Winter Wolf

By HBFhelly

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"Why are you so cold to me?" Lo asked. She didn't understand it. This should be a blessing to them both. Tris... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 23

389 30 23
By HBFhelly

Tristan nearly shattered the door how hard he slammed it open to his mother's house. Sawyer was right behind him.

Noah, Edith, Ada and his grandfather were there.

"Your grandfather sent out scouts when Byron upped the date of the meeting. They returned a few hours ago with troubling news and a letter from Byron to deliver to you. They also ran into Rafe's messenger, he sent a letter as well." Ada said. She held them both.

Tristan snatched them from her and hastily read it. Even more fury coursed through him. He grit his teeth so hard his jaw ached.

Dena burst into the door.

"What's happening?" She demanded.

"Byron has Lo." Noah said.

"What? What does he want?" Dena growled.

"The Varga lands." Tristan said with anger as he tried to focus on reading.

"Byron's messenger mentioned none of this." Edith said, her voice was stressed.

"I assume he didn't want to provoke us before the meeting, he wanted to catch us off guard so we weren't prepared with higher numbers. He probably meant to have a messenger waiting for us to inform us of his plans before we reached his land, but when Tristan still refused to come, he had to tell us now." Noah said.

Tristan had to reread it a few times, each line seemed to elicit even more anger in him. And he hadn't even gotten to Rafe's.

"She's his gifted... how could he even do this? It's in all pack laws not to interfere with gifted mates." Edith growled.

"Because I denounced my claim on her the last council meeting and marked another." Tristan snarled as he crumbled the paper in his hand. He was practically shaking from the anger. Furious at Byron for using that against him. Furious at himself.

"So just give it to him and go get her, how is this a problem? We aren't even using it!" Dena growled.

Tristan hadn't thought of those damn lands in a while. It hadn't even occurred to him that they were even on anyone's mind to take from them.

"It's a bit more complicated than that." Ada said with a sigh. She looked deeply stressed.

"Ivan agreed to give the land to Arthur if you broke your oath to stay mated to Emma. It was agreed upon last meeting, with all witness to it. So now Tristan has to go to the meeting, keeping up the ruse he's still mated to Emma, until he can rightfully transfer the land to Byron, so Arthur will have no claim on it," Noah said with frustrated tone.

Tristan felt like a vice was squeezing inside his chest.

"It was all burned down... why would he even want it?" Dena growled. Clearly she was furious as well.

"It's been two and a half years, in a very rainy region. It's livable again, most of it anyway. Byron is having a lot of trouble with the humans. He wants to relocate." Noah said.

Tristan felt like he couldn't think for a moment. He had already failed her so much.

What the hell would she think if he showed up with Emma... pregnant, and presenting like they were still mated?

"I can't do it." Tristan said firmly. "He can just take the land."

"It has to be before the council, witnessed, I'm afraid, unless the treaty dissolved, otherwise Arthur has a right to take it back." Hutch said. "And before you ask, a transfer of property like that... I can't do it as a proxy, it would have to be you."

Tristan took another hard breath. So many furious emotions were mixing inside him.

"How will Arthur react the moment he realizes he's been fooled?" Dena asked with concern.

"Byron will be giving us money for the land, and Rafe is going to make a 'deal' with Byron for Lo, he will leave before us, they decided it's best to let Arthur believe Rafe will take her, and we will get her from Cana after everything settles. Byron and Arthur are having problems, he wants to keep it as amiable as possible while everyone is together. What happens afterward he doesn't care, as long as we are all off his territory. It's all in the letters." Ada said.

Tristan could barely think. This is not how he thought any of this would happen. He felt his furious wolf rising.

"Tristan, look at me." Ada said. Tristan glanced up at her.

"I will do everything I can to ensure she knows it's not real. Amelia is a good wolf, she will help us. I know you both have a lot of healing to do, we just have to get through the next few weeks, and get her back on our land before the mating moon." Ada said.

Tristan felt another spike of worry. He hadn't thought of that...


But he suddenly felt panicked.

Even knowing all this, and how important it was... he still didn't think he could do it. How could he be convincing when he couldn't even stand Emma's touch? His wolf hated it. Any female's touch that wasn't family.

It had been that way since he met her...

"I can't do it." Tristan repeated. "I'm not just being stubborn, I can't physically do it." He couldn't control his inner beast.

He wanted only Lo.

"Then you will have to take the ama. Just for a few days, just to be convincing. Until we can get Lo out of there." Edith said.

Tristan felt sick. He finally looked to Rafe's letter. He explained basically the same thing, and included more details.

And he described her, and how much she'd changed from that scared little wolf...

Tristan took a hard breath and glanced up at his grandfather. He looked stressed.

"The meeting is in six days. We need to plan this carefully, and figure out who you're taking with us. He expects us tomorrow, but we shouldn't get there until closer to the meeting, the less interaction we have, the better." Hutch said.


Lily stared up at the blue sky. She hadn't slept well.

Anger... more like rage, had kept her awake. Something had made him furious.

It made Lily nervous to think of what. Maybe he knew...

She took a slow breath to try not to think about it and turned her attention to the lake near the pack house that had become a favorite spot of hers. She was sitting beneath a tree, the sun was high, it was midday. And it was quiet there, with not much movement.

Byron's land had several large lakes. One to the west was very big, she had considered it for a possible escape route, but it was nearly frozen with the coming winter. Everyday seemed to be getting colder. Swimming through it was out of the question...

And human cabins were at the other side. An enforcer had surprisingly answered every question she asked as she roamed. She had a good layout of their land and what was where.

But currently it wasn't helping her... she couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't likely get herself killed.

