𝗦𝗨𝗡 & 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡 | ᴬᶰ ˢᵒᵒᴴᵒ...

By wookzn_

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𝗦&𝗠 | "Well, the sun did its job, because it saw the moon again, I found it in your eyes, honey..." Sooho h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Alternative Ending

958 41 57
By wookzn_

Sooho, please, let's go back home... — The girl followed Sooho, who was pulling her by the hand to enter the gym where Bumseok had summoned him, she knew very well why he had done it, she had told the boy, but apparently he was not going to listen to her. —Damn it, Ahn Sooho.

She complained as she felt her cell phone disappear from her hand, noticing him take it and put it in his pocket, he was going to end it once and for all.

The girl rolled her eyes when she saw the group of other idiots accompanying Bumseok before shifting her gaze to Wooyoung, who smiled mischievously at her before looking at his boyfriend.

— Are you filming a movie or something? Ah, damn sick people, what are you doing? — The boy passed his eyes to the end of the ring, noticing Bumseok's figure. —Where is that idiot Bumseok?

The boy appeared among the others, making Sooho let go of his girlfriend's hand to approach him, the group of boys stood up when they saw Hyeori take a step towards Sooho, stopping her in her mission.

—... Your problem is with me... You didn't have to take it out on my girlfriend, on a girl, are you that cowardly? — Sooho said, looking at Bumseok seriously. —She didn't do anything wrong to you. Do you know what she did? She consider you her friend, and even now, I can swear she could call you her friend after you almost killed her...

The place was silent for a few minutes, making Hyeori feel more hysterical, her hands were shaking, the whole thing was making her chest feel heavier.

— I'm sorry. — Sooho said, making Bumseok look at him in confusion. — If I ever did something that bothered you... I'm sorry, I never did it on purpose.

Hyeori was starting to shake completely, she really wanted the boy to accept his apology, leave and this would all be over, she knew that Wooyoung couldn't beat Sooho, but now she had the group of boys on her side, Sooho was strong, but everything against him... It didn't seem fair to him and she didn't think they knew the definition of a fair fight either.

Hyeori could see the thinnest's expression, feeling that sense of relief as he saw how his brow relaxed, as if his head had processed the whole situation. But Sooho had to keep talking. —Well, I apologized, so you should apologize to Sieun, Youngyi and my Hyeori too. —This one said, still looking at him seriously.

— I don't want to. I have nothing to apologize for.

—You kidnapped, beat and almost made my girlfriend die... You took Youngyi hostage, you made Sieun get hurt because of your stupid acts of cowardice... I think you did something that deserves you to beg on your knees for forgiveness. — Sooho said, his voice becoming deeper as he remembered everything Jeongchang had told him. — Apologize.

— I told you I'm not going to do it.

Sooho nodded, looking to his side before looking back at the boy. — Then, takes a beating until you come to your senses. — With that, the boy gave the first blow, making Hyeori jump in her position, wanting to go and stop him, knowing that she was not going to be able to pass between so many boys in front of her, the anxiety grew more when Wooyoung's voice told called him

—Did you really agree to pay this idiot just to hit me? — Sooho laughed a little, looking at Bumseok, who raised his head from the ground to look at him. — I feel so bad for you. Paying someone else to fix your problems. Do you know who does that? Cowards and your Bumseok... You are a coward through and through. — Sooho saw the boy in the gray sweatshirt with some displeasure, nodding at him before seeing the group of boys surrounding his girlfriend. —Wait a little then, let me warm up.

The girl swallowed hard when she saw how Sooho began to hit each boy who was there, however, her head could only concoct some idea, some excuse to get the boy out of that place, there was nothing, until her eyes pass to Wooyoung, who was taking out his cell phone from his pocket.

Hoping that Sooho wouldn't see her, she ran until she got lost behind the boxing platform that was in the middle of the gym. When she reached the corner where Wooyoung was sitting, the girl took him by the arm, scaring him a little. — Come here.

— What? Shit, you scared me.

The girl pulled him further, almost removing him from the platform with sheer force. He looked at her strangely but obeyed, going down from the place until they were standing in a corner, far from everyone's sight. — What do you want?

