✓ I open a restaurant in Yuan

נכתב על ידי koushuu17

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Author: Yanfeixingsan Category: Danmei fan fiction Status: Completed The newlywed who transformed into a gian... עוד



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נכתב על ידי koushuu17

☆ 23. Chapter 23(1)

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Chapter 23 (1)

A six-legged beast with two horns, one long and one short. It is ugly but ugly and has six chubby legs but is extremely delicious. Its tail feathers look like a ball of fire. The fire-tailed beast, the strange green-skinned beast whose shiny green skin is so hard when alive that bullets can't penetrate it, but after being peeled off after death, it instantly becomes elastic and chewy...

These animals rarely live in groups. , more people live alone. Fei Yu is not greedy. If he only catches the males and females, it will be easy to get one or two pairs together.

While catching wild beasts and sending them into space, I also casually brought in some more food for them to eat. A good solution to being a vegetarian is that you can find a green carpet of leaves, flowers and wild fruits at your fingertips without any effort. If you are unhappy without meat, just store more animal meat for them, and they can live a satisfied life. Don't breed the Gugu beast and the Gaga beast too fast.

Some beasts in space just give birth to cubs, and there are many kinds of beast milk with different flavors. As for which ones taste better after processing and which ones are still too unpleasant to drink, we will see later.

In addition, Feiyu also built several hives. With their dark bodies and wings, and their sharp and reflective tail stings, each black bee is almost as big as a head. A sting would really kill an ordinary person.

But honey is also damn sweet.

With everything flying in the sky and running on the ground, Fei Yu left the dense forest and went to the river.

The river is only five or six meters wide. It twists and turns. I dont know where the source is or where it will flow in the end. The river is clear and deep.

There are several kinds of fish swimming in the river, the smallest is as long as a finger, and the largest is as long as a calf.

The finger-long fish has white scales, is slightly transparent, and has a lot of spines. It is more convenient for making delicious soup. Because the white fish will slowly melt into the soup as it cooks, and in the end there will be only a pot of milky white soup.

There were relatively few of those big long fish, and one of them had a small head and a big body, like a blown up balloon, with a swollen body. Fei Yu named it a ball fish according to the image.

After catching a lot of fish and putting them into the small river in the space, Fei Yu also touched shrimps and river crabs. The river crab gave Fei Yu a surprise. It was big in size and had delicious meat. It was no worse than the crabs in the sea in his previous life.

In the process of storing ingredients, Fei Yu continued to make many cups, dishes, spoons, spatulas, etc. and put them into the space. In addition, many stone pots, frying boards, wooden basins and wooden jars were also made as spares.

He also got a large stone jar that reached to his waist.

Time flew by unknowingly as soon as he was busy with work. Fei Yu walked slowly into the house in the dark night, still thinking about what was missing and forgotten to prepare.

After returning to the house, he naturally cooked, washed, and fed the dragons and snakes. After that, Feiyu got dressed and went to bed early.

After eating and washing up early in the morning, Fei Yu walked straight towards Bai's residence. Before he even reached the door, Fei Yu's eyes were caught by the snow-furred beast tied to a tree trunk not far from the house.

This snow-furred beast had just grown up, and was two times smaller than the one Fei Yuguo saw when he came over. Two of the four horns are not that hard to the touch, and only a pair of big, moist eyes are bigger and more endearing.

Seeing Fei Yu touching its head, the snow-furred beast stretched out its tongue and licked the palm of his hand, then tilted its head and called out to Fei Yu, "Whoo~".

So, so cute.

Feiyu's movements of stroking the fur became lighter, but he did not forget his purpose - he wanted to check the injury of the snow-furred beast.

The injury is definitely not on the leg. If it interferes with the journey, he sells wild animals. This is not doing business, it is enmity. Fei Yu scanned it with his mental power and saw that the snow-furred beast was injured on its tail. The long, fluffy, snow-white tail was cut off in the middle, and the wound had already grown back. To be honest, Fei Yu doesn't think it's ugly at all, and it's pretty short.

After looking at the beast pulling the cart and then looking at the wooden cart that had been tied to it, Fei Yu was very satisfied.

Before Fei Yu could knock on the door, Bai walked out. He had a paralyzed face and only said a few words with unusual economy: "Fifty-five Gray Beast Coins."

Fei Yu, who had planned to exchange a few words, silently swallowed the words and then silently counted all the things he had counted the morning before. He took out the beast coin and handed it to Bai.

Bai took it and put it into his pocket without even counting it. He raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Is there anything else?"

Fei Yu was about to shake his head when he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to mention the most important thing yesterday.

