Befriending The Most Powerful...

Par mutsauceeee

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Shao Ci was bound to the Befriending the Most Powerful Person system. After transmigrating he discovered that... Plus



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Par mutsauceeee

Shao Ci was well aware that Ewings wouldn't make his journey to the destination easy. However, he was grateful that Ewings hadn't restricted his powers, or he would likely succumb halfway and never reach Wendell.

Navigating through the strange individuals on the path proved challenging. Shao Ci encountered both ordinary people and formidable knights and swordsmen. He skillfully avoided confrontations, realizing that these dream beings wouldn't attack unless within their line of sight.

Though the distance to the temple wasn't initially long, Shao Ci detoured to avoid heavily populated areas. The journey took two or three times longer than usual, with Shao Ci finally reaching the temple panting.

The once grand temple, now surrounded by dark mist and entwined with dark vines, no longer radiated holiness.

Unexpectedly, Ewings appeared, taunting, "So fast, Master Brave." The young man in a black coat stepped out from the void, approaching Shao Ci.

Shao Ci observed Ewings carefully. During their previous encounters, Ewings had displayed a more intimate attitude. Now, his tone and demeanor reverted to their initial ironic nature.

Unperturbed, Shao Ci hurried towards the temple, finding chaos within. The temple lay in ruins, with clergy wandering aimlessly. Spotting Shao Ci, the clergymen's expressions shifted from confusion to agitation.

Ewings mockingly commented on the downfall of these once-loyal believers. "A little temptation, and they lost their nature. How greedy can one be?"

Ignoring Ewings, Shao Ci proceeded through the chaotic atrium and entered the inner hall.

The holy idol within the inner temple lay in ruins, shattered by the nightmare. Shao Ci faced the person he sought, standing with his back turned.

Blond hair that once radiated brightness seemed dimmed in the enchantment's gloom.

"Wendell..." Shao Ci began, his expression clouding with difficulty.

Considering Ewings' character, Shao Ci anticipated that Wendell would be under his control, potentially attacking him.

Without delay, Shao Ci focused on summoning a translucent longsword, preparing to use significant magic. In a dream world, there was no need to worry about physical limitations.

Ewings, observing the determined look in Shao Ci's eyes, commented, "It seems that Lord Brave understands the situation. All you need to do is defeat Wendell, and he will wake up."

As Wendell turned to face Shao Ci, his blue eyes lacked the usual vibrancy. Shao Ci was taken aback by this cold, expressionless gaze, a stark contrast to Wendell's typically warm demeanor.

Before Shao Ci could prepare, Wendell attacked, wielding a sword. Cyclones appeared around Shao Ci, disrupting his movements. Barely blocking Wendell's assault with a water shield, Shao Ci realized, "It was just wind magic."

Despite the predicament, Shao Ci acknowledged Wendell's prowess. As a protagonist, Wendell excelled in both magic and martial arts. Shao Ci, relying on mental strength to compensate for his inferior swordsmanship, engaged in a challenging battle.

While Shao Ci possessed powerful magic capable of defeating Wendell, the consequences were dire. Reluctant to risk causing harm, Shao Ci sought an opportunity to subdue Wendell without resorting to such extremes.

As time passed, Shao Ci found himself unable to carry out his initial plan, succumbing to physical exhaustion during the intense battle. Despite avoiding critical points, his image suffered, and he eventually made a mistake that led to being impaled by his opponent's sword. Magic ensnared his legs, causing him to collapse, the sharp blade poised at his neck.

In a moment of realization, Shao Ci thought, "Ah, that's bad."

Ewings' voice cut through the tension. "It seems you truly value this person... but is he really worth it?"

"Of course, he is worth it," Shao Ci thought, refusing to vocalize it.

"Pitiful, isn't it?" Ewings remarked, his tone heavier than before. He bent down, stroking Shao Ci's cheek, and continued, "He stayed only for revenge against you."

Shao Ci responded, "I believe in him."

Ewings dismissed it, claiming, "You deceive yourself. Blinded by his gentleness, you believe people won't change. But does he truly pay attention to everything you do?"

Confused, Shao Ci asked, "What?"

"At other times, he behaves completely differently than in front of you," Ewings revealed. "These followers and knights only admire him. Have they ever noticed you?"

Shao Ci brushed off the observation, stating, "That's normal. I haven't demonstrated my strength yet."

Ewings persisted, stating, "Perhaps you think it's normal, but if he didn't follow from the beginning, things wouldn't be as they are now. He follows you to win back the glory he missed."

Though Shao Ci sensed part of Wendell's thoughts, he couldn't fully trust Ewings' words.

Ewings' voice took on a perplexing tone, making Shao Ci wonder if there was more to the story.

Ignoring Ewings' comments, Shao Ci focused on the situation at hand, saying, "Well, although the positions of the knights are different, I'm not listening to your words at all. But, sure, go ahead, talk. It might help me stall for time."

Ewings continued, "It's clear that you are the real knight, aren't you?" Wendell released his sword, and Ewings gently held Shao Ci, his actions seemingly unconscious. "These people despise you, use you. Doesn't that make you uncomfortable?"

Shao Ci admitted, "That's true," acknowledging he wasn't a saint.

