The Baba Yaga

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January 1998

Mephisto called Shiro with a very important assignment. The exorcist entered the Directors office and approached his desk.

"Why do I need to do this one." Shiro griped. "Lake Towada is in the middle of fucking nowhere."

"It's a tourist town headed into winter." Mephisto tossed him a scarf and a pair of gloves. "Dress warm. It won't be comfortable."

"Can't some second-class nobody do this gig?" Shiro growled. "This is hardly a job for me."

"I need it to be you." Mephisto shrugged his shoulders. "It's a very precocious Baba Yaga, and proven hard to catch. Not one team from the Order has been able to silence the little beast."

"What's so special about it?"

"It can wield a demon sword." Mephisto smiled, knowing that tidbit would pique Shiro's interest. "They say it's the Fang of the mighty Hachiro."

"You mean, that gigantic lake serpent?" Shiro thought intently. "He's a big deal."

"Indeed." Mephisto nodded. "It would be quite a notch on your belt."

"I'll say," Shiro laughed. "Imagine all the chicks I'd get, if I took down a giant hydra? I'd be the talk of the entire Order. Baba Yaga be damned."

"You best get going." Mephisto urged. "There are no key portals out there, you will need to take the bullet train."

"Who's payin' for that?"

Mephisto groaned in aggravation and opened his wallet. He handed Shiro his credit card.

"You can also buy the Baba Yaga lunch with this."

Shiro stared at him dumbfounded.

"I mean..." Mephisto backtracked quickly. "If you don't murder it, in a blaze of glory, dripping with machismo."

Shiro snatched the card out of Mephisto's fingers and stomped toward the exit.

"I'm buying myself a steak and a round of drinks with this, just so you know."

"If you do that," Mephisto threatened with a laugh. "You'll be sifting demon shit in the Himalayas, with a team of demon-loving outcasts."

Shiro threw his head back and laughed.

Mephisto was probably joking, but he'd be sure to test the theory.


The Entire Mission was Wretched.

Mephisto set him up, that tricky fuck!

Shiro butted out his smoke as he boarded the bullet train from Amori to Kyoto. Following closely next to him, was a filthy, street-rat child. The kid had been the one that saved both their lives. Hachiro had only allowed Shiro to leave, if he agreed to a betrothal. When the Baba Yaga was of age, they would produce Hachiro's future champion ninja.

Of course, it was never going to happen! The kid was only seven!!!

Shiro would be ancient by the time this kid was an adult!!

He slung his body into one of the train seats, scruffing the child up next to him. As soon as the train began to move, a hot gust of air blew from the vents. The girl held her hands up to the warmth with awestruck gratefulness.

The paperwork for this assignment was going to suck.

Shiro groaned with inward realization.

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