"I heard you have a map here?" Fei Yu asked tentatively.

Bai frowned slightly, "Yes, do you want it?" Fei Yu shook his head and refused without waiting for an answer, "Sorry, we don't sell maps."

Star tribes sell maps, and the more detailed the beast coins, the more The higher. However, no matter how much beast coins can be sold, there are very few orcs willing to sell them. Forget about some ordinary places, hidden places or places that few people know about. Except for the orcs who like to wander around and experience, they are basically the orcs sent by various ethnic groups and tribes to explore. No matter how many orc lives are filled in, some of them can be exchanged for rewards that are equivalent to or even higher than those orc lives.

Fei Yu knew this and hurriedly explained: "I don't want to be exactly the same as you. It doesn't need to be too detailed, just a place that all the orcs know."

Bai's face softened, and he nodded after thinking for a while, " Wait a minute." After saying that, he turned and entered the house.

Fei Yu didn't follow him in, so he stayed outside and used his supernatural powers to capture the snow-furred beast.

After more than half an hour, Bai came out, stretched out his hand and handed him a rolled-up leather-like map.

Fei Yu took it and unfolded it, rubbed it with his fingertips, and recognized that the map was made of a kind of tree bark. It was thin and soft, with one side rough and textured, and the other side smooth and slightly cool to the touch. As soon as the smooth side was unfolded, Fei Yu saw that it was covered with a black juice filled with curved lines, with small icons interspersed among them. Square squares of the same size represent tribes, a few wavy lines represent rivers, a circle drawn on a vertical line represents a tree, and a mountain is a triangle.

In general, all the basic necessities are included, and the drawing is quite clear.

The orcs have their own writing, but they obviously don't have the skills to learn it. On the map Bai gave Feiyu, some tribal squares had characters written in them, which were even more simplified characters than simplified Chinese characters. As for the tribe names that were not written in the squares, Fei Yu guessed that either those tribes were chaotic tribes and were not worth mentioning, or the tribe names were too complicated, and Bai...he couldn't write them.

Fei Yu guessed right.

On the map of the orc world, all star tribes will be uniformly marked. The name of the tribe can be simply written in one word. If it is too difficult or impossible to write, just draw a picture to represent it. Some of the pictures are based on famous tribal paintings. For example, the Fire Tribe drew a flame, and the River Tribe drew a wavy line. Some tribal names cannot be drawn, so just draw representative things in the tribe.

The first thing Fei Yu looked at was naturally the Yan tribe, and in the small square of the Yan tribe, there was a skull...

It was both expected and unexpected.

Fei Yu guessed that the most likely drawing was a person. He also thought whether it would be a circle with eyes, nose, mouth and ears, or a circle with two left and two vertical strokes, but he guessed the beginning but not the end.

What a lifelike skull!

The Tomb of Heroes of Beauty Village, did he underestimate the consciousness of the orcs?

After paying two gray beast coins to buy the simplified version of the map, Fei Yu drove the wooden cart and left slowly. The little dragon snake that had been wrapped around his neck had climbed onto the snow-furred beast long before Bai came out. Its small chopstick-like body was buried in the long white fur of the snow-furred beast. It was addicted to drilling the fur.

Far away from where Bai lived, Fei Yu found a deserted place and put the beast and wooden cart into the space.

Next, he went to the gathering place to find the male orc selling white and pink juice.

Since yesterday afternoon, Fei Yu has not come out to sell cola eggs. As soon as Fei Yu showed his face, he was surrounded by orcs waiting to buy eggs.

"Brother, you're here, where are the black eggs? Come on, come on, I want to buy them!" "

I want twenty of them!"

"Get behind me. If you want to buy something, I'll buy it first."

The orcs were chirping, pushing each other, Fei Yu said apologetically: "I'm sorry, we don't sell Coca-Cola eggs these days." "

Why? Why are they no longer for sale all of a sudden?"

"I didn't buy them yesterday afternoon. I came here early this morning and I still can't buy them. Come on, brother, do you have a good conscience?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Fei Yu felt a little apologetic, after all, he would never sell cola eggs again.

"Hey, will you sell it tomorrow?"

Fei Yu shook his head.

Everyone asked him when he would sell it, but Fei Yu only said he was not sure.

The male orc selling white and pink juice saw their disappointed faces. He didn't want to watch these people leave like this, so he shouted loudly: "If you can't eat black eggs, won't it be the same if you drink white or pink juice?"