— What are you taking about?
— Wooyoung-ah... — The girl looked at him with those caramel orange eyes, almost begging him with them. — Tell me what you want, I'll give it to you, but please, just... Don't do anything to Sooho.

— You don't understand, right, pretty? — The boy approached her with an almost malicious smile. —You can't give me what I want. Because even if you agree, it wouldn't be right, I would feel almost disgusted.

—But there is something else, right? There is always something more. — The girl asked, hopefully, holding his hand tightly, he looked at their joined hands, feeling the trembling in the girl's small hands, seeing her cheek, something inside him felt guilty.

Shit, Wooyoung, isn't that the girl you've had a crush on since eighth grade?

Averting his gaze, he grimaced, inside him was the image of Hyeori with blood dripping down her head and face, and that made something inside him break. That's not how you treat girls you like, Wooyoung.

—Do you want to fight with Sooho? Well, do it...— The girl said, making him look at her. — But not now, let his leg recover, I will make you have the revenge you want, but please, don't accept Bumseok's money, don't do it now it's... He's hurt.

The boy looked into her eyes, blinking to avoid feeling the need to follow her requests, frowning, he denied. —This is... It doesn't even make sense...

—If you fight him now, it will be meaningless. — she said, the boy looked at her. —He's hurt, is that a fair fight? — Wooyoung didn't say anything, he just held her hand tighter. — Have your fight, but do it when both are well, and in good condition, without... Problems that do not concern you, in the middle.

Once again, the look stayed in her eyes for a few seconds before swallowing, frustrated, he cursed before lowering his head. — I told you that if you saw me with those beautiful eyes for longer, you would convince me.

The girl wanted to smile at that, blinking as she took a step closer to him. — Wooyoung-ah...

— Tell those idiots not to call me again, and tell your boyfriend that we have a pending fight. — He said before letting go of the girl's hand, putting his hands in his pockets, before turning around to leave, he looked at her for a second longer. — Ah, that lucky son of a bitch... — He muttered to himself, turning around, heading to the platform, climbing onto it once again, sighing, he grimaced, seeing Hyeori behind him before clap to get the attention of others. — Very well, goods for nothing, it's over. — he said, walking towards his sports bag, starting to put the things inside it.

— What?

— What's over?

— Yah! What are you taking about?

— First, don't yell at me. — Wooyoung said, looking at Bumseok with annoyance, he hadn't liked that boy at all. — Second, like I said, it's over, go home or I don't care about, actually.

Bumseok looked at him in disbelief, not understanding what was happening, his eyes moved to the girl, who had a small smile on her face. — Yah, you son of a bitch! — When Wooyoung heard that, he moved his gaze, jumping when he saw how the thin boy walked towards Hyeori, seeing how Sooho ran towards the girl to stand in front of her, the boy just jumped off the platform, already with his things on his bag, grabbing the paler boy's jacket, pulling it and making him trip over his feet, leaving him on the ground in a single movement.

— Two meters away from her, dude.

— Yah... What are you doing? — Bumseok complained to Wooyoung, who ruffled his hair while looked at him with serious eyes. — I paid you to kill that bastard!

— Yeah, well... — He shrugged before taking the wad of bills out of his bag, looking at it before throwing it to the boy with some amusement. — Offers come and go, you always have to listen to them. — Wooyoung smiled before bowing a little. —And let me tell you that yours was the most cowardly thing someone offer to me.

After a chuckle, he straightened his back, turning around to see the couple, who had their hands intertwined as they watched the scene, his eyes colliding with Sooho's, noticing how the grateful glow appeared in that chocolate color. — Idiot...

— You're lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend, because I don't think your attitude deserves my consideration. —This one said, taking the strap of his sports bag before smiling sarcastically at him. — Take care of your leg, we'll see you soon at a gym.

— Yah, you're not going to leave here.

— Sooho...

— I remind you that you broke my girlfriend's head, idiot.

Wooyoung tensed at that, swallowing hard, he nodded, looking Hyeori in the eyes before smiling with that usual mischief. — That's something I'll fix with her, go home and listen to your girlfriend, Sooho. —This one said, looking at the boy before passing by him, walking towards the exit of the place, leaving the couple there, Hyeori with a feeling of relief flooding her system, making her suddenly let out a smile.

