His Lost Love

By CrystalWings-

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"Aaron..." She giggled as I ran my nose down along the side of her neck. That's my favourite sound...her lau... More

Chapter 1: Life has never been fair
Chapter 2: Memories that haunt
Chapter 3: The 'step-mother'
Chapter 4: Bad news
Chapter 5: A generous proposition
Chapter 6: Like an angel
Chapter 8: Torture
Chapter 9: Hard goodbyes
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Miss. Hill...

Chapter 7: A strange man

239 13 1
By CrystalWings-

Emma's POV

"Hey! Noah! Stop..." I exclaimed as Noah splashed water all over me by slamming his hands in the water.

"Noah! I was so wrong to think that you are an angel..." I paused giving him a playful, sharp look.

"But in reality you are such a little devil" I continued as he passed me his charming smile before slamming his hands up and down in the water once again.

"Oh you've declared a war now, Mr. Noah Walker" I said playfully before tickling him just below his ears, where I have recently discovered that he was most sensitive and ticklish over there.

Noah giggled wholeheartedly and my lips curved up into a smile and I felt content in my heart watching this little adorable baby laugh.

I still cannot get his crying face out of my head, when I first walked into this house, his face was so red due to crying continuously and I felt so bad seeing him like that. I wish I never have to see him like that ever again.

"Okay enough play time, now let's get you out of the water before you catch cold" I said before grabbing his towel and gently getting him out of the water.

"No! Noah! You are not supposed to eat that" I said as he grabbed the bottle of baby lotion that was kept just beside him.

"No. Give that to me" I added taking the bottle from him and cleaning the cap of the bottle that was now covered in his saliva.

"You are such a naughty boy, aren't you?" I mumbled while gently patting him dry with his towel as he blabbered something that only he could understand.

"And you are also a talkative little baby" I added while drying his soft hair as he looked at me with a precious smile on his face as if he understood each and every word that I said.

As I was getting Noah ready for the day, my phone went off, flashing Elizabeth's name over it.

"Hello, Mrs. Elizabeth" I said answering her call.

"How many times do I need to tell you, Emma, you can call me Liz or at least Elizabeth if you are not comfortable with Liz" She replied.

"Alright, Elizabeth" I said with a smile.

Honestly I have come to realize that sometimes looks, really can be deceiving because the night I first met Elizabeth, I assumed her to be that typical rich, mean and annoying lady, who thinks that everybody who doesn't have the kinda of money that she does, is beneath her and she can belittle them any and every time she wishes.

But I was wrong, I was so wrong because in reality, Elizabeth seems like a really nice woman. She's kind, she's humble and most of all she's down to earth even after being this wealthy.

"Anyways, how's Noah? How are things going with him?" Elizabeth asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He's really happy right now as I have just bathed him and yeah, we are getting along really well" I replied.

"I was hoping for that...though I knew it already that you would be perfect for him" She said seeming content.

"Um. Elizabeth, I was wondering if I could take Noah to the near by park today?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course, you may, darling, you don't need my permission as I know you'll take really good care of him" She replied.

"Alright" I mumbled smiling, happy that I have managed to gain her trust in just a span of a week of being here.

It's been a week since I have been living here and working as Noah's nanny. And it's such a relief that Noah happens to like me and it's also a relief that apparently, somehow I have also managed to handle him, I mean it's a big deal to me considering the fact that I didn't have any prior experience with kids.

And in all of this, I feel like Noah has been a great help too, because he never troubles me, he rarely ever cries, he just cries to let me know that he's hungry or he needs a nappy change, other than that, he's always such a happy little baby who is quite easy to handle.

The day I moved here, was also the day I met Noah's grandfather for the first time and God knows why, but he seemed quite shocked to see me, which made me wonder if I had something on my face or was I dressed inappropriately or maybe my attire just wasn't upto their standards.

But later on he explained that how he had something else going on in his head at that time, which was a bit unconvincing but who was I to question him? Nobody, I know, which is why I just kept my mouth shut and nodded my head in acknowledgement.

Even the house helps working here, look at me as if they have just seen a ghost or something but I just try my best to ignore their strange stares.

But all said and done, it's just this little guy Noah, who doesn't makes me feel weird or out of place, it seems like he is the only one who has accepted me with open arms and doesn't gives me those judgy looks.

But he's just a little baby, which is why his heart and soul are pure and innocent.

Anyways, as for Mr. Joseph Walker, Noah's grandfather, and his wife, Elizabeth, they moved back to their place, just two days back after they were confident enough that I'll be able to take care of their grandson on my own.

And honestly I was kinda confused with them moving away as initially I thought that this was their place but Elizabeth explained how this was her son's place and since he was away on a business trip, they decided to stay back here with Noah, to take care of him.

She also said something about Noah's previous nanny dying due to a heart stroke, which was yet another reason why they were staying here until Noah's father returned.

Though I did wonder where his mother was as nobody has even mentioned her. But so far I have managed to keep my curiosity to myself, not wanting to sound nosy.