Ewings proposed a solution: "As long as you stay, I'll kill those people. How about it? You won't have to be the brave anymore, and you won't bear that responsibility."

Shao Ci promptly declined, stating, "No need," expressing his determination to pursue his other goals.

Ewings questioned his decision, and Shao Ci clarified, "Although I don't want to be a brave, I have other things to do. I can't stop here for this matter."

Ewings responded with disappointment, "Really? Well, it's a pity."

Before Shao Ci could react, a sudden pain in his head caused him to lose consciousness.

When he awoke, he found himself in a spacious bedroom. Thick, colorful carpets covered the floor, a large, soft bed occupied the center, and heavy curtains draped the room, allowing only dim light from oil lamps. The fragrance of incense filled the air, creating a drowsy atmosphere in the opulent room.

Shao Ci, now awake, first checked for any restraints on him. Touching his neck, he discovered a collar adorned with a soft layer of fluff. Realizing his limited mobility, he began to assess the situation.

Testing his strength, Shao Ci confirmed his imprisonment. He hadn't restrained much of his power during the battle with Wendell, making it unlikely for Ewings to gauge his true abilities. As he pondered his predicament, a voice, lazy yet with a hint of annoyance, emanated from the dark-haired young man who emerged from the adjacent quilt.

Ewings, with an air of intimacy, wrapped his arm around Shao Ci's waist as if the two shared an extraordinarily close relationship. Despite the peculiar situation, Shao Ci ignored the incident and inquired, "Is Wendell okay?"

Expressing dissatisfaction, Ewings pressed Shao Ci onto the bed, his crimson eyes revealing a touch of coldness. "Is that guy so important?"

Assertively, Shao Ci retorted, "I think you already know this."

Ewings, narrowing his eyes, responded by kissing Shao Ci passionately, leaving him momentarily breathless. After the intense kiss, Ewings admitted, "Well, I really lost to you. Is he not dead? Good, he's a robust puppet; I've decided to keep him."

Relieved, Shao Ci realized he might have been overly concerned. Wendell, being the protagonist, could likely survive even death. However, Ewings, noting Shao Ci's visible relief, issued a warning, "But if you make me angry, maybe that guy will be angry."

Seemingly resigned, Shao Ci contemplated his current predicament. Although he couldn't escape, he entertained the idea of purifying Ewings and perhaps improving his personality.

Eventually, Ewings escorted Shao Ci out of the opulent bedroom. Despite his physical exhaustion from the nightmares, Shao Ci found himself unsteady on his feet. Ewings, still holding him, led the way through a lengthy corridor until they reached a spacious restaurant.

Contrary to Shao Ci's expectations, the restaurant offered a beautiful view of the outside garden, challenging his assumptions about the dream world being dark and decadent. As they sat down, Ewings conjured a variety of exotic fruits onto the table.

Ewings, feeding Shao Ci with an air of mischief, made the experience uncomfortable. The feeding process involved unexpected kisses, leaving Shao Ci flustered and bewildered. Despite the strange interactions, he focused on the fruits, eventually feeling fatigued.

As the feeding continued, Ewings handed Shao Ci a seemingly harmless fruit. However, upon taking a bite, Shao Ci experienced an intensely pungent flavor, akin to mixing chili oil with mustard. His eyes teared up, and he urgently requested water.

Regretful for pushing Shao Ci too far, Ewings transformed into a glass of water and offered it to him. After the ordeal, Shao Ci, now suspicious, asked Ewings to unlock the chain around his neck. Surprisingly, Ewings agreed briefly, but the respite didn't last long before returning to the original state, leaving Shao Ci both relieved and wary.

After several days in this peculiar state, Shao Ci began to glean some insights about Ewings and his surroundings. It became evident that the luxurious residence he found himself in was Ewings' frequent abode, devoid of any other inhabitants. Ewings, as the master manipulator of dreams, wielded absolute control within this dream world, seamlessly shaping everything to his whims. Even the passage of time was subject to Ewings' influence.

While this potent influence didn't extend beyond the dream realm, within its confines, Ewings could orchestrate a myriad of experiences. Shao Ci couldn't help but fantasize about encountering a purified Ewings again, envisioning more pleasant dreams.

Anticipating an extended period of such contentment, Shao Ci was surprised when a sudden shift occurred. In this world of dreams where perpetual slumber seemed unnecessary, he found himself inexplicably entering a peculiar dream during one of his resting periods.

The setting was a towering temple, bathed in pristine white hues exuding an aura of holiness. The dome overhead was adorned with intricate frescoes depicting various deities. Bewildered, Shao Ci strolled through the temple, questioning whether Ewings was once again playing tricks.

A resonant voice disrupted the silence, addressing Shao Ci as the brave. Startled, Shao Ci inquired about his location, to which the voice explained that he was in the divine realm. The voice revealed that, owing to the brave's challenges, Shao Ci's soul had been summoned temporarily.

Perplexed, Shao Ci mused about encountering God so casually. The voice reassured him and beckoned him closer. As Shao Ci approached, he laid eyes on a beautiful boy with silver hair, blue eyes, and a holy aura. However, his astonishment reached new heights as he exclaimed, "Is this really the god of this world? So tiny?!"

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