This lake though... she liked this spot for a different reason. There was a small playground on the other side from her vantage point. Families seemed to make use of it at all hours of the day.

She didn't know why she felt the need to torture herself... but watching them, she liked seeing the joy, even if it gave her a deep ache.

"Hello... I'm sorry to bother you..." a female voice spoke from behind her. Lily glanced back. A female stood beside a teenage male, and several more females that looked to be in their twenties holding their pups.

Lily had another reason for not staying in her room anymore...

Word had apparently spread around the pack that she helped their Alpha's sister find her mate. The last two days... she was suddenly bombarded with wolves asking for her to look at their marks. Lily was certain she wouldn't find another, she truly felt it was a one time thing... such an unlikely occurrence that it wouldn't happen again.

And it hadn't.

But it didn't stop people from seeking her out. Lily inwardly sighed. She knew where this was going.

"Can you check? To see if you recognize them too?" The female asked. Lily looked beyond her. She assumed they were her grown children and grandchildren. The male teen did not look happy to be there.

"Of course." Lily said politely. She felt awkward. It was just going to be another round of disappointed hopes for them anyway.

The females went first, showing her the mate marks on their toddlers. Lily frowned and shook her head.

"I'm sorry." Lily said. Both young mothers exchanged a saddened glance.

"Go on." The older female said as she shoved her youngest son forward. He growled a bit at her, obviously annoyed, before he showed her his mark on his lower abdomen.

Lily blinked.

She felt a strange dropping in her stomach. She truly deeply didn't believe it would happen again...

"Your mate is in the Wayla pack, they're on the west coast." Lily said as she looked up at him. Brielle treated the teenage female for an injury while Lily had been visiting her. Her mate mark was on her side. She remembered the pattern well... for she had helped Brielle wrap her wound. His mother made an excited gasp.

"Thank you!" She said with emotion breaking her voice. Lily looked up at the male's face. He seemed in shock.

"Thank you! Thank you..." The mother kept saying as she dropped down to hug her. Lily froze up in her arms, uncertain what to do, but after a moment, Lily gently returned the hug.

The female got up a minute later and ushered her family away. Lily just sat there as she watched them rush off...

She felt strange. Strange and... happy? The sudden sense of purpose she had was an odd feeling. She had never thought about searching for fated mates in all her travels with Gila.

Lily turned her attention back to the lake. It took a little while for the shock of finding another's mate to wear off...

And when it did, she couldn't help but thinking of Gila... Sil, Mia, Rin, Inaya and Imee...

It had only been a few days. She wondered what they were doing...

She wished she hadn't been so stupid. She wished she'd told Gila everything. Lily wondered if Sil told her now that it didn't matter.

Now that she may never see them again.

"Why do you always sit here?" Byron asked her. Lily had heard him coming... but she didn't think he'd veer off the path to talk to her.

Lily felt suddenly awkward. What would she say to that? That she liked watching happy families?

"... I just..." Lily fumbled with her words as she glanced back at him, just as Byron followed her line of sight to the playground.

A strange expression crossed his face, before he looked at her.

"You confirmed another?" He asked, clearly changing the subject. Lily assumed that mother must have rushed straight to Byron to get permission to leave pack territory. She certainly seemed eager. Lily hesitantly nodded.

"You are full of surprises." Byron said in an almost admiring tone. Lily looked away from him.

"I need you to go to your room, and don't leave it unless I say." Byron said. Lily looked back at him with a furrowed brow.

"We have guests that I don't trust you'll want to be around. I don't trust them to be around you either."He added. Lily stared at him for a moment... before it occurred to her who he may be talking about. She quickly stood.

"I've kept them away for as long as I could, but they are invited guests now. I would just rather keep you separated." He said. Lily furrowed her brow.


"Arthur?" Lily asked, confused.

"Yes, he and his family are to arrive within the hour. Cecil too. I don't believe you've met him, but he certainly has an interest in you. Avoid them, I've instructed my enforcers to not let them near you." Byron said. Lily nodded and started walking past him.

He gently caught her arm and Lily tensed. She couldn't help it.

He may act nice to her, but she still saw him as her enemy.

"Thank you, for what you did for my sister and that boy." Byron said. Lily felt even stranger. She met his eyes, he looked sincere.

"And I hope in the future, you won't hold this against me. I'm only doing what's best for my pack." He said. Lily studied his eyes. He did seem genuine.

Why did he feel so compelled to tell her this? Was that guilt in his eyes?

Lily couldn't help but think of what Gila had told her. That those that were kind to her were of good character.

She didn't know if she believed that...

"I'd prefer to be far away from all of this." Lily said. Byron gave her a sad sort of smile.

"Fate has a different course for you it seems, I believe it's best not to question it. I'm sure you and he will get over all this someday, and be better for it." Byron said. Lily felt uncomfortable again.

"I don't want him, not anymore. And he doesn't want me." Lily said firmly.

"You two must have done something quite punishable in a past life to be faced with so many trials in this one. Whether you like it or not, you will be a Lykaia wolf at the end of this, and with the mating moon in less than two weeks... I doubt that vow not to want him will mean anything." Byron said with an amused tone. Lily was quiet.

...that thought did frighten her.

"Can I go?" She asked after a moment. Byron released her and she hurried back toward the house.

Dinner was brought to her in her room. While she ate, she heard the commotion of arriving guests, caught their scents from the safety of her room with enforcers at the door.

It felt both safe and confining.

As she lay in bed afterward, there were loud voices here and there. Angry. Shouting and arguing. They weren't even trying to hide it. There were yelling down in the foyer. Out in the open.

Lily didn't listen to it. She forced herself not to. She recognized it as Arthur's voice, and he was furious, demanding. She heard her name several times...

