birthday candles | the inheri...

By msshawthorne

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"i'm blowing out the candles, talking to the stars" - carter ryan 💌 More

part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty one

part one

729 11 22
By msshawthorne

"we're so young, but we're on the road to ruin"
- taylor alison swift

Me and Amelia walk down the corridors of our boarding school, our voices echo throughout the building, showing us that it's empty,

"Mrs. Alfresco is gone, we need to hurry!" Amelia says as she pulls me down the halls,

I give it a second of thought before breaking into a sprint, it's not a crime for us to see our boyfriends after school hours, and if it is then its a crime I'm willing to commit.

we break through the doors and I see him leaning against his jeep with Brandon next to him,

Amelia runs to Brandon and plants a kiss on his lips. Scott however is more subtle about it,

he pushes off the jeep and slowly walks towards me, I smile. he does this every time he sees me.

"you, miss Malia Grambs" he says as he reaches me, "have been out of my arms for far too long" he says,

and with that he scoops me into his comforting arms, "I love you Malia Noelle Grambs" he says looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes,

"I love you Scott Micheal Adams" I say as my lips finally meet his.

"where are we going today?" I ask as I turn to face Scott.

Amelia and Brandon are in the back making out, per usual, and Scott is driving with one hand rested on the wheel and his other on my leg.

"wherever you want" he says looking over at me with a small smile, "let's go to the rock" I say.

"make sure to stop by the store" Amelia's voice pipes in from the back,

I laugh surprised she was able to take her lips of Brandon's for more then a second, I can't blame her though, he's been gone for five months now as his parents sent him away to Europe to look at colleges.

I don't know what I would do if I had to go over a week without seeing Scott.

I first fell in love with him two years ago, I was fourteen and him fifteen, I can't imagine my life without him, but I could've just as easily never met him.

it was a blessing that I bumped into him causing him to spill his drink all over me and himself, we had laughed it off and ended up talking for hours.

at the end of the day he asked me out.

we pull up to the store and Scott parks the car, "we'll be back" he says to the two in the back, and he slides out of the drivers seat.

I check my makeup using my phones camera as Scott makes his way to my door, he opens it up for me and offers me his hand.

I take it and step down from the Jeep.

"God we get it, you guys are in love"

Amelia says from the back seat, Scott grins, "you're just upset Brandon isn't such a gentleman"

Brandon scoffs, "I am a gentleman" he says as Scott closes the door to leave them to their bickering.

they are always arguing but it works for them, it's proof their love is stronger then most.

Scott takes my hand in his and we walk towards the entrance, once inside I look around for the refrigerated area.

"I'll take the dessert" Scott says planting a kiss on my forehead before heading over to the sweets section.

I spot the refrigerated area and head over, they have multiple sandwiches and salads to choose from so I settle for a vegetarian sandwich for Scott, two turkey sandwiches for Amelia and Brandon, and one ham and Swiss cheese for me,

I also grab two additional salads for us all to share.

I leave the isle in perfect timing to see Scott jogging back towards me.

his hands loaded with chocolates and drinks.

we make our way to the checkout section and start placing the items down,

"anything else?" the cashier asks,

Scott pulls a chocolate ring off the shelf behind him and winks at me.

I hide the blush creeping into my cheeks and pull out my wallet, but Scott's already handing the clerk a $40 bill,

"I could've paid for that" I protest,

"I will never let you spend your money on me" he replies,

"but you spend your money on me all the time" I say as someone loads our groceries into a bag,

"the only reason I try to make money, is for you Malia"

I smile at him as he swings one arm around my waist and picks up the grocery bag with the other.

we make it back to the car where Amelia and Brandon are no longer bickering, the radio is playing so they must've turned it on since Scott left the car on.

he opens my door for me and i climb in, preparing myself for the three and a half hour drive we're expecting.

once Scott is in the car he rests his hand back on my leg and we start the long drive.

by the time we get to our destination, the sun is long gone and the night sky is filled with stars.

we find our way over to the rock and spread a blanket over it.

within minutes we are all spread out in the way we always are.

Scott sitting up with me laying down next to him, resting my head on his lap, and Amelia sitting in Brandon's arm next to me.

we are all quite for a little bit just pointing at our favorite stars but not saying a word, not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one.

it's broken however when Brandon announces that he's hungry, and with that we all dig into the food.

Brandon fills us in on what he did in Europe while me and Amelia talk about the boring days at Alavon boarding school.

Scott mentions his job at the auto shop but doesn't bring up his living situation, he doesn't have to.

we all know it's not good.

we're packing up and getting ready to make the long journey back to boarding school where Scott and Brandon will drop us off and then go to their separate homes.

but Scott grabs the chocolate ring out of his pocket and unwraps it before getting onto one knee.

"Malia Grambs, this is not a proposal but a promise"

he says in his most serious voice, I try not to laugh for even though he's using a voice that would make any of us crack up, I don't, because I know he means every word he's about to say.

"I promise to put a real ring on your finger someday and to make you the happiest girl in the world" he says,


I breathe, "I'm already the happiest girl in the world" he grins, "well then I promise to keep it that way, will you accept my promise?" he asks,

but I see it in his eyes, not a doubt that I will turn him down, because I never would and I never will.

"yes" I say.

"you guys are making me tear up" Amelia says wiping away fake tears with one hand as she records us with her phone in the other hand,

"you were recording that!"

