Jurassic World: Reign

By Evastarunit73

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A sequel to Ripper's Journey II: The Son Of Ripper and Indomitable: A Jurassic World Story. Ever since the di... More

Prologue: Ancient Rivals
Chapter 1: Tides of Fury
Chapter 2: The New Norm
Chapter 3: The Runaway
Chapter 4: Old is Gold
Chapter 6: Scars
Chapter 7: Lone Clone
Chapter 8: Off The Grid
Chapter 9: Departure
Chapter 10: Fist to Fist
Chapter 11: Claw to Claw

Chapter 5: Giant Southern Lizard

87 4 0
By Evastarunit73

February 2016 (Biosyn Valley)

"Do you know truly understand the weight this job will put onto you?" Lewis asked.

"Yes. But I'm willing to put as much effort as I can, sir." Henry replied.

Lewis clapped his hands.

"That is nice to hear. Been looking for a good geneticist for a while now. InGen's gonna regret demoting you if they ever find out about this." Lewis added.

"Oh, believe me. They will." Henry proudly voiced.

After the failure that was the Indominus Rex, Henry Wu was upset but saw some potential to improve upon his previous concepts and further them and by extension, make them better.

But he wouldn't be granted the luxury to continue his work. When everything was settled, Henry was demoted by InGen because he was the one who designed the Indominus. He should've designed a failsafe in case she ever got out.

Henry however, didn't take it well. Because he wasn't able to further his work into something more grand, he felt as though he lacked a purpose. It's why he decided to secretly join another company while still being employed in InGen. Although, for them all they think is that he might be retired or is trying to find another job.

He'll make them see what they're missing. Now that he has joined Biosyn, he'll have fewer constraints when it comes to his research. No more men in suits telling him what to and what not to create. Unless Lewis says so, Henry can make almost anything he wanted.

"Are there any projects you want me to work on right now?" Henry queried.

"Slow down, Doctor. You just started. No need to rush." Lewis assured him.

"It's quite alright. I'm used to spending time doing nothing but making new assets. So if there are any you want me to make, then just tell me which and I'll start planning." Henry insisted.

Lewis was very impressed with Henry's eagerness. It shouldn't be a surprise after what InGen did to him. He'd want to get back to his work as soon as possible.

"Very well then. Here's what I need you to make. Firstly, I've reviewed your work on the Indominus. Very outstanding but in my opinion, a smaller predator would work better. It can fit into places the Indominus can't and can sneak around easier." Lewis answered.

Henry thought that was the only other logical step when it came to improving what was wrong with the Indominus. Sure, it was big, and strong. But it lacked speed and had trouble getting into smaller areas. But by condensing that into something like a Velociraptor, it could be used more efficiently.

"Interesting. Is there anything else you'd want me to work on, sir?" Henry continued.

Lewis pulled out a document. It was a green folder with text on the front that read "Specimen G-1".

The geneticist opened the documents to find pictures of multiple bones. The first ones were of ones that were stuck in the ground. The second picture showed what looked to be a ship transporting the bones. And the third showed the bones being secured to a location within the facility.

"I sent an excavation team to Nublar back in 1995. Some of them were killed. It can't be helped since the place was crawling with dinosaurs but they were able to retrieve this." Lewis explained.

"What is this?" Henry questioned.

"That will be your main project. You see, InGen has always had their own trademark dinosaur that they put on almost all their branding." Lewis responded.

"Tyrannosaurus." Henry said.

Lewis nodded.

"Correct. Wouldn't it be nice if we also had a flagship? But don't worry about parks. This thing isn't supposed to be a mascot." Lewis said.

So, he wanted a dinosaur that could represent the company. Henry found it a little odd but he wasn't about to argue with him since he just got this job. He wouldn't want to lose it immediately after.

"I understand, but still, what is this thing?" Henry repeated the question.

"A large carnivore who's not only fast but powerful. One that supposedly dominated Nublar during the Mesozoic. In short, Giganotosaurus." Lewis confirmed.

Henry's eyes widened. Giganotosaurus? Wasn't that dinosaur only found in Argentina? What was it doing on Nublar?

"Are you absolutely sure this is Giganotosaurus, sir? It could be anything." Henry stated.

"My scientists have studied it for years. They've all come to the same conclusion." Lewis commented.

He wasn't sure what to do with this information. He still would've been surprised to learn what Lewis wants him to make would be Giganotosaurus seeing as it's a dinosaur he's never worked on before apart from adding it's DNA into the Indominus.

But the fact that this one specifically came from Nublar was very jarring. Whenever Henry would uncover something related to Giganotosaurus, he'd get it from Argentina and not from Nublar. Perhaps he didn't dig deep enough.

The bones looked like they had protrusions that indicated spiky structures, mainly on the back of the Giganotosaurus. This was a very odd looking fossil since no other Giga skeleton has been seen with these features.