At some point, she heard some commotion on the stairs that had her sitting bolt upright in bed. Her heart starting to flutter in panic... but whatever happened didn't last long and the boisterous noise faded down another hallway in the floor below.

Lily truly did not feel safe...

She had to get out.


"We are preparing to leave the territory." Tristan said into the dark room. Just the dying fire in the hearth was the only light.

The room smelled strongly of alcohol.

"And?" His father's voice was disinterested. It came from the other side of a high backed arm chair. Tristan felt his wolf grow angry again. He'd barely managed to calm down.

"Noah and Edith are in charge until we return. Mom thought you should know." Tristan said. He wouldn't even let her near him now. He barely let anyone near him.

Ivan said nothing. Tristan finally pushed into the room and circled wide until he came into view. He looked gaunt, thin and pale. More so than usual.

"Have you eaten today?" Tristan asked.

How many times had he asked him that damn question? Far too many...

It's why he avoided this place. Watching his father waste himself away was sickening.

"Leave." Ivan said. Tristan hesitated only a moment, before he headed out the door.

...why did he even bother?

It was starting to feel like he was already grieving his father's death. The male he once knew and loved just seemed to be... gone.

But at least this pain distracted him from the fury he had finally managed to calm down.

Tristan was struggling with the fact they weren't going now. He had to keep reeling himself back from just taking off on his own.

He knew they had to be smart about this.

Tristan glanced up to the edge of the forest when he noticed Jake waiting there for him at the fork in the trail. He couldn't help but feel the frustration. He knew what this was likely about.

"I'm not coming?" Jake growled. Tristan didn't stop walking.

"Are you kidding me?" Jake continued as he followed him.

"You know why you can't. Nothing is going to happen... we will come right back once it's settled." Tristan said.

Jake was smarter than this.

"She's carrying my pup." He growled.

"She asked for Bram to come. He'll look after her while she's with her family." Tristan said. Emma's cousin was not an incapable wolf. They were taking him along to act as her guard.

Not that he fully trusted either of them. They had another Lykaia enforcer that was assigned to her as well... to make sure to keep her in check.

He wasn't going to tell Jake that though...

"This is bull-" Jake started.

"You think I want to do this?" Tristan snarled and spun on him. Jake looked frustrated. Tristan took an annoyed breath and looked back at the house.

"Make sure he eats while we're gone. Maybe your mom will have better luck..." Tristan said. Jake glanced beyond him to the house.

"He's still that bad?" He asked with a sympathetic tone.

Tristan just turned and kept walking down the path. He didn't want to talk about it.

He just wanted to go...


The next morning she awoke to a knock on the door. Lily glanced over at it with a frown. She didn't bother getting up, they never waited for her to answer it.

Amelia stepped through the door a moment later. Lily sat up, surprised. She assumed it would be a caretaker coming with breakfast.

"Good morning... I... have an unusual request. Would you join me in my room with the rest of the females for breakfast? It will just be this once. They want to meet you." Amelia asked. She looked somewhat stressed. Lily furrowed her brow.

She didn't like this...

"...okay." Lily said after some hesitation. Could she even refuse?

"Wonderful... let's get you dressed then." Amelia said with a smile. Lily stared at her strangely.

She was going to stay?

...what was going on?

Lily reluctantly got out of bed and let the caretakers fuss over her again. They hadn't really since that first breakfast. Her nerves were starting to string tight inside her.

What other females was she talking about? She thought of Byron's request to remain in her room until he said...

Did that include Amelia's voice too? They were both Alphas...

She hesitatingly followed Amelia down several hallways, followed by their enforcer escorts. If they didn't want her to follow... they would have stopped her right?

They remained on the upper level. As they passed a wide open bannister space, Lily couldn't help but glance down at those gathered in the courtyard below.

A male's eyes instantly snapped up to hers. Lily paused. His eyes were dark and vicious, and his gaze sent a spike of cold down her spine. It made her hair stand in end. Her inner self screamed danger.

"Come along." Amelia said quickly. Lily forcibly broke his gaze and hurried after her. She was relieved when she no longer felt his eyes on her.

...who was that?

As they approached, Amelia's enforcers opened the doors for them into a wide open living space. A table was set up by the open balcony. Lily paused at the threshold. There were five females there, and another small table with four female pups who were all giggling and talking amongst themselves.

Not a single one of them had a mark of fate.

Lily looked to the oldest among them, clearly another Alpha female. She was staring at Lily with a harsh gaze in her unkind eyes, and she exuded arrogance.

Beside her was three females that looked and smelled just like her, daughters most likely, and on the other side, was another tall lithe female that exuded just as much arrogance. An Alpha daughter from another pack.

She smelled of that vicious male in the courtyard...

Lily looked to the table. Half finished breakfast plates were already in front of them. Lily realized her invite was likely a late one. She glanced at Amelia.

"See Amelia? I knew she would come. I was told she was a submissive sort." The oldest female spoke. Lily felt herself tense.

"Edna, she is my guest. For the time being, and she deserves the respect of any other higher rank, just like all of you. Under my roof, I expect you all to behave accordingly." Amelia said firmly. Lily studied her face. She didn't seem to like being in the presence of these other females anymore than Lily suddenly did.

They all laughed. As if what she had said was funny... Lily felt incredibly uncomfortable.

Why had she said yes to this?

"I assumed Ada would have been here by now, considering... I heard she had a soft spot for that female." Edna spoke again as she eyed Lily.

They were all looking at her with scrutinizing gazes. It was almost suffocating.

"Why? Her son already has a mate." The other female said firmly.

Lily was just growing even more uncomfortable by the second.

