Kamen Rider Zi-O X High schoo...

By RisingHopper01

301K 4.5K 5.5K

Y/N has moved to Kuoh Town with his uncle to start his new life at Kuoh Academy. Y/N has a strange dream of b... More

Y/N L/N (Zi-O)
Harem (Updated)
Tale Of Ohma Zi-O
New School, New Beginnings
Kamen Rider! Devil! Best Match?
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore!
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore! Part 2
Haunting Moving Day! A Friendly Ghost Needs Help?
I Choose You To Be My Master! Oni And Devil Together At Last
A Greeedy Arranged Marriage
Time Traveling Training Camp
Mirror's Takeover
Hope is lost
The Power Of The Destroyer Will Extinguish The Flames!
Normal Devil Days (Season 1 Special)
Oppai Chimera (OVA 1)
The Mummy Who Loves Oppai (OVA 2)
Season 2: A Magical New Start! It's Showtime!
A Promotion Towards Kingship! The New King's Blade!
A Kamen Rider Joins The Church? I Become King But At A Cost
The Start Of A New Decisive Battle
We Will Answer The Cries Of The Innocent
Nexus Time! The Connection To The Full Power Of A Rider!
 Scorching Heat! Bathing Suits! Space! The Three Greatest Things Of Summer!
Open House....Open House....Open House!
The Time Stopping Vampire!
Building Up To The Leader's Summit!
 Unexpected  Visitors
Season 2 Finale: I Am The King!
The Underwear Stealing Virus! (Season 2  Special)
Season 3: I Walk The Path Of The King! Let's Start This With God Speed!
Inheriting A Legendary Generation!
Three Powers Become One! I'll Become Stronger Than A God!
The Return Of God! Orange You Glad To See Me?
The Haunting Mistake Of My Dead Future
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon)
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon) Ending
You'll Be The Hand To Reach Out For Others
The Great Ancestor! (Side Story canon)
The First Of Our Generation
Beating A Time Traveled High Sorce! (Mid Season 3 Special Canon)
Currently writing but had to show this
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 1
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 2
A Glimpse Of The Grand Time
A Special Rider Christmas!
Our Soft Boiled Time Together
Season 3 Special

Season 3 Finale: The Mother Oni

1.8K 48 39
By RisingHopper01

Woz walks up to everyone standing in front of Y/N's house.

Woz: "Everyone, please come with me."

Akeno: "Why Woz?"

Asia: "Shouldn't we wait for Y/N and Rias to come back?"

Issei: "Asia's right."

Woz: "That's where we are going. To meet Rias and Waga Maou." The Occult Club look at each other.

Shotaro: "Lead the way, Woz." Woz nods to Shotaro.

In the throne room a time portal appears for Woz and the Occult Club to step out.

Rossweisse: "Where are we?"

Woz: "The throne room of Ohma Zi-O." Y/N and Rias who are now standing turn to see everyone.

Asia: "Y/N! Rias onee-sama!" Asia runs up to them for the rest to follow her. Woz follows the others with Shotaro, Philip, and Mikoto beside him.

Woz: "It's been awhile since the sun roof was opened."

Asia walks up the stairs to hug Y/N and Rias.

Akeno: "Welcome back, Rias." Asia lets go of the two.

Rias: "Akeno." Rias smiles at Akeno.

Kuroka: "Y/N!" Kuroka hugs Y/N from behind.

Kuroka: "Nyaa! My husband is okay." Runeas hugs Y/N from the front.

Runeas: "All in one piece." Koneko pulls on her shirt for Y/N to turn to her. He smiles at her to pat her head.

Xenovia: "I wanna hug him too!"

Irina: "X-Xenovia!" Xenovia is jogging up to Y/N.

Akeno: "How are you two here? And where are we?" A somber looking Y/N looks at Rias then back to everyone.

Y/N: "Sougo saved us...but he's gone now...."

Issei: "Gone? You don't mean like...gone gone?" Y/N looks at the ground for Rias to answer.

Ria: "Yes, his life has come to an end."

Akeno: "Oh Y/N." Akeno hugs him to confront him like she did with Eiji.

Issei: "No way...that powerful guy died..." Woz and the three other riders join them. He walks up to throne for a memory of Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukiyomi to flash in his mind.

Memory Sougo: "Let's go, Woz!" Woz places his hand on the throne.

Woz: "Rest now...old friend."

Shotaro: "We never really met Sougo when he was younger."

Philip: "But when we talked to him, he sounded like a good person."

Mikoto: "He is. It's strange to know he's gone. Since I'm from a different timeline." Mikoto looks around the familiar looking throne room.

Y/N: "Senpai's, you're both still here." Y/N pulls away from Akeno.

Shotaro: "Of course we are. We have to make sure our kouhai is okay."

Philip: "Yes, we also haven't said goodbye. It would be rude to not too."

Shotaro: "It was great fighting alongside you, Y/N. You have all 20 Heisei Rider powers now. Remember what we taught you."

Y/N: "I will."

Philip: "Don't lose heart. We all saw the potential in you like Sougo did."

Y/N: "I won't." Shotaro and Philip high five Y/N. The two in one Kamen Rider walk down the stairs for a time portal to appear. Shotaro and Philip turn to the Occult Club.

Shotaro: "See you next time, Waga Maou."

Philip: "I hope to see you again, Waga Maou."

Shotaro: "Of course, everyone else as well." Shotaro holds his hand up to wave to the Occult Club. Philip nods to wave to everyone to enter the time portal with Shotaro for it to close.

Runeas: "Now that Sougo is gone. What's going to happen to his kingdom?"

Woz: "I will be handling everything from now on. Waga Maou still has school and his growth has just begun. He now needs to collect all Showa and Reiwa Riders. Iwae!" Woz opens his book to throw his hand in the air.

Woz: "The journey of Y/N L/N has closed its first chapter! Being recognized by the generations of the Showa and Reiwa. Y/N will now inherit their powers! His greatness will be known beyond generations!" Runeas claps for Woz.

Issei: "There he goes again. How did you guys get here?"

Y/N: "Well after I saved Rias. I fought and defeated the curse."

Xenovia: "You defeated it!? That's what I'd expect from the President and Y/N!"

Y/N: "Thanks ha ha. Then well I don't know. I can barely remember. Next thing I know we were here."

Rias: "Yes."

Akeno: "Strange. Whatever happened we're glad you're both okay." Gasper and Koneko walk up to Rias.

Gasper: "President..." Gasper has tears in his eyes.

Koneko: "Rias..." Rias hugs Koneko and Gasper.

Rias: "Gasper. Koneko."

Gasper: "I was so worried that you might not make it back!" Kiba steps in front of Rias.

Rias: "Yuuto."

Kiba: "Welcome back, President." Rias smiles at Kiba.

Akeno: "Now that we have Y/N and Rias back safe. Let's go home."

Occult Club: "Yes!" Y/N and Rias hold hands to walk with the Occult Club to a time portal.

Sir Zechs in sitting in a throne with Grayfia standing next to him.

Sir Zechs: "Azazel just contacted me. It seems Rias returned safely."

Grayfia: "Is that so?"