"We've even given it a species name. Giganotosaurus Dominatus. So, are you up for it?" Lewis questioned.

While thinking, Henry was wondering what Lewis wanted to do with Giganotosaurus. He already said he doesn't want to turn it into a mascot and yet it's supposed to be their flagship dinosaur. What did he intend to do with this creature? Must be classified or else he would've told him by now.

"I'll have to look into it further before beginning the sequencing." Henry replied.

"Alright, go do that. If it comes out right, I might give you a promotion immediately." Lewis finished

A promotion? This early into the job? Was Henry dreaming an alternate reality in which he would rise up to the ranks again after InGen pushed him down? Whatever it was, he'll be enjoying this thoroughly.

Part of Henry thought that Lewis intended to make that thing fight with the Nublar Tyrannosaurs. If he does, it makes sense considering what he said about him wanting a flagship dinosaur. He probably wants a dinosaur who can rival a T.rex without wasting money on a potentially failed hybrid, they can just extract DNA from a real dinosaur.

Three Months Later

Because Henry was already knowledgeable when it came to Giganotosaurus DNA since it was used in the creation of the Indominus, he had little issues when it came to creating the real animal.

Henry was currently stationed in one of Biosyn's facilities near Northern California. It wasn't the only facility in this region, though. The Lockwood Manor was also a facility of Biosyn's but as to not make things obvious they hid their equipment deep under the Manor so nobody would be able to find out.

This facility was one of the bigger ones. Not only did it house plenty of dinosaurs but there was also a type of arena in the middle of it. This was used for testing and studying their animals.

The geneticist was currently busy monitoring a small cell with an animal in it. The reason why they are not keeping this creature in the laboratory is because Lewis wants it to adapt quickly. And to do that, it must be born with the right amount of space to accommodate that. And when it gets too big it'll get moved out.

It was a small, frail looking animal. No more than a week old. It had the classic theropod body plan, two legs, two short arms, a long tail, and a large ferocious looking head. Although since this one was still a baby, it wasn't that terrifying. Yet.

The animal also had a row of spikes running down it's back, and it's main color was brown, it had dark blue stripes, and yellow eyes.

Doesn't look like much right now. But what Henry was looking at would eventually become what Dodgson wanted, their own flagship dinosaur. Unlike the Tyrannosaurus of Isla Nublar and Sorna, this Giganotosaurus was faster, bigger, and Henry even modified it to have a stronger bite than the original.

He watched the juvenile. Wandering around the room. Lewis would be certainly pleased with this, seeing as Henry was so quick when it came to making it. But Henry on the other hand, had a very different opinion.

While he tries his best to hide it, this ultimately feels like a step down to him. He went from making the Scorpios Rex and the Indominus Rex. Two revolutionary hybrid dinosaurs that can show what genetic power is truly capable of doing, back to another normal dinosaur. It may not look like the usual Giganotosaurus Carolini, but it is still Giganotosaurus and it isn't a hybrid.

In Henry's head, he wasn't too impressed with it. Sure, anybody else would be. But to him, recreating something that lived during the prehistoric times has lost its appeal years ago. Ever since he first made the Scorpios, that convinced him that making dinosaurs shouldn't just be limited to remaking dinosaurs we already know. What about making our own original dinosaurs and experiment on what we can get out of them?

That sort of thing has more potential than simply bringing back a Giganotosaurus back to life. Because apart from the modified bite, this animal is completely unchanged from it's original self which is something Henry doesn't do too often. When it comes to making creatures, Henry always puts in DNA from modern animals to fill in gaps and it often causes his creations to exhibit abnormal traits not found in the original animals. But with this Giga, all he did was give it a stronger bite and that was it.

If Lewis really did want a flagship, why doesn't he just ask Henry to make him a giant sized hybrid? It's what Masrani wanted to do to replace the Tyrannosaurus as the flagship of Jurassic World. Then again, that thing was just made to be a park attraction and little else.

Lewis had arrived earlier that afternoon to check on Henry's progress. He was right behind Henry while the man was observing the juvenile Giga.

"It's amazing what you people can make in just a few months." Henry jumped a little when he heard Lewis' voice.

The CEO was pleased so far. This may be Henry's first time working here but he's just as good of a geneticist as he was when he worked at Jurassic World. At least now he can devote his time to real work instead of making glorified theme park monsters.

"Tell me, when will he be old enough to fight?" Lewis furthered.

"We'll have to wait until he reaches his teens. He's still small as of now and he'll be like that for another year or so." Henry explained.

"I see. And how about your Indominus Raptor project?" Lewis didn't really think of a name for them yet. All he wanted was essentially an Indominus Rex the size of a Raptor.

"Indoraptor. And right now it's doing fine, I've already made at least two of them and there are three more on the way. But I have run into some problems. If you could call them that." Henry replied.

