The Time Key

By RottenprincessShura

1.3K 43 12

Mephisto needs superweapons to defeat Satan. Superweapons means a larger demonic family, a secret family. A n... More

Until Death Do We Part (Rin and Yukio)
Gentle/Demon (Rin and Yukio)
Turn Back Time (Rin and Yukio)
That Weird Kid.(Lewin Light)
F* Around and Find Out
That Horrid Girl
A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Right on Time?
Safe and Warm
The Baba Yaga
Daddy Issues
Trust and Betrayal Run Deep
Bad Parents
A Trick to Life
The Two Sides of Mephisto
The Balance Between Good and Evil
A Planned Chaos
Fashionably Late
Not on the List
A Hole in the Spacetime
Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #1
Love Game
Middle Game
Twins Run in the Family
When Time Stood Still
This Life is Perfect

Let Sleeping Demons Lie: Part #2

40 1 0
By RottenprincessShura

"Satan had the wrong person," Mephisto replied. "He should have tried wooing you. I think he might have survived."

"I almost died the first time he possessed me," Shiro scoffed. "And I did die the second time."

"Human death has many stages." Mephisto shrugged his shoulders. "But what if you changed from a caterpillar into a butterfly?"

"Mephisto, what are you trying to tell me." Shiro's voice was suspicious. "That my grave is empty?"

"Hmmm?" Mephisto smiled antagonistically. 

"Just tell me the truth."

"Shiro, I've told you enough, it's time for me to  show you. Can you assist me?"

Curious, the Paladin went to Mephisto's side and lifted the weak demon to his feet. As Shiro held his pale hands, they transformed in size, becoming solid and familiar. They were his own hands!

Shiro blinked his eyes and Mephisto disappeared, replaced by a slightly older version of himself.

"Are you happy now?" Shiro/Meph grumbled. "You shot us. Nice aim, though."

Shiro's mouth hung open; he was rendered speechless.

"That's...that's impossible." He finally stuttered. "This is a fucking trick!!"

"Listen, Champ." The man broke into a crooked grin. "You gotta a lot to learn. You need to trust Mephisto. Yeah, he's got an evil side, but so do you. You gotta learn empathy, love, and curb that  explosive temper."

"So, Mephisto possessed you?" Shiro was incredulous. "You teamed up with a demon?"

"He is my companion." Shiro/Meph shrugged his shoulders. "That's until we tame Satan. But it'll be a long time until you're ready."

"I'm going to become Satan?"

"Nah, you're a fucking demon eater." Meph/Shiro replied. "Satan will always be in your head, but you will become the new ruler of Hell."

Shiro was infinitely troubled. Did that mean, he was doomed to an eternity of loneliness?

"Only if you choose to be alone." Meph/Shiro read his mind. "Evil is a choice...not an absolute. If you are in charge of hell, anything is possible.'

"So, I become Satan, Lewin becomes Azazel."

Shiro continued to think, and became even more curious.

"What about Shura?" Shiro questioned. "Is that why Mephisto wants her? Is she gonna become the new Time King?"

"I don't know the answer to that."

"Are you telling me, he's just playing her for kicks?" Shiro accused. "How can I turn a blind eye to that!? He hurt her, and did it to make me jealous."

"Well, Mephisto's not cheating on you..." Shiro/Meph scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "And she's not hurt...far from it."

"Does that mean you're both sleeping with her!?"

"There is no 'we," there is just one."

Shiro felt sweat dripping down his neck, in realization. He shivered involuntarily.

"Hey, don't be afraid." Meph/Shiro chuckled. "True, you give up your autonomy, but what you learn and experience is well worth the trade-off."

"No," Shiro whispered. "I don't think it is."

"Think about this, then." Meph/Shiro queried. "This partnership will give you a second chance. A second chance for Yuri, Rin and Yukio to live long happy lives."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because I've seen it."

Suddenly, Shiro/Meph groaned, morphing back into the frail form of Mephisto. The demon weakened from the transition, slid backward toward the floor. Luckily, Shiro was there and caught him.

"Mephisto," Shiro whispered urgently, "What do you want me to do?"

"Please, put me back in bed."

"Is it true?" Shiro questioned urgently. "Can Yuri be saved?"

"It is indeed possible." Mephisto nodded. "But only if you are up for the responsibility."

"I would do anything for Yuri."

Shiro tucked Mephisto under the blankets, placing a concerned hand on his pallid forehead.

"Do you understand, now?" The demon smiled weakly. "What your task will be?"

The Paladin nodded solemnly.

