Lost In Her Mind

Von brittanybby23

228 6 1

18 year old Aria is the daughter of the alpha of the Blue Waters pack. After a rougue attack a few years prio... Mehr

2. Meeting ceremony
3.Red mountains pack
4. Alphas
5. We are mates
6. Intoxicating
7. No Rescue
8. Hands
9. I don't want you
10. Irritated
11. Watchers
12. Intruding
13. Wish to kill
14. Gone for Good
15.To see you again
16. I waited for you
17. Making plans
18. To be a god
19. For her Ill do anything
Authors Note
20. Rouges
21. Bonding
22. Evil inside
23. The truth comes out
24. Open up to me
25. Unwanted guests
26. whats going on
27. Wedding ceremony
28. Two feuding Alphas
29. Letting Him In

1. Dreams

15 1 1
Von brittanybby23

My legs hit the muddy dirt floor. Sharp twigs snapping as rotting leaves mush underneath the soles of my feet. The wind whipped my hair harshly against my back. The sounds of screams and wolves fighting echoing in my brain through our packs bond.
We were being attacked. Rouges.
My lungs burned as I willed my human legs to go faster.
"Andrew?!" I called through the mind link. I was met with nothing but silence making my heart beat harder.
Come on, Aria. Move faster. I thought.
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the large brown wolf running at me. I twisted to my left digging my feet into the ground to brace for the impact.
The large wolf slammed its body into me making me toss my back into the large oak tree. A whimper left my mouth as I harshly fell onto the wet ground. It took a moment for my hazy eyes to regain consciousness and take in my surroundings. The wolf's body began to brake and snap back into place until a large man with brown hair and black eyes stood in his place.
A sadistic smile on his face as he stalked towards me. Predator and prey.
I struggled to get back onto my feet. My body littered with scrapes and tears sending a wave of echoing pain through me. His large rough hand closed itself around my throat as he proceeded to lift me off nature's floor. My breath leaving me as it sunk amongst the rotten leaves.
My hands began to shrink and break as my claws extended ripping and shredding at the hand crushing my throat. My legs shaking and flailing widely midair.
His sickening laugh erupted from his large chest echoing throughout the dense land. Birds repeating as they flew off their branches cawing.
"I've finally found you." His grin widened.

I sat up quickly, my body drenched in sweat. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the flurrying darkness that settled in my room. Pushing my hands against the hard wooden floor I fell on I pulled my aching body up. Making my way into my bathroom I flipped on the light, the blinding light making my eyes take a moment before I could once again see. My figure standing in front of the long mirror. I didn't recognize the woman staring back at me. Her long black hair cascading in waves to her waist. The same color my mom once had. Her moss green eyes staring back at her. My once tan skin starting to pale. A line of sweat beading from my forehead. My body slowly starting to become too small for the grey sweatpants and white shirt I had on. I was the eggshell. Small and thin, holding a once living creature inside.
With a shaking hand I reached for the shower handle, twisting it to the hottest it could be. Waiting a moment until the room filled with steam, I began to pull off my clothes, leaving them in a pile as I stepped into the shower. As I stood letting the burning drops hit my body, I felt a tug in my brain. A signal someone was trying to contact me. But, unable to as I put up my wall so long ago. For a brief moment I let the mental wall down.
"Aria, are you awake?" I heard my alpha call through our link.
"Yes." I replied.
"Good, come join me for a run." I groaned. Not wanting to run, not wanting to eat, not wanting to do anything besides curl in a ball on my bed and lay there until I disappeared.
I turned the shower head off, reaching for the nearest towel to wrap around my frame.
"Yes father." I thought back.


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