Sir Zechs: "It looks like I owe Y/N a huge favor."

Grayfia: "No, he would never think of it that way. He sees you as family and would never want you to be in debt to him. He is the perfect example of a King." Sir Zechs chuckles.

Sir Zechs: "You're right. He is."

Y/N lays in his bed to stretch out his limbs.

Y/N: "Ahhh! So much has happened. I just wanna sleep and think about it later." Rias locks his door to walk up to the bed. She crawls on the bed to straddle Y/N.

Y/N: "Rias?"

Rias: "Do you remember the time I came here asking you to take my first time?" Rias is unbuttoning her school uniform to undress

Y/N: "Y-Yeah?"

Rias: "I made my decision after you saved me."

Y/N: "What is that?."

Rias: "Take my precious first time."

Y/N watches Rias' breasts jiggle out her bra. He doesn't say anything sitting to kiss Rias. His hands cup her breasts to feel the softness. Y/N breaks the kiss to take one of her nipples in his mouth making Rias moan.

(Authors notes: For those who are gonna say this isn't their first time. Rias is lying and she explains why in the season 3 special.)

In the living room Mikoto is watching T.V. Xenovia walks in the room to look around.

Xenovia: "Where's Y/N?"

Runeas: "Hm? Where is he? I was hoping to spend some time with him."

Akeno: "He's with Rias. I think we should all let Y/N and Rias have some time alone."

Kuroka. "Awww...I guess you're right. If that happened to one of us, Rias would respect our alone time."

Runeas: "*Sigh* To be the number one. Maid a cup of tea." Raynare runs to the bar to boil some water.

Raynare: "Yes, ma'am!"

Mikoto: "You girls and your competition. I don't know how Y/N pleases all of you."

Kuroka: "That's a good question. I guess just being by his side fills me up with warm feelings." Koneko nods to Kuroka's statement.

Runeas: "Well said."

Xenovia: "Yeah even with the small moments we have alone together. It's make me feel special."

Asia: "Yes! My heart is full of love."

Kuroka: "What about you, Mikoto? You have anyone you like? You have been here for sometime now."

Mikoto: "That has never gone through my mind."

Kuroka: "Ehhh? Really? You're still young. I never had my High School love phase. That's why I'm enjoying this one to the fullest. Nyaa! You should go find a girl."

Mikoto: "I'm from a different timeline. I don't think I can love someone yet."

Irina: "I see. You have to go back to your timeline once we defeat Aevi."

Xenovia: "You wouldnt be able to see them again if you go back home, right?"

Mikoto: "Yes."

Kuroka: "Aww that stinks. Seems like Y/N and Woz have you beat in that aspect."

Mikoto: "Woz!?" Mikoto whips his head to look at Kuroka.

Kuroka: "Nyaa! Yup! It seems Woz has caught the eyes of Miss Vice President of the student council." Kuroka's tails wag back and forth.

Asia: "Really?"

Xenovia: "How do you know that?"

Kuroka: "This kitty hears a lot around town."

Irina: "But will Woz reciprocate those feelings." The girls start to think to get a sweat drop on the back of their heads.

Xenovia: "Maybe?"

Asia: "Hopefully?"

Kuroka: "He might?"

Irina: "Perhaps?" Koneko tilts her head not sure if Woz would. Rossweisse is sitting behind the couch crying.

Rossweisse: "*Snuffle* All these young girls are talking about love and dating! I haven't even had one guy in my life!"

Mikoto: "Again?"

Xenovia: "Ha ha...Since your here Irina wanna play a game?"

Irina: "Sure!"

Asia: "I'll join too!"

Koneko: "Me too." Akeno remembers when they got home Rias pulled to the side.

Flashback Rias: "Akeno, can you make sure everyone stays away from Y/N?"

Flashback Akeno: "Hm? Why?" Rias explains to Akeno what she plans to do. Akeno smiles at Rias.

Flashback Akeno: "Of course I will. I'm your best friend."

Flashback Rias: "Thank you Akeno. I can always trust you."

Flashback Akeno: "In the future you'll have to do the same favor for me." Rias shakes her head.

Flashback Rias: "So this is what you wanted but okay I will."

Flashback Akeno: "Enjoy yourself~ *Giggle*" Rias' face turns red.

Akeno: "I wouldn't want your special moment to be ruined."

Y/N and Rias are in the bath together after their moment.

Y/N: "That was..." Rias rests the back of her head on Y/N's chest.

Rias: "Amazing?"

Y/N: "Ha ha yeah. Amazing." Xenovia, Asia, and Irina enter.

Asia: "Y/N. Rias onee-sama."

Xenovia: "Oh I didn't think you two would be here."

Irina: "Ahhh!"

Rias: "He he we were just gonna take bath and join you after."

Irina: "M-Maybe we should come back later."

Xenovia: "Come on we're already inside." Xenovia is pushing Irina towards the small showers. Irina holds onto her towel.

Asia: "Y/N is used to bathing with us."

Irina: "T-That's not the point!"

Xenovia: "You don't need this." Xenovia pulls Irina's towel off her.

Irina: "A-Ah...!"

Xenovia: "Come on sit down I'll scrub your back for you." Xenovia makes Irina sit down. She starts to scrub her back for Irina to just sit there red in the face with steam coming out her head. Asia sits next to Irina to wash herself.

Aevi sitting on top of a building, he is holding the shards of the Decade and W Anotherwatches. The Another Grand Zi-O watch absorbs them for the Decade and W symbols to glow.

Aevi: "All that's left is Hibiki." Aevi holds up the Another Grand Zi-O watch to grin at it.

Y/N wakes up in the middle of the night to see Akeno's bare breasts in his face.

Y/N: "Akeno?" In the right of Y/N Asia is sleeping on chest only in her panties with her hand up his shirt. On the left is Xenovia with her arms stretched out with her shirt all the way up revealing her large beasts. Her shorts and panties are half way down her legs. Runeas is holding Y/N's right leg completely naked. Koneko is sleeping between Y/N's legs with only a shirt and panties.

Rias: "Because of everything that happened, everyone wants to stay close." Y/N turns his head to look at Rias.

Rias: "Good morning, Y/N."

Y/N: "Good morning, Rias." Rias sits up for Y/N to see her naked body. He is reminded of their moment together making him try to stop his lower friend from getting hard.

Rias: "I must have caused a lot of trouble for everyone."

Y/N: "Don't blame yourself. You're not at fault." Rias sits at the end of the bed.

Rias: "I remember a little." Y/N is able to slowly get out the dog pile of girls to walk outside with Rias.

Rias: "I don't remember the details, but I remember the warmth." Rias is now in her see-through dress.

Rias: "That sensation is still lingering deep inside my chest. What about you?"

Y/N: "I felt a coldness when I dove for you in that "place." But then I felt warmth and your memories of us flowing into me." Y/N steps close to Rias to hold her.

Y/N: "I want us to create even more memories full of that warmth." Rias closes her eyes resting her head on Y/N's chest.

Rias: "Me too."

The next morning Y/N's parents and his uncle come back home from a vacation.

Y/N: "Welcome back, Dad, Mom, Uncle."

Rias: "Welcome home."

