Patrick Stump Imagines/onesho...

By scxttered

1.6K 77 66

just little oneshots about the frontman of Fall Out Boy. fluff and stuff a little more cheeky if required ;))... More

A long days work (fluff)
I Keep my Jelousy Close (suggestive)
I'm Coming Apart at the Seams (fluff)
Rocky Horror (smüt)
Parents (smüt)
Fashion Magazines (fluff)
Fall From Your Window (fluff)
Bunny Boy (smüt, pt1)
Bunny Boy (smüt 2)
help meee (not a story i just need help)
Centuries (fluff)
So Much For Tour Bus (smüt)
They Weren't So Great (fluff)
I'm Like A Lawyer (suggestive)
Summer Days (smüt/request)
Put This Record Down (fluff)
Sunshine Machine (suggestive)
Rhythm of the Rain (smüt)
I wanna scream 'I love you' (fluff)
When I'm Home Alone... (smüt)
Mi Amour (fluff)
Alpha Dog (fluff)
In Sweaty Rooms (fluff)
In Sweaty Rooms (fluff. pt2)
Everything You Say... (smüt, pt1)

Dance, Dance... How Misery Loved Me (fluff)

69 3 0
By scxttered

'Dance, dance
We're falling apart to half time
Dance, dance
And these are the lives you love to lead
Dance, this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me'

Heyyyyy if anyone reads these bits at the top, this one is teen Patrick but it's similar to the Dance Dance video.

I hope you enjoy!!


It was prom night at your high school and you at your friends were at your house getting ready. There were four of you in total, all girls, all not going with anybody. You were disappointed but your friends all going without someone made it easier. Of course you'd wanted to be asked and of course you had your preferences... but he'd never asked you and he hadn't, but in some deep down corner of your mind, you'd really hoped he would have. But it was too late now and besides, you and your friends had decided to walk in together and stay close, you couldn't just abandon that plan.

Your friend Olivia was straightening her hair by the window. You'd always admired her beauty, everyone found her attractive and the long cream dress she wore complemented her dark bob hairstyle perfectly.

"Hey, it's.... is that... Pete?" She exclaimed, looking out thr darkened window onto the garden.

"Pete? Wentz?" You asked, standing up. What wad Pete doing outside? You all got up and look out the window and sure enough Pete Wentz, bassist in the small rock band at school, was stood outside on the grass waving at Olivia. She looked very confused but then Pete pulled a lighter from his pocket, lit it, and set fire to the grass.

"What? What's he doing?" Asked Olivia, looking worried.

Suddenly, a carefully written note consisting of the word 'homecoming?' erupted on the garden in flames. Pete must have written it in gasoline. Olivia gasped and held her hands to her mouth.

"Woah..." she murmered, clearly impressed by the effort he'd gone too. She nodded at him slowly and he held his thumb up with a huge smile on his face.

Turning, she raced down the stairs and out the front door to meet him.

"Well that's Olivia gone then. Looks like it's just us three," you said solemnly with a sigh to Jasmine and Rachel, your other friends. They both nodded, rolling their eyes.


The homecoming dance had begun and you, Jasmine and Rachel all stood awkwardly together in the middle of the frantic crowd. Everyone had a partner and everyone was having a great time. Someone grabbed your arm excitedly, it was Olivia with an extatic grin on her face.

"Pete just told me he and his band are gonna be performing!" She squealed.

"Oh really?" You said with about as much enthusiasm as you felt. Olivia nodded manically and laughed, she was so happy. You glanced over and caught the eyes of your other friends who also looked less than buzzing.

"When?" Asked Jasmine. Olivia informed you all that it wouldn't be just yet.

"Heyyy," came a dragged out deep voice. You turned your head to see Pete, his hand on Olivia's shoulder. She smiled back, letting go of you. "Come with me," he said. Olivia shot you all a cheeky surprised look before being led away by Pete's hand.

You sighed again.

Things were pretty boring and being amidst happy couples who were dancing way too close, sweating way too much, kissing way too often and looked way too ready to go somewhere private made you pretty uncomfortable. And the constant shoving was a nightmare! You were pretty sure a lot of people were mistaking you for their partners because you were being grinded on from almost every angle.

"Come on let's go and sit out for a while," you said loudly to Jasmine and Rachel who were being pushed around also.

You all sat on the side benches that had been pulled out. There were other people sitting there without partners so you didn't feel like a complete loser, however, looking out over the moving crowd you did.

There was a boy sat next to Rachel, his face buried in a book. Now you didn't feel like a loser, at least not in comparison to him.

