Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 4
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43
Trackstar Antelope Volume 44
Trackstar Antelope Volume 45
Trackstar Antelope Volume 46
Trackstar Antelope Volume 47

Trackstar Antelope Volume 30

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 272: The Tigers' Den

5:30 also seems kind of early for dinner.

But I guess Sam's family is a bit different to mine. We're sitting in Sam's living room, the four of us all at opposite corners. His dad is glued to the TV, obviously more interested in the footy. Sam and his mother are trying to engage in conversation, but things are so awkward. I don't know if this is something I do or just an herbivore thing, but whenever I'm just sitting down, not doing anything, I just prefer to notice everyone in the room.

I notice that Sam's parents both look fairly different. Sam's mother is quite slender, and noticeably shorter than Sam, and Sam's father is a bit bigger than he is. His dad is muscular and athletic like Sam, but he has a slight paunch. I guess that's normal for men his age though...

"Your horns look very interesting, if you don't mind me saying..." Sam's mum says after a while.

"Thank you. I waxed them last week when I was in Berriwan." I reply. I have to try and get conversation flowing, instead of just sitting down and not saying anything.

"That's right. It was vanilla-scented, wasn't it?" Sam asked me. Good thing he remembers.

"Yeah. They had all sorts of weird flavours, like orange and lime." I told them, remembering that they don't like those scents.

"Yuck. Well, you made a good choice there, Jamel." Sam's mum tells me "And can I smell mint on you?"

Conversation slowly picks up, but Sam's dad definitely doesn't seem interested. I guess for someone like him, it's best just to sit where you are, and focus on your own thing. I'm not bothered that he's choosing to be quiet. He had his own son taken away from him over something that he didn't even do. He was lied to and abused by a weaker force than him. If he was feeling spiteful enough, he could've wiped out hundreds of us smaller herbivores, especially those who believe that they should rule.

Instead, he decided to be the better man of the situation, and retreat to Whigata, hoping that he, nor anyone he loved or cared for, would ever have to deal with the same fate.

That, right there, is the definition of a strong, but silent man. Someone who refuses to get angry over something lifechanging. Sam kind of acts the same way as he does, so he's a very good role model for him.

We talk for a little bit more, mainly about running and the upcoming State Finals. Sam's mother seems really proud for me qualifying for the race in Durranga, even if it means that Sam can't go along.

When dinner is finally ready, I notice that Sam's mother definitely put effort into making a suitable meal for me.

"I can't remember the last time I had to make a dinner for an herbivore. Sam told me that antelopes have small appetites, so I'm sorry if it's not the best thing you've eaten." Sam's mother tells me.

A lovely, pasta bake is then dished up before me. The smell of tomato, pasta sauce and cheese fill the air. She still did a really good job, even if the cheese doesn't agree with me.

It's better than the crickets, at least.

"Actually, this all looks really nice. Thank you very much." I say.

We finish off dinner, and Sam and his mother move into the kitchen to do the dishes, leaving me with his father. Should I just sit here, and maybe check my phone, or awkwardly make conversation... as if he's gonna talk to me though...

"I was surprised to learn that Sam had an herbivore friend at his school." He told me. I wonder where this conversation will lead us...

Chapter 273: In Deep Trouble with "dad"

"Yeah, we became close friends after the Regional Finals in June." I reply, cautiously. Most other carnivore adults speak pretty softly and calmly with younger herbivores, with the exception of Coach Harris treating me more like a carnivore... or whenever he's angry. I guess Sam's dad is more of a stern character.

"I'm sure you found him as a way of protection. He told me all about the hyena at the Aerodrome" he replied.

"I feel safe around him, I guess. He'll be there for me, and I'll be there for him." I tell him. Where the hell is Sam? And where is this talk leading to?

"Just know your distance around him... don't get too close. It's good that he has a friend like you, but I don't want him to fall through the same cracks as his brother" he says sternly. "I'm sure you've heard all about... Ben."

"Yes." I reply quietly. "I'm very sorry about what happened to your son" What else am I supposed to say to a response like that?

"Those bastards knew what they were doing to get my son in trouble. If parole comes, he's gonna have to adjust to the new world. Prison can really change a man, you know" Sam's dad tells me, raising his voice slightly. Has he... done time? I guess he's also right. Once Ben gets out, he's probably gonna have to make some changes to fit in with society. Especially since all the trauma involved with the attack, and the hate he must have for herbivores.

