His Lost Love

By CrystalWings-

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"Aaron..." She giggled as I ran my nose down along the side of her neck. That's my favourite sound...her lau... More

Chapter 1: Life has never been fair
Chapter 2: Memories that haunt
Chapter 3: The 'step-mother'
Chapter 4: Bad news
Chapter 5: A generous proposition
Chapter 7: A strange man
Chapter 8: Torture
Chapter 9: Hard goodbyes
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Miss. Hill...

Chapter 6: Like an angel

191 13 2
By CrystalWings-

Emma's POV

As I walked home that night, I couldn't help but wonder if it was the right decision to accept Mrs. Elizabeth Walker's generous offer, she offered me double pay of what a nanny usually gets. She was even ready to pay me whatever amount I demanded, but not wanting to be too greedy I decided to settle for the double pay.

But yet there was this one big, fat, elephant like question that was bothering me, which was...why me? A girl who has never even held a baby in her arms, ever in her entire life. Why not choose a woman who has experience in handling kids? Instead of a girl like me who just has experience in taking orders and cleaning tables.

Why pay double to a girl like me? When she could have easily hired some experienced nanny on a much lesser pay scale.

I know being a nanny would be far much better than being a waitress and clearing off tables after people. Elizabeth has even offered me such generous salary that I know I could have never earned as a mere waitress.

I know I should be more than happy, I got employed again exactly on the same night when I got unemployed. But yet I cannot help but worry if I'm stepping into something wrong.

I sighed, turning and tossing on my uncomfortable bed. I stared at the ceiling.

I told my parents everything that happened today, as soon as I got home. Initially they were upset over the fact that I lost my job, but as they got to know that I bagged an even better job tonight, they were more than happy and encouraged me to go ahead with it.

Of course, who doesn't likes money? Everybody does right? Especially the people who really need it.

But yet another question is my head is, will I be able to do this? I mean handling a baby, as young as Noah, surely wouldn't be a peace of cake. Or rather should I say handling a baby regardless of their age is not an easy task, for that matter.

So the big question now is, will I be able to do it? Or will I get fired on the very first day as a nanny? I mean I cannot even be certain about this because as I said earlier I have never even held a baby in my arms before, let alone handle or take care of him or her.

I don't even know yet if I like babies or not, I mean yeah they are absolutely adorable but I don't know how I am around kids or rather should I say how kids are around me. I don't know yet if I have the motherly bone within me or not.

I wonder if Noah would like me? I wonder if he would be an easy kid with me? Or would he be a little devil? Who would have me running for the hills on the very first day of my job?

I chuckled at my own thoughts before deciding to get some sleep as I need to wake up early tomorrow morning and get to the address that Elizabeth gave me tonight.

Minutes later I slowly fell asleep while hoping that Noah would be a happy little baby and definitely not a fussy one.

As the next morning arrived, I found myself running around my place, obviously running late on the very first day of my new job.

An hour or so later, I stood absolutely stunned and in awe before the beautiful house of Mrs. Walker, I presume, or maybe it was her son's place, whatever I don't know, all I know is that it was an absolutely beautiful house, surrounded by greenery.

And while I was looking around at the beautiful property, I didn't even realize when Elizabeth walked out and stood before me.

"Oh. I'm so sorry...I was just..." I trailed off biting my lower lip, embarrassed that she caught me ogling at their house.

"You are just mesmerized, I know. I get it, sometimes I am too" She said sweetly.

"Um...how did you know that I was standing out here?" I asked.

"Peter informed me" She replied.

"The security guard" She added when she saw the confusion on my face.

"Now, come on, let's go inside..." She paused.

"It's time for you to meet Noah" She continued with a warm smile as I smiled back at her nervously.

Why was I so nervous over meeting a little baby?

Maybe because it is my first day as a nanny or maybe it's just the fact that I'm not familiar with kids. Well, whatever the reason maybe, but I cannot back off now, it's time to face this little guy Noah.

As I entered the living area, the soft cries of a little baby fell on my ears and it seemed as if his cries were soft because he was just so tired of crying...as if he had been crying continuously...crying for someone and somehow that had my heart clenching in pain for some unknown reason.

Elizabeth walked upto the lady who was holding Noah in her arms and trying to calm him down but the poor girl was failing miserably as Elizabeth gently took her grandson in her arms and walked towards me.

As I looked at the little baby, whose name was Noah, for the first time, I couldn't help but smile while he started crying out so loud that his eyes could no longer be seen while he made desperate attempts to get off Elizabeth's arm, who seemed to be having a tough time handling him.

"Hey little Noah, do you know who's here to see you today?" Elizabeth spoke softly.

"A very special person is here to see you today, my boy" She added as she reached me.

Why was she referring to me, a mere nanny, as a special person? I couldn't help but wonder. But as much as I learned about Elizabeth Walker since last night, I can tell that she can be very confusing with her words sometimes.

"Go on, Emma, take him in your arms" Elizabeth said as I smiled at her nervously before reaching out hesitantly and taking him in my arms as gently as humanly possible and the sudden shift of arms suddenly had Noah opening his little, innocent eyes while still crying, though a little softly this time.

