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By xxinmydreamsxx

5.6K 184 13

โI wish I could've saved her that day...โž Grace had a perfect life until her sister got kidnapped.... Mike ha... More



252 9 2
By xxinmydreamsxx

We got home after about half an hour, I took Abby inside and got her into bed considering it was only 2 in the morning and she didn't have school later on today.

I said goodnight to the girl and left her room, going to the kitchen area to get a glass of water before Mike spoke up.

"Grace, can we talk?" I looked at him.

"About?" I saw him glance down at the table before glancing back up at me.

"I'm sorry about what I said, I know what I said was wrong and I understand you're angry, I regret saying what I said and I promise you I will never ever say-"

"Mike, what you said hurt me but you were right, I wasn't able to protect Kate that day but that doesn't mean I can't try to protect Abby" I said as I turned around, looking at the photo of me and Kate from when we were younger.

"I'm sorry Grace, please forgive me?" Mike said as he came over and hugged me from behind, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Say something like that again during an argument and I will walk out that door and not come back" I said, feeling Mike kiss my neck after saying that.

"I love you Grace, I love you so much" Mike said, kissing my neck more, leaving trail of kisses up to my cheek.

"I love you too, what are we gonna do about Abby?" I asked, separating myself from Mike.

"I really don't have much choice, I'm gonna have to phone Aunt Jane"

"Mike no! Abby hates Jane! You can't do that!" I said as he went over to the phone.

"We don't have much choice Grace, we both work and have no one to look after her, I don't want to call her as much as you don't" Mike said as he picked up the phone and started dialing his Aunt Jane.

"Abby is going to hate us Mike" I mumbled as I sat next to him at the table.

"Hey, it's Mike and Grace, we need your help" I decided to leave, not wanting to hear the wretched woman's voice over the phone.

I went to mine and Mike's room, changing into my pajamas before looking at myself in the mirror, noticing the bags forming under my eyes from the lack of sleep I had been getting recently.

I looked at the top left corner of the mirror, there was a few photos of Mike and I from when we were in college and then a small but noticeable photo of me and Kate at the beach for the first time.

"I promise Kate, I will find the person who hurt you and make them pay for their actions" I whispered.

I was still thinking about everything that happened to Kate, from her playing in the park, to her going missing to her ending up in an animatronic at my new workplace, nothing made sense.

"Grace, are you okay?" Mike asked as he came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, how was your talk with Aunt Jane?" I asked and he sighed.

"She said she'll come over at 8, she said she knew it wouldn't be too long till I came crawling to her for help" Mike mumbled and I shook my head, agitated my Jane's words.

"How dare she? She is such a-" Mike kissed me and I rolled my eyes but kissed him back.

"Let's just get some sleep, we're gonna need our energy to deal with Aunt Jane and Abby tomorrow" Mike said, bringing me over to the bed so I could just lay down and sleep.

"Abby is going to hate us for this Mike" I said as I laid down next to him, snuggling closer for warmth.

"We'll figure that out later, let's just get some rest, goodnight Grace" Mike whispered, kissing my head before falling asleep.

I soon fell asleep after Mike did, I had a feeling something was going to happen but I couldn't figure out what, the only thing I could think of that could be making me feel uneasy was Aunt Jane coming later today.

I heard the alarm on our bedside table go off, I decided not to turn it off so I could get some more sleep but Mike had other plans, he leaned over me and turned of the alarm.

"Grace darling, we need to get up and get ready, Aunt Jane will be here soon" Mike whispered and I opened my eyes slightly.

"Okay, why don't you make some coffee while I get ready" I mumbled as I turned over to face him.

"God I want to marry you" My eyes widened and I looked up at Mike.

"Are you serious Mike?" I asked and he nodded, looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Of course, I love you Grace and I'm sure Abby would be disappointed if I didn't marry you" Mike said and I smiled, quickly sitting up and kissing his cheek.

"You're right, Abby would be very disappointed" I said, giggling at the thought of Abby being disappointed that Mike didn't marry me.

"So will you marry me Grace?" Mike asked as he pulled a small box out from his bedside table which contained a simple yet beautiful ring inside.

"Mike, of course I'll marry you" I said before being pulled into an intimate kiss as he slid the ring onto my finger.

"I love you Grace Smith" Mike said, laying his forehead against mine.

"I love you Mike Schmidt" I replied, kissing him with the same thought in ym head.

I'm marrying the love of my life, I'm marrying Mike Schmidt.

We stayed in each others arms for a few more minutes before Mike went to the kitchen to make us both some coffee, I got myslef ready for the day and as I looked in the mirror, I smiled.

"Mum, you won't belive it but I'm engaged, the girl who said she never wanted to get married when she was little is engaged, you and dad would love Mike, so would Kate, I miss you guys so much" I said as I looked at the ring on my finger.