"Lily, this is Edna, Arthur's mate, and her daughters Colleen, Donna and Bridgette." Amelia began. Lily couldn't help but feel a sudden sickness in her stomach. No wonder their scents gave off a vague familiarness. This was Emma's family...

"And this is Laura, Cecil's sister." Amelia said. She went on to introduce the pups and who they belonged to, but Lily could hardly pay attention, especially at the way the five females were staring at her with hostile looks.

"Please sit." Amelia said as she gestured to a seat beside her the moment she herself sat down. Lily hesitantly did so, Edna was on her left.

It made her uncomfortable.

A caretaker gave her a plate but Lily could hardly stomach it. The awkward silence was short lived. The females picked up a conversation and Lily had no idea what they spoke about. Pack matters most likely.

She was just thankful they seemed to be ignoring her now. Amelia kept casting worried glances over at her, especially as she gave up eating any more than a few bites and focused on the tea instead.

The minutes dragged on, and Lily wasn't even addressed again.

Why was she even here? Lily deduced they must have pressured Amelia to fetch her. Lily glanced over at her. She was pregnant, and vulnerable. She didn't seem all that happy to be in their presence either.

"I still can't believe what happened there... so close to our own territory. All those poor females." Edna said in a tone Lily knew was insincere, and she stiffened when she realized what their conversation had shifted to.

"Oh... Emma wrote me all about that. She said the state of the females.... most were ruined beyond measure. If it was up to me, I'd have had them all put down. It would have been mercy, considering how some of them were even rejected by their gifted." Laura said as she popped a piece of fruit into her mouth and heavily looked at Lily.

Lily couldn't help that her eyes snapped to her in shock. Fury coursed through her a moment later.

"Laura, that is unkind." Amelia growled. "I've heard many of those females have found their mates and are doing quite well now."

"I meant it as a kindness. And I suppose it depends on your definition of doing well. I hear it's quite the opposite... but to each their own. I'm just glad I wasn't one of those poor souls whose decision on who I mate is taken from me. Can you imagine having to accept a mate like that?" She said with a laugh. Amelia stiffened at that, but the others at the table seemed to find it amusing as well. "No offense of course." She added as she looked over at them.

Lily looked at Edna. She was staring at her hard.

"Tell me, child. What do you intend to do? Since your mate does not want you. He's quite happy with my daughter, they are even expecting a pup this season." Edna asked.

Lily froze.

It felt like being doused in ice water. It took a moment for her to get her breath back. Her eyes snapped to the female who was now watching her with interest and an almost cruel smirk.

... Tristan and Emma were going to have a pup?

Lily felt confused. Confused and angry... didn't Byron say he was giving her back to him? That Tristan was looking for her?

... if he was having a pup with his chosen, then why would he be?

"Edna, stop. I already told you... we plan to help her make mating arrangements with another pack." Amelia insisted. Lily cast her a hard look.

What? Lily's mind was reeling. So many emotions were hurting her all at once. That's not what Byron said...

She hated that these female's were seeing her panic. She couldn't possibly hide it.

"And who.... exactly, would take a female like her?" Colleen said with a nasty implication in her tone. Lily felt increasingly like the room was being suffocated.

"Come now Colleen, just because she's dressed poorly doesn't hide the fact that's she is quite stunning." Edna commented. Dressed poorly? She glanced at Amelia who looked flustered.

Clearly that insult wasn't completely directed at her.

Before Lily could react, the older female suddenly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at her. Lily froze for a moment as she stared at the female.

Everything was becoming too much.

"Cecil has expressed interest in her, has he not Laura?" Edna asked as she harshly appraised her. Lily clenched her teeth as the delayed fury finally hit her.

The shock was wearing off.

Why did this come as such a surprise? She knew he didn't want her. But she was feeling her inner beast get wounded all over again.

...maybe with everything Byron had been saying, she did start to feel some hope again...

Why did she keep doing this?

"Her body is enviable, she has hips and breasts males covet. Is Byron interested in selling her?" Edna asked. Lily finally gained her sense back enough to push back and force out of Edna's tight grip.

...sell her?

"She seems vulgar, more like a human..." Bridgette said with disgust. Laura laughed.

"Are you kidding? Those mountain wolves are highly coveted, males have such strange taste. She would make quite the lovely present for one." Laura said. Lily felt like the room was becoming even more suffocating.

"Your pack needs females, does it not?" Edna asked.

"Yes. This mating Moon we have far too many males seeking mates and not enough females to comfortably please them. I will gladly take her off your hands Amelia. Since her gifted already remarked his chosen, it won't even be uncomfortable for her mating with another." Laura said. Lily could barely breathe as she looked at Amelia.

She looked livid. Lily looked back at Laura. She herself looked like a cruel wolf, what would her pack's males be like?

"We do not sell our females." Byron snarled suddenly from the doorway. All the females in the room glanced back. Lily's eyes followed. He looked angry. Lily's gaze flicked to Amelia. She knew in pregnancy their mates could feel them more. She wondered if her anger made him come check on her.

"Oh Byron... she's not even yours. But I see your point, we can trade then. Wording does not matter. I'm sure we can come up with-" Laura began.

"No." He snarled even harsher. Lily quickly looked away.

Why would he care?

Lily quickly stood and walked past him. She felt the heat of angry gazes following her.

She half ran back to her room once she was out of their sight. Lily pushed back through the doors, but before she could slam it, Byron stopped it with a hand. He seemed angry.

"If you're going to sell me to another pack, then let it be my homeland." Lily growled at him. Byron slammed the door behind him and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He seemed frustrated.

"Ignore their incessant chatter. I've already told you the plan for you. Just remember that, and be careful what you say. As you can already tell, my home is not soundproof." Byron said with a hard tone. Lily stared at him hard.