One orc He said rudely: "Brother, can we be more honest? If it's the same, do you still need to call us to buy it? It's been robbed as soon as you take it out!" The

male orc choked, with a dark face, "Bah "I made a sound, "I don't know how many fruits the white and pink fruit trees I planted have produced. How come you didn't know that I sold them out and took them out again?" There were

"cuts" one after another from all around, and the angry male orc opened his nostrils. He breathed heavily and waited for everyone to disperse, still cursing.

Fei Yu walked towards him and took out a cola nut from the basket and gave it to him.

"Why only one?" the male orc said dissatisfied.

Fei Yu said vaguely: "I don't have many here."

The male orc bargained: "You really can't exchange for a few more?"

"Sorry." Fei Yu said, "You have to think it's too little, or I won't exchange it. ?"

The male orc glanced at the house out of the corner of his eye, quickly grabbed the cola nut and put it away: "Exchange, just one!" One was enough, but he didn't believe there was this one. His strangeness I cant get it out of my head!

"It's okay if you think it's okay." Fei Yu stretched out his hand, "Where are my white and pink fruits?" The

male orc happily gave him six white and pink fruits, and asked in a casual tone: "Are you okay? Why not? Come to sell black eggs? Are you really not coming tomorrow?"

"No." Fei Yu frowned and sighed, "I'm going to the dense forest to find herbs."

"Herbs?" The male orc looked at him, "Have you seen it yet? Sick!" Thinking of something, he smiled obscenely and asked: "You really formed a contract with another orc, right? Is she sick?"

Fei Yu forced a smile and said nothing.

The male orc rolled his eyes: "You should take good care of your partner first. But I see that your eggs are selling very well. Otherwise, you want me to help you sell them? I will help you for free, just While you're away." With kola nuts and black eggs, he would be sorry for himself if he didn't study them.

Fei Yu blinked, thought for a long time, and nodded: "Okay."

The male orc was overjoyed, "Should I go get it or should you deliver it?"

Fei Yu said, "I don't have time tomorrow morning. I'll wait for you on the road in the afternoon."

" Okay, okay." The male orc's chest clapped loudly, "I'll keep one for you and sell it all!"

After the exchange, Feiyu went to the stall next door to exchange for a few bottles of honey, and walked around the gathering place to see if there were any. What can be used.

The male orc looked at Fei Yu's back, raised a mocking smile on his lips, and returned to the room holding the kola nut.

"Is this the cola nut?" The young male orc looked at it curiously and curled his lips, "Is the black egg made from this fruit? Open it and let me have a look." The

male orc poked a hole and poured out the cola nut. The fruit was handed to him. The young orc took it and drank a few sips of the fruit. After drinking it, he burped and said, "It tastes a bit weird, but it's quite delicious." After saying that, he drank the fruit directly. The male orc didn't even stop him. Too late.

"I still need to use it to figure out how to plant it."

"I believe in your strength." The young orc said rationally and handed him the empty shell. "It should be okay to research with the shell." The

male orc cursed in his heart.


After Fei Yu walked around the gathering place, he went into the dense forest to practice his superpowers, mainly mental superpowers.

Mental power has a particularly useful attack skill, provided it is used in large quantities. If the amount of energy is sufficient, it is possible to carry out the attack with enough force, twisting all the mental energy into one head and violently punching it into the enemy's head without saying a word. Those without mental powers will become stupid even if they are not killed by this blow. Those with mental powers who can defend will definitely have flaws. And flaws are usually the key to victory or defeat.

This is Fei Yu's most convenient skill. For defense, he uses his mental power to build an airtight barrier.

Now, what Fei Yu wants to practice is the second attack ability, which does not cause high damage, the main hint.

Fei Yu's training targets are the wild beasts living in the jungle.

He thrust his mental power into the head of the Gugu Beast in front of him, and easily imprinted a hint - you are a mouse.

The Gugu beast swayed left and right a few times, opened its mouth and shouted: "Gu~... squeak - squeak -"

"Huh? Can you really scream?" Fei Yu was surprised.

"You are a rabbit that has to jump when you walk."

"You are a thorn-toothed beast that can knock down a tree."

The Gugu beast ran towards the nearest tree with a fierce look in its eyes. "" There was a loud noise, and the Gugu beast's fragile head It exploded into bloody flowers.

Feiyu: "..." He picked up animals, plucked their fur, cleaned them, and put them into the space to store meat.

All day long, Fei Yu was proficient in his attack skills. From a weak beast to a powerful beast, until a beast that could tear low-level awakened beast warriors into pieces was controlled by Fei Yu freely, Fei Yu was finally done.