— I didn't like that answer.

— Yah. — The girl complained before looking at Bumseok, who was getting up from the ground, when Sooho saw him, he quickly walked towards him, looking at him with serious eyes. — Sooho, that's enough.

— Which was the reason? Uhm? What did I do to make you hate me like that? —He asked, really wanting to know the reason. —Just give me an answer and I'll leave, we'll never see each other's faces again, but only if you tell me what I did.

— What if I don't do it?

—Then I'm going to beat you up. — Sooho said seriously. — I'm going to hit you like Wooyoung would have done with me, or like you wanted to do with Hyeori... Because I know you tried. — The boy nodded before looking at his girlfriend, who was playing with her fingers nervously. — Or don't say anything and apologize for what you did to her, Sieun, and Youngyi.

— I dont have to.

Sooho nodded, looking to his side before sighing. — Well, do you have a reason? — The pale one did not answer, making Sooho blink and inhale. — Well, the beating will be then.

Hyeori jumped in her position when she saw how her boyfriend's fist hit Bumseok's face. She was surprised, but ran to stop him when she saw him intending to walk towards the boy and hit him again. — Yah, Sooho, that's enough.

— Oh Bumseok, you turned into a disgusting person. — Sooho said, looking over his girlfriend's head, feeling her warm hands on his chest, stopping him. — You're lucky, she's a person with the biggest heart you've ever seen, and she thought of you until now, after everything you did to her.

Bumseok's annoyed look made him even more upset, he didn't understand his anger, and that was frustrating him. — Apologize to Sieun, it doesn't matter if you do it with Hyeori or Youngyi, but of everyone here, Sieun is the only one who still considers you as someone worthwhile. —He asked, taking his girlfriend's hand to move her away from his chest and make her stand next to him. — And leave, I never want to see you again in my life... Not even close to Sieun, Youngyi, or my girlfriend, leave and don't come back, Oh Bumseok.

With that, the boy turned around, pulling his girlfriend by the wrist, the girl took one last look at Bumseok before following in the footsteps of her boyfriend, who, after cursing at the boys lying on the gym floor , he walk with her towards the exit.

He didn't want to see their faces for another second.

Sooho sighed when they were both out of that place, letting go of his girlfriend once they were in front of the motorcycle, sighing, the boy leaned against the vehicle, feeling his head hurt from so many things that moved inside it, but it stopped the second he heard a sob.

Turning immediately, her eyes collided with Hyeori, who had her head bowed, hands clenched at her sides as she sobbed quietly, immediately, he stretched out his arms, pulling her to him in a tight hug. — No, baby, don't cry, what's wrong? Did something happen to you? Was it Wooyoung? What's happening?

The girl did not answer, she just hugged the boy tightly, the relief in her chest and mind was so incredible that she could not help but cry with peace of mind, she felt that everything was fine, the boy was there with her and there were no more problems, It didn't matter if Bumseok kept picking on them, at that moment, the only thing that mattered to her was knowing that that feeling in her chest was gone and that Sooho was there, with her.

He was safe.

—My baby, don't cr--Ah! — The boy jumped when he felt the sting on his ribs, moving away from Hyeori when he felt another sting. —Yah, Hyeori! — The boy whimpered as he ran away from the girl, away from her as he watched the girl's red face chase him around the motorcycle.

—Come here, Ahn Sooho! You were saved from the beating that Wooyoung was going to give you, but not from mine.

The boy let out a scream when, without knowing how, the girl ended up on his back, he ran anyway, trying to get her off of him without hurting her, feeling how the girl choked him without force while she scolded him for not paying attention to her and making her worry more than she should. —I'll tell Nala what you're doing to her dad!

— I'll tell Jax what you did to his mom, and believe me, Jax does take his vitamins.


— Yah, yah, don't touch that, it's hot.

Hyeori scolded Sieun when she saw him walking with every intention of grabbing a pot that was on the stove.

As Sooho had said, the couple had returned to Sieun's house, although they had not made him leave the house, because they were afraid of hurting his arm more if they both got on that motorcycle and let the boy join them, they did not want to have an incident, so now they were there, Hyeori cooking while Sooho touched every thing that seemed interesting to his curiosity.

