Castlevania Nocturne: A Guard...

By TriforceofWisdom

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The sequel to Castlevania: Of Darkness and Light. Emmaline Tepes always believed in guardian angels, people... More

Act of Retribution
Angel of the Ocean Waves
The Parting Storm
A Guardian's Promise
Farewell to Good Company
The Provincial Life
New Beginnings
Author's Note
Dracula's Legacy
Lioness and Cubs
The Hunt
Mentor and Pupil
Love In a Time of Revolution.
The Mal'akh of Machecoul
Mother and Daughter
Author's Note
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Hall of the Angels
Light at the End
Author's Note
Protector of the Realm
Author's Note
Miracle Maker
The Visitor
Baby Bat
A Vampire's Nature
The Sires
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Striga and Morana
Blood Price
Heart of a Vampire
A Vampire's Promise
Author's Note
Ange Gardien
The Peacekeeper
History Makers
The Fires of Revolution
The Old Orchard
An Opened Door
Angel's Duet
Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version
The Malbeast.
La Velue
Forgotten Memories
The Pitfall
The Vampire Hunter
Author's Note

Eyes Unclouded

122 12 1
By TriforceofWisdom

Emma lay on the bench in the garden, head propped on her arms watching the stars and waiting for Vance to return. She closed her eyes listening to the wind and the water stirring on the lake-shore, remembering childhood nights laying on her balcony watching the stars until she grew tired and fell asleep. She remembered how father would occasionally join her, pointing out constellations and telling their stories as she lay on his chest, and she remembered always waking up in the warm comfort of her own bed the next morning.

The tradition passed on with her own children, especially Lyudmil who was ever curious about the world around him. Those nights spent with him as a child, laying outside their house gazing up at the cosmos passing those stories down as her own father did with her, were some of her favorite memories.

I hope you can see the stars wherever you are, my son.

Her ear perked at the slight shift of wind next to her, carrying the familiar scent of spices mixed with flowers. "Waiting for me?" Emma opened her eyes to the glowing mahogany eyes of the vampire looming over her.

"I might be." Emma yawned. "As crazy as it sounds I still worry about you after all these years."

"You never need to worry about me." Vance clicked his teeth in a calm gesture. "I'm good at what I do, else I wouldn't be alive."

"What if your prey fights back?" Emma worried, noticing a healing wound on his neck. Vampire attacks were seldom, but people were still prepared walking the streets at night.

"I'm smart enough to choose less resistant prey. I'm a very picky eater." Vance chuckled. Emma sat up so he could sit next to her. Vance nuzzled Emma's forehead, a low thrumming sound akin to a deep purr rumbled in his chest. Thrumming was a gesture of affection to vampires, often done in the company of those they cared deeply about.

Vance suddenly turned his head away from her, staring at the path leading to his house. "You did not see me." He stroked Emma's hair and vanished into mist. Emma reached for the sword in her scabbard (she always kept it close) but left it on the ground seeing it was Richter. "Richter, what are you doing out so late? Is everything okay?"

"Where's Vance?" Richter asked sharply.

"He's not here." Emma answered honestly, he wasn't next to her anymore. "Why are you looking for him?" She grew nervous from Belmont's apparent anger.

"I caught him feeding on a human." Richter glared, his hand gripping the hilt of the whip. "He gave one dark bloodshot look at me and told me to leave."

Ice froze Emma's stomach. "And did you?"

"No. I gave him a warning to stand down." He patted the whip. "And he pounced on me with his teeth at my throat. He would've killed me Em, I was lucky to have one of my knives in hand to slash at him, and he backed off telling me to go home."

Ice melted into a furious flame. "Why the hell would you attack him!? Richter! Vampires are the most dangerous when they're feeding and hungry! You are very lucky Vance has more self control than others , or he would have ripped out your throat in rage and hunger."

"Apparently not enough self control to kill and feed on a human!" Richter gaped, startled and angered that his mentor berated him instead of Vance."

"He needs to eat, Richter." Emma tensed. "The winter's been harsh and there aren't a lot of animals to hunt. He can't starve himself if there are limited options. He rarely hunts humans but when he does he's very selective about it. I'm sure whoever the unfortunate person was, wasn't someone who'd be missed."

Richter snapped at her outraged. "How the fuck can you defend him? We've spent years together protecting this village from vampires, years of you teaching how to fight them so I could defend the innocent from becoming prey. Yet you give him a pass? You want me to turn and walk away when I see your special protector feasting on someone's blood? He's no different from the rest of them Emma, he's a vampire whether he's your guardian or not!"

