๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—ก & ๐— ๐—ข๐—ข๐—ก | แดฌแถฐ หขแต’แต’แดดแต’...

By wookzn_

26.1K 1K 512

๐—ฆ&๐—  | "Well, the sun did its job, because it saw the moon again, I found it in your eyes, honey..." Sooho h... More

๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—ก & ๐— ๐—ข๐—ข๐—ก
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Alternative Ending

Chapter 8

864 37 20
By wookzn_

— Ah, I'm going to rip off that bastard's head if he touches Sooho, but first, I'm going to make Nala cut off his finger by finger and I'm going to make him swallow them himself... — Hyeori continued muttering as she searched. some clue that would tell them where everyone had gone.

After Sieun gave her some comfort so that fear won't take her hostage and they could focus on searching and finding Sooho and Bumseok, Sieun moved on to look for the evidence, That is to say, what Sooho should have found.

— Hyeori! Let's go! — The girl went down the stairs, finding a Sieun looking at his cell phone, —I have the address, let's go.

Hyeori nodded, leaving the house with the boy. Looking at him when his cell phone vibrated, looking at him for a second to analyze him, he looked a little scared, but even with his serious aura as always. — Your girlfriend?

— Girlfriend? No, no, we are... — The boy murmured before bowing his head. —Nothing really...— he assured before returning to his cell phone, grimacing when he saw the address that was shining on the screen of his cell phone. — She says they are going to Mangudong... That possibly Sooho is there too.

—Mangudong? — Hyeori asked with confusion, that was an abandoned amusement park. — What are they going to do in an amusement park?

— It is an amusement park?

— Yes, you did not know it? — The girl asked the boy, who shrugged his shoulders, denying. — There is even a house of terror, but it is just a dark room, although they have left some very comfortable couches there I must say.

—How do you know that? — The girl looked at her friend, blinking before feeling her cheeks flush as she remembered why she knew that. — No, forget it, I don't want to know.

— It's not the most surprising thing in the world either, you too-

— No, I don't want to know what your hormones made you do in that park. — The boy said quickly, shaking his head before raising his hand to stop the taxi that was arriving, taking Hyeori's hand so they could return to their main mission.


Hyeori walked with a determined step while looking at her phone, listening to Sieun's heavy breathing behind her. — You should exercise more, no offense, but your stamina is horrible. — she said, opening the app she had just downloaded, stopping to wait for Sieun, who came to her side to show her the map.

— You seem to do a lot of cardio. — Hyeori opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say to that sentence, if it weren't for the fact that the boy seemed like a baby to her, she would hit him.

But she couldn't think about that now, she had to find Sooho, and according to Sieun, they were close.

— Good. — The girl murmured, looking for some hidden place to leave her cell phone, making Sieun look at her with doubt.

— What are you... You're going to slip Hyeori

— Help me then, come, hold me by the waist. — The boy walked towards her, looking at her before she took his hands and placed them on her hips. — Don't let me slip, because mud stains are difficult to remove. I'm just going to buy us some time.— She said, setting the app's timer to thirty seconds before leaning down a little to leave it well hidden.

Sieun pulled her a little to help her leave the place, returning to the path that would guide them towards Gilsu. — What is is...

— Come on, baby, my boyfriend is not going to stay with that idiot any longer. — The girl said, starting to walk before the police sirens from the app could be heard. Sieun raised an eyebrow before running towards the girl, who was walking with a determined step, until they both arrived in front of the man and the other boys.

Hyeori's eyes fell on Sooho, who began to struggle with the tape that kept him tied when he saw his girlfriend in the place. — I told you to leave my boyfriend alone, remember? Well, that applies to my friends too, so... If you want to continue collecting money from these poor idiots you better leave now or... — The girl smiled and pointed to the place. — We can have a nice chat with the police, oh! and... Your car, I'm sorry, I don't think you can use it.

—  You are brave girl... You and I will see each other again. — Hyeori smiled proudly as he ran past her, waiting a second before running to her boyfriend, kneeling in front of him.

— ah, I should have hit him before he left, look how he left you. — The girl murmured, caressing his face gently, seeing the boy smile at her and look at her with proud eyes. — Are you okay?

— Yeah. — He whispered with bright eyes when the girl removed the tape from his wrists, moving them a little before trapping her in a tight hug. — You have to stop putting yourself in danger for me, little sun.