Checking Sieun's house seemed to be an interesting activity for the taller one.

— Hyeori... She's in my room now.

The girl wanted to laugh at Sieun's almost frightened words, the boy felt strange having people in his house, it was the first time that there was someone other than him and his father, or his mother, in those four walls, and it wasn't that the girl's presence bothered her, no, it was nice, but now that Sooho had joined her, he didn't like listening to him mutter something about every little interesting thing that his eyes caught. — Don't worry, he won't steal anything from you. — The girl reassured before turning off the stove, smiling when she knew that they were going to eat something delicious in a few moments.

— Is he always like this? — He asked before the sound of the door was heard, both looked in its direction.

— The door! — Sooho's scream was heard, Hyeori raised an eyebrow, looking at Sieun curiously.

— Are you waiting for someone? —When the younger denied, the girl became confused. — Do you want me to go see who he is?

— No, I'll go, alone... — He looked behind him, seeing Sooho with several books in his arms while he had another one in his hand, reading the cover before leaving it on the stack and taking another one, doing the same.

— I'll take care of him, go, don't worry. — She smiled at him before leaving a caress on his cheek before leaning on the kitchen counter. —Ahn Sooho, stop touching things that aren't yours!

— But look Hyeori, he has the copy of Batman! — The boy screamed like a child when he found a copy of his favorite superhero comic.

The girl was going to answer him before seeing an unknown number shine on the screen of her cell phone. Analyzing it for a second, she took the cell phone to answer. —Hello?

— Wow, you even deleted my number. — Wooyoung's voice was heard, the girl closed her eyes, giggling before looking at Sooho, who was focused enough on his comic to hear her. — I was just calling to apologize.

— Apologize?

— You know, I almost killed you that day. I wanted to apologize, I wasn't aware of what I was doing, no, I wasn't aware of who I was hurting. — The boy's voice sounded serious, but not sleepy, just as if he were too relaxed.

— Your conscience didn't leave you alone, did it?

—The heart perhaps. —He said, in a joking tone, but he wasn't, in reality, he felt terrible. — That's not how you treat girls you like, remember that? Ah, I remember a very pretty girl told me that many years ago.

— Yes, when you told me you liked me and threw the basketball ball in the face. —The girl said, hearing Wooyoung laugh before the line went silent for a while. —Well, if you're going to apologize, I guess I have to thank you.

— Uhm?

— Thank you for not doing anything against Sooho, I'm really grateful for that, Wooyoung. — The boy felt his smile come to light, nodding without saying anything, he cleared his throat.

—I didn't do it because of him, you know it well.

— I know.

—And you also know that when you broke up with him I'm going to be here, right? —The girl laughed at that.

—Yes, if I break up with him, I will think about it, although I don't think that someone who broke my head--

— Yah, yah, I already apologize for that. — He complained, not letting her finish, when Sooho's excited scream was heard, the girl sighed when she saw him jump excitedly with the comic in his hand. — Go and take care of your boyfriend, I hope you answer if I call you again.

- I'll think about it.

— Well, bye Ri, I hope Sooho cheats on you with a blonde girl. — With that, the boy hung up, Hyeori smiled a little before saving the boy's number, leaving the cell phone on the table, seeing Sieun return with his peaceful face, she looked at him strangely.

— Good news?

— Bumseok came to apologize. —This one said before shrugging his shoulders. — He's going to leave in a few days.

The girl nodded, not wanting to say anything about it, not wanting to make the situation more awkward. — Well, that means we will eat with calm minds. —This she smiled. — Sooho leave that, and come eat!

— Seaweed soup? — The girl nodded to that, listening to hurried footsteps towards the kitchen until the taller one was there, smiling like a little child, putting his arm around Sieun's shoulders, who looked at him almost with disdain. — Come on baby, let's wash our hands. You have to eat a lot to grow strong and big.


Months later.

The graduation had been a success, winter was beginning and now the couple was looking for their little baby, Sieun, to go to dinner.