"Make no mistake, Jamel. I'm all for herbivores having rights, becoming athletes, running for parliament and all that..." Sam's dad starts. He gets out of his seat and leans in towards my face "... but the second you take advantage of my only free son; I will seriously make you regret ever coming near him".

I sink down into my seat, in fear of the size of this tiger. He emits a foul emotion of anger that could make anyone scared. I've read that feline fathers can be very protective of "their cubs", especially larger felines, but to the point where they'd threaten someone who posed no harm?

I can't help but feel just a little bit intrigued and impressed. This man just downright threatened to devour me, yet I'm amazed by his willingness to keep his son out of jail.

"So, Jamel" I hear Sam's mother call out from the kitchen. She walks out, holding a small tray of cups, and a kettle. "Do you take ginger tea? I know that herbivores prefer other kinds, but we don't have any others, I'm afraid." Sam's dad has already moved back into his seat, warmly inviting the others in.

"Y-yeah, that should be fine. Just a small cup for me." I say, returning to a calm emotion.

"So, what's this "Shearing Day" thing I keep hearing about?" Sam's mum asks me. I'm glad she asked.


I went through and explained to the three tigers about the history of Shearing Day, its importance to herbivores across the country, and what we do for it. Sam and his mother listened on in fascination, but his dad was more interested in the footy again. I could tell that he was listening because his ears were pointed back in my direction.

"...this year, they decided on a new rule. Each young herbivore can choose a carnivore to go with them to the Shearing Day Festival, at the Aerodrome." I finish up. Sam's dad then whips around quickly, barely bumping his mug of tea. The three of us ignore him, interested in the conversation.

"Wow, I bet that would make everything a bit different for you." Sam tells me.

"Yeah, but I'm excited to see how everything will turn out." I reply. Maybe this could be my chance to ask him if he wanted to come along with me. I look over to Sam's mother. She looks really happy for Sam and me; two young friends hoping to better ourselves with the relations of herbivores and carnivores all around us. But I turn to Sam's dad, who's shaking his head "no", frowning at me, as if I'd be sending his son to his death wish... I guess I'll have to choose someone else...

"I heard that in D-Durranga they hold festivals in the, um... streets. But they come here because it's more of an authentic way" I tell them. I guess Sam's dad knew what I was going to do, and I have to respect his wishes to keep Sam from getting too comfortable with herbivores, knowing what happened to Ben. If he's fine with me and Sam becoming friends, I guess that's a win in my book.

Chapter 274: The Brisk Walk Home

After a nice, warm cup of tea, I stay just to talk for a little longer, before heading back off home. I look outside to see that it's a bit dark. In a town like Whigata, herbivores can feel safe at all times of the day, as long as they can see where they're going. I've never heard of anyone being harassed or attacked at night, but you should always be careful moving around, and always stick close to the street lights

"I should probably head back. I've got school tomorrow, and a big day of training afterwards." I say.

"Let me walk you home Jamel. I kind of wanna stretch my legs a bit anyway." Sam replies. I'm about to refuse his offer politely, when I remembered back in Berriwan, when he offered to walk me back to my dorm. He seemed a bit down when I said no. Plus, it could be a good chance to talk to Sam again... I have a few questions I want to ask him.

We both head out, after I thank Sam's parents for having me over, as well as for dinner. Then we make our way back home in the cold spring air.

"My dad was a little bit scary with you, wasn't he?" Sam asked me as we were walking. I stay quiet, knowing he's going to follow up. "He doesn't hate you, Jamel. He just hates the idea of being overpowered by something much smaller and weaker than him, which I know you'd never do."

"He does look after you, and he always will as a father. I guess Toothless Australia must've given him a scare. They freak me out too, and you both have a right to feel angry about it" I tell him. We walk for a little bit more.

"You're probably also wondering about me and Riley... about how we patched things up so quickly?" Sam asks me. I was going to mention how they acted as if they weren't fighting in the streets a week earlier. Canines and felines rarely get on at the best of times, and usually because canines can be a bit too "noisy" for them.