He cooked a meal of grilled fish on the spot in the woods and boiled a pot of milky white fish soup to finish eating and drinking. When the sky completely darkened, Fei Yu quietly sneaked towards his destination.

Not far from Fei Yu's dilapidated house, the male orc responsible for monitoring them, enemy No. 1, was currently leaning on the animal skin mat in his room, holding a piece of roasted animal leg dripping with oil and biting it. With.

"He didn't set up a stall because he was looking for medicinal herbs?"

The young orc spat out a piece of bone. "That's what he said. I think it's not a lie."

Enemy No. 1 licked his lips and mocked: "What medicinal herbs are you looking for? It would be better to die."

The young orc chuckled: "That's right, he is still the leader of the clan, and his life is not as good as mine."

Enemy No. 1 looked at him coldly, and was so frightened that he immediately fell silent, "Watch your mouth ."

After the atmosphere calmed down a bit, the young orc couldn't help but ask: "Boss, are we just going to leave it alone?"

"You can't kill, but if you're injured like that, who's going to die if you touch it?" The enemy asked. No. 1 said lazily: "We will do whatever we are ordered to do. There will be no reward for extra efforts. Who knows what those adults are thinking in their heads? If the adults don't make it easy for them, then we will make it impossible for them to continue their business. Really? If we have to kill them, will it be our turn?"

The young orc nodded his head in an instructive manner, and rainbow farts came out in baskets.

Suddenly, there was a soft "squeak" sound from the door.

"Who?" Enemy No. 1 asked alertly, lifting the young orc by his feet, "Go and have a look."

The young orc got up and jumped up from the entrance. Seeing that the door was tightly closed, "Was it blown by the wind?" he muttered. I went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, I felt my head was in a trance, and it took me a long time to come back to my senses.

He turned back to the entrance, stuck his head out and shouted: "Boss, someone is looking for you."

Enemy No. 1 threw away the barbecue and licked his fingers and stood up, "Who is it?" he asked as he jumped up from the entrance.

As soon as he went up, he was caught off guard and pressed to the ground by the young orc. Just as he was about to struggle, Fei Yu's spiritual power poured into his mind.

Two minutes later, Fei Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The kola nut he exchanged for the orc selling white and pink fruits would teach him a lesson as long as he opened it and dipped it in some juice, but the young orc drank it. It's not a waste, it always saves time for him to imprint hints.

"Sir." The two male orcs stood respectfully in front of Fei Yu, waiting for his order.

"It's okay." Fei Yu said softly, "Remember, you don't have to monitor them anymore. You can make up whatever you want about them."

Then, the two orcs jumped back into the hole and continued to eat and drink, but there was something in their mouths. Not a single word related to Fei Yu or others came up. Fei Yu rummaged around for a while before leaving.

The door closed and Fei Yu stood outside looking at the night sky. The cool breeze blew over and swept away his worries along with them. Fei Yu closed his eyes. The hint given to the two orcs would not last long, but it was enough to delay time.

He will start his real life in the Yan tribe, and even the behemoths of the primitive world will not dare to take action against them casually.

The little dragon snake was a little cold due to the wind, so it circled around Fei Yu's neck and got into his collar to keep warm. Fei Yu was tickled by the fetal hair on his body and couldn't help laughing.


Fei Yu has prepared a lot of everything he can think of. When it was slightly light the next day, Fei Yu took stock of the things placed in the wooden cart for cover, then got on the wooden cart and set off.

The chaotic tribe he stayed in was located southeast of the Yan tribe. Judging from the map I bought, there are well-opened roads all the way to Yan tribe from here. Some were specially sorted out because they were close to the star tribes, and some were taken on small roads for walking convenience. As more and more people walked, the dirt roads became wider and wider.

Most of the roads that can accommodate wooden carts are well marked, but the narrow roads that can only be used by single people are less marked.

Fei Yu didn't intend to follow the map. He wanted to take the shortest route. If there was a road, he would take a wooden cart and go there. If there was no road, he would put away the wooden cart and walk alone.

The plan was beautiful and it was implemented on time. Unfortunately, Fei Yu was stopped as soon as the wooden cart hit the road.

Fei Yu: "..."

Shu Mu: "..."

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Fei Yu took the initiative to say hello.

He wanted to ask how the other party knew that he was leaving, and was he here to see him off? But seeing Shu's straight face, gritting his teeth at one moment, and depressed and looking forward to the next, Fei Yu couldn't ask.

Fortunately, Yuan and his daughter arrived in time and resolved the awkward atmosphere.

Yuan explained: "Sir, he suddenly has something to do and needs to go to the Yan tribe. Doesn't it happen that you have to go too? I just thought you could go together." His

little eyes were bright and he said: "Me, me, and I also want to go." Go!"