Hyeori had officially gotten her driving license, and now, during the snowy season, she was grateful that her grandmother had given her a car for her graduation. She used it almost every day, because Sooho didn't like driving his motorcycle in the snow, at least, not with her, he was afraid that something would happen to them.

— Sieun, let's go, I made a reservation for seven o'clock! — The girl narrowed her eyes when she heard that.

They weren't even going to a restaurant that took reservations, they were going to the opening of Mrs. Shin's downtown restaurant. The woman had finally gotten the place she had wanted so much, and after months, it was ready to see the light of day.

Sooho was still working at the regular restaurant, but had had the day off due to the opening, as the woman wanted to keep her attention on that special day, in her new acquisition, the trio of teens had become regulars at that place, Besides, Mrs. Shin liked them too much to not to invite them to this special occasion.

She knew Sooho and Hyeori since they were children, they were like the children she never had, they had to be there. —Sieun!

—Stop shouting, I'm already here. — The boy complained as he entered the car, looking at the couple, who he had seen literally four hours ago, before they left to get ready and now they were there again, with their usual excited auras.

Well, Sooho.

— Yah, ungrateful, I told you we should have let him walk to the restaurant. — Sooho complained, crossing his arms as he looked ahead.

Hyeori laughed, starting the car. — Hello baby, that shirt looks good on you, who gave it to you? That person has very good tastes. — The girl praised herself with that comment, being the one who gave that gift to the boy one day when they had decided to go for a walk without Sooho, strangely, they saw that shirt and Hyeori immediately thought of Sieun, so, despite all his attempts to not let the girl give him that expensive thing, she gave it to him.

Hyeori liked to give gifts.

— Isn't that Wooyoung? Look, there's a puddle there, speed up. — Sooho asked, pointing to the boy who was walking down the sidewalk calmly, his hands inside a winter jacket.

He and Hyeori had been on good terms, as had Sooho, with whom he had had his great revenge a few months ago, so everything seemed to be forgotten, now the boys could see each other without wanting to punch their faces at home second . The girl looked at Sooho with malicious eyes. — Oh really? What is this, a double date?

—Of course not, I'm not going to let my baby have a partner until he graduates from university. — Hyeori said, before shrugging her shoulders. —We made peace, remember?

— Ah, that asshole would be happy to have you sitting next to him all night. — Sooho complained, Sieun saw that, looking at the boy, who had stopped to wait for the traffic light to change color, watching the couple talk, again, he put his hands in his jacket pockets.

— I don't think it's a bad idea to invite him, we always ask for a table of four, right? — Hyeori smiled, proud, as if she had won some kind of prize.

— Yah, you, you really want to take her side, ah, you're just like Jax. — Sooho complained, pouting before sighing. — Fine, but don't let him think that he's going to sit next to you, I refuse. — The girl smiled, nodding before leaning over, lowering the windows on Sooho's side, right next to the boy, who looked contemptuously next to him before roll his eyes when he saw the image of Sooho next to him. — Look Hyeo, a dog escaped from the shelter.

— Wooyoung-ah! — The girl called, waving at him, earning a smile from the boy, who also waved, after showing his middle finger to her boyfriend. — Where are you going?

— Ah, I'm just taking a walk, I like to see the snow. —This one said with a smile.

—she's not asking you what you like--

The girl put a hand on her boyfriend's mouth, looking at Wooyoung with warm eyes. —We are going to a restaurant opening, do you want to go?

—Are you asking me out?

— Yah! And who does this asshole think he is? — Sooho almost got out of the car upon hearing that, seeing Wooyoung's malicious smile through the window. — Idiot, just tell us if you want to go or not, my kindness is not going to last as long as you want.

The boy thought about it, seeing how Hyeori motioned for him to get into the car, he nodded, moving so he could get into the vehicle carefully. — Don't go ruining the painting, you don't have the money to pay for it.

— And you do? — Wooyoung mocked once he got into the car, stopping when he saw Sieun there. — Oh, and you are?

—He's our baby, Sieun, Sieun, he's Wooyoung--

—The idiot who almost killed my girlfriend. — Sooho finished for Hyeori, who shook her head as she continued driving. — Don't greet him, he doesn't deserve respect.

