to find on page forty seven?" Kristoff asked. "Everything you need to know about Baragon." Elsa replied.

As asked, kristoff turned to the appropriate page, and what he saw disgusted him. Baragon would not only kill the eggs, babies, and youngsters to provoke the parents into fights. He would also sexually assault them and then kill them just to make the parents as bloodlusted as possible. Worst thing was, this was common in all Baragon. The species as a whole were like this, nothing like the Gojira, who were balance keepers, or the Mosura who loved all life. Not even like other destroyers, who killed for sport and fun. But even they had limits to the evil they spread.

To add insult to injury, this particular Baragon, seemed to be the worst out of all his species, so if something went wrong then this creature would wreak unimaginable havoc.

"Okay, so yeah this bad, like really bad...wait, if Baragon killed young titans. Then what's he gonna do if he wakes up and finds Zilla?" Kristoff asked, this time Elsa turned to face him. They both looked back at the crowd of people, and thankfully found Zilla getting head rubs by Anna and Olaf.

"We can't let Anna know about this." Elsa said. "What, Why!?" Kristoff asked, "You've seen the way she is with Zilla, he's practically a son to her. I'm worried she might do something rash to try and protect him." Elsa said knowing full well the extent Anna will go to protect those she considers family.

"Alright fine, but I'm not gonna like keeping secrets from her." Kristoff said, "Thank you." Elsa replied.


Meanwhile back at the bay, Mothra returned from her break. "He's still asleep, goji?" Mothra asked. "Yep." Godzilla replied. "So, what do we do when he wakes up?" Godzilla asked, "I've still got nothing." Mothra responded. "Me either, if only we could kill him now." He said.

Suddenly Godzilla and Mothra felt a presence. "Another titan, now?!" Godzilla exclaimed, not wanting this to add to his already complicated problems. He got ready to fight, but Mothra was quick to stop him. "Hold on goji, we don't necessarily know if this one's a threat or not." Mothra spoke in an attempt to calm him.

The people of Arendelle watched as Godzilla and Mothra switched their glances towards the fjord. "What's happening?" Some of them whispered among themselves, but Elsa already knew. They sensed another titan.

A huge form appeared in the water, swimming towards Arendelle. Long spikes protruded everywhere from the water, as the creature swam towards Arendelle. Godzilla got in a fighting stance, and Mothra flew up above just in case.
The form swam towards the Bay Area of Arendelle....until it stopped. The creature rose up from the water, revealing it having an armadillo shaped body. It had four legs, a long tail, a crown of horns on the top of its head, and a smaller horn on its nose. Its underbelly had thick grey skin, but on top it had armored plating with the same yellow spikes going down its tail.

"Anguirus? Is...is that you?" Godzilla asked. "Godzilla! I knew it was you!!" The armadillo titan exclaimed happily.

From the cliff side, people of Arendelle watched in curiosity and wonder. "Elsa, do you know this titan?" Anna asked. "Yes, it's an Angurius. But something seems off about it." Elsa said as she looked at the new monster in the bay, hoping he wouldn't add to their problems.

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