"There you go..." Elizabeth mumbled. 

And the moment I looked into his hazel eyes, with a hint of green in them, was also the moment I fell in love with him. I caressed his head, feeling his soft, brown hair under my fingers, I smiled at him as he just stared at me without even blinking his eyes as if he was too surprised to see me.

I hadn't known that I had the capability within me to love or adore a baby, until now...but I just couldn't help myself, he's just so adorable and innocent.

"Your eyes are really beautiful..." I mumbled unknowingly.

Yeah as if he'll understand what you are saying, my subconscious mocked at me.

And as if proving my subconscious wrong, Noah gave me his precious smile before resting his little hand on my cheek and a few seconds later he rested his head on my shoulder and I let out a content smile.

"He has stopped crying" I snapped out of our little moment, hearing Elizabeth's surprised voice and looked up at her, only to witness an even more surprised look on her face.

"Yeah...I didn't even realize it" I replied, surprised myself.

"How could you? You were so busy adoring him" She said smiling.

"Um...yeah he's really adorable and his eyes are really beautiful and mesmerizing" I replied.

"He gets it from his mother and the rest is all from his father" She said proudly.

And even though I wanted to ask her where his parents were? But I kept the question to myself as I didn't wanna sound nosy, because honestly it was none of my business.

"He really doesn't likes strangers but..." She paused.

"He seems to like you" She continued with, what seemed like a self satisfied smile.

"Come, I'll brief about his schedule and also show you around the house so you get familiar with it" She added.

Moments later as Elizabeth showed me around the house, I found myself adoring it...amazed by it, it was so beautiful, just how I would like my future home to be and if I ever have this kinda money, I'll surely build a home like this.

And at last Elizabeth led me towards Noah's nursery and all this while I had a, now, sleeping baby in my arms, which was honestly a surprise for me as to how did he fall asleep in my arms so quickly? When he was crying just seconds before I arrived.

"You can put him here" Elizabeth said pointing towards Noah's crib as I nodded my head before gently putting him in his crib while trying my best not to disturb his sleep.

"His nursery is really beautiful..." I paused while looking around.

"It has got a lot of personal touch to it...like someone has put a lot of efforts and all their heart in preparing it" I continued as Elizabeth's expressions changed suddenly along with a deep sigh.

"Yeah, they surely have" Elizabeth replied with a small smile.

"So, what do you think about Noah?" She asked.

"He's really adorable...like an angel" I replied while smiling down at Noah unknowingly.

"Adorable? Yeah that he is...but angel? I highly doubt that...because he's always such a little devil to us..." She paused while looking down at Noah too and I could see the softness that her eyes held for him.

"But yes, in the little span of time that you both have known each other, all he has been is an angel to you" She continued.

"As I said earlier, I think he likes you already" She said a moment later.

"Which is honestly a surprise because he doesn't really likes strangers" She added as I just remained silent, not knowing what to say. Noah likes me or not, that we'll find out as some time passes by, but all I can say for myself is that I already like this little guy.

"Mrs. Elizabeth, I would like to know what my working hours would be so that I can leave my place according and be here on time" I said.

"Oh, about that. I apologise, dear, I think I forgot to mention this last night but we require a nanny who would be here for Noah all the time" She replied.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, confused.

"I meant that we require you to stay here and take care of Noah, whenever he needs you" She explained.

"As in 24/7?" I asked.

"Exactly, dear" She replied shortly.

"But we can definately negotiate your salary if you like and even discuss about your leaves" She added sensing that I was in a dilemma about staying here and being a 24/7 nanny.

I can tell that she obviously doesn't wants to let me go now when she feels like her grandson, who doesn't likes strangers at all, strangely happens to like me, which is why she's willing to negotiate on my salary.

But I'm not that kinda person who would see and use this situation as an opportunity in my favour and have her increase my pay or something as I feel like that would be extremely wrong.

"No, Mrs. Elizabeth, I don't want to negotiate my salary, I'm satisfied with what you have already offered me..." I paused.

"Then what is it? Emma" She asked.

"Do you feel like Noah is too much to handle?" She added.

"No, no, absolutely not, I really feel like Noah is an angel and honestly, I like him already and I would love being around him but..." I paused once again.

"But I was just a little taken aback when you told me that I would have to stay here. I wasn't expecting that, that's all" I continued.

"But I would just have to get some of my stuff" I added a moment later as Elizabeth's face lit up.

"Does that mean that you are willing to stay here?" She asked as I just nodded my head in agreement and I could tell that she just held herself back from squealing happily.

It's strange, I mean, why was she keen on hiring me as her grandson's nanny? Even after knowing that I'm inexperienced. When she could have easily hired a much experienced nanny, on a much lesser pay.

And what's even more strange is seeing the happiness on her face after I agreed to work on her terms and conditions.

But am I complaining? Definately not, rather I'm more than happy knowing that I finally get to work at a better place than I ever have, on such a salary that I have never received before.

Now all I hope is that Noah's parents like me too, because that's really important too.



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Until next time.


Crystal ❤️

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