"Vance is different! He spared you when any other vampire would have killed you!" Emma defended.

"Only because he knows I'm close to you!" Richter debated. "If it weren't for whatever mysterious oath he has to protect you, he would've taken any chance to kill me. Just because he's your protector and he's bound not to hurt you, doesn't mean he'll extend his care and kindness to everyone else. I'm lucky I know you."

"Of course not, but you are my family, and Vance is mine. Vampires never allow harm to anyone of their kin and those they love."

"Not everyone else." Richter sighed exasperated. "I know he means a lot to you, Em, and he's been with you for years, but that doesn't change the fact of what he is. He's a monster."

Emma's glyphs burned like magma. "Just because he is a vampire doesn't make him a monster."

"Emma are you kidding me!?" Richter exploded. "Every single vampire is a monster!"

"You're wrong!!" Emma snarled. "You weren't in the war, there were vampires on both sides of the revolution. One of my greatest allies was a indigenous vampire who believed in the same freedoms the humans were willing to fight and die for."

"And you didn't watch a vampire kill your own mother in cold blood!"

Richter's anger turned to anguish and grief. Emma froze. "You weren't there.." Richter's voice cracked. "You don't know what it is like. To see someone you love...brutally murdered in front of you by one of them. To see one standing over you, gloating about killing them and how one day they'll kill you...." His body shook as he sobbed.. "They're monsters...." His words were lost in crying.

Emma stood, the anger raging in her heart quelled by pity and grief. She immediately stepped over and embraced Richter, soothing him with her aura. "Breathe..I'm right here." Her chest rocked against Richter's sobs, and she gently rubbed his back. "I'm right here." Guilt resurfaced not being in that darkened Boston alley eight years ago, that Richter's pain came from her inability to save Julia, and her unable to comprehend how the cruel memory influenced his belief. "I'm sorry...."

It's my fault. It's all my fault you're hurt.

Richter shuddered from the wave of calming aura, his arms wrapped around her, holding onto her as if he were a child.

"They are not all monsters. Some are cruel, very cruel' like the bastard that took your mother, but not all. I swear to you."

"How could you know?" Richter murmured, regaining his voice.

Emma smiled, looking brightly into the heartbroken boy's eyes. "I wouldn't be here otherwise."

Richter wiped his tears, blinking. "But didn't that come along because..."

"A vampire had a heart." Emma said. "You don't believe I'm here because of seduction or worse, do you?"

Richter mumbled, scratching his head. "How then?"

"My grandfather was a fearsome vampire lord." Emma told the story. "A monster in the eyes of humanity, and rightfully so. He did many monstrous things in the past, but secluded himself a long time later on. One day, a brave human woman journeyed to his castle seeking the knowledge of medicine and demanded the vampire teach her everything he knew. He could've killed her right there and then, drained her for her impertinence, but no. He liked her spunk, and he welcomed her. He taught her everything he knew and they fell in love. A vampire welcomed a human into his home and mentored her. A vampire fell in love, and from their love came my father."

"Your father was half-vampire..." Richter never heard this story from Emma before, and assumed her existence came from unfortunate means. He certainly never heard of a vampire falling in love, let alone with a human. There was only one story his mother told her of such an instance, and that was a myth.

Emma can't way. He wasn't going to make himself look stupid by asking.

"So the rumors are true. You really are part vampire."

"Of course it's true!" Emma laughed. "Think my mother's a liar?"

"No I meant!...... I thought you might have had a vampire ancestor. I didn't think he'd be your grandfather. That makes you a quarter vampire."

"Correct." Emma  nodded.

"No offense Em but you look more than just a quarter vampire." Richter said quite proudly of himself. "You're  not all human, that's a definite. Your pointed canines, the way you move swiftly and hiss when disturbed. All traits of a vampiric nature."

"Because of the nature of what my mother is, my physical traits come from my father. My half-vampire father." Emma clarified. "Don't go around blabbing. Some rumors are better remaining as rumors. Vampires are not looked fondly upon, and someone who has vampire blood in them....well .....the spry young men of the town wouldn't constantly try to flirt with me."

"I promise I won't breathe a word." Richter swore. " For the record you're the best thing to come from a vampire."

"Thanks Richter."

"And I promise I won't kill your father unless he harms you."

"My what!?" Emma exclaimed bewildered. "You lost me."