"When were you going to tell me Tristan was expecting with his chosen? Why does he even want me then?" Lily demanded with a shaky voice.

"Keep your voice down." Byron growled. Lily took a shaky breath.

"Please just let me go, I'll leave and never come back." Lily begged. "I have people who care about me out there... like no one here does."

Byron looked conflicted for a moment.

"I can't do that." He said. She noticed his gaze had softened some over the days she'd been stuck there. Did he really feel bad?

"Then leave me alone." Lily insisted. Byron sighed and turned to leave.

"I'll have my Gamma escort you for a run later, otherwise, remain here." He said before he shut the door.

Almost two days went by with her barely leaving the room. Those terrible females had attempted to come see her several times, but thankfully the enforcers posted in the hallway shooed them away.

The long hours of nothingness, fretting, were almost painful.

And her panicked wolf was terrified at seeing Tristan again... happily expecting a pup that was not hers...

Lily couldn't handle it anymore. She was determined that the next run they let her on... she was going to go straight to those cliffs and jump. Consequences be damned.

It was better than staying here.

Twice in the night she heard enforcers arguing. Byron's voice joined theirs at some point. As did Rafe's. It was the first time she'd heard him in days... she was relieved to know he was back, but he hadn't come to see her.

She felt odd... did he hate her now?

Regardless she didn't open her door, she feared to.

It was clear to her that these Alphas were not getting along as well as they did when the Varga lands were invaded.

Lily spent another restless night sitting by the window. She now stared out at the crisp morning sky when the Gamma came in. She expected him to say he was going to be taking her for a run, but he didn't.

"Come, we are moving you." He said. Lily stared at him oddly, but reluctantly obeyed.

She felt nervous as they left the Alpha housing and continued on for some time. They passed many pack buildings until they reached another high ranking housing area.

She didn't know what to expect... but she felt relieved when Rafe's scent hit her.

"You'll be staying here from now on." The male said as he opened the door for her. Lily hesitantly stepped inside. He closed the door behind her.

"We thought it would be safer." Rafe's voice startled her somewhat. Her nerves were so tight.

"I'm sorry." Lily said awkwardly as she looked over at him standing in the walkway toward what she assumed was the kitchen. She smelled food.

She didn't know what else to say. Rafe chuckled and gestured her to follow him, she did. She eyed the enforcers inside that she passed, they were a mix of Rafe's and Byron's.

"I don't blame you. I'm happy for Leena." Rafe said. Lily couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Care for some breakfast? I'm sorry it took so long to get back, Byron told me you had a run in with those pleasant females." Rafe said with a hint of sarcasm. Lily stared at him for a moment, and couldn't help but smile as her eyes turned to the array of breakfast food he had set out on a table.

After days of not eating, she was suddenly hungry again. Or maybe it was just the distance between all those hostile wolves that gave her an appetite back.

"Thank you." Lily said. Rafe pulled a chair out for her, and they both sat. Lily ate tentatively, despite being hungry, she couldn't help but still feel a little awkward.

"You are going to come home with me after the meetings. Tristan has not been with Emma since you met, despite everything you are going to hear otherwise." He said with a lowered voice. Lily paused her forkful of food.

"It's a complicated situation. That pup is not his." Rafe said firmly. Lily studied his face with a furrowed brow.

"I don't understand." She said. Her wolf felt numb at this point...

She didn't know what to believe anymore.

Rafe sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Fucking Byron." He growled. Lily took another bite to distract herself.

"I'm taking you back to my pack the moment I'm able, Tristan will meet you there after all this is done. You can stay with me if you want, until you feel comfortable enough to go with him again. I know he has a lot to make up for." Rafe said.

Lily just stared at him. She hated how much she didn't trust them anymore.

None of this made sense to her.

"I don't want to go with any of you... I just want to go back..." Lily said. Rafe studied her face.

"Give him a chance at least, if you still can't make it work, then I will take you wherever you wish to go." Rafe said. Lily frowned at him.

She didn't believe him.

"Why would you do that for me?" Lily asked.

"Do I need a reason? It's the right thing to do." Rafe said.

"Why are you so insistent I see him?" Lily asked.

"Because people make mistakes, some worse than others. And you shouldn't go so far as to hurt yourself just because you want to be spiteful." Rafe said seriously. Lily studied his face.

...was she being spiteful?

"I don't believe he's changed. I don't know if I believe anything you say. No one here has ever cared about me, they just wanted something from me. And if he does want me... it's because our bond forced it. I don't want to be wanted because someone has no choice... if that's spiteful, then so be it." Lily said. Rafe studied her for a moment, before he grinned.

"Where have you been? Or who have you been with that's changed you so much?" Rafe asked curiously. Lily looked away from him.

"I made a new family... and I miss them." Lily said with a hint of emotion. Rafe furrowed his brow.

It went silent between them.

"Where are they? I can send them a message." Rafe said. Lily shook her head.

"I don't want them involved in this." Lily said.

Again, it went silent between them.

"Byron says you haven't been getting out much. Would you like to go for a run with me?" He asked. Lily glanced out the windows. Her thoughts once more going to the cliffs...

She felt nervousness deep in her gut at the thought of jumping into that freezing raging river. She looked back at Rafe. He was watching her skeptically.

"Yes, I'd like that." Lily said.

Whatever Rafe had seen in her face... he kept her far away from the borders. Lily was frustrated by the time they returned back to his house. He showed her where she'd be staying, in a room next to his, and then after lunch, they went out for a walk in skin.

She wore a pants and a warm coat, she didn't know where all the clothes came from in her room, but she had a feeling Amelia had things sent over for her.