I say acting mad, but she knows I'm not,

send that to me I mouth, she nods and mouths back already did I smile and turn back to Scott.

he's slipping the chocolate ring onto my ring finger and then he's standing up and smiling down at me,

"smile for the picture" Amelia says, and I hold out my hand and kiss Scott on the cheek.

she puts her phone away as Scott scoops me up into his arms and leads me to the jeep.

Amelia follows carrying the last basket.

we find Brandon slumped against the car, "he's just tired" Amelia says as she crouches down to wake him up.

by the time ten minutes has passed, we managed to get Brandon awake and in the car where he is now passed out resting his head on Amelia's shoulder.

she's asleep to and I smile as I pull my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of them.

she'll thank me later.

I turn my camera onto Scott who holds up my hand with the "ring" on it and he grins as I snap the picture.

it's four thirty five am by the time we get back to the school, I wake Amelia up and she looks at me with a foggy gaze.

Scott helps me out of the car and then we both help Amelia out, I go to wake up Brandon but he's still asleep so we leave him like that and walk towards the entrance to Avalon Academy.

the lights are on.

Amelia is suddenly more awake than ever and we are both freaking out,

"do you need me to stay here?" Scott asks, I sigh knowing we're about to be in a lot of trouble,

"no, you need to get home and sleep, so does Brandon, and there's nothing you can do anyway"

he smirks,

"well I could tell them I kidnapped you"

I laugh, and kiss him goodbye, "I love you Scott" I say squeezing his hand, he squeezes mine back, "I love you too Malia"

I watch him walk back to his jeep and he gives me a thumbs up one he's seated in the drivers seat.

he's waiting to make sure we get in safe before leaving.

"you ready for this?" I ask Amelia,

she grabs my hand, "nope, not one bit" I laugh, because same.

I don't think we'll ever be ready for what we're about to face.

we push past the doors and find ourselves surrounded by students, teachers, and Mrs. Alfresco standing in front of them,

"girls" she says in a short and snappy tone,

Amelia holds her breathe beside me as everyone looks at us with disaproving stares, I dont move my lips to form a word and neither does Amelia, and before I can stop myself,

I say something stupid and that will most likely not help our case.

"Mrs. Alfresco" I say using the same tone as her.

"do you think thats apropriate?" Mrs. Alfresco asks me,

"do you?" I say turning it around on her,

Amelia elbows me in a silent shut up and I let out a quiet "ouch",

"you two, my office, now" she says before turning on her heel and leaving us, all our teachers start telling people to go back to bed, and soon enough we're alone.

I turn back around to see if Scott's jeep is still there, but it's gone, lost in the dark like our future.

the walk to Mrs. Alfresco's office is long and silent, neither of us say a word but we don't have to, we're both thinking the same thing.

we are going to be in so much trouble

we finnaly reach her office doors but pause outside of them, I take out my phone and send Scott a quick text letting him know I might not have my phone for a while the second I step foot into the office, I also have three new messages from Avery, all of them are her asking how I'm doing.

I don't answer her and put my phone back in my pocket.

the last time I saw my stepsister was when our mom died, we havent talked much since and I don't plan on starting now.

growing up we were never that close, Avery was mom's favorite, she got good grades and she loved the same things my mom loved.

they used to play games together but I never was invited to play. Avery thought our mom was the sweetest and most caring person alive, and she was, but she saw something in me that reminded her of my dad, and she never was a mother to me because of that.

Amelia knocks on the door and after a moment of silence, it creaks open to reveal Mrs. Alfresco's secratary, she looks tired and is wearing a nightgown,

"just this way girls" she says leading us into what turns out to be her office and not Mrs. Alfresco's, its big with rows of chairs alining the wall, and her desk is in the middle of it, but she leads us past all of that and to a set of grand doors, she knocks twice before opening them, Mrs. Alfresco is sitting in her desk chair, it apears obvious that she was waiting for us.

"girls, take a seat" she says motioning for us to sit, "and thank you natalie" she says to the secratary as she flicks her hand to the door in a unsaid, you can leave now.

within a moment it is just us three in the room.

"so girls, would you like to tell me what you two were doing sneaking out of here and not returning until the dusk before dawn?" she says sharply,

Amelia gives me a pleading look, she can't say it. so I look Mrs. Alfresco dead in the eye, and hide any fear that might show,

"we were hanging out with some friends" I say in the most nonchalant tone I can manage.

"friends" she repeats almost as a question,

"would these friends happen to be male?" she asks pointedly to Amelia, she knows who the weak one is here.

"yes, yes they would" I say before Amelia has the chance to say something even stupider,

"oh? were you involved with these boys?" she asks anunciating the word boys. I think of if it would be worse to lie or tell the truth, before I can think it through, Amelia answers for us, "yes".

Mrs. Alfresco looks taken aback, "you young ladies know there is a very strick no dating policy here at Avalon Academy" I smirk without even meaning to, "Avalon Prison" I correct her.

I hear Amelia's breath catch inside her throat, "how much trouble are we in?" she asks,

Mrs. Alfresco laughs, not a sweet one, not one filled with humor, but a sick and twisted laugh that tells me we are getting a lot more then our phones taken away, "girls" Mrs. Alfresco says as I hold my breath, "your punishment is-".

the first chapter! aaaaahhhh 💕 as the books goes on my writing will improve and you will see more and more of what ties this to the inheritance games trilogy. I also apologize for all the pain this book will cause you, but I love pain 😝 I hope you all liked or even loved this chapter, new chapters every tuesday, mwah xx

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