Fei Yu's eyes moved to her, "Are you okay too?"

Xiao Momo touched his nose: "I'll take care of you, sir."

Shu Mu snorted coldly: "No need."

Xiao smiled and said: "Actually, sir, he—— Shu

Mu scolded irritably: "Shut up!"

Xiao shut his mouth, but raised his eyebrows proudly, looking like he had some handle on Shu Mu.

Yuan glared at Xiao, then turned around and continued to say to Fei Yu: "That's probably what happened. I'm not worried about Xiao, so I'd like you to take care of me for the sake of my fellow travelers." There is no need to protect or fill up. The adults belly is the key!

Fei Yu sighed and tried to refuse: "I have other things to do, so it's not convenient for me to go with you."

Shu Mu raised his voice: "What did you say?!"

Yuan said hurriedly: "It's okay. Just do it if you have something to do. Your Majesty is so tolerant about your matter, he will be willing to wait for you."

Xiaola brought the wooden cart, fearing that Fei Yu would not let him follow and promised: "We have our own wooden cart, and we will just wait for you in the wooden cart. Don't worry. , I really wont delay your business. He begged and stared at Fei Yu with his small eyes.

Which one should I choose between offending a liquid medicine master and going the extra mile?

Fei Yu said helplessly: "Okay."

They said goodbye to each other and officially set off in the wooden cart.

Shu Mu himself knew why he wanted to go to the Yan tribe. He hadn't eaten enough of the black eggs yet, and the food called sugar cakes had just tasted the taste. He hadn't really enjoyed it yet, so he was very likely to eat it. How could he be willing to do it if he didn't? Besides, he bet that boy decided to make other sweets. Whenever he thinks of sweets that he has never eaten before, Shu Mu feels heartbroken and sad.

So, even though he was so rejected, he still shamelessly sent it to his door.

Shu Mu lay on his back in the wooden cart and sighed. He really didn't even care about his own status for the sake of sweet taste, but he was extremely satisfied with himself. As he thought about it, he covered his mouth and laughed silently. He would never leave the Yan tribe until he had eaten enough this time!

Shu Mu, who swore a harsh oath, smacked his lips and fell asleep in the bumpy wooden cart.

Outside the wooden cart, Xiao drove the wooden cart and drove side by side with Fei Yu. He lowered his voice and whispered to Fei Yu about Jieshu Mu's background.

Fei Yu guessed a little bit and confirmed it again from his small mouth, and he became more confident about his future life in his heart.

Shu Mu, the vendor, was happy with his sales: "I just want to eat the sweets you made, but I still have to find an excuse to do something important. I'm still a big shot in the Xiao tribe, and I don't even dare to tell the truth."

The bigger the big man, the more he wants to save face. , in Fei Yu's opinion, Shu Mu is not particular.

Xiao Tu stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice: "Do you think there is anything else besides sweets in his eyes? Oh, yes, there is also liquid medicine. And then? Nothing more. He eats so sweet every day and is not afraid of being bored to death. I watched He even has a toothache. Can he find a partner like this? Just spend the rest of his life holding his sweet tooth."

Feiyu heard something strange, but didn't think much about it, and changed the subject with a smile.

"Is your problem solved?"

Xiao was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded: "Are you talking about my wings?" She smiled happily and said: "Solved. The adults gave me the medicine and gave me an infusion. , lose..." The little face suddenly turned red, and his teeth made a "squeaking" sound.

"What's wrong?" Fei Yu asked doubtfully.

"It's okay." Xiao Wei said: "He used his ability to heal my wings. In the meantime, he secretly pinched my belly. I thought he wanted to sleep with me, but he actually said that my belly seemed a bit thick. , I wonder if the extra fat meat tastes good when made with sugar."

Feiyu: "..."

He comforted dryly: "E-eating orcs is not okay?"

"I haven't eaten it." Xiao was very serious. Answer, "It is said that some very poor tribes, if they don't have enough food, will eat the elderly in the tribe, those who are injured and can no longer hunt, and the orcs caught outside as food." It is easy for

humans to starve to death. As for eating food, would the orcs not eat the orcs if they were forced to do so? It's impossible when you think about it.

"Oh, they are quite pitiful." Xiao Xiao said sympathetically, "It would be great if I could help them."

Fei Yu smiled and said nothing.

Teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. One day, the orcs in this world will become better and better.


