Earth's Cub Interstellar Beco...

Da Purple_Galaxy_15

38.8K 421 11


122 Finale (Part 1)
123 Final (Part 2) [End of text...]
124 Extra 1
125. Extra 2
126. Extra 3
Extra 4


174 4 0
Da Purple_Galaxy_15

Earth's Cub Interstellar
Becomes Famous

Chapter 100 Lanlan rescues Ye Qiu

Ye Qiu woke up again. He couldn't remember how many times he had woken up.

Every time I wake up, there is another body next to me.

Their scientific research team originally had a total of 13 people, but now, there are only three people left alive.

One is him, one is his mentor, and the other is the vice president of the Capital Research Institute, who is the person in charge of this sampling group who invited their mentor to accompany them.

The starship cabin exudes the unpleasant smell of corpses, and outside the starship is the boundless black water.

The clock on the wall shows that they have been trapped here for more than ten days. They have been without water, food, and unable to use their mental power for ten days. Before, they might have been able to endure it and hope that someone would come to rescue them.

But now, seeing that everyone was about to die, Ye Qiu felt that he seemed to have no will to live anymore...

"Pap, tap." It was the sound of keyboard tapping.

Ye Qiu's pale and thin face slowly turned around and saw that it was the deputy dean. The old man was obviously at the end of his strength, but he was still recording everything that happened during this period line by line, probably because he wanted to see it later. Whoever has this information, please provide research clues.

So selfless...

Ye Qiu felt that he himself could not be so selfless.

He resented.

Resenting why things have developed to this point!

Closing his eyes again, along with the slow sound of the keyboard, Ye Qiu felt as if he had returned to the first day of arriving at the Death Star. That day, they met the gentleman named Val.

Mr. Val said that he was specially sent by the warden to receive them.

Although the warden was not seen during the whole process, the deputy dean seemed to know Mr. Val. Since they were acquaintances, it seemed more convenient to have Mr. Val with him than to communicate with the official warden.

Because there are no people with 3S abilities in the scientific research group, there are thirteen of them in total and cannot leave the starship.

As for Mr. Val, he didn't stay with them all the time. His optical brain often rang. He was quite busy and always had a lot of things to deal with.

On the first day, they collected air samples from the Death Star. After testing, they found that the air condition of the Death Star was already in a very terrifying state.

The vice-president was shocked. This concentration was more than twice as high as the infection concentration during the second explosion of the mutated pathogen.

The deputy director took another tube of Mr. Val's blood for testing, and found that after living in an area with an infection concentration of 300% for such a long time, Mr. Val not only did not suffer from mental weakness, he even seemed to be healthier.

The deputy dean wanted to know Mr. Val's daily living habits and diet, but when it came to more things, Mr. Val was unwilling to cooperate. He disappeared for more time. He prescribed several routes for them, saying, They can drive the starship back and forth freely on these routes, but once they enter other aviation routes, he will not be able to guarantee their safety.

The Death Star is full of Class-A war criminals. The deputy director made it clear that they will not wander around to provoke those war criminals. Their purpose this time is just to take samples.

Air collection does not just require collecting the air from one place. The Death Star is very large. At least the air in each area must be collected before planning low-pollution areas and high-pollution areas.

It took them two days to collect five bottles of samples, and when they arrived near the Black Sea, they discovered that the pollution concentration near the sea had reached 500%.

This is a heavily polluted area, but the more it is like this, the more the vice president wants to go deep into the sea.

Mr. Val finally agreed to their request and said he would take them to the Black Sea at noon the next day. However, during the process, disagreements arose within their scientific research group.

If their team really wants to be split, the four of them, the deputy dean, the tutor, Ye Qiu himself, and Ye Qiu's seniors, are considered to be on the deputy dean's side, while the other 9 people are another senior Professor, Professor Max's person.

Professor Max is the general director of the Alienation Research Department of the Capital Research Institute. The instructor said that Professor Max and the deputy dean are competitors. Professor Max brought eight people to join the team, just to get rid of the vice dean. , take the credit.

Professor Max does not trust Mr. Val.

He thinks that the route set by Mr. Val for them is too limited. They are scientific researchers. If they want to make scientific research results, they need to study the Death Star thoroughly. They should go to every place on the Death Star. But now, this Mr. Val was obviously hiding something, he just didn't want them to fully know about the Death Star.

Professor Max believes that they should not listen to Mr. Val. They are senior scientific research experts at the imperial level and they do not need to look at the face of a prisoner.

Once the dispute broke out, the interior was instantly divided into two factions.

Ye Qiu's mentors, seniors, and Ye Qiu himself were not internal staff of the Capital Research Institute at all. They came at the invitation of the vice president. They had no position to argue with Professor Max. In the end, Professor Max took control of the team. , 80% of the say.