Naomi: "I'm not surprised that Rias-chan's relatives owned a travel agency."

Junichiro: "A trip around the world is just what I need to relax. Good thing I had my own planned trip so I didn't have to deal with you two."

Naomi: "Horrible, you didn't want to spend time with your little sister?"

Junichiro: "We had years to spend time."

Rikiya: "Hawaii had a lot of beautiful women. America woman come in voluptuous sizes." Naomi uppercuts Rikiya in the air. She walks up to Rias and Akeno.

Naomi: "I hope you enjoyed your "time" with my son." Y/N remembers they left when Akeno and the others wore the shrine girl outfits.

Akeno: "*Giggle* We did."

Rias: "Ha ha...Yes."

Naomi: "Oh hi Irina." Naomi comically slides next to her.

Naomi: "You can have my son too."

Irina: "Eh!?"

Naomi: "Don't be shy, sweetie." Asia walks in the room to see Y/N's parents and Uncle.

Asia: "Welcome back, Father, Mother, Uncle." Junichiro walks up to pat Asia's head

Junichiro: "Good to you see, Asia. I'll be unpacking in my room."

Y/N: "Okay." Naomi tightly hugs Asia.

Naomi: "My cute little Asia!"

Rias: "It's as if Asia were their real child."

Y/N: "I'm glad my mom treats her like her own daughter."

Rias: "Um by the way." Everyone is in the living room. Rossweisse is sitting in a chair across of Y/N, his parents, and his parents.

Y/N: "This is Rossweisse and she's...uhh..."

Rias: "She's a teacher at Kuoh Academy that hopes to lodge here."

Rossweisse: "Huh?" Mikoto behind the couch facepalms.

Mikoto: "This is where you agree with Rias."

Junichiro: "That's fine. We already have a bunch of people. One more won't hurt."

Rikiya: "Are you sure about that, Junichiro?"

Junichiro: "My house, my rules. Especially it's a big house."

Rossweisse: "Thank you from letting me stay!" Rossweisse bows to Junichiro.

Junichiro: "Don't need to thank me. By the way you have any food allergies?" Junichiro stands up to walk towards the door.

Junichiro: "I need to get started with lunch and prep for dinner."

Rossweisse: "Well..." Rossweisse stands up to follow Junichiro to tell him if she has any food allergies. Rikiya stands up to walk up to Y/N.

Rikiya: "Y/N, can I speak to you in private?" Y/N looks up at him.

Y/N: "Uhh yeah."

Y/N and his dad are outside on the roof. Rikiya is resting his back on the railing looking at Y/N.

Y/N: "Dad is acting "professional."

Rikiya: "Y/N have you decided to stop this behavior of being King?" Y/N is shocked by this question.

Y/N: "W-What?" Rikiya pushes up his glasses.

Rikiya: "As your father I want the best for you. You're already in high school. You have a few move years until you enter the real world. You're gonna need a career path. That childish dream of being King has gone long enough. Your mother supports you because she loves you but even she knows it's a dream that can never be achieved." Y/N makes a fist.

Y/N: "....I'm not gonna abandon my dr-"

Rikiya: "Enough!" Rikiya stands up straight for Y/N to feel his fatherly authority.

Rikiya: "Realistically I don't see you marrying all those girls but let's say you do, how will you support them? Are you just going to live off Rias' money? I know I was barely in your life because of my job but I don't wish for my child to be a dead beat. This is me being your father. Give up on that dream and focus on one you can achieve."  Y/N looks at floor to remember Sougo.

Y/N: "....Thank you. You never were much of a dad but seeing you do this makes know how much you care about me. But someone else also put effort to be a father to me." Y/N smiles to look at his father with a confident look.

Y/N: "He supported my dream. I'm sorry, Dad but I'm not giving up on my dream. Just know I can achieve this." Rikiya walks up to Y/N to stand next to him. Y/N looks at him through the corner of his eyes.

Rikiya: "It's because of what Rias is, isn't it?"

Y/N: "W-What?" Rikiya pushes up his glasses.

Rikiya: "I'm not dumb, Y/N. Rias isn't your normal girl from a rich family. I've had my speculations after speaking with her father. Zeoticus knew a lot of information that older men like my superiors would have maybe even older much older. Even his dialect was old fashion. I've done some digging about the Gremory family. Rias' family owns the school and many parts of Kuoh or my speculation they own all of Kuoh. Then there's her relatives the Bael family. Gremory and Bael names from christian religion....Also the house being constructed in one day while we were asleep."

(Author's notes from the wiki: Zeoticus is likely hundreds of years old, as his Bishop, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, lived and died during the early 1500's.)

Rikiya: "It's like magic or should I say the Occult." Rikiya looks at Y/N out of the corner of his eyes.

Rikiya: "Whatever she is you love her, don't you?"

Y/N: "I-I do."

Rikiya: "Good." Rikiya pushes up his glasses again.

Rikiya. "Now if you can achieve that dream with her help. Then show me what kind of King my son will become." Rikiya pats Y/N's shoulder to walk inside. Y/N turns around to look at the entrance.

Y/N: "Who the hell are you, Dad?" Y/N shrugs to himself.

Aevi is resting on a branch tossing up the Another Grand Zi-O watch.

Aevi: "Still need more power. I think I got everyone close to Y/N....Hm?" Walking by the park Naomi is with the girls.

Naomi: "Listen girls, a woman must have multiple types of underwear for every occasion to entice their man. Not only that it should make you feel beautiful and sexy. Oh we should also get some cute outfits."

Rias: "Thank you for taking us out shopping, Mother."

Asia: "Yes."

Akeno: "Getting a beautiful woman's eyes for clothes will be a big benefit."

Naomi: "Aw please, I'm getting old. You all are much more beautiful."

Irina: "We're not lying. You still look young and beautiful." Koneko nods to Irina's statement.

Xenovia: "Irina's right."

Naomi: "You're all so sweet."

Aevi: "Mother...." Aevi smirks getting an idea. He catches the Another Grand Zi-O watch to activate it. Darkness flows into his other hand for it to form a Anotherwatch.

In the mall Naomi and the girls are picking out underwear.

Naomi: "Rias~" Naomi walks up to Rias holding up a pair of panties and a bra.

(The ones she's holding to Rias.)

Naomi: "These will would look so good on you." She leans forward to whisper to Rias.

Rias. "They do look cute."

Naomi: "And I bet Y/N would like it." Rias takes the underwear from her.

Rias: "I trust your decision!"

Naomi: "Now to pick out some more for the others." Time stops for everyone.

Naomi: "Huh? What's going on? I can't move!"

Akeno: "Rias...Time...Jacker..."

Xenovia: "Aevi..."

Irina: "Oh...no..." Aevi skips into the store and up to Naomi.

Aevi: "You're Y/N's mom, right? Do you mind becoming my Queen?"

Naomi: "What is this boy talking about?"

Rias: "No..." Aevi grins at Rias to hold up the Anotherwatch to activate it.

*Distorted Voice* Hibiki!

Aevi shoves the Hibiki Anotherwatch inside Naomi.