"Vance? Your so- called confidant and familiar?" Richter grinned as if he solved a great mystery. "Well he's familiar to you all right. There's only one reason why a vampire, or should I say dhampir , would stick around someone for something other than a sustainable meal. Explains a lot really, but I thought dhampirs didn't need blood to survive." He pondered.

"You think Vance is my-!?" Emma couldn't help erupt into laughter. She laughed like her father, and not at all like her protector. "Vance isn't my father! He's my family alright, but there's no blood shared. He came into my family's service when I was a baby. My parents made him swear a binding oath to protect me and to never bring me harm. Even before he didn't kill me, he was no way thrilled by this new lifetime arrangement, but our relationship has grown much since then, and he has changed."

Emma patted Richter's back. "In a way you're right. He has become like a second father to me, and I, his daughter. We've traveled the world together, and he's always been there with me, he's really my best friend."

"Only because of an oath to protect you." Richter noted sourly. "Like a dog leashed to its master."

"Yes....." Emma responded guilty. "My parents forced him to bind himself to my service on the threat of death. They made him my slave and I hated it. I was furious at them when I found out the truth years later but I understand them now. Parents will do whatever they can to protect their child.I told Vance over the years he didn't need to stand by me. Many times I tried sending him off, but he never left my side. The oath isn't what's keeping him with me now." At least I hope.

Richter rubbed Emma's back. "He hasn't sunk his teeth into you at least."

"Oh no! He'd hurt himself by hurting me. That's one of the main things the Oath does ." Emma sighed and placed a hand on Richter's shoulder. "Vance is not a monster, but he is a vampire. He still needs to eat. He's just more selective with his food. He lives off animal blood for the majority of it, and the occasional bandit or criminal. He's in better control of his instincts than most vampires, but he's still a vampire, so don't bother him when he's hungry or feeding. Even I leave him alone."

"I won't." Richter shrugged. "But I can't stand back if I happen to see him feeding again. It goes against everything I am and what I'm fighting for."

"I understand." Vance reappeared in mists, licking the blood from his teeth. "Rabbit." He wiped his lips with a kerchief. " Saved a few for your mother to make stew."

"Thanks." Emma crossed her arms. "How much did you hear, you eavesdropper?"

"Enough to know you are dear and loyal to your family." Vance answered honestly, giving an amused look at Richter. "I apologize for attacking you earlier, I was hungry and I wanted to scare you off. That wasn't nice of me at all." 

"Apology excepted." Richter uttered reluctant. "But I'm not sorry for trying to stop you, I wouldn't be a Belmont if I didn't."

"Richter." Emma growled, but Vance lifted a hand. "No he's right, he's absolutely right. How about this, should you come upon me during my..." His eyes flickered. "Midnight errands, I promise not to feed further. I'll stop and leave, even if it means a loss of a good meal"

"Vance you shouldn't!" Emma objected.

"Oh I should." Vance blinked and bowed to Richter. "I will give you my word, Belmont, and we vampires always keep our word."

Richter relaxed his shoulders. "I'll take it. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He turned his head toward the house. "I think I'll check on your mother. She's probably curious about the commotion outside. As beautiful and charming as she is, she isn't really my type." He bared his teeth laughing. "You are my daughter in all but blood, Emmaline. I can spend the rest of the night telling Richter here how many times I've kept you out of trouble, and saved you from it."

"Just go inside!" Emma huffed.

 Vance snickered even while closing the door.

"Shmuck." Emma grunted turning to Richter. "Will you be okay?"

"I will." Richter said. "Thank you.....for watching over me."

"No problem." Emma yawned. "I should be hitting the hay, are you good going back home? I'm sure Terra is worried about you.  You do not want to worry that woman, apparently she's worse than my mother."

"I will." Richter laughed. "Who was your father, anyway?"

" His name is Adrian." Emma answered. "A brilliant man and the founder of the town I was born in."

"Is?" Richter raised his brows. "He's still alive?"

"Yes." Emma replied sour. "I'm not getting into that now. Another night, maybe." She yawned wider. "You'll know my father if you see him. Trust me. We're the spitting image of each other."

"Why wasn't he with your mother all this time?"

"He's stuck in the past." Emma shrugged. "Can't let go of it the way Mom or I could. I still love him of course, and he did give me his sword." She picked up the scabbard. "I'll tell you this; If you ever  meet my father, not only will you see where I get my good looks from, but you'll also know shit's serious, because he never leaves his home."

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