"Go home, back to your own time." Mephisto whispered. "And I will guide you through what follows. If you show empathy to Satan, I can promise you years of happiness with your family."

"Can this hell really be undone?"

"Yes, Shiro, nothing in time is written in stone..." The demon asserted. "But the time has come for you to make your leave."

"Can I see Rin?"

"I believe he already came to see you in the past." Mephisto smiled. "He recovers, quite nicely, white hair and all."

Shiro nodded, taking the Kamakushi key from his pocket. He walked toward the balcony doors and inserted the key into the lock. Shiro turned one last time to address Mephisto.

"I'm sorry, my friend. I should have trusted you."

"All that matters is that I have your trust now."

"For now and forever."

Seconds later, Shiro was gone.


The guards gave Shura a blue key. It went directly from True Cross to Mephisto's  gilded palace. She made her way quickly up the hall to Mephisto's bedroom. When she reached for the doorknob, Belial confronted her.  

"My master is in the guest bedroom." Belial announced. "His personal quarters are currently indisposed, please come with me."

"Um, okay?"Shura furrowed her brows. "Why is that?"

"He has another guest." Belial responded. "A young exorcist recovering from a harrowing ordeal. True Cross Hospital was short on beds and the Master offered to take him in."

"That's weird, Mephisto just offered to let a stranger sleep in his bed?"

"The room has special safeguards to keep this exorcist safe." Belial explained. "He has abilities that are difficult to control, and quite a strong temptaint."

Belial gently guided her away and up the long, narrow  hallway.

He opened an identical door; "The master is expecting you, in here." 

"Thank you Belial."

As she entered, Shura surveyed her surroundings. The room was a carbon copy of Mephisto's actual room. 

In the centre of the room the demon slept, surrounded by a mountain of stuffed animals and anime characters.

"Wow, this fucking weird." She whispered. "It's like deja vu."

Shura sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to wake him. 

Mephisto looked so thin and weak, his body frail. The demon differed greatly from the robust and virile creature that held her this morning.

"Lady Kirigakure." He whispered, cracking open a green eye. "It is good to see you here."

The demon drew back his quilt.

"I'm freezing. Could you get a bit closer?"

"Listen, I need to talk to you." She confided nervously, "Yukio is in trouble, I don't want the Grigori to find out--"

"I take it you saw his eyes?" The demon chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I've sent Yukio on a journey of self-discovery, and Rin, well, he's been carefully hidden. The time has come for you to stop mentoring them and to start worrying about yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I need you healthy and ready to fight. You are my warrior, after all."

"Where will I sleep." She answered with a slight smirk. "I've heard, you've got other guests."

"I think this enormous bed next to me will do."

"Mephisto..." She stood, walking toward the window, gesturing to the burning carnage just beyond the glass. "The entire city is on fire, and you want me to relax?"

"I have everything under control; you must trust me." He smiled. "Besides, it's freezing here, and I need your heat to help me heal. Come back over here."

"Is that my assignment, boss?" Shura joked. "To light you on fire before the world ends?"

"No, I need you." He beckoned, his voice silky and seductive. "I need  you more than the world itself."

"Heh." Shura's face reddened. "That was almost romantic sounding. You don't have to pretend for my sake."

The demon snapped his fingers, and without warning, Shura felt a gust of wind around her body, seconds later she suspended over Mephisto's bed. She tried to wiggle free, but the air held her like a vice.

"Romance?" He laughed incredulously. "Don't even go there; that insults my demon heart."

"Oh...okay." She stammered. "So yer forcing me into your bed?"

"I can do whatever I want." He answered haughtily. "And you are taking too damn long."

"You said I had free will."

"Shura Kirigakure, I will not beg."

The demon snapped his fingers once again, and Shura found herself stark naked. Mephisto suddenly released her, and with a bark of surprise, she fell unceremoniously next to him.

"Be a dear, and wrap your arms around me." His voice was now silky smooth. "I'm soooo cold."

"I should be kicking your ass." She griped, winding her arms around his chest. "You domineering prick, how dare you?"

'I'm sorry, I had to be so forceful." He sighed, gently kissing her wrist. "I've overextended myself and need to ask an enormous favour. It will help ease my pain."

Shura's body tensed beside him.

"What kinda favour?"

"Can I borrow some of my blood back?"

"Huh," Shura laughed. "How do you plan on doing tha ----ARRRGHHH!!"

Biting hard into Shura's wrist, Mephisto opened her vein and drank greedily.

"HEY!!! Let go, vampire!!!"

Shura felt increasingly light-headed as Mephisto fed on her life force, soon black spots invaded her vision.

