F* Around and Find Out

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After an interrogation by the Grigori followed by a mountain of official forms, Shiro knew he had to talk to that meddling demon. This was all his fault!

Shiro stormed into Mephisto's office, slamming the door with an explosive kick. Within seconds he held the fragile creature, shaking him violently by the neck.

"You bastard!!!"

"Now, now, Shiro." Mephisto grinned sheepishly. "Remember, Satan can see everything you do."

"I don't care!" He raged. "I don't give a shit!!"

"You will if harm comes to your children."

Rin and Yukio. 

Shiro felt fear grip his heart. If he didn't control himself, Satan would know everything!

Shiro dropped the demon instantly, giving Mephisto his back. "Dammit!!"

"If you mind your emotions, the devil can't see or hear us." Mephisto demurred. "Calm yourself."

Shiro took a deep and aggrieved breath and began pacing the room.

"Shiro-pon," Mephisto asked knowingly. "Is something on your mind?"

"You know damn well!!! He's my son, isn't he?"

"Who?" Mephisto asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me!" Shiro pointed an accusatory finger. "That weird kid, he's mine!"

"Oh? You mean Lightning?" Mephisto smiled widely. "Why yes, he is."

"Fuck!!!" Shiro slammed a fist on the desk, causing Mephisto to jump. "When did it happen?"

"My goodness, it's pretty bad that you don't remember." Mephisto bit back a laugh. "But fine, I'll jog your memory. One night when you were the same age as your son--.you walked into the True Cross Cantina with a fake I.D."

"Yeah, and..."

"And...you had your way with a lady of the evening."

Shiro paused. He remembered her, but barely---

"As I recall, you were quite inebriated," Mephisto continued. "And the woman was both willing and knowledgable. A good partner for your first time."

His first time!?

"You set me up!!" Shiro's jaw dropped. "You knew I'd get that woman pregnant."

"Shiiiro....." Mephisto leaned on his hand coyly. "I knew no such thing. But as part of your demon contract with me, you asked for specific things. I recall it was money, fame and voluptuous women. So, I did what any demon ward would do. I called an escort service."

"You hired a hooker!!!"

"It was no easy task! I had to use an alias and buy a burner phone." Mephisto winced. "I am the director of a prestigious and very religious school, after all."

"Whatever.  This makes Lightning's birth your  fault."

"How is he my fault!" Mephisto answered with petulant ire. "I thought for sure someone so well-versed with sexual acts, detailed through years of reading trashy porn magazines,  would have been on top of everything related to sexual protection..."


"Condoms, you fool."

"It happened so fast that I--"

"--Was so horny, you didn't even think about it." Mephisto laughed. "My, my, did you even know her name...?"

"Of course I did...it was...." Shiro drew a blank.

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