Rafe knew a lot about Byron's lands. It was clear he visited them regularly, and Lily again felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought he'd been going there to see a chosen mate he no longer had.

But Rafe wasn't acting heart broken. If she didn't know any better... he seemed relieved if anything.

Had she stopped him from making a mistake?

They came to a stop atop a hill that overlooked the lands. He pointed things out to her as they sat there enjoying the afternoon sun, even with the cold. The breeze began to pick up as she laid back and stared up at the sky.

Even with the enforcers that followed them, she hadn't felt this at ease since she'd been captured...

She was once again feeling grateful to Rafe. She needed this...

The cool breeze picked up, rustling her hair and clothes. Lily stared up at the few passing clouds in the nearly clear sky that was just starting to pink with sunset.

It was peaceful, quiet. Birds chirped softly. She could hear the playful growls and tumbles of pups in the forest nearby. Rafe was chatting warmly with one of the enforcers a short distance away.

And that's when it hit her.

A scent carried on the breeze that made her stomach churn in both a pleasant and frightful manner. Lily's breath caught.

...he was here?

She sat up abruptly and quickly stood. She felt her whole body react to his scent.

It absolutely terrified her...

Just as she was about to tell Rafe she wanted to go back, she froze when she felt the burn of his eyes on her.

Lily took several hard breaths as she turned around slowly, and felt the breeze whip her hair around her face as she caught his form walking with a group of Lykaia wolves on the pack's main road. It was a distance still, but she felt those green eyes, and she immediately met them.

They stared at each other. Even from afar.

It had been two and a half years... She felt her heart start to pound.

And then her eyes trailed to the female beside him, clearly pregnant. Lily felt like the air was sucked out of her.

She knew what Rafe said. But it didn't make it easier to see. Doubt hit her hard.

Lily spun and quickly sprinted down the hill away from the approaching wolves. She was headed back toward Rafe's house.

"Lily!" Rafe growled at her, but she didn't listen. She shifted straight through her clothes and ran as hard as she could.


"Stop!" Sawyer growled low at him as he grabbed his arm. Tristan didn't even realize he'd nearly gone after her.

His whole body was tense.

The whole damn trek there he'd been tense. But now... his wolf was riled. He knew his eyes had glazed the moment he caught her scent. He underestimated the heightened appeal of it now that she was no longer juvenile.

And he didn't expect to see her. Byron had vowed to keep her away from everyone. He didn't think he'd deal with this until after the meeting...

She had tempted the craving beast in him by running.

Two and a half years...

Tristan took a hard breath. Dammit... maybe he should have taken the ama. He convinced himself he could do this without it. He wanted to be clear headed.

"Tristan." Ada said worriedly. Tristan glanced over at her. He clenched his jaw tight and glanced back to the hillside where she'd disappeared.

After everything, it shouldn't bother him that her first instinct was to run from him, but it did. He took several deep breaths to try and calm himself.

"I'll go, right after we greet Byron." Dena said. Tristan ground his teeth a bit.

This was going to be harder than he thought.

He looked at those they brought with them. His mother, Sawyer, Jay, Dena, Emma, Bram, twenty of their strongest enforcers and Nathan. Despite his hesitation having him come, he was still among their most skilled.

Hutch and his group was with them too. His grandmother and all their chosen enforcers.

They needed their best there. This was hostile territory for them. They brought none of the pups for that very reason, despite Byron insisting. Tristan assumed he was trying to make it so no one was hostile with each other. Maybe he thought their pups would keep them in check.

Tristan doubted that...

Edith and Noah had to stay behind to run the territory. And Cal... in case anything happened to Tristan.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked. Tristan had to hold his wolf back at the sudden fierce annoyance he got at her voice. It startled him, the volatile reaction.

His wolf had been numb to her presence for so long. And just from catching Lo's scent and seeing her from a distance, brought this level of abhorrence back?

Tristan glanced at her. She had been quiet and reserved ever since she was told that Lo was here... and their soul purpose for coming was to get her back.

Tristan didn't know what he expected from her reaction, but she barely even had one.

At least she was happy to come, she insisted she wanted to see her family and would do whatever they asked of her. Tristan looked at Bram on the other side of her. The wolf was a quiet sort. He didn't speak much. His mother believed they could occupy themselves with their family and he wouldn't have to interact with her much.

Not that they trusted them... Emma knew they'd have a guard assigned to her at all times.

"Everything's fine. Come on. We need to keep moving." Ada insisted.

Tristan let his gaze linger on that hilltop for only a moment more, before he forced himself forward. The rest continued as well.

As they approached the Alpha housing, Tristan had never felt more strained in his life. For far too many reasons.

He caught her scent there, strongly. And the others. Arthur and Cecil.

It brought the rage from his wolf to the surface again.

Byron met them out front.

"Hutch, Vera! Tristan and Ada, it's been a long time." Byron said with a friendly smile. Tristan didn't even pretend to return it. He couldn't hide his anger. Byron just grinned. His mate beside him immediately moved forward to his grandmother and mother.

"Byron, you're looking well." Hutch greeted neutrally.

"Amelia." Ada said with a smile as the females hugged. Emma approached them as well, acting just as prim and poised as she usually was in front of others.

"Oh Emma, you're certainly glowing. Your mother has been eager to see you." Amelia said. It irked Tristan more than he knew it should.

This whole situation was making him sick.

"I'll have them show you to your houses. I thought it best you have some privacy, once you've both settled, you're more than welcome to join us for dinner, or if you prefer, we can send some over, I realize you've had a long journey." Byron added.

"Thank you, that would be preferred." Tristan said. He forced his tone calm. He was going to avoid interacting with them as much as he possibly could. Byron nodded and gestured his caretakers to show them the way, but before they got far.