Naomi: "Ah...AHHHH!" Darkness surrounds Naomi for her to transform into an Another Rider. The darkness disappears to reveal Another Hibiki.

*Distorted Voice* Hibiki!

Another Hibiki let's out a roar for time to start again.

An explosion happens inside the store for the girls to fly out of the store. Xenovia is carrying Asia.

Aisa: "Mother!" The girls land on the floor to see Another Hibiki walking out of the smoke and fire.  Xenovia summons Durendal to run at Another Hibiki.

Xenovia: "Haaa!" Xenovia swings her sword for Another Hibiki to summon two Another Ongekibou Rekka to use one to hit the sword upwards. Another Hibiki swings the other Ongekibou Rekka to hit Xenovia's stomach sending her flying to the left.

Irina: "Xenovia!" A fireball hits Irina making fall over the edge of the railing.

Asia: "Irina!" Another Hibiki runs at the girls. Akeno pushes Asia out of the way for her and Rias to put up a barrier. Another Hibiki starts to hit the barrier like a drum. Akeno and Rias can feel the strength behind the attacks.

Akeno: "She's too strong! I can't hold on!"

Rias: "Me too!" Another Hibiki slams her Another Ongekibou Rekka to break the barrier for the force of the attack to push Akeno and Rias off the railing. Another Hibiki jumps over the railing after the girls. Rias and Akeno use their wings to slow themselves down to land on the lower floor. Another Hibiki lands on the lower floor breaking it. Rias looks up at the second floor at Asia.

Rias: "Asia! Check on Xenovia!"

Asia: "Okay!" Asia runs to check on Xenovia. Rias and Akeno cast their magic at the Another Rider. Another Hibiki swings Ongekibou Rekka to hit away the magic blasts. Her Ongekibou Rekka's light on fire for Another Hibiki to shoot fireballs at Akeno and Rias. The two devils put up magic circle shields to block the fireballs. Irina is in the air throwing a halo at Another Hibiki

Irina: "Ha!" Another Hibiki side steps to hit the halo away for it to hit the entrance of a store. She looks up at Irina to breathe flames at her.

Irina: "Ah!" Irina flies back to try and get away from the flames. Another Hibiki grabs some Another Akane Taka Animal Disk's to throw them at Rias. The Another Akane Taka transform into a small hawk to fly at Rias to try and cut her with their sharp wings. Fireballs hit in front of Rias destroying the Another Akane Taka. Rias opens her eyes for the smoke to settle. Kamen Rider Hibiki is standing in front of Rias.

Hibiki: "Which Oni do I have to deal with?" Another Hibiki swings her Another Ongekibou Rekka to make the dust go away.

Hibiki: "Oh, it's the sham of an Oni again. This time it isn't my student!" Hibiki grabs his Ongekibou Rekka on his back to run at Another Hibiki. The two Oni clash Ongekibou Rekka. Aevi is looking over the railing of the second floor.

Aevi: "Oh Hibiki is here but not the Master but the Student."

Xenovia: "Aevi!" Aevi turns to see Xenovia hold her sword at him.

Aevi: "Someone must be angry. Is it because I helped that dumb idiot kill blondie?" Xenovia glares at Aevi to ran him swinging her sword. Aevi easily dodges Xenovia attack to kick her back making her almost fall forward.

Aevi: "Temper, temper. With Hibiki here and it being four vs one. Another Hibiki will be overwhelmed. Why did the Student have to come here? As much as I would like to fight I have more important things to do." Aevi jumps off the second floor to land on the first floor. Hibiki slams his Ongekibou Rekka on Another Hibiki's chest to make her stagger back. Akeno and Rias stand next to Hibiki.

Rias: "It's good to see you again, Hidaka-san."

Hibiki: "Hm? Have I met you?"

Akeno: "Eh? You're not Hibiki?"

Kyosuke: "I am. My name is Kiriya Kyōsuke. You must of met my Master." Irina lands next to them.

Irina: "Who's this?"

Kyosuke: "Kiriya Kyōsuke. I'm the Oni Hibiki."

Irina: "Oni?" Aevi walks up to Another Hibiki.

Aevi: "Kiriya Kyōsuke....Good to see you. Seems like you finally obtained the name Hibiki. Congrats but that's all we can celebrate. Come my Queen." Another Hibiki fires fireballs on the floor to kick up dust. The dust settles for everyone to see that Aevi and Another Hibiki have disappeared.

Xenovia: "Is everyone okay?" Kyosuke and the girls look up at Xenovia and Asia.

Akeno: "Yes, we're fine."

The girls are fixing up the mall and whipping everyone's memories. A de-henshin Kyosuke watches them. Rias walks up to him to introduce herself.

Rias: "Hello I'm Rias Gremory. We met Hitoshi Hidaka I mean Hibiki awhile back."

Kyosuke: "I meet Hibiki awhile back. He told me about Y/N. I came here to train him in special training since Hibiki couldn't."

Rias: "Special training?"

Akeno: "But how did you get here?" Rias remembers that Sougo is gone.

Rias: "Yes, how did you get here?"

Kyosuke: "A Kamen Rider named Build helped me."

After finishing repairing the mall and wiping people's memories, Rias and the girls are walking with Kyosuke.

Rias: "I don't think training Y/N will be a good idea."

Kyosuke: "To try to stop me..."

Akeno: "No, I think you're getting our intentions wrong. Y/N would likely love to train with you but..."

Rias: "That Another Hibiki was his mother." Kyosuke stops making the girls stop for him to turn to the them.

Kyosuke: "Why would she take the watch?"

Asia: "She didn't!"

Xenovia: "Yes, Aevi forced it onto her."

Irina: "Yeah."

Kyosuke: "Then he will have to train hard."

Rias: "But..."

Kyosuke: "Y/N will not be able to truly wield Hibiki's power if he doesn't learn how to be an Oni. If he can't wield Hibiki's power then he can't save his mom." Kyosuke resumes to walk making the girls look at each other.

Y/N is sitting in the living room with Mikoto.

Y/N: "I've been wondering...I never put too much thought about it until now." Mikoto looks at Y/N.

Mikoto: "What exactly?"

Y/N: "Aevi's plan...he has this ridewatch that absorbs the energy of the Another Rider and our energy that is expelled from our attacks." Mikoto sits up when he hears this.

Mikoto: "So that's what was happening."

Y/N: "Is he powering up that ridewatch to use himself?" Woz is standing behind Y/N.

Woz: "I don't think so."

Y/N: "Ah! Woz! Please stop." Y/N whips his body to look at Woz.

Woz: "I apologize Waga Maou. As I was saying, I don't think Aevi is making that ridewatch for himself."

Mikoto: "Then is he making it for someone?"

Woz: "That is a possibility, someone he's working with who's in the shadows or another someone who's going to be tempted with the watch."

Y/N: "Even if we try to take it away from him. He would use stop time or have one of his time clones take it."

Mikoto: "I guess we'll have to be ready when the time comes."

Woz: "I agree." The door opens for Rias to enter the room.

Rias: "Y/N, please come with me."

Y/N: "Rias?"

Y/N is standing in the front door of his house with everyone. He makes a fist to slam it on the wall.