I left our room and went to the kitchen but as soon as i left the hallway, I saw the one person I heavily despised, Aunt Jane, she was sitting at our dinning table with a cup of coffee in her hand, a look of disgust slowly creeping onto her face when she saw me.

"I see my nephew still has you around then?" Jane said as Mike passed me a cup of coffee before quickly kissing my cheek.

"Yes, why does that concern you?" I asked, giving her a glare as she rolled her eyes at my response.

"Clearly Mike should have left you by now, he can do way better than a low life like you" I roleld my eyes and held my hand up with the engagement ring on it.

"Tough cause now it looks like I'm in his life till the day I die" I said to the woman and she looked at me in utter disbelief.

Jane soon snapped out of her shock and soon went on to start making some breakfast using the bacon I bought a couple days ago, I sat at the table and watched as Mike walked back into the room after going to get Abby who soon came running in only to come to an immediate stop as Aunt Jane walked over to her.

"Wow, there’s my favorite little girl" Jane said with a fake smile on her face, Abby looked at her before looking over at me and Mike, a scared look on her face.

"Come have a seat, all right?" Mike said calmly but Abby shook her head and moved back slightly.

"What did you do?" Abby asked, looking at both me and Mike.

"Abby, look, I think if you just sit down, we can explain it to you, okay?" Mike said and Abby still looked scared and upset.

"Abby darling, please just listen to Mike and I" I said to the girl softly but she shook her head again, stepping away from me.

"No" Abby whispered.

"I promise you, this is not what you think it is" Mike said but Abby finally snapped.

"I hate you...I hate you, Mike! And I hate you too Grace!" Abby said as she ran back to her room, tears welling in my eyes, never once did I think I'd hear Abby say that to Mike or me.

"Grace love, it's okay" Mike said as he came over and hugged me, noticing the tears rolling down my face.

"Well, I-I think that went well" Jane said and Mike rolled his eyes before kissing me on the head before taking me to our room.

"She hates us Mike, I told you she would hate us and now she does" I mumbled and Mike sighed.

"I'll deal with her later, I need to go and deal with something so I'll see you as soon as I get back Grace, I love you" Mike said and I nodded.

"I love you too Mike, please be careful" I said shakily and he gave me a small smile before leaving our room while I just sat there on our bed.

I sat on our bed for what seemed like forever until I heard a knock on the door, I looked up but wished I hadn't because standing in the doorway was Aunt Jane.

"What do you want Jane?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Abby won't come out of her room, can you get her to come out?" Jane said but I shook my head.

"The poor girl needs time to herself, leave her until she is ready to come out" I told her but she didn't seem too pleased with my answer as she walked away muttering about how unhelpful I am.

After a bit, I decided to try and see if Abby would talk to me, she probably won't answer for me but all I can do is try.

"Abby sweetie, it's me, can I please come in?" I whispered, knocking on the girls door softly.

At first there was no answer, I sighed and went to turn around to go back to my room until I heard Abby open her door and poke her head out.

"Come in Grace" Abby whispered and I nodded and came into her room.

"Abby I am so sorry, I tried to tell Mike that you wouldn't be happy if she came" I said to the young girl and she hugged me.

"Is Aunt Jane going to take me away from you and Mike?" I hugged the girl a little bit tighter and shook my head.

"As long as I'm here, she won't lay a finger on you, I promise Abs" I said and she looked up at me with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Grace, I'm sorry for saying that I hate you-"

"Oh Abby don't worry about that, all that matters is that you're okay now" I said as I let go of Abby, giving the girl a comforting smile.

Abby and I stayed in her room drawing pictures together, Aunt Jane tried to get Abby and I to come out but we both didn't say anything, Abby looked worried while I looked annoyed, this woman wouldn't leave the poor girl alone and it was starting to get on my nerves.

"Suit yourselves" I heard Aunt Jane mumble as she walked away.

"I don't want to live with her, she's horrible Grace" I nodded, remembering when me and Mike were 18 and I met her for the first time.

"I know Abs, she still acts the same way after 7 years, an unsufferable woman" I said and Abby giggled at my comment.

After some more time drawing and talking with Abby, we heard a thud come from the living room, Abby and I looked at each other before we both decided to go see what it was.

Abby stayed behind me while I went first, just to make sure Abby wouldn't get hurt if someone was trying to break into our home.

"Freddy?" Abby said as she cam out from behind me to see a broken down version of Freddy standing by the front door.

"Not freddy, they're all waiting for you, it's time to go play. And your sister wants to see you again Grace, she misses you" The blonde boy said to us both, giving us both a smile.

"Can we go Grace?" Abby asked, I shrugged.

"I dont see why..." I looked over and saw Jane laying on the floor, Abby noticed too and so did the blonde boy.

"Silly Aunt Jane. She fell asleep" The boy said and Abby looked at both me and the boy.

"How do we get there?" Abby asked as I grabbed my coat after giving Abby hers.

© xxinmydreamsxx

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