"Tristan." Arthur's voice gave him pause. He grit his teeth, forcing his wolf calm before he glanced back at him. Arthur had a large fake smile. Byron didn't look pleased.

"We thought you'd be here days ago." Arthur said.

"We had things to attend to." Ada answered. Arthur glanced at her with annoyance.

"I see your pack still can't keep your females in check, I was speaking to you." Arthur growled back at him.

So much for keeping down the anger.

"Watch it." Tristan snarled back. His grandfather put a hand on his shoulder.

"Believing in respecting your life givers has its advantages." Hutch said with an underlying tone of hostility. His gaze heavy on Arthur.

"Enough." Byron growled.

"Father-" Emma said as she started to step up toward him, but he stepped back and looked at her with anger. Tristan stared hard at his face.

...did he know?

"Your mother is eager to see you." Arthur said, before he turned and walked away. Emma just stood there with a startled look on her face. Tristan just stared after him.

They hadn't been letting her write much. He convinced himself that was why, and not that he suspected. He hadn't tried to visit them once over the years.

How would he know?


A knock on her door made her jump, despite hearing them come up. Lily had locked herself in the moment she got back.

"Lily? Dena is here... she'd like to see you." Rafe said. Lily took several deep panicked breaths. She had caught her scent, and it just served to deepen her panic.

She couldn't help but think of the last time she saw her. The look of distrust...

Lily covered her face when the images of Lottie came back to her. All that blood....

She felt her heart rate spike. True panic was starting to make her feel dizzy.

She heard Rafe's voice through the door, growing more and more concerned, but she couldn't comprehend it.

It wasn't until Rafe was pulling her into a hug, and Dena's scent had faded, that Lily finally began to relax.

"I don't want to see them." Lily said with her face still covered. Rafe sighed.

"I'm sorry little wolf..." Rafe said.


Tristan could barely stomach any food. His wolf was antsy. He couldn't stop pacing the front room.

He wanted to see her...

"Sit down Tristan." Ada said. Not that he could listen. Dena had left, and hadn't returned yet.

"If you can't handle it... take the ama." She said with a frown. Tristan took several deep breaths. Sawyer was leaning on the wall near the front door.

Tristan looked to the window. She wasn't even that far from them. He didn't have to be told. He knew exactly where she was.

"Why don't you go run?" Sawyer suggested.

That was the last thing he wanted to do. He didn't trust himself in fur. He knew exactly where he'd end up.

"Dammit... we are all here, why can't we just get it over with?" Tristan growled in sudden anger when he felt a sudden spike of panic from her.

This was all such bullshit.

"It's politics, you will have to get used to this." Ada said. Tristan tried to ignore what he was feeling. It was so strong now, being so close.

"Tomorrow they are going to try to make some mating arrangements among the young they brought." Ada said. Tristan paused at the window and clenched his jaw tight.

Dammit... why did they agree to this? Maybe they could have got her out another way... he caught Dena's scent and immediately went for the door to yank it open.

"She doesn't want to see me." Dena said. Tristan looked out in the direction of the house. It was suddenly physically painful to not just go.

Dena put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's late, let's try to get some sleep." She said sympathetically.


Lily lay staring up at the ceiling. Moonlight was pouring into her room.

She felt strange...

The embarrassment of her panic had faded by then, she hated how weak she looked in front of Rafe. Her wolf felt uncomfortable about it.

But now, there was something else wrong. Something very wrong.

Lily took several deep breaths. But it didn't help the sudden discomfort she felt. What was wrong with her?

...why did it feel like how she felt the week leading into her heat?

Lily looked at the moon. It was far too early for that. It didn't make sense. She shoved up and started to pace the room. She felt restless.

Lily glanced at the wall where she knew Rafe was sleeping. The house was quiet. It had to be closer to morning than night by then, but she had no clock.

And it didn't help that she could feel him now, so strongly. Too strongly.

Anxiousness. Need.

Was that hers or his?

Lily swallowed painfully. She couldn't calm her breathing. Her wolf was suddenly pushing her to go.

No, Lily growled to herself as she continued to pace.

I don't want to see him... I don't want to see him... Lily kept repeating that in her head as she hugged herself, but that inner part of her was telling her something entirely different.

And it was scaring her how much that need was building inside her, overtaking her panic and anxiety. Lily looked at the window again and buried her hands in her hair.

She didn't want this. She didn't expect the bond would affect her too... and so strongly. Not after all the heartache she suffered because of it.

Lily looked at the moon again. She couldn't calm her breathing. She suddenly wanted to curse that damn moon...

The need was growing. It was growing to a point she didn't know if she could stand it. Lily spun toward the door when she caught his scent. Her breathing hitched and she felt every nerve in her body string tight.

She heard quiet voices outside the house. Enforcers and his voice. It was unmistakably.

It made the ache inside her spike that much harder.

...was he really here?

Lily kept breathing hard and started to pace again. The voices were growing a bit more stern. Telling him to go away most likely.

Lily grit her teeth and buried her hands in her hair again.

Maybe... maybe if she just faced him for a moment, told him to go away herself, that it would help?

Because the strange pull inside her didn't seem to be going away. It was only getting stronger. It was becoming unbearable.

Lily hesitantly made for the door. She kept grabbing the handle and letting it go several times, before she forced herself out and downstairs. She heard the voices more clearly now as she walked down the hallway. His voice. It was giving her a strange warming chill inside her. An enforcer grabbed her arm.

"It's okay... can you go tell them I'll talk to him?" Lily asked shakily. She didn't know if this was a good idea... but she kept telling herself she was stronger now... she didn't have to be afraid.

And the discomfort was fading now that she was closer to him.