"Yeah... Riley doesn't go from "I'm gonna kill you" to "let's hang out together" in just a week. What happened between you two?" I ask him.

"Well, it was his idea, but the day after the fight, he actually texted me. He said that he went to the doctor, and that he didn't want to come in between us. We kept talking at Berriwan all the time. He always asked how you were doing and wanted to hear about how your training was going. We decided to let everything go, and be friends, to help you out." Sam tells me. I can't imagine how awkward things would be between the three of us if Sam and Riley wanted to kill each other because I wanted to hang out with the other.

"Jamel, Riley is an amazing guy, and he'll always appreciate everything you do, no matter who you're friends with. And... we're both really proud of you Jamel... not just because you're an athlete." Sam announces. "It's because you're a great guy"

Sam's definitely had it tough these past few months. Ongoing pressure to do well in school and running, as well as seeing himself, and others change around him, him discovering new, shocking revelations about himself and society, newfound friendships and knowledge about herbivores that changes him as a whole, AND to top it all off, he had an amateur herbivore athlete beat him to the State Finals. If I were in his shoes, I'd just snap.

"Sam... thank you. That's so kind of you to say. I want to say thank you for being there, not just to protect me, but as a friend and a mentor. You're very patient and understanding, and I thank you for your support for me becoming an athlete." I tell him.

"Thanks... oh, how's your bruise going?" Sam replied in curiosity.

"Oh yeah, it's completely disappeared." I say while lifting up my shirt. Under the soft streetlights, you'd be able to see almost perfectly normal skin underneath my fur.

"Wow! I knew the crickets were packed full of protein, but I didn't think they would work so fast." Sam said in disbelief

"Yeah, but I felt sick all through last night, and well..." I begin to explain "...Y'know, I..."

"Oh... ew. Well, maybe just stick to having one. I can't wait to see the look on Murray's face when you show up unscathed tomorrow at school" Sam says. We turn off onto my street, and we're almost home. I can see my house, under the small streetlights, and something just beyond it...

Chapter 275: The Crow Flies at Midnight

Just past my house, Sam and I can see a black bird, take off, and fly into the night sky. Such a beautiful figure, hiding in plain sight. We lose track of him among all the stars, while we both continue just looking onto the beauty of the sky. We walk a bit further along, until I see my neighbour, Todd, burst out of his front door, holding a cricket bat. He looks very distressed and panicked.

"Where did he go!? What happened to HIM!?!" Todd calls out to the neighbourhood.

"Todd, wait! What happened? Who are you talking about?" I ask him, as Sam and I come rushing along. Magpies can get panicked very easily, especially this time of year.

"The bloody crow. There was a crow that flew off just outside my house. HE'S A THIEF!!" Todd screams into the night sky

"What do you mean, did he steal something from you?" Sam asks him. Todd turns to Sam, a little put off by his size.

"He... he stole one of the eggs." Sam and I freeze in disbelief. To think that someone would stoop so low. "Mary was just stretching her legs and I got her a cup of tea, then we turned around and saw one of our eggs being taken by an intruder! I chased him out, but by the time I got the cricket bat, he already took off." Todd then suddenly collapsed to the ground in grief and desperation. It's a lot to lose in just one night. Sam and I look at each other helplessly. We have no way of consoling him, nor understanding his pain.

I then see Mum and Dad rushing out of the front door, trying to see what's going on.

"Jamel, Jamel! What happened?" they ask as they see Todd, upset and on the ground. As far as he's concerned, there's no one around to help him out.

"Todd said that someone broke in and stole an egg..." I say quietly. Mum and Dad both look at each other, and almost instantly know what to do.

"I'll go in and see if Mary is alright" Dad says assuredly.

"I'll stay behind with Todd" Mum adds. How were they able to decide on everything so quickly?

Dad walked inside slowly to find and console Mary, while Mum stayed and spoke to Todd. He listened to her, and slowly began to calm down. Before too long, we see police cars move into street, with their lights on. I guess Dad and Mary must've called the police to see what they could do. Maybe they get some DNA or something to go off of. A few officers questioned Todd and Mary, before they came towards Sam and I... I wonder what they'd want.

"Did any of you boys see the kidnapper at all? Did you see what species? Height? Any clothes that stand out?" they ask us.