"Uh...Mephisto!!" She gasped. "I need some of that!!"

"What!? Oh, sorry!" He released her abruptly. 

He smiled with delight and laughed giddily.

"Oh, finally, that dreadful headache is gone!"

"Speak for yerself!" Shura panted, slapping a hand over her eyes. "I'm half-dead over here!"

"Shura, are you passing out!?"

Mephisto rolled her onto her back, elevating her legs under a pillow.

"You just tried to eat me!"

"I did not. We're connected; I needed to borrow some of blood back. Besides, I barely took any!" He kissed her wrist, sealing the injury. "Why are you so weak? Did you not eat lunch today?"

"Of course I didn't!" Shura growled. "I was running around like a headless fucking chicken. I was doing your job while you were here, sleeping in bed!!!"

"Well, boo-hoo!" He griped in response. "I got shot in the head!!"

"Don't give me yer shit," Shura pointed an accusing finger. "You let that bullet hit you!"

Mephisto tried to keep his expression severe but failed miserably. He broke into a guilty grin.

"Okay, fine." He laughed. "You got me. I even picked out the bullet."

"So," Shura folded her arms. "Who's plot line are you trying to push? Shiro's or Yukio's."

"Everyone's basically." He pursed his lips thoughtfully. "The boys needed a catalyst to go on fact-finding missions. And Shiro needed to start collaborating and stop being such an annoying variant."

"Whatever the hell "variant" means." She sighed in resignation. "What about me?"

"Well, You've suffered terribly in my absence. I will make it up to you."

The demon rolled on top of her, untying his robe. As his naked flesh touched hers, she felt an undeniable hardness pressing between her thighs.

"Whoa, seriously?" She raised an eyebrow. "You stole my energy for this?"

"I'm hurt," He defended. "Not dead."

"But I'm not exactly in the mood." She answered wanly. "Today was exhausting, and I feel like a zombie. Besides, I'm still pissed at you."

"Ugh, whatever for?"

"My entire shitty day, Shiro, the end of the world...take yer pick."

"Well, I think some well-executed foreplay will curb your foul mood," He grinned winningly. "Darling, can I show you a little demon trick?"

"There is nothing you can do to turn me on."

"Ohhh, darling, I love challenges!!"

"Fine, show me something."

The demon snapped his fingers.

Shura cried out as a wave of pleasure wracked her body. She trembled, moaning with a sudden unholy urgency. It was like her body was on fire, cranked to 350 degrees.

"Shura do it." He ordered. "Take what you want."

 Arching against him like a taut bow, Shura forced Mephisto inside of her. The demon dug his claws into her ass, pushing until he filled every inch she could offer.

"Oh, look! I win." He kissed her mouth hungrily. "You wanton little beast."

"Are you possessing me!?" She gasped, "I'm on fire, make it stop!"


The demon snapped his fingers again, and Shura bucked uncontrollably, wrapping her legs around his narrow hips.

"I'm going to make you hurt so good."

"Ohhhhh!! Mephisto!" She cried as waves of pleasure shivered through her. "I'm already there!"

Mephisto felt her sheath quivering around him; he bit his lip, fighting hard to stifle an inhuman, demonic snarl.

"I not finished," He slid teasingly within her. 

"Holy Christ, Mephisto!" She shouted in desperation. "Hurry up and fuck me!"

"Yes, my lady." His voice shuttered. "Whatever you wish. For as long as you wish."


Mephisto cracked an eye, watching Shura's chest rise and fall as she quietly slept. He mused; Shura didn't know she'd lost their bet and was now his Champion.

Shiro had kissed Shura; it was true love's first kiss.

It happened under the mistletoe, to be exact.

Yes, she had kissed Mephisto. But that was simply semantics; Mephisto and Shiro were one in the same. When Shura accepted his choice, she did so unwittingly, but it happened, regardless.

 Mephisto, of course, wasn't afraid of cheating to get what he wanted; it was a demon's game, after all. In a week's time Shura would face her biggest challenges, and he would watch with delight as she won.

"Mephisto..." Shura grumbled sleepily. "Are you scheming over there?"

"Of course, I'm scheming Darling." He asserted. "That's my nature; just be lucky I'm on your side."

"Heh," Shura smirked, pulling the blanket over her head. "Rigggght."

Mephisto swung his legs out of bed, and donned a clean robe. It was time to deal with his other houseguest up the hall.

The newly reborn Rin Okumura.

He had another version of the Kamakushi Key, and it was time to put his next player on the chessboard.


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