Y/N: "Aevi!" Y/N starts to walk towards the front door.

Kyosuke: "Where do you think you're going?" Y/N is about to open the door but stops to turn to Kyosuke.

Y/N: "To save my mom!" Y/N sees his dad and uncle standing behind everyone.

Y/N: "Dad...Uncle...." Everyone turns to see the two adults.

Rikiya: "Y/N, what do you mean by that?"

Junichiro: "This isn't funny, Y/N. Where's Naomi?" Y/N bites his lip not saying anything.

Akeno: "I think you miss hear, Y/N." Akeno uses magic to manipulate their minds.

Rikiya: "I heard exactly what I heard! Y/N, tell me what you mean by what you said!?" Rikiya walks towards Y/N. Runeas leans towards Akeno.

Runeas: "You're magic isn't working on Rikiya-san because his mental state is going wild. While Junichiro-san looks more focused. With his mind any mental attack will be hard to achieve." Rikiya looms over Y/N.

Rikiya: "Y/N, why aren't you speaking!?"

Y/N: "I...promise I'll get mom back...."

Junichiro: "Y/N, I know you have that dream but if it's related to that. I'll start being more strict."

Rias: "Please wait I..." Rikiya glares at Rias.

Rikiya: "Please be quiet, Rias." Rikiya returns his attention to Y/N who is looking at the ground.

Y/N: "....Dad...Uncle...I will tell you everything but I need to go."

Rikiya: "So there's more to this? So I was right." Y/N nods to Rikiya.

Junichiro: "What are you talking about, Rikiya?"

Rikiya: "I had my suspicions about Rias' father. I did some digging and found some interesting things."

Junichiro: "They some sort of crime family?"

Rias: "I promise you, we're not!"

Akeno: "Yes, the Gremory family isn't the type to do those things."

Asia: "Yes!"

Runeas: "Akeno is correct. If they did my wraith would fall upon them."

Y/N closes his eyes to open them and look up at Rikiya.

Y/N: "The more we talk the more danger mom is gonna be in! I give you my word, Dad. I will tell you and Uncle even Mom everything. About Rias, about Woz, and about me."

Rias: "Y/N."

Rikiya: "I'm coming with you."

Y/N: "N-"

Rikiya: "No negotiating, Y/N."

Y/N: "Okay."

Junichiro: "You gonna handle this?"

Rikiya: "Yes, you have done enough. I should start doing the job I should have been doing."

Y/N: "Okay you can come. Kuroka protect my dad."

Kuroka: "Yes~"

Y/N: "Everyone let's find my mom."

Occult Club: "Yes!"

Kyosuke: "Hold on! How will you beat that Another Rider if you can't utilize Hibiki's power? Randomly beating a drum isn't how you use his power." Kyosuke stands next to Rikiya making Y/N remember the time he fought the chimera plant.

Kyosuke: "You need to train on how to play taiko drums. Only then you'll know how to truly use Hibiki's power." Y/N tilts his head at Kyosuke.

Y/N: "Who are you?" A cuckoo clock sound goes off. Everyone almost fall to the ground.

Woz: "He is Kiriya Kyosuke, Hibiki's student. He is the next Hibiki meaning he's a senpai."

Junichiro: "Senpai?"

Y/N: "Oh! I'm sorry for being disrespectful. Kyosuke-senpai." Y/N bows to Kyosuke who's scratching the back of his head.

Kyosuke: "It's fine, I didn't introduce myself."

Y/N: "I wanna save my mom but you're right. I don't know how to properly use Hibiki's power. I to inherited Hibiki's powers but if I can't properly use them then why was I chosen? Kyosuke-senpai, teach me how to use Hibiki's power."

Mikoto: "Woz and I will stop Another Hibiki from causing trouble."

Y/N: "Thank you. Dad, you go with Woz and Mikoto. I have something to do."

Rikiya: "Very well."

Junichiro: "Be careful both of you and bring my little sister back." Y/N nods to Junchiro.

Y/N and Kyosuke are at a temple. Kyosuke hands Y/N some Taiko drum sticks. He grabs his own to stand next to a drum. Rias and Asia are watching them.

Kyosuke: "You won't become a master in a few hours. I'm gonna be teaching you the basics."

Rias: "Good luck, Y/N!"

Asia: "You can do it!"

Kyosuke: "Don't fail now. You got some pretty girls cheering you on."

Y/N: "He he....yeah." Y/N walks up to the Taiko next to Kyosuke to hold up his drum sticks.

Kyosuke: "Follow my moments."

Y/N: "Yes, Sensei!" Kyosuke starts to beat the drum for Y/N to follow his technique.

Woz and Mikoto are running around Kouh to regroup on a street.

Woz: "Any luck?"

Mikoto: "Nothing."

Kivat: "Woz-sama! Mikoto-sama!" Kivat is flying towards the two.

Woz: "Kivat."

Mikoto: "Did you find anything?"

Kivat: "Yes, they're at the old church."

Woz: "I know the way. Follow me." Woz runs for Mikoto and Kivat to follow him. Mikoto takes out a Faizphone to call Akeno.

The two riders and Occult Club are running together towards the entrance of the church to see Aevi standing at the front.

Aevi: "Ah! I was hoping you'll find me. Hm? Who's the old guy?"

Rikiya: "Who's this rude child?"

Mikoto: "Aevi, where's Y/N's mom!?"

Aevi: "She's right here." A black figure walks out of the church for everyone to see Naomi.

Rikiya: "Naomi!" Rikiya is about to run towards Naomi but Woz holds his hand in front of him.

Woz: "You don't understand the danger you're in. Stay by the others side."

Aevi: "Oh I get it! Ha ha ha! That's papa! I wonder what will happen to Y/N if I make mama kill papa?"

Akeno: "Aevi." Akeno grits her teeth in anger remembering her time as an Another Rider.

Aevi: "My Queen." Naomi walks in front of Aevi to look at everyone with dead cold eyes.

Rikiya: "Naomi..." Naomi holds up the Anotherwatch to activate it.

*Distorted Voice* Hibiki!

She shoves the Another Watch inside her body shocking Rikiya. Darkness wraps around Naomi transforming her into Another Hibiki.

*Distorted Voice* Hibiki!

Mikoto and Woz take their drivers to place them on their waists. They hold up their ridewatches to activate them.



Another Hibiki runs at them with its two Another Ongekibou Rekka.

Mikoto: "Everyone back up!" The Occult Club back up. Kurako walks back up to pull Rikiya back.

Kurako: "You can come but follow the rules, papa-san." Kurako pulls Rikiya away. Another Hibiki swings her Another Ongekibou Rekka for Mikoto and Woz to dodge to the side, slotting their ridewatches on their drivers.


Another Hibiki swings its weapon's at Mikoto who quickly makes his driver spin.

Mikoto: "Henshin!" The clear red watch straps appear to block the attack. They start to spin pushing Hibiki back. Woz pushes the Crank-in handle.

Woz: "Henshin!" The blue katakana in Woz's watch shoot out hitting Another Hibiki throwing her back.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Geiz!

Touei! Future Time! Sugoi! Jidai! Mirai! Kamen Rider Woz! Woz!