"Oh... I couldn't see them because of how dark it was." I say disappointedly. "Under the streetlights, we could see that he had dark feathers, right Sam?"

"It definitely had all black feathers, so maybe a crow or a raven. He was wearing baggy, yellow pants, which is weird because they would normally weigh birds down. I think he was about this tall as well" Sam says while bringing his hand against his chest, to gesture the bird's height.

Sam definitely did notice a lot about a bird who we thought was just a random on the streets.

"Thanks for that, boys. That can really help us with the investigation." One of the officers asks us.

"You should probably both head home now. You'd both have school tomorrow... and the streets can get a bit dangerous at this time of night" The other officer says. He must be new to the area because I've never felt unsafe at night... except after my first training session, when Sam offered to awkwardly walk me home. Even though we both knew the streets of Whigata were safe, we still walked together.

I guess times are changing at the moment.

Chapter 276: The Unsettling Night Ahead

After a few more minutes, Todd and Mary move inside, hoping that their egg can be returned safely and without harm. Sam heads back home, wishing me a good night, and then Mum, Dad and I head back inside, to talk about what happened.

"Jamel, are you still feeling safe at home, after what happened this evening?" Dad asked me. It's only fair that they ask these questions. They just want to look out for me and make sure I'm safe.

"Yeah, I'm feeling alright. I can't imagine how hard it would be, having a child taken away from you... or egg..." I reply. I don't know what it's classified as, but it's more than just a typical robbery.

"If you ever feel unsafe while you're outside, or whenever we aren't around, you can always ask the neighbours for help. They'll definitely make you feel safer and better." Mum reminds me. Even just talking to my parents makes me feel more relaxed. I should probably head off to bed, it is a school night after all.

Oh man... I hope I don't have nightmares about getting kidnapped or anything like that...

I get ready for bed and check that I've done all my schoolwork for the weekend, and prepare for the last week of Term 3, Year 10.


I know I'm dreaming, but I can't see or hear anything. It just feels like I'm consciously awake in a dark void, without a body, or a figure. Just an empty soul without any senses. Suddenly, I hear a voice, it sounds like it's off in the distance, and getting closer.

"I miss... them all" the voice says quietly. It's hard to describe the voice. It's deep and booming, yet it feels like it's in angst and trying to hold back tears.

"I miss... all my friends" Who could it be?

"I miss my family; I miss my parents..." Do I know this guy? Or is this another one of those random dreams where I'm somebody else?

"I miss my home, I miss my school, I miss freedom." I slowly gain my sense of vision and see a bear. He's wearing the Whigata P.E Uniform and looks like he's in horrible condition. Emotionally, mentally, and physically.

"I just wish that everyone back at home forgives me for my idiotic moves. They're never gonna trust me again, and all because I let my emotions get the better of me." The bear says. It's Abe, and he's in the detention centre. Poor guy.

"I just hope that Jamel is safe, and he will be for the rest of his life. These guys in here are savages, even freakier than I expected..." he says while looking to the ground. If they scare a giant bear into feeling anxious, then I don't want to know what they could do to me.

"Hey! Bear! Look alive." Another voice calls out. Abe looks up in anxious curiosity. I hope he'll be alright... it's just a two-week sentence... right? "Wake up, Abe. Wake up!"


"Wake up! Jamel, wake up! You're late for school!" I hear. I open my eyes, to see Dad standing over my head. "Did you set your alarm last night?" I roll over to see the time as 8:50AM. School starts in 10 minutes, and I'm only waking up now!

"Shit! Oh man, I don't wanna be late!" I cry out, half asleep.

"Be quick, have your shower. I'll get your breakfast and school lunch ready. You might be a minute or two after the bell." I hear dad say as I move into the bathroom. I guess it wouldn't matter so much if I miss out for a bit... it's not like I'm mentally awake on Monday mornings for class anyway...

Hopefully Riley and Sam don't notice that I'm late, otherwise they could start to worry.

Chapter 277: A Disturbed "Bluey"

After a very rushed start to the morning, Dad drops me off at school as I rush into the gates. The schoolyard is empty, so I'm obviously a bit late. First up is English, so I could probably just slip into class without anyone noticing. I sneak into my locker and grab my books and head off to my English room. The teacher is probably busy reading about some dumb book that I've read already...