"And what may those be?" Lewis asked.

"They're not exactly how you envisioned them. They're stubborn and they lack obedience. Along with that, they may be taller than a normal Velociraptor but they aren't any more durable than they are." Henry answered.

"And, what do you want us to do about this?" Lewis queried.

"If we really want to create a perfect Indoraptor, we'll need to get remains... From the Indominus Rex itself. I wasn't able to retrieve any because I was evacuated off of Nublar before I could do any further work." Henry responded.

Is he saying that he wants to send people into the Mosasaurus Arena to get some samples? If so, he'll be endangering everyone if he dumps just a single man inside of that paddock. It's called the Mosasaurus Arena for a reason. And if they want to get a sample, they'll have to avoid being turned into bones themselves.

Though part of Lewis thought that plan was complete bogus, it might actually work to their benefit. That way they won't have to go through the long process of making a genetic makeup that would be identical to the Indominus. Besides, if there are people that have a high chance of dying then he'll just send employees that he sees as expendable.

"Also, about your recent T-09 project." Henry added.

"What about it?" Lewis queried.

"Does it really mean anything if we splice two dinosaurs who are of the same family? They are two different dinosaurs but they are practically the same animal apart from a few differences. What benefit will that give us?" Henry questioned.

"Listen, Henry. Our aim here isn't to make a conventional hybrid like your Indominus. These Troodons are supposed to be made specifically so that they'll be the perfect assassins. Giving them extra night vision and a further taste for blood will help us with that. Plus, like you said, your Indoraptors aren't truly complete yet." Lewis explained.

"Perfect assassins." Like that means anything. Henry didn't want the man to know about his conflicting view on his ideas but in his mind they should just wait until the Indoraptors are done. When they are, they'll easily outdo these smaller, clearly inferior animals.

Besides, giving them a higher taste for blood might backfire. It'll mean they'll be less obedient, and will be much more eager to attack staff. But Henry won't intervene for two reasons.

One, it's not his work. He doesn't have to concern himself with it. Though there were many geneticists who were on board with the project, Henry wasn't one of them since he thought nothing of it, really. And his second reason is that if these things do end up turning on Lewis or the staff, he wants Lewis to see it in it's full to understand why it's a mistake giving a creature this much bloodlust.

The Giganotosaurus was playfully walking around the cell, not having a care in the world. Others would look at this thing and call or astonishing. All Lewis sees in it though is it's potential. And he's not talking about it's impact on modern genetics.

After all, what's the point of it being a revolutionary achievement if that's all it's going to be?

"The other geneticists have told me you made a second one." Lewis commented.

"I did. It's mostly because I want to test how these assets interact with others of it's kind." Henry clarified.

While Lewis only wanted one Giga, it's not like having two is a bad thing, far from it in fact. If they can't make Tyrannosaurs then having two Giganotosaurus face each other as a show of strength will prove how powerful they truly are compared to InGen's flagship.

As the months went by, the tiny Giga was slowly becoming bigger and bigger due to the growth hormones implanted into it's body. During this time, Lewis was also introduced to the second Giganotosaurus. That one was mainly colored with blood red skin and black splotches, and grey eyes.

Since both of the Giganotosaurus were becoming larger and larger by the month, it was getting more difficult to keep them in their paddocks, which is why they were moved to a bigger one. Unlike back then when they were first made, the two of them now lived together.

It was now the December. The Giganotosaurus have grown a significant amount since then. Both of them are nearing their teens and they've started to develop more prominent spikes and crests.

Though Henry intended for the second Giga to be used for socializing. It wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. Just because something is of the same species does not mean it'll immediately take a liking to another member of it's kind.

The brown Giganotosaurus was simply lying down to take a nap. When you're living inside a metal box there's not much to do other than wait for things to happen. Most of what it did was fantasize about things, since people around the facility have been saying good things about it. Everytime he hears someone talking to him through the sound system, they speak as though they have high expectations for him.

He couldn't really understand most of what they said, but what he did understood was that he was respected by the humans. Or maybe even praised by them. Really, all they were saying about him was how good he was was behaving.

A yawn escaped his mouth. He was about to open his eyes, when he felt something hit the back of his neck. The Giga shook his body, and turned to look at what was thrown at him. By the looks of it, it was a ball. The humans placed it in the paddock to keep the Gigas entertained but that was really the only type of entertainment they were going to get because Lewis didn't want to domesticate them to the point where they'd act like dogs.

Growling with irritation, he rose up from the ground only to be punted by a tackle that sent him slamming into the floor again.

"Wakey wakey, neighbor!" The red Giganotosaurus spoke in a mocking tone.

The brown one rolled his eyes. He can't do anything about his living space but if it were up to him, he'd banish this idiot from it. He's nothing but an annoyance. Everyday he needs to deal with his pointless antics that go nowhere. No wonder he doesn't see any humans give this red one praise for his behavior.