"I don't know how much longer I can stand this-" You started to say to Jasmine and Rachel only to notice that Rachel was glancing over at the boy reading the book. "Rach?" You half shouted.

She jolted and looked at you. "What?" She said in an exasperated voice.

"Weren't you liste-"

"One sec-" she said, turning back to the boy as she began to talk to him about what he was reading.

In disbelief you shook your head, your eyes wide. You had all decided you were in this together and now your number had be halfed but at least you still had Jasmine who also looked as betrayed as you felt.

"This is ridiculous," you said to her.

"I'm gonna go back to the dance floor," she said, annoyance in her voice. You agreed and went with her, staying close.

It was still as hellish and humid as before, even more so actually. The musics volume had been turned up a couple of notches and pheromones were at an optimal high.

"Isn't that Olivia and Pete?" Asked Jasmine, pointing. You followed her arm and saw them. "They're talking to... Joe?" She said, a waver in her voice. She'd seen him around school to look at and you'd noticed she liked looking at him a lot. He was definitely her hallway crush. Youd forgotten about that. "He's in Pete's band I think," she said, her face softening as she looked at him. "I-I'm gonna go and talk... t-to Olivia," she added, making her way through the crowd, playing with her long black hair nervously. You rolled your eyes, realising what that meant and who she'd really be speaking too. You groaned, you were fully alone at homecoming and you looked like a loner. This was everything you feared. You'd tuned out the music, you were so annoyed. You four had made a promise and they'd all backed out of it and left you on your own.

You strutted angrily to the benches at the side and sat down, cupping your face as you scowled over the people having a great time. You could see Rachel and the boy laughing and smiling together. All that money on this beautiful dress just to sit out on the side alone and sulk. You honestly felt like crying, you we're so frustrated.

"What's with the face?' Said an unfamiliar voice. You looked to your right to see a boy sitting on a different level of bench.

You blinked. Oh wow! "I'm just annoyed that's all," you said, looking away. You didn't want to explain because you could still feel angry tears prickling the back of your eyes and if you spoke about it you'd probably cry. "What about yours?" You asked. From the bit of him you'd taken in, he looked pretty pissed off too... and cute

"Oh, my best friend has gone off with some girl... I knew he was going to ask her but he said to me ' 'Trick, I'm gonna ask this girl and even of she says yes you'll still be my top priority'..." he gestured and looked around with hunched shoulders. "Then where is he?" He said, looking very unimpressed. You giggled. Catching your eye, he saw you laugh and smiled back. "I'm gonna sit next to you so I don't have to shout," he said ad he shuffled down onto your bench. "... and we'll not look as sad now because we seem like a couple." He chuckled slightly at his own joke and you did the same.

You looked sideways at him. He was very handsome. He had dark blond hair and a matching blazer and trousers that suited him. He didn't look scruffy bur he also didn't look like he was trying too hard. He pulled it off well. You'd seen him about but his name didn't come to you until he'd said ' 'Trick'.

As though he'd read your mind, he said," I'm Patrick by the way, I'm sure you've seen me around."

You nodded. "I'm Y/n."

He smiled gently. You could already tell he was very nice.

There was a few seconds of silence and then he spoke up. "That's a lovely dress." His blue-green eyes scanned your body, looking at the fabric. You'd worn a rosetted deep Ted A-line dress that had delicate beading around the boddis and a flowing skirt. "I like orange but it's a bit... bold, hah. But that red really suits you," he commented.

You smiled and rubbed your shoulder shyly, you weren't used to these complements.

"It seems a shame to sit out when you look like that," he continued, glancing away nervously. "Do you wanna... dance?" He gave you a hopeful quizzical look. "Uhh well... like s-stand up I mean not dance... just g-go to the dance floor," he said quickly, his cheeks flushing red.

"I'd love to," you said softly, halting his stammering. He smiled and got up, offering his hand to you but retracting it and scratching the back of his head when he realised what he did, still looking nervous. You got up without help and you both walked to the floor.

When you reached the crowd he took your hand, gaining confidence, and guided you through the people to a slight clearing amongst them.

"Do you like this song?" He asked, having to shout over the noise. It was I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.

You nodded. "Who doesn't?' You smiled.

Patrick smiled back. "I can sing this one quite well actually. It's a fun one to sing," he said. Then he looked shy again. Aw he sung?? This man keeps getting cuter and cuter what with the looks and the sweet complements and now the fact he sings. In fact the more you thought about it, the more you recalled him having something to do with music bur you couldn't quite put your finger on what it was. He interrupted your train of thought by placing a nervous hand on your waist.

"Is this okay?" He asked you, his expression showing genuine care and respect which melted your heart even more.

