Middle Game

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Shiro sighed heavily and leaned against the monastery wall. He had to prepare for the end, and his tasks weighed heavily against his soul.

Shura had been the worst.

He asked her to teach Rin to use his demon sword and to keep an eye on Yukio. Shura, of course, didn't put up with his shit. She told him to go to hell, and he could feel her pain, her torment. And her suffering at his hands was only beginning. He had every faith in her heart, her ability. She was the only woman alive who could bring balance to this story, to see the timeline to the end. But what happened to her at the end? Would she forget about all of this? Forget about him? Would she ever find true love and have a family of her own? Or would Mephisto continue to control her in the next life as well?

"Father Fujimoto," A monk tapped him on the shoulder. "You have a visitor."

"I know." Shiro sighed. "We've got some last-minute details to iron out."

"Is everything alright, father?" The monk inquired.

"Yeah, listen." Shiro handed the monk a list from his pocket. "Rin needs some things for school. Could you pick'em up for me?"

"Rin's going to school?"

"Yeah, he starts at True Cross in two days." Shiro chuckled. "My "visitor" got him enrolled into a special class for hard-to-handle delinquents."

"Understood; I hope he knows what he's doing."

"So do I."


Mephisto watched the cloaked figure enter the room with both anticipation and misgiving. Were they truly ready for this? Could he even control the strong-willed Shiro?

"I know why you're here."

"Satan is gathering in strength-"Mephisto began.

"-And Rin's demonic powers are waking up." Shiro finished. "Even if we were able to keep them a secret or suppress them, other demons can still sense his pedigree."

"Unfortunately, yes." Mephisto shrugged his shoulders, sinking into a wooden chair. "The boy's potential rivals the other Kings, and we sense a strong family member. Astaroth has been sniffing around, which does not bode well for Rin."

"I think it'll be today," Shiro announced pensively. "I can feel Satan watching and waiting."

"It will be," Mephisto answered softly. "And I need you to be entirely ready. Please, take this."

"What is it?" Shiro took a small glowing vial from the demon's hands.

"It's an elixir created by Neuhaus," Mephisto explained. "It will help you accept me."

"But can you handle my personality?" The paladin grinned crookedly. "How hard is this transition on you?"

"I will be tired." He admitted. "But I have time on my side. Once it's finished, we will rest for as long as it takes."

"So..." Shiro scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "What happens when I wake up?"

"You mean when we wake up." Mephisto smiled. "You will look in the mirror, and nothing will change. When I look in the mirror, I will see me. The rest of the world sees me."

"If the boys ever found out, they'd hate me for this."

"They will understand when they are old enough," Mephisto responded without a hint of regret. "Without your brave actions today, none of us have a happy ending."

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