"Will you cut it out, already? What did I do to you?" The brown one whined.

"You're sleeping in my spot, twerp." The red one shot back.

"Your spot? There's plenty of spots here to go around! How can you even remember this-" The brown one was cut off as the red one rammed him again.

"Pipe down will ya, shorty? You sleep in my spot again, I'm gonna hurt you real bad." The red one the stormed off.

The brown one growled in anger. Why can't he be the one to boss this moron around? He always has to follow him as if he has some authority over him when clearly he does not.

He's the one that gets all the praise. Nobody ever talks about the red one, but everyone talks about him. And this buffoon thinks he's better than him?

A little payback is needed. He can't just let himself be pushed around like this over and over again. This has to end and if he wants to hurt the brown one, why doesn't he hurt him in a way that'll make him stop?

"Oh yeah? Well... You can take you words and shove them back into your silly mouth!" The brown Giga gasped after he had said that. He wasn't sure what came over him. He might've just instigated a fight.

The red Giga looked back with a look of disbelief on his face. Did this pipsqueak just talk back to him again? He never learns does he? What does he have that the red one doesn't? He's a wimp who can't stand up for himself when the moment arises. So what does he hope to achieve here?

"You wanna go, huh? 'Cause I'm gonna-" The red one was cut off.

"Shut your trap!" The brown one lunged at the red Giga and using his arms, he pinned the red one's head to the ground.

This was quite an achievement. Henry said they wouldn't be able to fight until their teens. But it's not like he can predict behavior by looking through a DNA strand.

The red Giganotosaurus tried to escape the brown one's grasp but couldn't due to the brown Giga tightening it's grip on the red one's head. While he got his opponent right where he wanted him, he started to feel something.

It was a different kind of feeling. He didn't know how to explain it since he was merely a child, but to anybody who was watching, it was painfully obvious.


Being able to put this oaf in his place was satisfying. He wished he could've done this earlier. The feeling of being able to dominate others with your own strength felt like a thrill.

To emphasize his superior power, the brown one bit the right shoulder of the red Giga. His rival couldn't even understand what was going on at this point. Was he suppressing this anger this whole time? Building it up and storing it until he found the right time to let it all out?

"Who's the twerp now?!" The brown one mocked as he started to draw blood.

At the point, he was satisfied, and had let go of the red one. That should teach him not to mess around with someone who's above him. He walked back to the spot he was sleeping at earlier, as if to spite his roommate.

"My spot, idiot." The brown one hissed.

The red one was shaking. He hasn't seen this much savagery out of anyone. He's never been hurt until now. He almost felt like he was invincible. But even the mightiest of animals bleed. And that was quite clear now.

On an a nearby observation deck, Henry and Lewis were studying the Giganotosaurus and their behavior. Henry was shocked to see that kind of aggression from a child no less. He hasn't even lived for a year and he's already drawn blood.

"Sir, do you think it is wise to let G-01 live after that? Should he be terminated?" Henry asked.

Lewis simply held a hand up. Henry knew that his superior didn't want the young dinosaur to die even after injuring someone. But why? He was told during his orientation that if certain animals hurt each other, they'll be killed. But it seems that Lewis wasn't above making exceptions.

He was very impressed with how fast the brown one was developing his instinct for fighting. It'll come in handy with what he plans to do later. If this continues and they manage to increase his aggression and therefore his strength, there's no telling what he can kill. But there are some drawbacks to that.

One such example is the possibility of this dinosaur rebelling against it's creators. But Lewis wasn't worried about that. He already had an idea on what he wants to do if that ever happens. It's always good to put a behemoth on a leash before it can release it's rage.

He kept his eyes on the brown one as he slept. He has no doubt that he'll turn into a powerful dinosaur. And with him developing his fighting instinct at a very young age. He'll be more than a match for Nublar's Tyrannosaurs.

Come to think of it, Jurassic World's flagship Tyrannosaurus had a name didn't he? If this Giganotosaurus will be their company's signature dinosaur then he must have a name as well. They can't just keep referring to him as G-1.

"Genesis." Lewis smirked.

"Pardon?" Henry queried.

"That's what we'll call him from now on. We'll think of a name for the red one later." Lewis answered.

The word Genesis refers to the birth or beginning of something. This dinosaur will be the beginning of Biosyn's success. And from him, they'll continue to up their game when it comes to what they can make with the power of genetics. Soon enough they won't just be restricted to just prehistoric reptiles from the Mesozoic.

Henry has always thought that giving
names to dinosaurs was pointless. Even though he does it sometimes, he doesn't really care about the subject that much. So giving this Giga a name like that sounded ridiculous to Henry. He almost thought that Lewis was treating this thing as if it was Biosyn's Messiah.