The katakana flies back to slot in Woz's helmet as Mikoto's does the same. The two riders run at Another Hibiki.

Rikiya: "How did they get those suits?" They summon their weapons to attack.

Zikan Zax! Oh no!

Zikan Despear!

Rikiya: "Wait hold on!" Kuroka holds onto Rikiya.

Kuroka: "Papa-san!"

Another Hibiki hits away their attacks to shoot fireballs. The fireballs hits Woz and Mikoto in the chest. The two roll on the ground to kneel.

Mikoto: "Let's go Oni against Oni." Mikoto takes out a blue ridewatch to twist the face with his thumb to activate it.


Mikoto stands up to make his driver spin.

Armor Time! Onteki whistling Ibuki!

Wind swirls around Mikoto with the Ibuki armor to slot on him.

(I can't find anything with Ibuki.)

Woz: "I'll go with this one." Woz takes out the Shinobi Miridewatch while standing up. He activates it to switch it with his Woz Miridewatch to push the Crank in handle.

Shinobi! Action! Touei! Future Time! Dare ja? Ore ja? Ninja! Futurering Shinobi! Shinobi!

Purple lasers appear around Woz for the Shinobi armor to slot on him. The two riders run at the Another Rider again. Another Hibiki swings her Another Ongekibou Rekka at Woz for him to poof away.


Woz reappears behind Another Hibiki to slash down her back with his spear in Kama mode. Another Hibiki staggers forward for Mikoto slash it across its stomach. Another Hibiki staggers to the side. Mikoto slots the Ibuki ridewatch into his Zikan Zax. Woz slides his finger up and down the panel on his Zikan Despear.

Finish Time! x 2

The two riders swing their weapons to send energy slashes at Another Hibiki to explode.

Ongeki! Zakkuri Cutting!

Ichigeki Kaman!

Another Hibiki flies to hit a tree and lost her form.

Rikiya: "Naomi!" Rikiya breaks out of Kurako's hold to run towards Naomi.

Kuroka: "Wait Papa-san!"

Naomi: "Rikiya..." Naomi holds her hand towards Rikiya. Time stops for everyone.

Rikiya: "Why...can't...I...move!?" Aevi kneels next to Naomi.

Aevi: "Don't worry my queen let me help." Aevi shoves his hand inside Naomi to pull out the Anotherwatch. He activates it to fix it.

*Distorted Voice* Hibiki!

Aevi shoves the watch back inside Naomi for her to transform back into Another Hibiki. Smirking Aevi restarts time for Another Hibiki to stand up and go after Rikiya.

Rikiya: "Naomi!" Another Hibiki hits Rikiya aside making him hit a tree.

Rikiya: "Ah! Naomi...." A memory of how Rikiya first met Naomi flashes in his mind. Woz appears in front of Rikiya swinging his spear down at the Another Rider. Another Hibiki holds up their weapons to block the attack.

Woz: "Mikoto get Waga Maou's dad away from here!" Mikoto runs up to pick Rikiya to take him back to the Occult Club. Another Hibiki pushes Woz's spear to quickly hit him in stomach. Woz staggers back to quickly step forward to side swing his spear. Another Hibiki jumps over the spear. Woz jumps to twist in the air to swing his spear down at Another Rider. Another Hibiki fires two fireballs at Woz for him to poof away. Woz appears behind Another Hibiki continuing his attack. Another Hibiki quickly turns to slam his hand on him. A Ongekiko appears on Woz trapping him. Another Hibiki starts to play the Ongekiko to cause an explosion sending Woz flying back. Woz rolls on the ground to lost his rider form. Mikoto stands in front of Woz to fire an arrow at the Another Rider. Another Hibiki hits the arrow away to grow his Another Ongekibou Rekka giant. He swings it to hit Mikoto on the side slamming him on a tree to break it. Mikoto hits the ground to lose his rider form.

Akeno: "Oh no! Everyone get ready!" The Occult Club get ready to fight Anothet Hibiki.

Rikiya: "Naomi! Can you hear me!? Please listen to my voice!" Another Hibiki just growls looking towards the Occult Club.

Kuroka: "Papa-san stay by my side!" Kuroka is holding Rikiya from walking towards Another Hibiki.

She summons a giant fireball to throw it at them. An explosion happens.

Aevi: "Uh oh! Zi-O is gonna be mad that I killed his friends and dad. Ha ha! I can't wait to see his face!"

Voice: "That was a close one."

Aevi: "Huh?" The dust settles for Aevi to see Y/N and Kyosuke standing in front of the Occult Club. Rias and Asia run up to the Occult Club.

Akeno: "Rias! Asia!"

Xenovia: "Did they finish training?"

Rias: "As much as Y/N can learn."

Asia: "Yes, let's hope it's enough."

Rikiya: "Y/N."

Y/N: "I'm here, dad. I'll save mom"

Kyosuke: "Show them what I taught you."

Y/N: "Yes, Sensei!" Y/N takes out his driver to place it in his waist. He holds up his two ridewatches to twist the faces to activate them.

Nexus! Hibiki!

He slides them on his driver to take Sougo's pose. Diamond energy transforms the Hibiki ridewatch into the Armed Hibiki ridewatch.

Armed Hibiki!

Y/N: "Henshin!" Y/N hits his driver to make it spin.

Nexus Time! Kamen Rider~ RIDER! Zi-O! Nexus!

(:58 for Armed Hibiki sound. If the video doesn't show up it's All final form ridewatch sounds)

Final Armor Time! Ongekisokou! Armed Hibiki!

Clear magenta watch straps appear around Y/N as red flames appear on him. Magenta katakana flies out the clock to slot on Y/N's helmet.

(If the video doesn't show its Birth of Zi-O song)

Y/N takes his two Ongekibou Rekkas to run at Another Hibiki. The Another Rider fires fireballs at him. Y/N hits away the fireballs to slam his Ongekibou Rekka on Another Hibiki's stomach. He starts to hit Another Hibiki with the techniques he learned from Kyosuke.

Rias: "He's doing it."

Kyosuke: "It's a little sloppy but it's better than I thought." Y/N hits Another Hibiki in the chest to throw her back. Aevi appear next to Another Hibiki. He holds up the Another Grand Zi-O watch to activate it. Darkness flows out of it into Another Hibiki for the Hibiki Anotherwatch to appear out of her chest. It transforms into the Kurenai Anotherwatch.

*Distorted Voice* Kurenai Form!

The Anotherwatch enters Another Hibiki for her to transform into Another Kurenai.

Y/N: "You think that's gonna help! I'm gonna finish this!" Y/N takes out his Grand Zi-O ridewatch to activate it.

Grand Zi-O!

He replaces his Hibiki ridewatch with his Grand Zi-O watch to make it spin.

Grand Time! Iwae! Kamen Rider! Grand Zi-O!

The Heisei Rider status' appear to transform into Rider Reliefs to slot on Y/N. Another memory flashes in Rikiya's mind when he sees Grand Zi-O. It's Y/N as a kid with a paper crown

Kid Y/N: "I'm gonna be King when I grow up!"