I open up the door, and everyone looks straight at me. Oh man, what do I do now?

"Uhh... sorry I'm late..." I tell the teacher. My English teacher, a lizard of some kind (it might be rude to ask specifically what species she is), just turns to the class.

"Here, we have an example of irony. A "star athlete" is late to his class. You can sit down Jamel and make up for your lost time at Recess." She tells me. How embarrassing...


After missing half of my recess, due to catching up on English, I move out to the school yard, eager to find Sam. I put my books away and grab my recess snack and set off to see where that crazy tiger has gone off to. As I turn around, I see Odis moving out from behind the portable classrooms. Following him is the same Great Dane and Dalmatian from Friday... Why would Odis be hanging out with them? He cares about herbivores, but they don't...

The timid sheepdog nervously eyes me off and begins walking over. He seems a bit on edge; I just hope those two aren't harassing him, like they did with Riley.

"H-hey Jamel... how was your weekend?" Odis says nervously. He definitely seems phased by something, and I'm gonna find out what.

"Yeah, my weekend was fine. You look a bit freaked out Odis, is everything alright?" I ask him. It never hurts to get a little bit nosey, does it?

"Oh, really? Nah, I-I don't feel freaked or stressed of anything..." Odis replies hastily. "J-just a few assignments that I'm working on for school. You know how busy the last week of term can get, you know?" he adds with an awkward, unconvincing smile

"Uh huh... and those two other dogs, you were working in a project or something?" I ask him. I feel like some sort of detective right now. This is so exhilarating!

"Y-yeah. A project for Biology... we're doing some experiments on... uh... native flowers." Odis says. It's as clear as daylight. He's being bullied by those two dogs as well. Well, I'm not gonna stand for it. I made a promise to Sam and Riley that I would never let any of my carnivore friends get in harm's way, and there's nothing else that I can do about this. I'm gonna confront the Great Dane and the Dalmatian. They'd never hurt me, and if they tried, then they're in for a shocking surprise.

"I'll see you around Odis, I have to go now." I say, in a determined tone. I turn around to follow the two giant dogs, when suddenly, I see Mr. Jarman shuffling out of a classroom, carrying a large stack of papers... I think I have an even better idea...

"Hey Mr. Jarman, do you need help with those?" I ask him. He turns around and peers down at me beyond the pile of papers.

"Ahh, hello Jamel. Actually, I think I could use a hand, thank you." Mr. Jarman tells me. I grab a few bundles of sheets and walk back to his office. Mr. Jarman seems to know a bit about how carnivores act and behave. Maybe I could talk to him about the two giant dogs, and put an end to what's going on.

It wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with two carnivore bullies before...

We make our way back to Mr. Jarman's office, and set the piles of paper on his desk. He thanks me again for the help, before I turn to him.

"Hey Mr. Jarman... I need your advice on something..." I ask him. He sits down at his desk.

"Sure thing, Jamel. What's up?" he replies.

Chapter 278: Pack Mentality Divided

I go ahead and tell Mr. Jarman all about Odis, as well as the other dogs. I'm sure he could get them to stop or something. Because dogs have been bred to have less predatory instincts, they don't have to use PIS medication. Still, I wonder if there are a few exceptions...

"Did this Odis guy have any marks on him?" Mr. Jarman asks me "Any scratches, bruises or wounds?"

"No, he seemed alright..." I reply.

"Did you notice his tail position? A lot of dogs usually show their true emotion through their tails." Mr. Jarman replies. What could he mean by that? "Was it high against his back, or maybe hanging between his legs? Any wagging movement at all?" I try to think back.

"I... think it was just at a normal position. I'm not sure..." I reply. Mr. Jarman just nods his head.

"It's more obvious in dogs, rather than wild canines, but it's probably just a pack mentality." Mr. Jarman tells me. What does he mean by that? "Every group of canines always has a leader, which is an alpha. The alpha is usually the strongest, fastest, and best dog of the group. Then there's the other dogs, each at different levels in the hierarchy, kind of like a pyramid. Your friend, Odis, is probably at the bottom. Kind of normal for herding dogs, I hear."

"But is Odis okay? I don't want him to be bullied or anything like that." I reply eagerly.