March 2017

Lewis was currently busy in his office writing down his game plan for the next few years. That way all he needs is to execute said plans without worrying about making adjustments.

Ever since the fall of Isla Nublar, InGen has been declining in their profits and most definitely in the attention given by the media since nobody seems to care about them anymore after Jurassic World went under.

However, Lewis knew that in due time they'd think of a way to restart the company. They were able to do that after the attack on San Diego in
1997, it's wouldn't be much of a surprise if they end up coming back after a decade or so.

Although, one wonders what they'll do when they come back. There's no telling if people will still be willing to go to their parks especially now that there have been four incidents that took place on their islands and two of those happen to involve theme parks. They'd have to think of a new type of business or else they won't thrive.

But if this does lead to InGen filing for bankruptcy, all the better for Lewis' company. He can only name one other company apart from InGen that focuses on dinosaur genetics just like Biosyn, and even then that company is an associate of his so he won't have to worry about competition once InGen is done.

It was like a silent victory. While Biosyn wasn't truly the cause of why InGen has been failing, they've definitely benefitted from it in some way. Mainly due to Henry being on their side now.

He found it funny that they were outsmarted by a mentally unstable animal of all things. The Indominus Rex would've never escaped had they investigated her paddock more often and tried to understand her odd behavior. Not only that, but the simple fact that they haven't tried to go back to Nublar signals to Lewis that they might not even care for the island anymore. If that's the case then he should just buy that island, better than to make secret facilities all around the country and spread them out.

It's funny that the only big problem Biosyn has had to deal with was that Dennis Nedry never got the embryos they asked for off of Nublar, but that was 24 years ago. They don't even need them anymore. The can of shaving cream that Dennis used to smuggle the embryos was sitting in Lewis' office. He found it a year ago when he when to visit Nublar. Imagine how much more of an advantage Biosyn would have if that oaf had just went the right route to the harbor.

Doesn't really matter now. Nedry is just a footnote at this point. And it's pointless to dwell on the past mistakes of the company when they are few and far between. The future is looking bright for Biosyn and that's all that matters.

After he finished with his paperwork, Lewis went out of his office and towards one of the paddocks. He was still staying inside of the same facility since he liked to monitor Genesis' progress.

The grey haired man walked over to a door that had text that read "G-Arena" he put in a code for the doors to open and went inside. He was now at the observation deck where he would comfortably watch from a distance and see what Genesis was up to.

In dinosaur years, Genesis was now 13 years old. He was about 13 feet tall and 28 feet long. He was still young but he was growing quick thanks to the growth hormones but he hasn't been fighting as much as Lewis had hoped he would.

The red Giganotosaurus was recently given a name by one of the wranglers, the name that was picked out for him was Gideon. Which means destroyer. Although it was ironic how he was named that way yet he still fell short when compared to Genesis, he was the more dominant of the two.

Right beside Lewis was the wrangler who had given Gideon his name. Although, he only did so because he wanted something to call him by other than G-2 and not because of some personal connection.

The man has short, dark brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and had a dark green jacket on as well as a faded yellow shirt, and he wore long brown pants and black shoes.

"Any progress?" Lewis started.

"Not much, boss. Haven't seen any activity from them in a while." The man replied with a Spanish accent.

"What about the Troodons?" Lewis asked.

"Well, they seem to be jiving just fine with each other. We've tried to pair them up with other dinos but those bribones just keep tearing them apart. They're like piranhas. They kill anything that isn't them." The man replied.

To Lewis that sounded like good news, actually. If they don't get along with anyone but themselves then that'll eliminate them developing any substantial relationships with prey items and will only see them as targets.

Genesis was currently sitting, watching Gideon as he walked around the paddock. He was used to keeping an eye on him just in case if he gets the idea to pull a fast one on him and attack.

"Genesis hasn't been engaging in a fight at all. It's almost like he doesn't want to. We've tried finding ways to entice him but we've had no luck." The man added.

This made Lewis raise a brow. He was so eager to fight just a few months back. How come he's steadily growing to become more of an easygoing animal? That's not what he was made for and he should be reminded of that.

"Tell me, have you prepared the main arena?" Lewis commented.

"Why'd you ask, sir?" The man wondered.

"If we're to test Genesis' strength, we can't keep relying on Gideon to be a punching bag. He needs a more worthy adversary." Lewis responded.

"So, what you're telling me is that you want to host a dinosaur tournament?" The man asked jokingly.

"Something along those lines, yes. Besides, we've got plenty of dinosaurs that need their strength tested or else we're just wasting money making them." Lewis answered.

The wrangler wasn't sure what to think of this. Wouldn't it be a bit expensive to do this due to the possibility of some dinosaurs dying? Maybe Lewis looks at them the same way he looks at some of his employees. They're only good for a specific purpose. If they're not useful they'll be thrown out.