When the accident happened, it was on the Black Sea.

After Mr. Val saw that something was not right in the sea, he said that he must return immediately.

Professor Max disagreed. He said that because something was wrong with the sea area, more samples could be extracted. This opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The associate professor did believe Mr. Val's words more and expressed his willingness to return.

But Professor Max's students got the right to pilot the starship.

It was during this struggle that an accident suddenly happened.

First, the starship's control panel began to lose control.

Then the entire starship began to shake.

Mr. Val was driving a mecha and commanding them outside, but they, the civilian staff, simply did not have the strength to control the starship.

In the end, the starship collided with Mr. Val's mecha, and they fell straight into the sea together.

After that...

it's a long period of imprisonment.

There was always black water outside the window, and their starship was damaged by more than 60%. Although the core energy module was still intact, the operating system could not be restarted.

They could not leave in the starship, and there was no sound of Mr. Val outside.

Then, when he woke up, Professor Max was dead.

There were no wounds on his body, but it was as if something had sucked him dry. He was so thin that only skin and bones remained.

On the first day, it was Professor Max, on the second day, it was Professor Max's secretary, on the third day, it was Professor Max's student...

The suspicion was amplified in the small space. Some people said that this must have been done by the deputy dean. Otherwise, why would all the people who died were from Professor Max's side?

Professor Max is a 2S ability user, and his students and secretaries are all S-level ability users. Everyone thinks that even if something happens, the high-level ability users on Professor Max's side will definitely be better than the deputy dean. A string of four A-level ability users over there are resistant, so why is it the person on Professor Max's side who dies?

Of course, they later discovered that the thing hidden in the darkness liked people with advanced abilities.

Just like food, it likes to eat delicious food first, and then eat less delicious food.

Ye Qiu never expected that he, who had been an A-level loser since he was a child, would one day survive to the end because he was just a mere A-level ability user.

The senior had died the day before yesterday.

When he opened his eyes again this time, the person lying next to Ye Qiu was none other than the last person on Professor Max's side. This person was also an A-level ability user, and he was a assistant.

Because he just died, he doesn't have any odor yet, but it will soon. According to experience, he will start to stink at most tonight.

There are now three people alive in the starship, the deputy director who is diligent and records the information.

The mentor has been in a coma for two days.

And Ye Qiu himself.

The feeling of fatigue is getting heavier and heavier.

Ye Qiu felt that he should be the next one to die.

He actually wished he would die early, because living in this way was really painful.

He admitted that he was a coward...

thinking in confusion, Ye Qiu gradually closed his eyes again.

Let him die.

He prayed silently...


The diffuse black smoke became thicker and thicker on the sea.

Li Jie, Zhou Qin, and Ennuo were sitting in a hover car and a motorboat, looking at each other.

Li Jie found Zhou Qin and Ennuo at midnight last night. Fortunately, nothing happened to them.

After briefly telling them about the live broadcast and Lan Lan, the three of them did not return to the coast immediately, but took advantage of the night to continue investigating.

After a night of reconnaissance, they finally located the current sea area.

It's just that the magnetic field here is chaotic, and electronic instruments will randomly lose control when they get close.

Just a minute ago, this kind of loss of control happened again, which directly caused the combat mode of the hover car to be turned on.

The small laser cannon fell into the sea, and then there was the explosion.

The black fog is getting thicker and thicker, and there is a foul smell coming from the bottom of the sea. It smells as if a gap has been opened in the tomb.

"Okay, okay, I can move!" At this time, Ennuo suddenly said in surprise.

The motorboat could move. Li Jie lowered his head and pressed a button, and the hovercar could also move.

The two vehicles immediately left the sea area quickly, and at the same time, at the bottom of the ocean, the blue Strawberry Starship had entered the seabed.

"This way, this way, that way, that way..." Hei Hei sat in the passenger seat, giving Lan Lan directions all the way.

Lan Lan followed Hei Hei's directions and turned around quickly.

[I don't understand. Isn't the bottom of the sea completely black? How does Heihei know the direction in such darkness? ]

[I know that people with 3S abilities have keen senses and amazing night vision, but no matter how amazing it is, they can only see three or four meters away at most. Why does Heihei act like he knows the layout of the entire sea. ]

[The key is that Lanlan still trusts him. She will listen to whatever Heihei says...]

"It's right in front, hurry up." Heihei suddenly urged.

Lan Lan directly pressed the accelerator button, and the entire starship suddenly seemed to fly out.

Heihei was startled by the little girl's rough driving skills and quickly grabbed the armrest next to him.