"Jamel, it's just a normal thing that dogs do. You and I might not understand it, but they have their reasons. Besides, everyone takes care of everyone in a pack. Maybe the others got a little too serious with Odis, and he had to be put in his place. I'm sure he's fine, but come back if you notice any bruises, or see them getting physical, okay?" Mr. Jarman says. I might need to get another opinion on this...


"Nah, that's a myth." Riley said adamantly. "Dogs haven't been doing that "pack thing" for years. But I have heard that some wolves in cities do it, acting like gangs."

"Why do you ask, Jamel?" Levi adds "Riley's an Omega if ever I've seen one." I don't know what that means, but I can take a guess...

"Oi, shut up." Riley says playfully, giving me time to think of an excuse.

"Oh, something I saw in a movie last night. They kept using these weird words like "alpha" and all that. I knew it was canine-related, so why not ask my friends to learn more?" I say awkwardly. Odis is a little bit touchy about me hanging with Riley. He's still wearing his muzzle, which is a little intimidating to others, but I know for a fact that Riley is okay now.

But is Odis alright?

I'm gonna need to check in on him again. I go to stand up, and find him in the schoolyard, but suddenly, the bell rings. Time for class, I guess.

"Gee, Jamel. You must be psychic or something. You stood up right before the bell." Levi told me. "Are you psychic?" he says, jokingly.

Well, I have other ways of... seeing into the eyes of other animals. I wonder if that dream I had about Abe actually did happen. Is he doing alright in juvie? Sam, Tye and I just shrugged it off, thinking that just because he's a bear, he'll be fine, and no one would harass him, but still... he's probably stuck inside with all sorts of freaky murderers and criminals. I just hope that he, and everyone else, will be okay in the future.

I feel embarrassed to talk about my dreams to my friends, like Sam and Riley. I know they'd probably be interested, but deep down, they'd probably think I was insane, or probably psycho. Especially the ones where carnivores attack me.

Besides, these dreams are probably meaningless, and are just my instincts trying to scare me out of being an athlete or something

Chapter 279: A Fiery Return

After a tricky, and gruelling SeaSpeak Test, I move back out to the schoolyard, determined to find Odis and see where he went. His locker is usually near mine, so maybe I can try and find him around.

As I'm busy standing on a rubbish bin, looking for the cattle dog, I don't even notice Nalu walk straight up to me.

"Hey Jamel!" he says, jumping up to my eye-level, causing me to lose my balance from fright. I fall off the bin, and land on the ground with a great big thud. "What are you doing?" he asks me. Good question...

"I'm looking for someone." I reply. I would normally tell him, or any carnivore off for scaring me like that, but I guess it was my fault for being so easily scared.

"Are you looking for Erica, because she's back at school, you know." Nalu says in a happy tone. I get off the ground and dust myself off in excitement. I'd completely forgotten that she didn't come back with us. I hope she's holding up well after her sprained ankle. Nalu and I make our way over to Sam, so we can see her. I hope she's also up to date with everything that's happened, including with Abe.

Come to think about it, I haven't seen her since Wednesday morning. That's five days ago, a lot has happened since then.

"Hey Erica. Look who it is!" Nalu says in anticipation. I turn the corner to see Sam, Tye, Liam and Erica, all sitting around. Erica looks like nothing ever happened to her. She still has a bandage around her ankle, which is lucky.

"Hey Jamel. Congrats on your victory last Wednesday." Erica calls out. "Too bad I wasn't there for the after party."

"I'm just glad you're alright Erica. We didn't know what was going to happen to you." I reply.

"Oh, you shouldn't have to worry about little old me. I'm a tough gal, I can make it through anything." She replied with courage. She certainly proved that last week. As Tye, Liam, Nalu and Erica continue talking amongst themselves, Sam leans to my side and whispers something to me.

"Hey, Jamel. Do you think we should tell Erica about Wednesday?" he asks me.

"I thought she would've already heard from everyone else." I replied. I assumed she already knew that Abe was in jail for using the blood. I mean, she knew before anyone else about his habit.

"No, I meant the true story. About what happened in the gym?" Sam corrects me. Oh... that one. I pause to think for a bit. I guess Erica already knew that there was something off about Abe, and she did prepare that jar of honey which ultimately saved us all. Yeah. I guess she does deserve to know the truth.