He could only guess, but maybe Lewis is trying to do this to determine how many useful dinosaurs he really has. Because if he just has a large quantity of dinosaurs and doesn't know how beneficial they are he may end up with nothing more than disappointment. Maybe he's just trying to remove the weak links so that only the fittest will survive.

Genesis didn't know this was all going on. He could honestly care less about what the humans were talking about. All he cared about was him, his paddock, and making sure that Gideon knew his place.

"You're wasting your time. Walking won't do you any good." Genesis mocked.

"Will you just mind your own business and let me do mine?" Gideon growled.

"Talk back to me when you can beat me." Genesis scoffed.

As he grew older, Genesis has become much more confident in himself. Especially since now he knows he can bring down Gideon if he so chooses. All he needs to do is crack his fragile little neck and that'll be it. It would be so easy to do with there weren't any restrictions put on him by Biosyn.

Gideon was starting to hate how smug Genesis was becoming. Back then he couldn't even look at Gideon without him seeing fear in Genesis' eyes. Yet now he freely badmouths him whenever he pleases.

How come he was the weak one? They're the same dinosaur aren't they? Why can't he be more like Genesis? Every time they fight he wins. Even when he's using his all Genesis still wins. It's like life is playing a game with him and it's one where Gideon always loses.

He doesn't even bother fighting Genesis anymore. After six fights he's just used to losing now. If he can't beat him now he surely won't beat him later since he seems to be getting stronger and stronger every time they fight. And it's getting increasingly frustrating.

But just because he won't fight, doesn't mean he'll just roll over every time Genesis insults him.

"Just wait till I grow. You'll be running in no time." Gideon threatened.

A laugh came out of Genesis. He can't take Gideon seriously anymore.

"When I grow, I'll be ten times the dino you are. I always win. Always. You're just going to lose even more as we grow older. Face it, red. I'm unbeatable. I am of course a Giganotosaurus." Genesis boasted.

"I'm a Giga too, moron!" Gideon retorted.

"Yeah? You sure you're not a dino who just looks like one? We're supposed to be strong. You don't got what it takes to be called a Giga." Genesis cackled.

This was getting worse by the second. So not only is he insulting his strength, he's claiming that his strength is so low he can't be considered a real Giganotosaurus?

"Oh, really? Let's test that then!" Gideon roared as he rushed towards Genesis.

The brown Giganotosaurus calmly rose from the floor and took a step to the side. He managed to dodge Gideon's charge and clamped down on his neck using his mouth.

Right now he's not looking for a fight. He just wants to humiliate Gideon. He then slams the red Giga into the ground and stands on his head with his foot.

"Even now you'll always be stuck to the floor." Genesis smirked.

"Get off!" Gideon whined

"I won't. I'm gonna enjoy this first." Genesis said casually.

The Giganotosaurus remained calm as his roommate was pinned to the ground for the seventh time. That confrontation didn't even last a minute before it ended. Just goes to show how different they really are when it comes to strength.

While observing, Lewis wondered how Genesis would deal with other dinosaurs since he's only ever been shown pictures by people of what other dinosaurs look like. His one singular opponent has always been Gideon. It might be hard to adapt to new opponents if he's only had one his entire life.

But Lewis was confident that Genesis would learn his enemy's weakness and exploit it immediately. If he's able to do it with Gideon he should be able to do it with other dinosaurs.

"Daniel. Hand me a list of all the dinosaurs we have in this facility. I'll pick the ones I'll use for that "Tournament" you mentioned earlier." Lewis requested.

"Alright, sir. Just make sure we won't lose a valuable asset in those fights." The man, Daniel Espinoza added.

"I'm already thinking of methods we could take to prevent that from happening." Lewis finished.

Genesis had a look of pride on his face as he continued to pin Gideon down. It's been months and he still hasn't improved a bit. It's a wonder why Lewis still keeps him around. Maybe it's because they're the same dinosaur and he hopes that one day, he'll be as good as Genesis. Like that's ever going to happen.

When Genesis removed his foot, Gideon was coughing. The brown Giga walked away with the utmost of satisfaction plastered on his face. Gideon proceeded to let out a roar of frustration. When will be enough? When will he surpass Genesis?

"You'll go down someday I swear. If it's not me, then at least someone's gonna take you down." Gideon shook his head.

"Take me down? Hah! Keep dreaming, bud. Nobody can take me down. Not you, not anyone. 'Cause like I said, I'm a Giga. And Gigas don't go down. Which is why I'm convinced we're not the same." Genesis smugly replied.

Daniel walked through the facility, searching for records that has every dinosaur in the facility listed down. But as he was casually strolling, he stumbled upon a particular dinosaur that he wasn't familiar with. Nor did he see it until now.