"I gotta go, Emma, I'll call you later to check up on Noah" Elizabeth said snapping me out of my thoughts once again, before hanging up as I placed my phone aside and looked at Noah who was listening to our conversation with all his attention and I couldn't help but laugh at the serious look on his face.

"Did you even understand anything that you just heard? Noah" I said cooing him as he just stared at me.

"Do you know that we are going to the park today" I added as he threw his hands up and down in the air, happily.

"Come then, let's go" I mumbled before gently taking him in my arms. I feel like he is so delicate which is why I always make sure that I am extremely gentle with him.

A few minutes later as Noah and I were taking a stroll in the park, I couldn't help but smile seeing that Noah was so happy being out here, watching the kids who were obviously older than him, playing with each other, which made me wonder if he wanted to join them.

But letting him join them was obviously out of question as he's too young to be playing like that, so for now he only gets to watch them while sitting in his comfortable stroller.

I glanced around, it seemed like every parent from near by was out here today with their kids and it wasn't hard to guess that it had everything to do with the fact that it was a sunday morning.

"Hey! You seem quite happy" I said kneeling before Noah's stroller.

"Do you like it here? Should we come here more often?" I asked and as if in response he smiled and blabbered something, which I obviously couldn't understand but I could tell that he was happy.

A few minutes later when he seemed to be getting bored, I handed him a stuffed toy, which he, immediately started chewing on.

What is it with babies chewing everything that they can get their little hands over?

I wondered if he was teething?

Well, I don't even know at what age do babies start teething. I guess I'll have to Google it in my free time.

"I really love spending time with you..." I trailed off, speaking to myself while stroking his soft, chubby cheek, with my index finger.

"And no, you are not suppose to chew on that" I said strictly as he stared at me for a brief moment before throwing the toy away and giggling wholeheartedly while I just shook my head at his antics before running over to where his toy has twirled down as it was a slope from where we were seated.

"Here..." I mumbled handing him the toy once again as he just glanced at it once before throwing it away yet again, laughing and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Hey! Do you think I'm your dog?" I asked while chuckling at my own words.

"Are you trying to play fetch with me? You naughty boy" I added before tickling him just below his ears as his face turned red due to laughing continuously, which made me stop and run back to grab his toy once again.

I ran down the slope to grab his toy, which has now twirled down even more farther this time.

"Here's your toy, little devil..." I paused grabbing the toy.

"But you are not getting it back this time" I continued, turning around only to see Noah's stroller sliding down the slope in speed, but to my surprise and also relief it was empty.

But wait...

Oh my God! Where's Noah?! I panicked.

Looking over at the top of the slope, I noticed a man, who had Noah in his arms and he was holding him close, so close to his heart as if he knew him from somewhere and surprisingly even Noah seemed calm in his arms, when he very evidently doesn't likes strangers at all.

I rushed over to them and without giving it a second thought I snatched Noah from the man's arms, who had his eyes closed.

"Who the fu..." I stopped myself from cursing as I realised that I had a baby in my arms.

"Who are you?! And how dare you think that you could steal my child" I snapped at him as he jerked his eyes open.

My child? Where the fuck did that came from?

"Listen mister, I can even have you arrest for trying to abduct him" I added confidently, a confidence that I didn't even know I had within me until now.

"My child!?..." The man mumbled confused.

"Listen here you..." He stopped in the middle of whatever he was going to say, with a finger pointed at me.

Ignoring the man before me, I rather concentrated on Noah, making sure that he was fine.

"Thank God! Thank God! You are fine..." I mumbled placing soft kisses on his head.

"I was so scared when I didn't see you in that stroller" I continued and to my surprise, I could feel my eyes getting moist.

"I was so scared..." I said.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, baby..." I paused, almost on the verge of crying.

"I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have left you alone" I continued.

"I promise, I'll never, ever leave you alone again" I added.

A moment or so later, after composing myself, I looked up, only to find the same man still standing before us, looking at me, flabbergasted, as if he has just seen a ghost.

"What are you staring at?" I snapped, trying to sound as confident as I did earlier, but I guess that was just the heat of the moment as now all I felt under his gaze, was nervous. Extremely nervous.

"What?! Have you never seen a woman with a baby before?" I added while subconsciously pulling Noah closer to myself as the man just stared at me, dumbfounded.

"And why were you even holding Noah like that?" I questioned while all this strange man standing before me, did was, stare at me and it honestly started to scare me now.

"Look, it's really getting way too creepy..." I stopped, closing my eyes, inhaling a deep breath.

What am I even doing? Arguing with a stranger when I should be running back home.

"What am I even doing talking to you here..." I trailed off shaking my head, deciding to leave as quick as possible.

Just as I was about to leave, without even caring to grab the stroller, that has most probably crashed against some tree, I felt a strong tug on my wrist.

I turned around and my heartbeat raced when I realized that the man has now grabbed my wrist. I was scared, not for myself, rather for Noah as I couldn't fathom what intentions this strange man had.

Just when I was about to snap at him, he spoke, saying something for the first time ever since we met.

"Al..." He mumbled.



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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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