— With all due respect, hoo, but stop saying stupid things. — Hyeori murmured in the boy's ear before placing a kiss on his ear, separating to look at his face. — Are you okay? Ah, look at you, you're bleeding, we have to go to the hospital and-

Sooho cupped the girl's face, putting his lips over hers in a quick kiss, shutting her up immediately, he sigh before separating, smiling as he looked at those pairs of suns she had as eyes. — Do you know what I need? A seaweed soup.

Hyeori laughed and nodded before turning serious and punching the boy's arm repetitively, making him hiss in pain. — Yah! What was that for?

— I told you not to go, you idiot, almost got yourself killed. — Sooho complained while his girlfriend continued scolding him. — Next time you do that I'm going to make Jax and Nala chase you for a whole day.

The girl took her boyfriend by the hand to leave the place, hearing him mutter a sorry and then pout, making the girl imitate him before cupping his cheeks, murmuring something that made him nod as if he were a baby.

Sieun could only see that action with some confusion, it seemed strange to him, in fact, every show of affection that those had seemed strange to him. — Ah, I will never go to an amusement park again. — He laughed before stopping and sighing in annoyance. — Why are they back?

Hyeori cursed when she saw her cell phone in the older man's hand, who was laughing while looking at the screen. — Ah, damn. Hey, you're pretty smart.

— Compared to you, a lot. — Hyeori responded, caressing the back of her boyfriend, who leaned over a chair he had in front of him. — I'm surprised you don't have a face full of mud, I guess you worked hard to get it, right?

— Ah, idiot... — The man laughed in frustration before throwing the phone away from him with some force. — Are you trying to make me look ridiculous?

— Asshole, my cell phone. — The girl said when she saw how he threw her cell phone to the ground to smash it to pieces.

Sooho looked at his girlfriend with incredulous eyes, he had believed that the police would arrive. — Hyeori, silence. — He murmured to her, seeing the look of fury in the older man's eyes.

— Catch those idiots. Catch them! — The man shouted, making the group of boys run towards them.

— Did you have to trick us too?

— Let's just make time. — The girl said to Sooho, who did not understand, but put hus arm in front of the girl in a protective manner. — Of course we called the police, I'm not an idiot. But we need time.

Hyeori smiled when she heard Sooho laugh a little, moving away to avoid the first blow, Hyeori used her backpack as protection, knowing that they would not have mercy on her just because she was a girl. Remembering the times when she had seen Sooho practicing in the yard of her house, the girl imitated his movements, being surprised to see how she achieved them with ease.

I should let him practice more often at home.

Leaning on the back of one of the boys, Hyeori jumped to kick one of the boys in front of her in the face, landing on her feet right in front of Sooho, who had raised one leg to kick the same boy, opening his eyes, Hyeori crouched down, hearing a moan of pain. — Hyeo--

The worried boy could not finish thanks to a push that another boy gave him, leaving the younger surrounded, she complained when she felt how her hair was pulled to get up, and without being able to speak, a burning in her cheek made her put her hand on her face as he stumbled a little. - I told you it wouldn't hurt me to hurt a pretty face like yours.

The man turned around when he heard a call, turning around only to receive a punch on the nose and a push from Sooho. — Lay a hand on my girlfriend again and I'll kill you, you bastard. — He said in a threatening tone, as he approached the man, Hyeori quickly hit the boy who was holding her back to take Sooho by his arm, stopping him before being startled when she heard a gunshot.

The sigh of relief that left Hyeori's throat made Sooho touch her hands, which were gripping his arm tightly while all eyes were on the officer. — Just shoot him, no one would need it if you kills him anyway. — Hyeori complained as she felt the burning rush across her cheek again.

Not realizing how the man managed to escape, nor how Sieun ran after him. — Five seconds. — Sooho whispered to the girl, as he looked at the policeman, Hyeori looked up, frowning at him. — Five seconds, follow me.

The boy made her let go before running after Sieun and the man, the girl understood and started talking to the policeman in order to create a small distraction. — Hey, we told you it was a group, how dare you come alone? Did you see? The leader is gone, what good is it to me if these useless people go to jail?

The police officer began to speak and the others to complain and defend themselves, Hyeori took advantage of the disaster to grab the metal bar that was on the ground and begin to run towards where Sooho had run, crossing the leafy place before finding a clearing, the girl ran and arrived just as the man was pushed in front of her, smiling at him, she raised the iron to hit his leg and made him fall to his knees before raising her leg and hitting his face with it, causing him to fall unconscious.

