Whispers of the Wolf

By JMPalmer

10K 944 84

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Radley. That's who. He often hides from the wolves in the forest because h... More

His Party
My Home
Her Smile
His Scent
My Stranger
My Target
His Image
His House
Their Loss
His Comfort
My Orders
Our Grief
Their Visit
Her Secret
His Cuteness
My Feelings
Our Friendship
My Run
His Hands
My First
His Betrayal
Their Guard
His Reaction
His Surprise
Their Mansion
My Prison
My Human
Her Anger
His Eyes
My Heat
His Room
His Pain
Their Beta
My Questions
Their Truth
My Friend
My Wolves
Her Answers
My Shift
Her Kind
His Rage
Their Prisoner
His Frustration
My Father
My Decision
My Wish
His Appearance
Our Room
Her Want
His Mate
Our Lust
Our Love
Her Goodbye
Our Life

My Jealousy

240 22 1
By JMPalmer


Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Anger, jealousy, tearful ... I was all of those things and I didn't know why. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

Head down, hands stuffed in the pockets of my jeans, I stomped down the street, my feet pounding the path in time with that one single thought.




I was stupid for feeling like this. What the hell was wrong with me?

Ducking my head against the bitter cold wind as it whipped by me, chilling my face and freezing my nose, I thought about what I had seen yesterday.

Alaric and Tala.

Standing on the street outside of our house.



Was I right? Were they dating?

Okay, so it wasn't a proper kiss. It was just a peck on the cheek. But still ...

I mean, Alaric had initiated both. And had seemed to enjoy it, too.

That rat bastard.

And as for Tala ...

A dull ache squeezed my chest and I took a deep breath, trying to breath past the pain. Throbbing behind my eyes told me that a headache was starting.

Oh great. I didn't need that right now.

I hardly slept last night. My mind kept throwing up images of the two of them. Holding each other. Kissing. I swear they were in front of my house on purpose... Taunting me, rubbing their relationship in my face, laughing at me.

It wasn't like I was friends with Alaric, or even Tala. I had hardly spoken to Alaric the whole time I had been alive, and I only ever really spoke to Tala when I was in the coffee shop. So why was I feeling this way now?


Shaking my head slightly, I carried on stomping along the main street of the town, keeping my head down, grumbling to myself. I couldn't stay in the house. I felt ... restless. I wanted to walk. Run. Just ... move. And keep on moving. Running.

Dodging a couple of people walking towards me on the street, I tripped and stumbled slightly, then righted myself, catching the couple trying to hide a smile at my clumsiness as they walked past.

I scowled at them and they spun around to scurry in the opposite direction.

Good. I wasn't in the mood for idiots today.

Marching forward, my feet hitting the concrete hard, hands balled into fists in my pockets, I felt the anger churn my stomach, snake through my body, sending my heart beating furiously.

The more I thought about Alaric and Tala, the more angry I became. And the angrier I got, the more confused I felt ... and that just led to me feeling furious.




I was stupid.

The whole situation was stupid. It didn't make any sense to me why I felt so strongly.

The coffee shop came into view and a surge of resentment shot through my body, fuelling my steps, pushing me forward. Hot prickles tickled my scalp and a bead of sweat trickled down my back.

Tala worked at the coffee shop.

And it seemed my feet wanted to take me there.

Walking towards the coffee shop with purpose, I was unprepared when a hand shot out and squeezed my shoulder, halting me in my steps.

Spinning around, ready to confront whoever has stopped me from storming right over there and attacking Tala, I came face to face with Conri Wolsey.

Taking a step back, I felt his cold eyes sweep up and down my body, sending a shiver down my spine, making me feel exposed and vulnerable. He turned to look beside him, and that's when I noticed Leo standing next to him.

Leo Whelan. Around the same age as Conri and just as judgemental, he stood tall and proud, his dark grey hair shining in the mid afternoon sun, his blue grey eyes also sizing me up. I wasn't sure of his relationship with Conri, but he seemed to be with the guy a lot, the two of them walking around the town, acting like they owned it. And everyone else acted as though they liked the pair, smiling at them, greeting them, some even going as far as bowing their heads.

Idiots. The pair of them.

In fact, everyone here was an idiot.

I gritted my teeth, rage boiling through my blood. I squeezed my hands into fists, my nails digging painfully into the palms of my hands.

I didn't have the time or the patience for either of them and their judgemental stares right now.

Conri smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, which remained cool and calculating. "Radley," he said, his voice dull. "Good to see you."

Well, I couldn't say I felt the same way.