Shu Mu and the younger two came here for Fei Yu. They listened to Fei Yu whether they were walking, stopping or eating. Fei Yuguo also ate three meals a day as usual, but the orcs were used to two meals a day. Those with less food will eat one meal a day or one meal every two days.

Fei Yu didn't want to waste time, so he made a lot of food and stored it in the space before setting off. With Shu Mu and Xiao Zai, hot food could not be served in front of them, so Fei Yu broke open the noodles that had been placed on the wooden cart and boiled them into the soup.

The animal form of the dragon and snake clan is so iconic, Fei Yu interpreted the big dragon and snake staying in the space as he would rush to the Yan tribe to find him. As for the little dragon and snake, Fei Yu kept him in the wooden car most of the time. Occasionally he came out and wrapped his neck around it, but Xiao saw it and she thought it was a snake.

The Dragon Snake Clan protects their cubs very closely and will not let them be exposed to other orcs before they complete low-level awakening. Therefore, orcs who are not from their own tribe really don't know what a dragon snake cub looks like.

During the first two days of his journey, Shu Mu stayed in the cart without getting out. All food and drink were brought in by a small boy. Although he didn't say anything, Xiao Yiyang still had the sense to shamelessly buy sugar cookies with Fei Yu for Shu Mu to eat.

Fei Yu didn't really want to make food on the way, so he took out the sugar cakes early and let them cool. Later, it was discovered that Xiaolong took the sugar cakes and ate them with Shumu in his wooden car. Feiyu did not cook anymore. He followed them and got into the wooden car, and quickly took out the food prepared by Space to feed the little dragon and snake. with him. In the case of a big dragon snake, you can feed it at any time if your mental power reaches into the space. Otherwise, Fei Yu's lies would not stand up.

The little orc seemed a little afraid of the snake-shaped beast. Ever since he saw the little dragon snake, he had kept a distance from Fei Yu when talking to him.

He had psychic powers to explore the way, and before approaching dangerous places, Fei Yu led them away from a distance without leaving any trace. So the journey was quite peaceful. Not to mention the desperate orcs who came out to block the way and rob, there was not even a dangerous beast that was hit.

Xiao Xian is about to get hairy as she prepares to show off her skills.

When there was only one day left to reach the Yan tribe, Fei Yu and others encountered an unexpected accident.

Hmm...a murder caused by a piece of cake.

When it got dark that day, Fei Yu led the small wooden cart to a relatively flat and secluded place, and everyone got into their wooden carts to sleep.

They spent these nights like this. Most of the reason was because he was worried about Xiao Xiao and Shu Mu, but Fei Yu himself. If he wasn't tired, he would choose to travel all night.

In the quiet night, the chirping of insects and birds were isolated outside the wooden car. The wooden car was extremely quiet, and Xiao and Shumu slept soundly on both sides. Feiyu closed his eyes and rested his mind, but he didn't sleep deeply.

The night was getting darker, and in the middle of the night, an inaudible sound suddenly came from the wooden cart where Xiaohe Shumu was sitting next door. Fei Yu didn't take it seriously at first, but after less than half a minute, the previous movement became louder.

Fei Yu was a little embarrassed. He wanted to use his mental strength to check the situation, but at the same time he was worried that the movement was caused by Xiao or Shu Mu. It would be terrible if he accidentally saw something indescribable. After all, most orcs are unrestrained species, and Fei Yu really doesn't have high expectations for their moral integrity.

He hesitated for a while, and then the sound turned into a loud noise. It was not caused by taking off clothes or something, but more like someone rummaging through something.

Fei Yu's expression became solemn and he didn't care about avoiding suspicion. He immediately used his mental energy to sweep towards the wooden cart where the young two people were.

In the wooden car, Xiao and Shumu each held a wall and slept soundly!

In the wooden carriage, not far from the head of Xiao Heshu Mu, who was sleeping soundly, there was a bird stealing food!

It was an enlarged version of a sparrow, more than twenty centimeters long, with a long, pointed, slightly curved beak. At this time, it was holding three sugar cookies stacked together in its mouth that was opened to the extreme. It was obvious that he was not very proficient in his business. The cake was trembling in his mouth, and it looked like it would fall into pieces in the next second, which made people sweat over it.

Feiyu felt relieved after discovering that it was a sparrow stealing food. He didn't plan to wake up the two little ones. There were just a few pancakes left and right. At worst, he could just give them some more tomorrow.

Feiyu watched the sparrows stealing food with great interest.

Watching it stuffing the cakes into the open animal skin bag next to it, three after three, and after stuffing six, the sparrow seemed very satisfied. So instead of holding three loaves in his mouth, he only took one. He was holding the last cake and putting it into the animal skin bag. At this moment, a dog barked suddenly outside the wooden cart.