—And do you like animals, Sieun? Because for you to get along very well with a magpie, you must be a lover of them. — Hyeori's laughter was covered with a fake cough, deciding to concentrate on the road to avoid laughing at what the boy had said.

Sieun saw Wooyoung, he didn't seem like a bad guy, yes, he threw sarcastic comments at Sooho, but he seemed to be quieter than him, and he liked that, at least, he wasn't a big talker like the other guy, or he hoped that wasn't the case, because something told him that these outings of four were going to become quite common.

Once the group arrived at the restaurant, they greeted Mrs. Shin, the opening event began and now everyone was eating, happy while several distorted conversations could be heard around them, since the table of the four teenagers was having their own.

— Very well, it's time for surprises. — Sooho said, drawing the attention of the two boys sitting in front of him, who seemed to have gotten along quite well, they were talking calmly, they even joked with each other.

— Surprises?

— Don't tell me you're going to have a baby, not today. — Wooyoung complained, halfway through the bite he took of his meat, grimacing, it would really ruin his appetite if that happened.

Sooho smiled with amusement. — You'll be the first to know when Hyeori and I become parents, don't worry.

— I know, the first one will be called Wooyoung.

Sooho clenched the fork in his hand before looking at him seriously. — It will be a girl.

— Woonyoung then. — Hyeori stopped Sooho's hand, seeing how he would be able to throw the fork at the boy who was eating calmly.

— No, I'm not going to be a mother. — she began. — It's another kind of surprise, maybe... — The girl hesitated a little before denying, taking out a small box, putting it on the table. — I was going to give it to Sooho, but I wanted to share this moment with you too Sieun, and now also with you Wooyoung.

— You were going to call me anyway.

— Sieun, shut his mouth because I'm going to do it if he doesn't. — Sooho complained, making Wooyoung smile as he stuffed another piece of meat into his mouth. — Can I give you my surprise first? I just can't take it anymore. —That's what he said, he had had to keep the secret from them for almost a month and he couldn't stand it anymore, he wanted to let it all out.

When he took out a paper and put it on the table, Sieun took it when he saw that Hyeori was just looking at him strangely. — Yah, just read the last part out loud.

Sieun nodded, looking at the bold letters, his eyes widened as he read that sentence, seeing Sooho smile proudly, he looked at Hyeori before looking at the paper again. —...Ahn Sooho, it is an honor to notify you that you had been selected as a recipient of the full scholarship at Seoul University...

Hyeori's gasp was heard, when they heard Sooho laugh, the duo of boys looked up from the paper, watching how the boy was trying not to fall when his girlfriend hugged him tightly and let out low screams. — Is this serious? How? Yah... When did you take the exam?

—The day I didn't want to go out with you and Sieun, I didn't want to tell you, I was studying for two months, I think it worked. —He smiled, feeling Hyeori hug him once again.

— Congratulations, idiot, it seems that you do have a brain after all. — Wooyoung said, leaning back in his seat as he took his drink.

— Ah, this idiot. — Sooho complained before seeing Sieun. — Yah, congratulate me too.

— I'm happy for you. — Sooho grimaced, seeing that he had said it with that serious expression of his, but still, he smiled, then, knowing that he meant it.

— I know... — He laughed before taking the box that Hyeori had placed on the table. — Okay, enough about me, let's move on to the main topic, my baby. — He said, smiling with excitement before opening the box, his eyes came across two pairs of keys, and a piece of paper, the boy looked at Hyeori, who raised her eyebrows, watching him take out the things, analyzing the keys before see the paper, ready to read it.

— Acceptance letter... Kang Hyeori, Seoul University... — Sooho read the paper, understanding seconds later, blinking, he looked at her confused. — Seoul? But... What about Canada?

— Well, I decided that I don't want to go with my parents, and that I don't want to leave the life I have here, as well as you, or Sieun, or Wooyoung...

—We will consider that last part null. — Sooho complained, making Hyeori laugh.

— I'm not going to go to Canada, I'm going to stay here, I'm going to study here, I'm going to build my life here and... — She said, leaning over the table before taking a pair of keys from the table, extending them to Sooho. — I want it to be with you so, the keys to our house.