— Woo, okay, love, no, it was just hitting him, now, give me that. — Sooho said as he saw how the girl raised the iron rod, approaching her quickly before taking it out of her hands and throwing it away, he wrapped his girlfriend in his arms before seeing Sieun. —... You're crazy? You shouldn't have come alone.

— You came. — Sieun responded, Hyeori separated from her boyfriend, looking at the wound that Sieun had on his face, it was the same one she had.

— Are you kidding? You're... A damn weird kid, you know that? — Sooho complained, feeling his girlfriend separate from him.

— Stop talking about yourself for a second.

— Ah, you always have an answer for everything. If I were you, I'd just stay quiet... Weirdo. —Hyeori laughed at the interaction before sitting down on one of the abandoned attractions there, she felt dizzy. — Oh... Let me see...— Sooho cupped the girl's face as he let Sieun take care of the unconscious one.

— I'm fine Sooho...

— No, you're not, look at this, it will leave a pretty ugly mark... — The boy murmured, looking for something to clean the wound, without success, he looked at her with a grimace, making the girl smile and pull him into a hug. — Do not do that again.

— Don't do that again, if you're going to go somewhere dangerous, go with me. — The girl asked, and he nodded, leaving a delicate kiss on her wound before taking her hand and raising}her to see Sieun, who was looking at the man with a grimace of displeasure.

— Use the belt. — Hyeori pointed to Sieun's belt. — I won't risk that idiot waking up and hitting us again.

The taller one looked around, better noticing the place where they were, with a malicious smile, the boy saw Hyeori, who was helping Sieun with the unconscious man. — Hey, sun... This place... Doesn't it bring back memories? — The girl looked at her boyfriend, frowning before seeing how he tilted his head to the right. The girl, in confusion, looked in that direction, noticing the well-known house of terror.

Feeling her cheekbones rise, the girl tried to remain serious, watching as he only smiled as he got the reaction he wanted from the girl, — Yah, close your mouth and come here, he weighs more than me...


Sooho hugged his girlfriend by her shoulders, they saw Sieun walk towards the ambulance they were in, the duo had a bandage on their cheek, protecting the wound on their faces, both smiled when they saw Sieun in the same way.

— Oh my God. — Sooho complained, touching his stomach. — Seaweed soup with ox knee... I'm dying of hunger. — This muttered, looking at the ground, unaware of his and Sieun's girlfriend's gaze on him.

— Do you only think about eating? — Hyeori laughed at Sieun's words, Sooho smiled at that, looking at the boy.

— The idea of ​​a seaweed soup made by my girlfriend with a piece of ox knee from Mrs. Shin's restaurant crossed my mind and I couldn't help but share my thoughts... Ah, with radish kimchi, it's delicious? Have you ever tried it?

Sieun denied, looking at him almost with distaste, but more seriously, passing his eyes to Hyeori, who was looking at the boy with bright eyes, nodding at the radish kimchi part, he was actually thinking about how she found that so charming, the boy was about to speak before a voice interrupted them. — Oh, here you are.

— Damn, you're alive. — Sooho said with amusement as he saw Bumseok standing in front of them. — I thought you died, friend.

— After you ran away, I looked for Hyeori's phone and backpack, Sieun's yours too. - The girl stood up to take her backpack and cell phone, thanking the boy — It took me a while to find it, and the screen cracked a little ... — He said when the phone passed into the younger's hands.

— It doesn't matter, thank you very much Bumseok, you saved my life. — The girl exaggerated, making Sooho laugh indignantly.

— Yeon Sieun and Kang Hyeori? — An officer interrupted the teenagers, making them look at him for a second so that he could continue. — You're going to have to go to the police station with me. I need your statement.

— Can't Sieun go alone? — The girl asked, she felt tired enough to continue doing paperwork. — He was the one who called and made the complaint.

— Yes, she's right, she just helped me follow them here, I'll go. — The boy said, making the man nod and say goodbye but not before calling Bumseok.

Sooho and Hyeori looked a little confused at that, but they didn't say anything, they just waved them off before the paramedic arrived and decided to take Sooho to the hospital for the blow on his head.

— I only want seaweed soup.

— If you have a stroke from the blow you will never be able to eat anything again, so get on, we'll go to the hospital.

— But Hyeori... — The boy threw a tantrum, the younger ignored him, pulling him to get into the ambulance. — Do you think they will close the place again? It's just... That house of terror...

— Okay, get ready to be Nala and Jax's bone next week.

— No, but... The idea of ​​doing it in that house was yours!

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