With a "woof", the sparrow seemed to be startled, its body trembled, its mouth loosened, and the cake fell.

"Pop" hit the red heart and hit Shu Mu on the face.

Feiyu: "..."

Sparrow: "..."

The cake didn't hurt when it was smashed, so Shu Mu wouldn't wake up. The regret is that the cake is a sugar cake and the cake is sweet. So one person and one bird watched Shumu's nose move once, then three times, and finally more than a dozen times quickly and non-stop.

Shu Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

Before he opened his eyes, his hand grabbed the cake that hit his face before he realized it.

Look at the cake, then look at the cake, and move your eyes frame by frame to the sparrow that keeps its mouth open and its feathers open but does not dare to move.

"Damn beast, who gave you the courage to steal my cookies!" Shu Mu glanced at the animal skin bag aside and woke up with a startle. A roar that shocked the heavens and the earth, startled the little boy awake, and caused the "woof" sound outside the wooden cart to get louder and louder.

Shu Mu stretched out his hand and wanted to crush the sparrow to death.

The sparrow subconsciously pecked the back of Shumu's hand with its beak, causing him pain. He picked up a cake from the animal skin bag and flew out of the wooden cart. Little Mulu didn't react and closed the door, but the sparrow escaped with the cake in its mouth.

Fei Yu looked so pitiful that he didn't go out to stop it.

As soon as the sparrow flew out, it fled high into the sky. Xiaozai transformed into an animal shape at Shumu's roar to catch the sparrow, and was ordered to recover the sugar cake. After all, there is a gap in the beast's shape. Xiao easily catches up with the sparrow, and is about to catch it with one claw, turning around and reborn!

A majestic big black dog rushed out halfway, opened its big mouth, bit the sparrow, and ran away.

The little boy was stunned, thinking that the sparrow was eaten by a black dog. As a result, when I lowered my head, I saw that the black dog was actually holding the sparrow in its mouth and had not harmed it.

The black dog has strong limbs and a tall and strong body, but its belly is too big. I thought it would be difficult to chase it. Unexpectedly, after running for a few steps, the black dog fell to the ground with a "wow" sound. The sparrows were thrown out, and the bread fell to the ground.

Xiao Mo was silent, changed back to his human form, walked over and picked up the cake. She looked at the dog and the sparrow and felt they were so pitiful, but Shumu had a life and couldn't help but catch them.

As soon as Shu Mu came over, he was about to kill the enemy who stole the cake, but was stopped by Fei Yu who was a step behind.

"Wait a minute." Fei Yu said, "They... are not beasts."

Shu Mu walked over and took a sniff: "I don't smell the scent of the orcs." When the orcs transform into beasts, they have something unique that is different from the beasts. breath.

"It's true." Fei Yu sighed and looked at the sparrow and the dog, "Do you still want to hide it?"

The sparrow looked over when he heard the sound, and his little eyes suddenly became extremely hot. He yelled and returned to his human form.

Fei Yu looked at his face and fell silent.

Xiao recognized him and exclaimed: "Why is it you?"

This male orc was the sinful beast who had made an agreement with Fei Yu but had to escape due to an unexpected accident - Hui.

Staring at Fei Yu with red eyes, he hugged the groaning black dog and begged in a low voice: "Help me, please help me, my partner is going to give birth!"

Fei Yu couldn't care less about admiring the miraculous scene of the petite enlarged version of the sparrow turning into a rough man. He smelled the faint smell of blood in the air at the tip of his nose and knew that he could not delay it any longer.

"Hold her onto the wooden cart."

She spent the whole day hiding in fear. It was only yesterday that Hui and his partner finally got rid of the orc warriors who came to capture them. They ran for their lives day and night, and they didn't even have time to look for the food they carried. Tired, hungry, and nervous... In order to save energy, he transformed back into his beast form, and in order to disguise himself as a beast and suppress the scent of an orc. After we were safe and relaxed, hunger and sleepiness came over us.

Hui can insist on not eating, but her partner, who is hungry and pregnant with a baby, cannot. I didn't have the energy to go far away, so I found a few wild fruits after searching around a few times. When Hui was desperate, he discovered the wooden cart belonging to Fei Yu and his friends. For the sake of his partner and Zai Zai, he carried out the first theft in his life.

Arriving in front of the wooden cart, Shu Mu unexpectedly said: "Put it in my wooden cart."

Gray face changed, and he apologized impatiently: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stolen your cake. I'll wait until my partner is safe. After giving birth to Zai Zai, can I make amends to you again?"