"I think we should." I reply. I hope she's ready to hear it.


We keep on talking throughout lunchtime, the six of us. I ask Erica if she's seen Odis, and she heard that he had to go home just after recess finished. I asked her because I knew she was in the same year level and apparently, they're in the same English class.

The bell rings, and Sam and I keep Erica around a bit longer. I'm sure no one will mind if we're a few minutes late for class.

"So... anything happened after I went to the hospital?" Erica says. She knows something went wrong, but it wouldn't hurt to know the details.

"We have something to tell you." I begin to say. "And we don't want anyone else to know, at all."

"You're probably not gonna be happy to hear this." Sam added. "But we'll do our best to explain it."

We tell her the entire story. Of Abe's psychological breakdown, Paddo and Sona almost being devoured by him, and Fassid and Masama's wicked plan.

Chapter 280: Friendly Reassurance

"You... you both really risked your lives? Just like that?" Erica says. She's dumfounded and starstruck by our story.

"Yeah... but Fassid and Masama are now locked away for good, and next week Abe's sentence will be over." I tell her. "At the end of the day, I guess we're lucky to have even survived; all of us."

"And I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that it never happens again. You've already been through enough, Jamel, and it would kill me to see you in danger again." Sam tells me. I'm happy to see that I have such courageous friends around me, willing to help out others.

"Just be cautious in Durranga, Jamel. You're a public figure now, and you'll be in the limelight, and definitely out of your comfort zone. Durranga is like no other city in the entire state. It's big, it's chaotic, it's busy. But you'll be fine there, as long as you don't look for trouble, and stay close to Coach Harris. He can always help out if you feel unsafe." Erica explains.

Sam and I look across at each other. I can tell the look in his eyes that he doesn't want me to talk about "Coach's Harris' conversation". The thought crossed my mind, then I remembered him telling us that we'll be in deep, deep trouble for telling anyone about that. He trusted us with the story of his past, and we trust him to keep us safe from harm. Erica is also at that age where she'll soon discover these emotions for herself. I just hope that she makes the right decisions when it comes to her instincts...

"Man, we better get moving. Class will start soon." Sam says after talking for a bit longer.

"I'll see you guys soon. Just be cautious and maybe do some research on Durranga, okay Jamel?" Erica warns me.

"I will. I'll see you around." I say as I move off to my last class for the day.


"How do you think you'll go on your first day of "serious training", Jamel?" Riley asks me. The school day has finished, and I'm walking towards the gym with him.

"I'm nervous, but I have a feeling that he won't go too hard on me." I tell him. He better not, otherwise I might not be able to become a great herbivore athlete. Something I noticed from Sam, Nalu and Coach Harris is that when felines say that they'll do something, they'll go the extra mile. If I managed to get this far, Coach Harris is gonna have me working in overtime

"Good luck today, Jamel." I hear Erica as she slowly limps past me, reminding me of her ankle "The first one is always the hardest, then you get used to them." We both slow down to walk with her. "Just don't be late, okay? As you already know, Coach Harris hates slackers"

"Alright. I should probably head over there and get changed. Wish me luck!" I say as I quickly move off to the gym with my P.E gear. I'm nervous and excited to see how it goes. There's only four of us left, so the pressure is really on now. Only Peri has ever been to the State Finals before, so we might not win anything this year.

I enter the gym to see Nalu, Leah and Peri putting their bags to the side. They've obviously learnt not to get their stuff in the way of Coach Harris... I know I have. Speaking of, Coach Harris is looking as intense as ever. I'm sure his behaviour will reflect on his training

"Alright everyone." He bellows out across the gym. "Get changed and meet me back out here when you're ready." The four of us move off into the changerooms, with Leah moving into the girl's room by herself. There's a sense of uneasiness and worry across the four of us... I guess we all need to stick together and try to fight through the hard training together.

I look around at the gym one last time... it's really just us left. At the Regional Finals, there was at least a hundred of us. In the District Finals last week, there were around sixty students... now it's just down to four... it's really come down to us now

Chapter 281: Admiring from a Distance

The three of us boys are here in the changeroom, and I can't help but look at Peri's scales. It's wrong of me stare at others, especially while we're in a locker room, but I'm just so enamoured and interested. The patterns, the textures... I wonder how they would feel, just to run a hand through them.