"How have you been?" He leaned forward slightly as he cocked a brow.

Oh god, he wanted to make conversation. Why? I really wasn't in the mood for idiots.

"I'm okay." I eyed him, trying to work out his body language. He stared at me, his eyes narrowing, almost as if they were trying to bore a hole through my body and deep into my soul.

I shivered. What was he thinking?

"Haven't seen you in a while," Leo said, a hint of friendliness in his voice. I turned to see him smiling, his eyes warmer than Conri's. He stood relaxed, almost as if we were just having a friendly conversation.

I frowned. What were these two up to?

"Look, Radley, I, uh ..." Conri coughed, cleared his throat, then reached over to squeeze my shoulder again. "I was just making sure that everything was okay. That ... uh ... that you are okay."


His fingers dug into the padding of my coat and I winced slightly at his strength. For an older guy, he sure was strong.

"I haven't seen you around as much lately and I was just making sure that everything was alright." He cocked his head to the side. "Me and Leo were only talking about you the other day, wondering how you were."

Wow. He sounded almost sincere. And if I didn't know any better, I may have believed him. I mean, if he really was worried about me, he'd come to the house, wouldn't he? He knew where I lived. Who I lived with. No excuse, really.

Twisting away so that his hand fell from my shoulder, I shrugged. "I'm okay." What else could I say? That I was angry at his son for dating the coffee shop girl?

Yeah, right.

Speaking of coffee shop girls ... I turned my head to face the coffee shop again, just as Alaric and Tala emerged with Enzo in tow, all three of them smiling. My hands were in fists again before I knew it, my nails digging into my skin.

I watched as Alaric pulled Tala into a hug, squeezing her shoulders, and I huffed.


I'm not doing this.

I wasn't going to stand around here, with all these idiots.

Spinning on my heel, I stomped off in the opposite direction, not caring less that I had left Conri and Leo staring after me.

They didn't care about me. They were just like everyone else in this town.

And they could all go to hell.





The sounds surrounded me as I ran through the woods, expertly dodging trees, jumping over exposed roots, feet thundering on the forest floor.

I was used to this run. Knew what to do.

And it was exciting.



Heart pounding, spurring me on. I raced through the woods. Although it was dark, I could see where I was going. Not only did I know these woods well, it was as if the forest in front of me was lit up in a hazy blue glow, making it easier for me to see my target.

Right there.

Running in front of me.

Long tail. Strong legs. Powerful body.

But not as powerful as me.

I was gaining on the wolf as it ran in front, weaving between the trees. It was running scared. Trying to lose me.

But we both knew that was pointless. The wolf couldn't hide from me. I could smell it. I was right on its tail. My eyes were locked onto its form, like a missile locking onto its target, following its every move.


We were running faster.

The wind whipped through the trees. Leaves crunched as I ran over them.


I was panting.

My heart was hammering in my chest, my brain buzzing.

I was gaining on the wolf.



I was speeding along, my whole body feeling energised, invigorated, excited.

The wolf in front stumbled slightly, but righted itself in quick time and carried on running. But that trip had made the wolf fall behind a little ... and plunge straight into my path.

Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I pushed off the ground and leapt into the air, landing on top of the wolf. Leaning down, I sank my teeth into its neck, bringing us both down crashing to the floor.

Tumbling, rolling, falling ... we fell to a stop.

The wolf whined, howled, and thrashed underneath me, its neck still in my mouth. The wolf kicked, tried to stand, but couldn't with me standing over it, on top of it, teeth sinking deeper into its flesh.

Another whine. Another kick.


I wasn't about to let this wolf get away.

Not again.

With a sigh, I snapped my mouth closed, cracking the wolf's neck, blood staining its caramel coloured fur and trickling onto the fallen leaves on the floor.

Jolting to a sitting position, I blinked a couple of times, glancing around and finding only darkness.

Where was I?

Kicking off what felt like blankets, I stumbled towards where I thought the light switch was and flicked it on. Blinking a couple more times, I gazed around the familiar bedroom, my bedroom, and slowly started to wake from my dream.

My heart beat hard in my chest and a shiver worked its way along my spine.

I heaved a sigh.

Thank god. It was a dream.

But it wasn't like any other dream I'd had. I was usually the one being chased. Not the one doing the chasing.

Sighing, I rubbed my eyes and felt something wet on my face. Wiping my cheek, I pulled my hands away.

And stared at them. My heart leapt in my throat as my stomach churned.

Oh god.

My hands ...




My hands were covered in blood. 

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