"I am the liquid medicine master." Shu Mu stopped Hui with one sentence, took out a bottle of liquid medicine and handed it to Xiao, indicating that she should follow the black dog into the wooden cart. "Go take care of her and give her the medicine to drink."

The orcs cherish their cubs. They have seen female orcs give birth to cubs in their childhood. After receiving the medicine, they excitedly entered the wooden cart.

From the beginning to the end, there were only low sounds of pain and groans in the wooden carriage, and there were no heart-wrenching shouts. Fei Yu couldn't help but sigh, no wonder there were many female orcs among the beast warriors, and even the male orcs would be beaten to pieces by them if they got close to them. Compared to the tomboys of the previous life, there is no doubt that the female orcs in the primitive world were real men!

The little Zai Zai was born very quickly. Less than twenty minutes after entering the wooden cart, a happy voice came from inside: "It's a little black dog!"

Hui howled excitedly to the sky. Halfway through howling, his legs gave out and he fell to the ground, his stomach "gurgling" playing a symphony. But he didn't feel ashamed, his eyes were fixed on the wooden cart.

"She gave birth again, it's a little gray dog!"

"Wow, an egg was laid!"


In less than an hour, the black dog gave birth. A total of three puppies were born - one black, one gray, one black and gray, and two eggs. The puppy naturally took the shape of a black dog, and the egg took the shape of a gray dog. Whether the bird inside the egg is black or gray can only be determined after the egg breaks the shell.

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Related recommendations: [Danmei] I just want to be quiet (GL) , [Danmei] Looking Back , [Danmei] Probability of Snowfall , [Danmei] Silent Winter , [Danmei] Ten Years of World Judgment , [Danmei] The Most Cool Thin Qingqiu Night , [Danmei] Wisdom Teeth , [Danmei] Howling Raging Waves (Raging Flames) , [Danmei] Flowering Tree , [Danmei] Slag Gong and Soap

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☆ 24. Chapter 23(2)

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Chapter 23 (2)


With the medicinal liquid kindly provided by Shu Mu, combined with the orc's superb recovery power, the black dog was able to jump around in half a morning. The one who jumped more happily than her was Hui. After eating and drinking, he screamed to the sky. After screaming, he hugged his cubs, hugged his mates, hugged rocks and wooden carts. Feiyu's snow-furred beast was even molested by him. Mouth, the snow-furred beast screamed "whisper" in such anxiety.

After lunch, the couple Black Dog and Sparrow calmed down completely, holding hands and looking at each other with tears in their eyes.

"Can you adopt our cub?" This question was asked to both Fei Yu and Shu Mu at the same time.

Shu Mu refused: "No." It was a joke. He spent his life pursuing sweets and had no time to raise cubs.

Fei Yu had some ideas, but just by looking at the expressions on Hui and his friend Guo's face, he knew that they were reluctant to part with him.

"Is it because of your status as sin beasts?" The mark of sin beasts on Hui Heguo's face was clearly revealed, and Fei Yu looked at the patterns that looked a bit like words.

He said "Hmm" in a low voice, "We can't live in the tribe." He touched the mark on his face, "It was because there was a kind of liquid that could hide it after drinking it. That liquid was Guo's friend. We no longer have what we secretly gave her."

Guo said with tears: "I can't bear to part with my cubs, but they will only die if they follow us. They don't have the mark of sinful beasts on their bodies, and they can live in the tribe."

Fei Yu asked Shu Mu: "Do you have any idea?"

Shu Mu immediately replied: "Yes, it can only help them hide the mark, but it cannot be removed. This thing is painted with a liquid made from a special kind of stone ground into powder. There's no way to clear it."

Fei Yu's heart moved: "Do you have that kind of stone?"

"Yes." Shu Mu took it out and handed it to him, "I need to replace it with new sweets."

The word "new" was emphasized particularly hard.

Fei Yu smiled: "No problem."

Not surprisingly, Hui Heguo chose to swallow the medicine and follow Fei Yu and others. Because of the delay of half a day, Fei Yu's wooden cart arrived at the Yan tribe in the afternoon of the next day.

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Related recommendations: [Danmei] I just want to be quiet (GL) , [Danmei] Looking Back , [Danmei] Probability of Snowfall , [Danmei] Silent Winter , [Danmei] Ten Years of World Judgment , [Danmei] The Most Cool Thin Qingqiu Night , [Danmei] Wisdom Teeth , [Danmei] Howling Raging Waves (Raging Flames) , [Danmei] Flowering Tree , [Danmei] Slag Gong and Soap

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