Current Y/N runs at Another Kurenai to dodge one its attacks to slam his fist on her chest for gold energy to shoot out. Another Kurenai staggers back for Y/N to touch the Hibiki Rider Relief.


Hibiki appears out of a Rider Relief portal to hit Another Kurenai. Y/N touches the Hibiki Rider Relief to gain the Ongekibou Rekkas.


Hibiki and Y/N skillfully attack Another Kurenai together. Aevi grins to himself at what's happening. Together they send Another Kurenai flying back. Y/N tosses the Ongekibou Rekkas aside to activate a finisher.

Finish Time! Grand Zi-O!

Hibiki removes his Ongekiko to trap Another Kurenai with it. Y/N and Hibiki get ready.

All Twenty! Time Break!

They both start to play the drum. Kyosuke has a half smile.

Kyosuke: "He learns well." With one final hit Another Kurenai explodes for Naomi to hit the ground. The Another Kurenai watch shatters for Aevi to use the Another Grand Zi-O watch to absorb the shards. He turns around to disappear.

Rikiya: "Naomi!" Rikiya runs up to Naomi to get on his knees to hold her up. Y/N de-henshins to kneel down.

Y/N: "Mom!" Naomi slowly opens her eyes.

Naomi: "Y/N...Rikiya..." Rikiya stares at Naomi for tears to appear around his eyes.

Rikiya: "Naomi....I'm sorry....for everything I put you through. I'm a horrible husband and father. The way I acted made us leave our son to be raised by your brother, his uncle. I always look at other women. After seeing what happened to you I realized if I had every woman in the world the only one I would want is you and only you. I'm sorry....I'm sorry for realizing this so late." Rikiya holds Naomi's hand tightly. Naomi moves her left hand to touch Rikiya's cheek.

Naomi: "Everyone told me to divorce you but I love too much to do that. That's why I forgive you every time. I'm sorry for hitting you too."

Rikiya: "No I deserved it! I don't deserve you!"

Naomi: "Then become the man that deserves me."

Rikiya: "I promise! I promise I'll be the best husband to you!" Tears run down Rikiya's face. Y/N smiles at his parents.

Y/N: "I'm glad you realized this before you lost mom forever, Dad."

Everyone is back at Y/N's house. Issei has also come by to visit.

Issei: "Eh!? Aevi got Y/N's mom! That brat goes after anyone! I can't wait to punch his smug face!"

Rikiya: "So it's true? You're all devils?"

Rias: "Yes. well except Irina."

Irina: "I'm an Angel." A resting Naomi sits up from the couch she was laying on holding a wet towel on her forehead.

Naomi: "And that isn't hyperbole but literally? Irina is as cute as an angel."

Irina: "Ahhh thank you! But yes I'm an angel." Irina's white wings appear on her back.

Junichiro: "Would you look at that. I'm guessing everyone..." The Occult Club show their devil wings.

Junichiro: "Right."

Rikiya: "What about Y/N?" Y/N stands up to show his clock wings.

Naomi: "Clock hands?"

Junichiro: "Why are yours different?"

Woz: "We can't explain it but it seems when Y/N was turned into a Devil a certain reaction happened, turning him into something new. He's not human or a Devil."

Runeas: "Nephilim." Everyone looks at Runeas.

Runeas: "Nephilim would be the best way to describe him. A being of strong power. In ancient times Nephilim's were rumored to exist but no one met one. Y/N may not be the conventional Nephilim but he fits the description."

Junichiro: "It's also crazy that she's like a million years and Rias great and I mean great grandmother."

Naomi: "But is Y/N still my baby?" Y/N looks at his mom then his dad and finally his uncle.

Y/N: "I'm still me. I may be a Devil uh well Nephilim but I'm still the son you had and raised uh actually Uncle raised."

Rias: "Y/N is right. He's still himself." Naomi stands up from the couch.

Rikiya: "Naomi, you should rest." Naomi hugs Y/N for him to hug her back.

Naomi: "Yes, no one else gives out these hugs. My Y/N is the only one who gives the best hugs."

Rikiya: "Wait if you're devils and angels, what is Woz?" Everyone looks at Woz.

Woz: "Y/N's loyal retainer."

Everyone: "Of course...."

The next day at the club room Rias is pitching to Rossweisse to join Underworld.

Rias: "And so, here are some of the benefits you'll receive if you come to the Underworld."

Rossweisse: "No way! The insurance premium is so cheap! And this one isn't even term life insurance! These terms are so much better than Valhalla's!"

Rias: "You bet."

Issei: "The president looks just like a skilled insurance saleswoman."

Kiba: "She's buying off a Valkyrie."

Xenovia: "So this is what they call a devil's temptation. I could learn a lot from her."

Y/N: "Me too! Then I can get my own Peerage members too." Rias holds out a white Rook towards Rossweisse.

Rias: "So why not become a part of my peerage and work for the Underworld?"

Irina: "You're going to make Rossweisse-san a devil of your peerage?"

Woz: "Is that wise to do? She is Odin's bodyguard."

Akeno: "Oh my. Right now, only the President and I are magican-types who use demonic power."

Koneko: "It would be reassuring to have her."

Issei: "You too, Koneko."

Woz: "That doesn't answer my question."

Akeno: "We will face those problems when they arise. *Giggle*"

Woz: "....Very well."

Rias: "I believe your power will be useful as long-range attacks." Rossweisse takes the Rook piece from Rias to look at it.

Rossweisse: "Perhaps my destiny was already determined the moment I met all of you in the Underworld." The White Rook piece glows turning red turn Rossweisse into a devil. Rossweisse stands up for her devil wings to spread out.

Y/N: "Why do I feel like my transformation was worst? But it wasn't." Woz look at everyone reading.

Woz: "That's because the author didn't watch Highschool DxD for a long time. He didn't remember the process of how a person reincarnated as a devil. Now that he knows how it happens with this episode, it is now retconned but the process of the Ghost ridewatch joining the reincarnation is still there. It is called reincarnation technically Y/N did die."

Y/N: "Who are you talking too?" Woz turns to Y/N.

Woz: "Just explaining something."

Y/N: "About what?"

Woz: "That's a secret." Woz turns to everyone reading to wink.

Rossweisse: "Seeing Gremory-san's financial strength as well as the excellent Underworld health insurance and pension plans, I was convinced my future will be secure, so I have decided to become a devil."

Y/N: "You put it that way it makes you sound like you gave up your Valkyrie life for more money." A cuckoo clock sound goes off.

Rossweisse: "Ahem! Everyone, please take care of me from now on." Rias stands next to Rossweisse.

Rias: "Thus, Rossweisse became my Rook."

Irina: "I think Y/N was right. The decision was made far too easily."

Xenovia: "Seems fine to me. Like me, she didn't have much of a choice."

Rossweisse: "Odin-sama, I'll get back at you the next we meet!"

Azazel: "So you finally have all your pieces." Everyone turns to see Azazel in Rias' chair.

Issei: "Sensei!?"

Rias: "You're sitting in my chair without asking again!"

Y/N: "He literally snuck in when Rossweisse turned into a devil." Azazel falls forward on the desk.

Azazel: "This kid has some strong senses. So, today marks the true beginning of the Gremory household."