But the scared nervous energy inside her was battling with the pull. The enforcer looked uncertain.

"I was told-" He began.

"He's my gifted. I need to talk to him, it's uncomfortable being so close. I don't think I can sleep otherwise." Lily said honestly. The male studied her face for a moment.

"I can wake Rafe." He said quietly. Lily quickly shook her head.

"No... I just need to see him. I think that's all we need." Lily said.

At least that was her hope. This tightness inside her was making her more and more uncomfortable... she could hear Tristan's voice becoming strained. She heard other familiar voices now too. Sawyer and Dena?

Lily felt the nervousness spike again.

"Just... just him, no one else." Lily reiterated. That would be too much right now...

She felt her wolf suddenly pushing against her senses. Wanting control. Lily felt herself shaking slightly.

What was wrong with her?

Lily moved into the empty kitchen as the enforcer headed outside. She didn't want witnesses to what may be another heartbreak for her.

Because every time they had ever talked, that's how it ended up...

The nervousness was making her almost physically sick. She kept second guessing herself. What was she doing??

Her gaze went to the kitchen door several times.

An escape...

What was she doing? She asked herself again when she heard the door open, and her senses were truly flooded with his scent. She heard both Sawyer and Dena's discouraging voices.

She felt herself truly starting to tremble as his approaching heavy footsteps nearly had her bolting for the door, but the strange pull inside her kept her rooted to the spot.

And the moment she met his eyes as his large form took up nearly the entire doorframe, the strangest sensation inside her chilled her in a way she'd never felt before.

Was he always that big? Lily stared at him, and she found she couldn't look away.

She knew the almost feral glaze in his eyes should have scared her... but it didn't. With the sudden surge of her wolf, she knew her eyes were likely the same.

Lily took a shaky breath. She didn't know what she expected. But she didn't expect this...

She didn't feel fear. She felt warmth.

They just stared at each other.


Tristan was struggling to control his wolf.

Was she always that beautiful? It didn't even seem the right word. The ache in his hands all the way up through his arms to touch her was immense. Her eyes were glazed with her wolf, reflecting the moonlight from the large window.

He shouldn't be here. But he couldn't stop himself. Tristan was shaking with the amount of control he was trying to put on himself not to go to her.

What did he expect by coming here? He didn't know. It was just driving him insane not to. All damn night. He couldn't stop. His thoughts were a jumble.

He certainly didn't expect she'd agree to see him though...

He didn't know what he expected coming here.

Sawyer and Dena's warnings not to do it were there... in the back of his mind. He suddenly felt like he probably should have listened.

The creak of wood behind him had him snarl back at the enforcer who was getting entirely too close to his mate. The overwhelming possessiveness was startling.

As was the violent impulse it was bringing up inside him.


She felt his possessive snarl should have scared her... but it didn't.

It sent a chill of warmth through her.

He moved forward and slammed the door behind him, leaving them alone. His intense gaze returned to hers.

Lily could hear her own heavy breathing so vividly. She felt his beast, reacting to her own in some kind of strange long ago dance. It was almost consuming.

...should she say something? She felt almost suffocated.

But her mouth no longer seemed to work. She just stared into his eyes, and he did the same.

The tension was so taut, she felt even a wisp of wind could snap it.

He shifted his weight slightly and the creak of the wood beneath him had Lily just slightly lean back, and she felt her back touch the counter top.

A moment later, she didn't fully understand how her hands were suddenly buried in his hair as her body was yanked forward against his harder one. His mouth swallowed her gasp as she was hoisted up.

Lily felt her mind go blank, she felt possessed as she melted into his mouth. One hand fisted his hair as her other was yanking at his shirt with a growl of her own. She suddenly wanted to feel his skin.

The feel of his mouth against hers fed warmth straight into her mind. The tension in her body melted with an all consuming want.

She heard the fabric of her shirt tear as he dropped her weight onto the counter, his large rough hands were... everywhere.

She growled against his mouth and shredded his shirt as well to bring her hands up his bare back, feeling all the ridges of his muscles. The very maleness of him. It was a strange realization that she felt she already knew everything he liked.

Everywhere he wanted to be touched...

And he was driving her crazy with the same.

The sudden urge to touch his mark became prominent in her mind. Her fingers immediately sought out that part of him they shared, tracing the line of his muscle in a light caress.

He snarled suddenly and pulled from her lips. Lily gasped hard as his teeth and tongue were suddenly on her breast, before he sucked hard right over her mark.

Lily jerked her hips forward against his and griped his shoulders. The spark she felt hit her everywhere, especially between her thighs, and she suddenly felt she didn't know who she was anymore.

Especially as she felt him suddenly nuzzling into her neck with a growl, his teeth suddenly nipping at her delicate skin. She tiled her head to the side, grinding hard into his pelvis with her own when she realized what he was doing.

And in that hated moment, she wanted him to...

But just as she felt his canines just slightly sink in.

"Tristan!" Rafe snarled. Lily stiffened.

Everything crashed down at her, hard. Especially as Rafe was suddenly there, as was Sawyer. Yanking him back.

Not that he budged, he snarled possessively and she felt herself being pulled tightly against him.

But her panic was back. She took a shaky breath.

What had she just done? What did she almost let him do?

Panic consumed her as she attempted to shove away from him. She felt her heart spike, her breaths come in quick jerky halts.

Tristan immediately pushed back, clearly startled by her reaction. Lily covered her mouth and stared at Tristan in shock for a moment, before she shoved away and ran. Pushing around anyone that got in her way.


"Lo!" He heard Dena call after her.

But Tristan was still standing there, feeling shocked as hell.

He had no control. None.

He'd never been such a slave to his wolf as he was until that moment.

And all he could think was....


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