The boy blinked, analyzing everything that had happened, his eyes filled with tears, pouting, he hug the girl, pulling her closer to him, starting to sob, Wooyoung's giggle made him separate from Hyeori before looking at him with his eyes. half-closed — Shut up.

— Sorry, I like to make fun of people who cry. — He smiled mockingly, trying to avoid the burning he felt in his throat when he saw how Sooho gently took the face of the girl with pretty eyes, telling her that he loved her and that she responded in the same way, blinking to be able to deflect looking at them, he felt something cold fall on his legs, standing suddenly due to the low temperature, he looked to his side.

— Oh my god, I'm so sorry! — A girl's voice made him stop cleaning his wet pants, making him collide his eyes with a tall girl, coal black hair and brown eyes, a bright red shirt covered by a black apron. She was a local worker. —Seriously, it was my fault, I'm so sorry! I... I'll go get something to clean, I'm so sorry, really... Please don't move.

Hyeori watched the scene, noticing how the boy was still lost in the girl's figure, smiling, she feel a touch of warmth knowing what had happened. — Wooyoung-ah.

— Uhm? — The boy blinked, looking at Hyeori, as if coming out of his thoughts, seeing the girl see him with an almost malicious smile. — Ah... I... I'll go to the bathroom, I'll be right back. — He swallowed hard, feeling his heart pound before moving away from the table, where Sooho, with a piece of meat in herhis mouth, laughed.

— Ah, Kang Wooyoung... Looks like he's going to have his winter romance. —This one he said, feeling relieved. —Should we help him?

— I thought you don't like him. — Sieun said.

—Hey, if it's to keep him away from my girl, I'll get him the necessary dates.

Hyeori heard that, denying. — No, I think... They are going to meet again soon. — she said, nodding, she believed in destiny, and that when you were destined for someone, there was no way you couldn't end up together.

It was destiny.

— Yah, let's play pool after this. — Sooho said, watching as Wooyoung returned, he already seemed calmer, sitting at the table while he drank his soda. — You too idiot, ah, wait, do you know how to play pool?

— I know how to do everything.

— Ah, this good-for-nothing idiot, well, show me, two out of three, that's my rule. — Sooho said.

— I'm going to beat you anyway. — Wooyoung smiled proudly, watching Hyeori feed the boy so that they would no longer continue arguing, thus starting another calmer conversation throughout the dinner, now, the group left the restaurant after Mrs. Shin He hasn't let them pay a single cent for the food.

Sooho and Hyeori were behind Wooyoung and Sieun, holding hands, they had decided to walk to be able to digest better, in addition, the snow was falling little by little, so it was not annoying to walk under it, the girl smiled when she saw how Wooyoung and Sieun were talking calmly, feeling her heart beat at the thought that he had really liked the boy. — Why are you crying? — Sooho asked worriedly in a low voice, Hyeori looked at him, not understanding, running a hand over her cheek, she was surprised to see that, in fact, there were tears on her cheeks. —Did something happen, honey?

— No, no, it's just that... — The girl laughed as she wiped her face. — Everything feels very good, it's... I think I feel happy, that's why I'm crying. — The girl said, somewhat embarrassed for showing that side of her too much lately.

Sooho smiled, understanding that, he felt that way too, it was like a big storm had passed and now a nice sun was shining above their heads. Approaching her, he hugged her, lifting her off the ground, placing a quick kiss on her red nose from the cold before looking into her eyes. — So, I should buy tissues, don't you think? Because I'm going to make sure you feel that way every day from today onwards.

The girl pouted, as if she wanted to cry again, before shaking her head, smiling. — Thank you Soo, for doing all this, thank you for being my little moon to whom I know I can make a wish and you will fulfill it.

The boy smiled, stretching his lips, waiting for a kiss, which he got immediately, smiling in the middle of it, the boy hugged Hyeori closer to his body, wanting to make her feel all that warmth that he felt every time he was with her. — And to you, my beautiful sun, thank you for illuminating my days, and I hope you continue to do so for a long time.

— I will, Soo... — She smiled, looking into his eyes. — I love you.

— Yes, but you don't love me more than I love you, my Hyeo.


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