After another five minutes passed, Hei Hei suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

With a "squeak" sound, the Strawberry Starship braked violently -->>

This chapter is not over yet, click on the next page to continue reading. The car stirred up a large black sea under the sea. of dust.

After Lanlan stopped the starship, she pressed herself against the window and stared outside.

But there seemed to be nothing outside, and Lan Lan was a little confused: "Hei Hei, are you sure this is here?"

The little boy said firmly: "It's here, but it's hidden."

"Ah, Lan Lan said it! So it turns out that it's here." It's been hidden!" The little girl was awakened by the words, and the next second, she pressed a button.

The two hatches on the left and right sides of the Strawberry Starship suddenly opened. From the hatches, two robotic arms stretched out, and the robotic arms began to dig in the land ahead.

Large tracts of dust completely obscured the view of the seabed under the night vision lens. The audience was confused, but the little girl dug more and more energetically.

After digging for who knows how long, a little yellow halo emerged from the depths of the seabed.


Qiu woke up again. He didn't know how long he had slept since he was unconscious last time. He looked at the clock on the wall, oh, only an hour had passed.

His eyes subconsciously looked to his side, hey, the deputy dean lying in front of Guang Nao was missing?

Did he go to another cabin? I didn't expect that the deputy dean still had the strength to walk.

Look at the mentor on the other side...

Hey, the mentor is missing too?

Wait, where are the other bodies?

Why are the other corpses in the cabin, the assistant of Professor Max's team who was sleeping next to him just now, gone?

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came. Ye Qiu frowned and looked forward, and saw an unusually delicate and beautiful little boy wearing white clothes and black trousers standing at the door of the cabin. .

Ye Qiu's eyes opened wider due to shock.

And the little boy, after looking at him for a few seconds, suddenly ran over quickly.

"Ah! You're awake!" The little boy took out a tube of nutrient solution from his pants pocket, opened the lid, and asked somewhat cautiously: "Do you want to eat it?"

Ye Qiu stared at the nutrient solution, his eyes almost ejaculating with enthusiasm. laser.

He summoned up his last strength, like a very hungry wolf, grabbed the little boy's hand, and then bit the mouth of the nutrient solution bottle with his mouth!

Because he hadn't eaten for so long, he seemed to have lost his sense of taste. He swallowed quickly, feeling that his hazy brain finally seemed to have thoughts. Then he grabbed the empty bottle, poured it back to the ground heavily, and then took a big gulp. panting.

The little boy seemed to be frightened by his appearance just now. He took a half step back and said dryly: "You, since you are already awake, I won't drag you to other rooms. Can you go by yourself? This room is too smelly. You have to go to another room to rest."

Ye Qiu opened his eyes again at this time. He looked at the little boy warmly, then looked behind the little boy: "You, are you from the rescue team... ...Where are the rest of you..."

The little boy blinked: "I don't know what the rescue team is. It's me and Lan...ah, her name is Lanlan now, yes, it's me and Lanlan who will rescue you. "Dig it out."

The little boy described: "You are in the deep, deep seabed. This is the nest of the little core. It grew out of here. It dragged you to the bottom of the nest, and then slowly It eats you, it absorbs energy slowly, and can only eat one of you a day, and then it also causes magnetic field chaos in the sea, just to prevent people from finding you..." "

Actually, it is quite clever, but its brain is not in the right place. The place, look, it's better now, she made her angry..."

Ye Qiu couldn't understand the little boy's words at all, what kind of core, what kind of lair, what was he talking about?

But Ye Qiu noticed something: "You mean...Lanlan?"

The little boy nodded and pointed out the window next to him with his little hand.

Ye Qiu immediately looked out the window and saw that the dark seabed was still outside the window, but the light from inside the starship shone through the glass window, and he could still barely see a little girl leaning against a big rock, and then I am gradually breaking this big stone into pieces with my bare hands.

Ye Qiu: "?"

Ye Qiu looked in a daze. He reached out and pinched his thigh, trying to make sure he was dreaming.

The little boy sighed again at this time: "Inside that big stone is the small core. It is a plateau mine produced behind the Black Sea submarine plateau. Because of good luck, a new energy core was generated inside. Normally, The growth of this energy core takes thirty to forty years, but it is too greedy and wants to use other methods to speed up its growth. Now, it is gone."

Ye Qiu couldn't understand the little boy even more . The boy's words were gone: "What... gone?"

The little boy said matter-of-factly: "Because she is too fierce. Anyway, I have cut off the relationship. This little core has nothing to do with me. I don't have such a son." !"

If calculated according to human relations, the small energy core can be regarded as the son of dark matter, that is, the son of Heihei.

But Heihei's son ate up Lanlan's people...

and even captured Lanlan's father as a food reserve.

Then Heihei can't have this son.