A massive spiny sail was seen through the windows of one of the paddocks. He hasn't heard of Biosyn making this kind of creature, he moved in closer to get a better look at what this animal was but before he could, he wouldn't even need to do that.

Just as he was about to move in to see what was in there, an olive green eye stared at him. This was definitely a carnivore, but it wasn't a Tyrannosaurus or a Giganotosaurus. The creature kept it's gaze on him for a minute before turning away. Now that it was walking, he could see it far clearer now. It had a long snout, like a crocodile's. It has long arms with three claws, they were much more muscular than the ones on Genesis. And it had a long tail to support it's balance. It's main color was grey, the top of it's body, from the head to the tail was covered in a faded red, and a white stripe running down it's back.

It was such a bizarre sight to see. Daniel may not know much about dinosaurs but he had a hunch that whatever this thing was, Lewis might include it in the tournament or whatever it was he had planned.

The thing definitely looked like it could handle its own in a fight, but one wonders how effective it'll be.

Present Day (Biosyn Valley)

Genesis paid no mind to the helicopter that flew over him. It's just humans being humans, if they don't bother him he won't care for them.

He took a stroll through the forest. Not really caring about where he was going. He wasn't hungry, or anything. He was simply just bored. It's nice to be in a wide open space like this valley but to him, he had more to do back in the paddocks he was kept in. There are dinosaurs here, but Lewis has prevented him from hunting them. But for his own sake, he dares not to disobey that man. One could only assume what he might do to the Giganotosaurus if he finds out he killed one of these dinosaurs.

There was a shadow being casted above Genesis. He thought it was just another helicopter. But if it was it wouldn't be flapping it's wings would it?

Just another reason why Genesis doesn't like this place as much as he expected to. Not only does he have to deal with not being able to hunt. But also that he has a large number of neighbors.

A gigantic winged reptile was hovering around him. It looked similar to a Pteranodon but was far larger than one. It had a larger beak, and a larger wingspan the size of some planes. It's beak was yellow, it's eyes were a dull brown, it had an ocean blue colored crest on its head and on the back of it's head were black pycnofybers. It has a grey body and faded orange wings. It was a Quetzalcoatlus.

"Bonjour monsieur Giga." The massive flying reptile with in a feminine French accent.

"Screw off, will you, birdie?" Genesis rolled his eyes.

"I am not a bird. And it is Skya, espèce d'andouille." The winged reptile replied.

"What did you just say?" Genesis didn't threaten her. It's just that he couldn't understand what she was saying.

"You're a goof. A big giga sized goof is what you are." Skya smugly smirked.

Genesis growled. Killing her would be so easy. Too bad he can't and it's not just because Lewis is restricting him from doing so.

"You're lucky you can fly, brittle stick." Genesis hissed.

"Haha, you crack me up, Genny. Just know, you'll never get a bite on me, voisin." Skya laughed.

Similar to Mason the Mosasaurus, Skya was so big that she had a very carefree attitude. Unlike Mason however, she likes to taunt the land dwelling animals, mainly because they can't soar freely in the sky like she can.

"DO NOT call me that, you idiot!" Genesis snapped at her.

Skya flew back calmly, she was actually having fun with this since he wasn't picking up that she was just trying to make him mad for her own amusement. It's the only entertainment she can find in this part of the valley.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh la la, you're all teeth but little brain, no? Don't beat yourself up over it! We all know you Carnis barley have a brain to begin with."Skya giggled. Referring to all theropods as being just dumb hunters with singleminded goals.

"Looks like that beak is big for a number of reasons. Not just for catching fish. Motormouth." Genesis shot back.

"At least I don't have to wander around in all this green all day. Walkers like you always get tired everyday, while my feet don't even get used that much." Skya retorted.

Genesis couldn't believe the audacity of this Pterosaur. She thinks she's so mighty yet she's one of the most fragile looking animals in this valley. He wouldn't be surprised if a drop of sweat would kill her.

He was so focused on Skya that he didn't notice a second theropod entering the area, one who also hated having to live with this annoying flyer.

A stick was thrown at her, this actually made Genesis let out a small laugh. He doesn't laugh often since he concerns himself with more important things but he wouldn't be lying to himself if that wasn't hilarious.

"Que Diable?!" Skya turned to look at who threw that stick at her.

"So, found a new target hmm, pencil neck?" A red Giganotosaurus appeared.

Genesis shook his head. How on earth has he managed to avoid this guy for eight months. He never came across him once but that's mostly because he preferred to stay near the Biosyn HQ.

There's no way he was also brought here. Not only does he have to deal with this nuisance of a Pterosaur but why does he have to meet up again with somebody who he thought would stay lost in his past.

"It's Skya, you bouffon!" Skya shouted. But this time she wasn't being playful, she was actually angry.

"Pencil neck, Skya, I don't see no difference." The red Giga replied smugly.

"Daargh! I have no time for you, you annoying walker." Skya whined.

