My kinda guy

By Debdon59

13.5K 1.1K 90

Jimin had fallen for an idol when younger he worshipped him from afar,thinking how handsome and strong he was... More

Time past
Finding fault
Anti social butterfly
And down to work
Stop ....I'm suffocating
Ignore the obvious
Time to fly
At last
I see you
Lots of lovin
Why me?
Protect you
Anything for my baby
Face the storm
Jealousy is a two way thing
Done deal
The nasty side of fame
Sweet sweet music
Overnight sensation
The only one

Fate is a bitch

766 62 5
By Debdon59

Jimin rubbed his sweaty hands down his dance clothes.there were a lot here for the tryouts , some he'd seen before but many he'd not met.
Nobody knew who they were trying out for,all they had been told was to learn the routine to some music,the routine had been done on an app by the choreographer known as Hobi.
Men and women could apply and there was plenty of gossip on who it could be.
Six dancers were wanted and had been told once selected they would have to travel to a secluded training facility where for two months they would be trained to go on tour.
The possibilities were endless and everyone was eager.
"First group come forward take your places,"
Hobi the choreographer stood at the front with a mic on,he glanced up towards a large darkened window and started murmuring into the mic then nodded.
"Right your in groups of ten,once the music starts you start,any fluffing of dance moves your out any diverging from the routine your've all been given enough time to do this so no excuses,at the end of each group I will let you know if your through to the next round,take your places...and....."
Jimin watched the first batch feeling their nervousness.
Once the music began he felt sorry for one girl who had spaced out and missed the first few beats,Hobi shooed her off stage immediately.
A guy tried to make the dance his own and was told to go,three others fluffed their steps and were out.
The remaining five waited anxiously,Hobi was communicating with someone in his mic then went up to two of them,
"Thanks guys for your time but not today,you three wait at the back."
The next group got up clearly put out at how easily they could be dismissed which unfortunately led some of them to be too rigid in their moves. Four were left from that group.
Jimin was up next,he warmed up and stood in the back row.he knew the music of by heart often sung the words in his head,it was a way he kept himself in the rhythm plus it was an energetic but old song which Jimin guessed had been chosen to show weakness and strength.
The music started and Jimin immediately felt relaxed,his body flowed he danced as if he was the was his happy place and he danced for himself not for who might be watching.
Once it stopped Jimin waited only two had gone and Hobi was walking along tapping people to stay or go,he got to Jimin and stared hard then turned to the window with a shocked look before turning back.
"Well our little friend returns,you were good then but your better now,wait at the back with the others."
Jimin was confused at his words but he was exhilarated to get through.
The morning wore on until from seventy people twenty were left.
"Right much as you are all eager to carry on we will have forty five minutes break,when I come back you will each pick a paper from a hat,ten will do a modern dance routine and ten hip hop ,you will be given ten minutes to get acquainted to the two pieces of music and then dance two at a time with your own moves to the relevant music,am I clear?" Hobi asked
Mutterings were heard then people disbanded. The dancers were allowed to use the canteen but Jimin opted for waiting outside in the fresh air.