It doesn't matter if you have such a thing as a son.

The key is not to involve him!

Ye Qiu once again tried to understand the little boy's confusing words, which made his head hurt. He covered his head, closed his eyes in pain, and cried out: "Ah -" "

Hey, you, what are you doing? Is it?" Hei Hei was shocked: "Oh, it's the little core that's leaked. Even across the starship, your low-quality mental power can't withstand the impact." The

little boy said and hurried to the window, his white little hands Pat the window.

Lanlan, who was vigorously breaking stones outside, heard the sound and turned to look over.

Heihei danced and made gestures to Lanlan and winked.

The audience who followed Lanlan in the live broadcast room of breaking stones were completely confused.

[What is Hei Hei talking about? 】

【Speak out if you have anything to say, and compete with each other. Who can understand this? ]

As soon as this barrage was sent out, Lanlan, who easily understood Heihei's meaning, immediately stopped breaking stones. She turned her head, gesticulating and winking at Heihei in the window.

Then Heihei continued to make gestures and wink.

Lan Lan also gestured and winked.

After a few silent communication in self-created sign language...

Heihei made an "ok" gesture.

Lanlan also made an "ok" gesture.

Communication is over.

【! ! ! ! ]

[ Let me go, how do you understand it! ]

[Encrypted communication, right? What on earth are you two talking about! Tell me quickly! ! ! 】


"The black smoke seems to be getting thicker?" Above the sea, looking at the sea area in front of them that was almost shrouded in darkness, Zhou Qin, Li Jie, and Ennuo all looked bad.

Li Jie suggested at this time: "I can go to the bottom of the sea and have a look."

Ennuo frowned, "It's too dangerous."

Li Jie pursed his lips: "It's better than watching here."

While speaking, Zhou Qin suddenly said: "I'll go."

As he said that, he rubbed his ring and was about to press the button on it. The next second, he heard a "crash", and it turned out that a child starship broke out of the water behind them. .

"Bumper starship?" Ennuo recognized it at a glance as the blue strawberry bumper starship. He was shocked: "Is it Blue?" The

bumper starship sailed towards the three men. The next second, The hatch of the bumper starship opened, and what appeared inside was not Lan Lan, but a strange but surprisingly beautiful little boy.

The little boy said crisply: "She asked me to give this to you."

As he spoke, he touched the two arms on both sides of the starship and stretched them out from the water. Then, Zhou Qin, Li Jie, and Ennuo , just watched helplessly as the bumper starship held up an ordinary starship with a battle damage rate of 60%, and threw the starship to them with a "click".

"Wow!" The ordinary starship fell into the water, and the three dads on the hover car and the motorboat were showered with sea water.

After handing over the things, the little boy snorted again and got back into the bumper starship. Then he drove the starship, turned around and returned to the sea.

It wasn't until the strawberry starship disappeared in an instant that Li Jie seemed to remember something and roared loudly: "It's that brat! Damn it! Damn kid! Get out of here!"

Ennuo saw that Li Jie was about to jump into the sea to find the brat. The boy was desperate and quickly grabbed him and asked, "What kind of brat are you talking about?"

Li Jie quickly complained to Ennuo and said bad things about that brat!

At this time, Zhou Qin looked at the ordinary starship that was thrown up floating next to them. He frowned and looked inside through the window of the starship.

At this sight, his eyes instantly narrowed.

People from the scientific research team?

After Heihei Express completed the delivery of the goods, it drove the bumper starship and returned to the lair of the small energy core.

The little girl over there was still breaking stones, but because this plateau mine was so big, the little girl's hands became red as she was breaking them.

That's okay!

Heihei quickly came out of the Strawberry Starship. He blocked the little girl's little hands from continuing to break the stones, and then...

"Click", he broke it himself.

The small energy core that was already trembling was now so frightened that the entire plateau mine began to tremble.

Lan Lan pouted her little mouth and watched Hei Hei breaking stones. Because she couldn't speak in the water, she made signs again, and then Hei Hei also made signs.

After the two children encrypted the call again.

Lan Lan handed over the task of breaking the stones to Hei Hei, and then she returned to the Strawberry Starship and continued to find Dad Val and Dad Muyu in the direction Hei Hei pointed.

Heihei said that Val's father and Muyu's father were buried in the ground a little further ahead.

Before setting off, Lan Lan emphasized Hei Hei twice through the window.

Heihei made five "ok" gestures in succession, and Lanlan left with satisfaction.

After the Strawberry Starship left, Heihei looked at the large ore in front of him.

The little boy shook his head and used his energy to transmit a homologous energy signal to the small core.

The meaning of the signal is probably - she said that if I show mercy to you, she will not be with me. There is no other way, I can only listen to her, you go to hell.

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