"Says the annoying flyer." The red Giga mocked.

"Va the faire voir!" Skya scoffed as she flew up. She didn't want any part of this discussion, it'll only tempt her to make a mistake.

"Heh, gets her everytime. It's fine when she annoys others but when dinos annoy her, she acts like a drama queen." The red Giga remarked.

Genesis narrowed his eyes onto the second Giga. The only thing that could be heard was the forest ambience and the sound of Skya flapping her wings as she left. After three damn years, this moron comes back into his life?

"Gideon..." Genesis growled.

"Huh, look what the cat dragged in. Lucky me, right?" Gideon turned around and headed to a watering hole.

His rival ran in front of him and blocked his path. Gideon wasn't even looking for trouble. It's not like he wanted to live in the same forest as Genesis.

"Outta my way, twerp. I'm thirsty. Not looking for another loss again."Gideon shoved him to the side.

"We're adults and you still call me that?" Genesis shot back.

"What else am I gonna call you? I don't worship you like those humans do." Gideon argued.

Worship? It's called respect. And they respect him for his strength. Gideon's probably just jealous he doesn't get that kind of attention. If at all. Wouldn't be too much for a surprise knowing him.

"At least you know your place, inso-" Genesis was cut off.

"Insolent worm, yadda yadda yadda. Nothing I haven't heard before." Gideon shrugged.

This was strange. After their seventh fight, he rarely insulted Genesis. Maybe it's because they're in a space in which they can't fight Gideon has taken his as an opportunity to make fun of his rival in any way he can.

Genesis let out a threatening roar. If he tries to have a go at him, he'll make sure to hide his corpse so that Lewis doesn't find out. He's been itching to kill him for years now. He just never found the right time to do it.

"A little old for tantrums, Gen." Gideon laughed.

"Stop calling me that." Genesis snapped.

"Then stop following me. Common sense, much?" Gideon replied.

He's getting bolder and bolder the more they talk. It's like being in a place like this is a good thing for Gideon. With how the rules in this place are, he can get away with insulting Genesis.

While his rival walked away, Genesis turned to the right and noticed something that was trying to ignore he was there.

Genesis' eyes widened. Was he looking at what he thinks he was? He thought that he and Gideon were the only ones. Not that he'd necessarily call Gideon a Giganotosaurus but he never thought he'd see someone like him ever again.

It was a third Giga. Although this one was only 15 years old. It had a yellowish green as it's main color and black stripes and spikes along with soft orange eyes.

The young Giga turned to look at Genesis. He was far bigger than her, which meant that if this goes wrong, it might end with her life ending.

"Scram, brat." Genesis threatened.

Even though he's surprised to see another Giga. All he really sees is more competition. Unless they can prove themselves to be worthy of his time, he won't even consider them as part of his species.

While she ran, the young Giga wondered why this big one was so aggressive towards its own kind. She's been observing him for a while now and he doesn't seem to get along with anyone at all. He almost seems like he'd pick a fight with anybody.

Once she got away from him she slowed down. All she needs now is a rest since she doesn't have much to do. But as she rested, she was being observed by someone else.

Near the trees was an animal that was calmly observing from afar. This thing didn't intend on hurting the adolescent female. It was merely curious.

This Giga was far more timid than the other two as far as this creature could tell. She was shy and didn't like being around anyone and preferred to be alone. Maybe that's why she picked such an isolated spot from the rest of the forest. Near a small cave bug enough for her to fit in.

"There's three now? Great, here's to hoping one of them is kind enough to leave me alone." Terry said to himself.

For the past eight months since he's gotten here, he's been keeping track on how many Gigas were in the valley. He's also been trying to understand what they are because they look much more natural than a typical hybrid. And they also resemble Carcharadontosaurus which is a dinosaur Terry is familiar with.

He also saw the conversation between Genesis and Gideon. If that's anything to go by then it must mean these dinos don't get along with their own kind which for Terry is quite a rarity. Even some of the bigger dinosaurs still didn't mind being with other members of their species. But these theropods seem to have the opposite mindset.

Terry just turned away, not wanting to attract any more attention than he already has. What he's been trying to find out is what how he's going to escape from here, he's tried to run to the edge of this area but it's guarded by wranglers. What can he really do now?

"Eh, I always find a way through these things. There's a hole in every wall. I just need to find where this place's hole is and I'm outta here. The sooner the better." Terry casually said.

Author's Notes:
Funny thing about this chapter was that it was supposed to be a book of its own, but I scrapped it. The next chapter will focus on that tournament thing in more detail. This chapter was meant to give Genesis a bit more buildup as an antagonist since Jurassic World Dominion didn't really give the Giganotosaurus too many scenes to be in. Also, there's a cameo from Daniel Espinoza who hasn't appeared since Ripper's Journey II. Yey.


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