Rias: "Yes, that's right."

Woz: "And the start of Y/N's reign."

Azazel: "Yes, it's sad to hear about Sougo's death but we now have a new Demon King of Time."

Y/N: "I still have a lot to learn but I won't stop until I shine brighter than Sougo."

Woz: "He wouldn't want it any other way."

Azazel: "I like the look in their eyes. You've both been through a lot, but it looks like it wasn't for nothing. Oh, right. Y/N!"

Y/N: "What do you want sh- teacher?"

Azazel: "*Sigh* The date of your T.V. appearance in the Underworld has been decided."

Y/N: "Eh? TV? Oh that! Wait what!?"

Gasper: "Y/N-senpai, that's amazing!"

Y/N: "B-But I've never been on TV before!"

Woz: "Don't worry Waga Maou! I'll be here to prepare you for this great occasion!"

Xenovia: "Considering everything you've done, will it be a hero interview?"

Woz: "Yes! And interview will show the glory and magnificence of Y/N!"

Y/N: "Ahh! Woz stop you're getting me nervous!"

Azazel: "Oh that's not it. It's actually a TV show based on you and your Kamen Rider's."

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Azazel: "You'll see."

After a week Y/N and everyone are in the Club Room to watch the show Azazel was talking about in a magic circle.

(23:13 for Zi-O's opening)

An image appears in the magic circle.

To transition to the opening of the show.

"The Heisei Kamen Riders have passed through this era. It's time to pass that power down to the future. Rejoice at the birth of the new king!"

Y/N: "Ehhhh!? That's everyone! All the Heisei Riders! Wait who are the actors!? Sougo in his Ohma Zi-O form!"

Xenovia: "That guy looks like Woz!"

Mikoto: "Those three are the Time Jackers!"

Koneko: "Writers are Kento Shimoyama and Aza zel. Music by Sir Zechs Lucifer and Shuta Sueyoshi feat. ISSA."

(Kento-sensei is the Head Writer of Kamen Rider Zi-O)

Gasper: "Choreography by Searfall Leviathan."

Irina: "How should I put it? It's...intense."

Rias: "*Sigh* How did this happen?"

Asia: "You've become an idol for children! Y/N, you're amazing!"

Y/N: "I mean yeah but his guy doesn't look like me." Y/N points at the main character.

Woz: "Creative liberties will happen."

Issei: "Oh Asia."

Asia: "Yes?"

Issei: "Let's do our best with the three-legged race."

Y/N: "Oh yeah! You two will definitely get first place!"

Asia: "Yes!"

At the sports festival Irina and Xenovia are running to the finish line. Koneko and Gasper eat the donut on a string that's hanging above them. Rias goes against Sona in the piggy back fight.

A week before Rossweisse introduces herself as the new teacher.

Rossweisse: "I will be your new civics teacher, Rossweisse." Matsuda and Motohama drool over Rossweisse.

Rossweisse: "I don't have a lot of experience, so please take care of me!"

Back in the present the announcer announces the start of the three legged-race. Issei and Asia hear the start to run.

Rias: "Issei, Asia, take first place!"

Runeas: "I know you two can do it!"

Kiba: "Go for first!"

Akeno: "You two can do it!"

Xenovia: "Issei, Asia, go for it!"

Irina: "Do your best, you two!"

Gasper: "Issei! Asia!"

Koneko: "Please try your best!" Kuroka is laying on a branch in a tree watching the sports festival.

Kuroka: "Don't lose you two."

Azazel: "I won't allow a loss!"

Y/N is swinging a giant flag with a chibi Issei and Asia.

Y/N: "Go, go, go Asia! Go, go, go Issei!" Woz is holding a small version of the flag with his fingers.

Woz: "Go Asia...go degenerate..." Mikoto is resting his back against a tree watching.

Asazel: "I won't allow a lose."

During the week before Y/N and Issei are taking to Azazel in the hallway.

Azazel: "The Khaos Brigade came into being as an outlet for superfluous energy. Meanwhile, you two have been using your power to protect the people you love. I'm sure both of you will stay that way. But if all conflicts come to an end..."

Issei: "If it ends?"

Azazel: "What do you two plan to do?"

Y/N: "Probably graduate and marry everyone. I would like to go to collage but I don't think that is in my future. Then I'll fight every single Rating Game pro to get stronger! Kyosuke-sensei made me realize I need to learn how to utilize the powers I inherited. Once I learned everything about my powers I'll finally be King."

Azazel: "Sounds like a good plan. Issei?"

Issei: "....I don't know."

Y/N: "What do you mean? Aren't you gonna be Harem King? I don't wanna win just because you gave up." Issei smiles at Y/N.

Issei: "Yeah! I'll be the one to be Harem King!" Y/N smiles at Issei.

Azazel: "I got to go too. Teacher stuff. See ya around." Azazel raises his hand in the air to walk away.

Y/N: "Oh I better get going. Class is gonna start soon." Y/N walks off leaving Issei. Issei stares at Y/N with a somber look.

Issei: "Harem King....what a joke..."

In current time Issei and Aisa win the three-legged race. Asia and Issei remove the rope to high five. Y/N runs up to pick Asia up to spin around.

Y/N: "You did it! Nice job!" Y/N puts Asia on the ground,

Asia: "Thank you!" Y/N looks at Issei.

Y/N: "You too, Issei!"

Issei: "Yeah."

Asia: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "What is it?"

Asia: "I wasn't able to tell you because you were asleep and so much happened but I'll always be by your side." Asia kisses Y/N. Issei watches this happen to hold his heart.

Asia: "I'll always love you, Y/N." Y/N stares at Asia.

Y/N: "I'll always love you too." The rest of the Occult Club run up to celebrate. Issei stares at all of them to turn around and walk away.

Irina: "Huh? Where's Issei?"

Rias: "Hm? I don't know."

Kiba: "Maybe the bathroom."

Xenovia: "I guess so."

Y/N looks at everyone.

Y/N: "No matter who tries to rip us apart. I will always be by everyone's side. Forever."

Issei is behind the school building sitting against the wall. Tears run down his face to hit the ground.

(OverQuartzer ends here)

Time Mazine!

A time mazine lands for the ramp to open. Four figures walk out to step off the ramp.

(Ignore Junichiro best I could find with the four of them.)

Sougo: "Geiz, are you sure this is the place?"

Geiz: "Of course it is. I'm not a dunce like you."

Sougo: "I'm not a dunce."

Tsukiyomi: "You barely passed high school."

Sougo: "You too, Tsukiyomi."

Woz: "You did rather well, Waga Maou."

Sougo: "Well!? Don't you mean great?" Woz scrunches his face.

Sougo: "You too, Woz!" Sougo hangs his head down.

Geiz: "Enough. This place is where the weird spike of energy come from and whatever it is, was the reason we almost lost our powers."

Woz: "Yes, we should be vigilant."

Tsukiyomi: "It's highly likely that it was a Time Jacker."

Sougo: "Alright! Let's find the Time Jacker and take them down!"

Geiz: "You cheered up really quick."

Tsukiyomi: "Yeah."

Sougo: "Don't remind me."

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