"Hey, Jamel? You still with us?" Nalu asks. I snap out of my seemingly hypnotic trance. "Don't phase out now, it's almost time to start".

Reptiles are usually pretty self-conscious on how they look. If I ask Peri questions about his scales, then he'll probably feel uncomfortable... I just think they look cool. Bearded Dragon lizards are known for having spiny-like scales. If they're ever really excited, scared, or angry, the spines around their neck puff up, making them look bigger.

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe they are venomous reptiles, which can make them hard to approach for some animals. I guess he knows how to control it because he's gotten this far without poisoning anyone. It's probably best that I keep my distance for now.

"Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out for a second. I'm okay though... I'm ready for training." I say, looking back at Nalu.

"I have no idea what to expect today" Peri says from across the room. "We're all doing different events, so I'd say we should expect very different training" He has a point. Nalu is doing long jump; Peri has the sprints and Leah is doing Javelin. Maybe we'll figure everything out.

We walk out of the change rooms to see a familiar face standing in the middle of the gym.

"Hey Jamel. Are you ready to begin training for the State Finals?" he asks me. Such a distinct athlete, the orange and black fur, the strong athletic build, and the confident and eager look in his eyes. It's Sam... but what's he doing here?

"Uhh... yeah. I-I guess." I reply awkwardly.

"Wait, what's Sam doing here?" Nalu says, turning to Coach Harris. "I thought he didn't make the State Finals" Well... me too, but I wouldn't say it out loud. Sam looks at Nalu, irked by his comment as Coach Harris begins to explain.

"Last Friday, Sam came to me after our little meeting, and asked to help coach the four of you for this year." Coach Harris informed us. "I thought it was a good idea, because he has experience in the State Finals. We have two coaches now for the four of you: I will work with Nalu and Leah on their field events, Sam can help Jamel out with his running, and Peri, you've been a State Finalist four times, you know what to do, but I'll come along to check that you're doing alright".

Thank goodness... Sam will be able to go easy on me, and I won't be pushed too hard.

"And I decided, because it's such a lovely day today, we can all practice outside on the school ovals." Coach Harris declares. That sounds like a nice idea, running on the nice, soft grass.

As we're walking out towards the oval, Sam leans down to me, and talks for a bit.

"Have you heard anything from your neighbours about... last night?" he asked me.

"No... but my dad said this morning on the way to school that they're unlikely to find it..." I tell him in a sad tone. "I feel so sad for them... it's like having a baby stolen, isn't it?

Sam sighs in defeat. "Yeah, I guess it is... your neighbours still have other eggs, right?"

"Yeah, I think there are two others. They'll definitely give them all the love and care they can." I tell him.

"Well, I just know, deep down in my heart, that they'll find the third egg, alive and well. It's a gut feeling, and it's pretty strong". Sam tells me as I do my stretches.

"We should do some warmups together. Two laps around the oval, just light jogging for now." Sam adds, as I finish.

"Alright Sam. Ready when you are." I tell him. He then pouts at me. Did I do something wrong?

"That's "Coach Sam" to you, Jamel" he tells me sternly. I guess he's taking this coach role seriously.

And I guess I should too if I want to be the best in the state.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 30: Pheromonic ._./|\._.

Peri: Did you guys hear lately about that perfume from Germany? Uhh... Fleck, I think it was called

Jamel: Oh, yeah, I bet you'd like it for a Rexmas gift, Sam

Peri: Well, it's being pulled from shelves

Sam: Why would I want perfume? I already smell fine... I think

Peri: It was recalled, because big cats, like tigers and jaguars were getting too infatuated

Jamel: See? Good idea if you want to find that certain someone, Sam

Peri: No, as in all big felines, male or female.

Jamel: So if I sprayed some on...

Peri: ...pretty much every large carnivore in a three-kilometre radius that meows would stop what they're doing and try to find the source

Jamel: That sounds dangerous...

Sam: Yeah, I don't want to deal with a bunch of angry cats, who are probably hungry

Peri: Well, it's interesting actually, the cats are actually calmed and hypnotised by the smell. Some researchers sprayed it against a few trees, and large felines rubbed up against the tree, and stuck around for hours

Jamel: Hmmm... maybe I'll think twice about buying Fleck

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