"You're right Jungkook, I wouldn't have recognised him as that sweet kid,what a transformation!"
Hobi was sat at a table in the room upstairs snacking and drinking coffee.
"Well well , he's the dorky kid you were on about?" Suga asked.
"Hobi what's his name?"
Hobi flicked through some files,
"Ah here he is,Park Jimin...two years younger than seems he went in the military not long after we saw him......he's been doing part time work in a cafe whilst retraining in dance,had a few small gigs."
"Jimin...where did I hear that....oh shit yer that good ass looking male Tae...,wouldn't it be funny if he was his Jimin..."
Jungkook was standing looking outside to a small garden area where the male they were talking about was sat sipping water,he watched as the small dancer put EarPods in then started swaying to something he was listening too.
He'd been amazed to see him in the auditions even more amazed at how his body reacted to the perfect figure dancing like an angel,the dorky kid had turned into a hottie.
"Hmmm?" He turned away from the window to find photographs on the table.
"These are the ones left any your not keen on?"
"I bow to your superior knowledge Hobi but if I could...? These three it's too.....regimental it's like they don't.....feel the music?I want my dancers to be an extension of my songs,like they are expressing the song in he did(pointing to Jimin) he wasn't bothered about the person in front of him he was enjoying the music just for himself..."
"Seems like someone's smitten?" Hobi laughed," what if he flops at the next stage?"
"It's your choice.....but I don't think he will."
"Ok then let's get on," Hobi disappeared downstairs while Jungkook and Suga took their seats by the concealed window.
The dancers troupes in warming up then lining up to draw out a ticket,Jungkook saw Jimin politely let everyone else go before he took his.
"Right line up in groups hip hop to my right,modern dance to the left."
Jimin got into the modern dance group and Jungkook quirked an eyebrow,so many couldn't pull this sort of dance off,how would he do?
"So your music,modern dance listen....."
The music started and the dancers concentrated,you could see the unease in some faces.
It was played again.
"Those of you who have EarPods you can listen for ten minutes...the music is called xxxxxxxxxxxx, hip hop your music and the same will apply."
Jimin quickly put his EarPods in typing on his phone the name so he could hear it again.
Then came the trials Jimin was called up first with another male,one who Jimin had noticed from the previous rounds as very good.
"Your own version the floor is yours gentlemen,"
Both stood ready the music came in and they did their own thing.
Jimin as usual hummed in his head throwing himself into it as if he had done it many times,he didn't hear the gasps of amazement but when it finished he was aware of the clapping.
He stared at the other male who was nodding and clapping too.
"Well Mr Park it's not often I'm surprised but today.....that was exceptional!"
Jimin blushed profusely ," thank you sir coming from you that is high praise indeed and if I don't get through I will take that with me..."
"Hobi please sir sounds.....old"
Jimin giggled making others smile with him at the cuteness he displayed but seemed totally unaware off.
"Adorable..." Jungkook murmured.
"Someone's crushing...!" Suga snorted
"Shut up....."
The afternoon progressed and eventually twenty was weeded down to eight.
Hobi took a short break going up to Jungkook who was now pacing back and forth.
"Kook ,you still want to go through the last stage?"
"Yer....I want to see how committed they are.... Ask the question and get them to sign...."
Hobi nodded and collected the contracts,
"And if all ejght sign?"
"Then I have eight dancers"
Going back down Hobi seated himself at a table and spoke out.
" eight have met our expectations so we come to the last stage.through this procedure you have had no idea whom you will be working with.does your enthusiasm continue if you don't find out until after you sign a contract? young lady....?" He pointed to a girl on the left.
" not a usual way of doing business but as long as it's legal yer."
"What would deter you from signing?"
"Not much...,I'm here to dance..."
Hobi beckoned the girl up and she signed grinning gleefully.
The next girl came up.
"Same questions to you..."
The girl sniffed and her stance became belligerent .
"Well why can't we know,I mean ,I'm young and pretty if I'm working with a woman she could get jealous or some pervert could start fancying me....what have they got to hide?"
"I assure Lisa,this person is neither and has personal that look after the dancers well being not just theirs,a counsellor that you can confer with as touring can be stressful,"
"But I think my circumstances are different from....hers..." she looked at the previous dancer who raised an eyebrow.
"How so?"
"Well not to brag but you can see in more....refined...if it's a male I don't want to put up with someone else's jealousy if I'm favoured?"
Gasps were heard around the room at her arrogance .
"Well Lisa you won't have to put up with that as it seems you obviously aren't a team player like Rose here...thank you for your time and goodbye."
Lisa stared in astonishment that she had been casually disregarded then stomping over to her stuff picked it up and left the room slamming the door.
"Well shall we carry on?Er Jimin step forward please."
Jimin stepped up.
"So young man,how do you feel is there anything that's going to make you walk out?"
"Er.....if I'm honest sir...,I mean Hobi,I did that once in my youth....and regretted it but I'm grown up enough now to appreciate having a second chance and will work hard."
"Goodness,you have changed,I always thought it such a shame you didn't continue but actually I can see your not that wide eyed kid anymore but a determined young would you like to sign?"
Jimin stared at Hobi then gasped,
"Shit...I mean er were the choreographer back then too!"
"I was but not as famous as now,seems we both grew into ourselves Jimin," he smiled.
Jimin smiled back stepping forward to sign then happily standing next to Rose who grinned back at him.
As it turned out the other five were ok with it too so three girls and five boys signed.
"Well thank you all for your co-operation now to meet your boss."
The door swung open and Jungkook stepped in followed by Suga who leaned against the door frame.
Jimin was gobsmacked there stood the male of his first love who had ripped away the rose coloured glasses he figuratively wore and make him face life,while the others cheered Jimin muttered,"oh fuck! What have I done?"
Jungkook went around one by one greeting the group until he stopped in front of Jimin.
"Well hello again,I must say you have changed from that eager young man who previously auditioned."
"Don't you mean the dorky kid that you laughed at?"
"Jungkook looked puzzled then realisation kicked in.
"You heard me...? I wondered why you left...I apologise for my bad behaviour then but in all honesty I don't think you would have survived,you were very young and would have burnt out too soon,but now your dance is strong and defined there's a power behind it that wasn't there and your lost those heavy glasses that didn't suit you.....I know you probably hated me back then but I hope we can overcome that."
Jimin was confused at the other admitting his wrong doing and then he had to admit the other was probably right, he'd gone into that audition purely because it was his crush, now he could see he didn't have stamina or the expertise to carry it off so he had blamed the other.
"I-I'm sure I'll be capable this time..."
Jungkook nodded and suddenly Suga stood with them.
"Hey Jimin I'm Suga nice to meet you,I'm producing the album you're going to dance tell me do you know someone called Tae? Wavy longish hair drop dead handsome?"
"You know Tae,he's my best friend ...?"
"Oh my god fate or what,we met him the other night he was a bi drunk and let slip that his friend Jimin called Jungkook and I pretentious pricks!"
Jimin couldn't have gone any redder if he tried.
" I'm sorry about that,I shouldn't have said that and Tae,well he thinks you guys are yer...."
"It's fine Jimin it made us laugh,really laugh too many people cow tow to who we are it gets boring and repetitive first time in a long time I've heard Jungkook really the way I'd love to meet your friend some time....."
Jimin nodded embaressed,just like he'd accussed Jungkook of judging him on his youth he had judged two people for their fame and apparently influenced his friend too.
"Well folks,I'm holding a barbecue party at my home as a way of introduction,my secretary Namjoon will arrange for you all to be picked up on Saturday ,so I'll see you all then...."
As general chatting resumed Jungkook came back over to where Jimin and Suga were.
"Hey was his friend Tae we saw the other night!!"
"Really,well maybe you should bring him to show him we aren't pretentious pricks after all?"
Jimin cringed but nodded and Jungkook patted his shoulder smiling his handsome face making Jimin's heart beat quicker,damn what a time for fate to drop in!!

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