You nodded, smiling widely as you put your hands on his shoulders. "I don't dance," you added.

"Me neither, " he replied.

You both swayed together on the dance floor to the music, talking and laughing. Now you were having a great time and every word that came from his beautiful lips wad more heartfelt and pure than the last. He was truely the sweetest person you'd ever met. You already knew so much about him and you'd only began to talk fifteen minutes ago.

Your hand slowly stroked up his neck to the side of his face and your eyes locked. He was so handsome and respectful. You didn't know how no one had been partners with him before you.

"I don't know if this is a bit early but you're really pretty," Patrick said softly over the music, a bewildered smile on his face as he shook his head slowly and gazed into your eyes.

You blushed hard and struggled to find words. You were taken aback but in the loveliest way possible, even slightly flustered.

"I told you red suited you," he mumbled, seeing the crimson flush in your cheeks. His eyes drooped and he moved his face closer to yours. Closing your eyes also, you moved towards him too, butterflies erupting in your abdomen; yoy knew whatt was coming.

"Pat! PAT!" Someone shouted and you jolted, feeling Patrick's shoulder being pulled away from you. Opening your eyes, you saw Pete, his lips smeared with lipstick and his hand still on Olivia's. "Man, sorry to interrupt but we have to go on!" He said frantically.

Patrick looked annoyed but worried. "A-oh right. I'm sorry y/n, I've just got to go but I'll be right back after I promise," he said, looking about, his cheeks turning pink again.

"W-where are you going?" You asked, disappointment and sadness in your voice, you didnt want him to go, especially not when you were about to-

"On stage," he shouted to you as he disappeared into the crowd, dragged by Pete.

Olivia held onto your arm. "Was Patrick with you?" She asked

You said that he was and she smirked at you, shooting you a knowing look. Looking at her face, you saw she had lipstick all round her mouth too.

Jasmine and Rachel both found there way to you.

"Andy's band is going on now," said Rachel who was looking lovingly at the stage.

"Joe is also in it," said Jasmine.

Soon the music from the tannoy stopped and the boys all appeared on stage, Patrick at thr front. Your look of sadness and longing ebbed away when you saw him. He scanned the crowd, shielding his eyes from the brightly coloured LED's that were flashing obnoxiously around the hall, and found you. With a smile and a wave in your direction, he picked up his guitar and put it on. Then he leant up to the microphone as everyone else got set up.

"Hey everyone... we're Fall Out Boy," came Patrick's voice, a distorted echo bouncing off the walls. "Some of you might have heard of us. We're gonna play you some songs of ours... we hope you enjoy," he said, turning his back to the audience and speaking to the rest of the band members. What he said was inauable but the boys nodded and smiled. He turned back to the mic.

"This one is called Dance Dance-"

Throughout the entire performance you were amazed. He had such talent, they all did. He owned the stage that was for sure and he had all the makings of a front man; he engaged the crowd, had an amazing voice and incredible guitar skills. He'd also catch your eye mid song which you thought was sweet. While Olivia, Jasmine ans Rachel were practically drooling over their dates you were just in complete and utter awe of yours. They only played three or so songs but they were the best noise you'd ever heard.

They exited the stage when they'd done everyone cheered as the prerecorded music began to play again.

The boys all made their way over to you and your friends. Still in a state of amazement, yoy just goggled at Patrick.

"Sooo... what did you think?" He asked with an expectant smile.

"I thought it was incredible," you said, shaking your head. "I didn't know you were in a band. You're so good... you sung so well and played guitar- y-youre just incredible," you rushed.

Patrick chuckled. "Thank you," he replied. "But I think we were busy before I went on weren't we?" He said, putting his hands back on your waist but more confidently this time.

You nodded back, you really wanted what almost happened before. He pulled you in firmly against him and placed a hand on the side of your face, guiding you both together as your lips met and you both exchanged a kiss. His lips were so soft, softer than velvet and, to you, a thousand times more valuable. Your hand moved from his shoulder to the back of his head, deepening the kiss as your other arm went around the back of his shoulders, creating a hug. He hugged you back, sliding his arms up your back. Although it was a deep kiss it was more loving than passionate and suggestive. It was full of teenage romance.

You both pulled apart slowly, your lips sticking together slightly. Your faces were still close and you both chuckled, happiness radiating from both of you. Your hands now rested on his chest delicately.

"How about we make us a regular?" He asked you quietly so only you could hear. "Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"

You smiled, a genuine big smile. "I'd love to," you replied, hugging him and laying your head on his shoulder.

As you both began to sway together you thought to yourself that you were glad you went to homecoming. It was the happiest night of your life and everything a teenager hopes for.

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