Daddy Issues

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Mephisto hummed to himself, regarding his elfin features in a seven-foot standing mirror. He rubbed lotion on his soft, pale skin, inspecting its surface. He concluded he was still beautiful, all except for one large bruise on his collarbone. Mephisto traced his finger over the mottled flesh, using his magic to hide it.

He wouldn't let Shura see him like this, see his weakness. Humans seldom had sympathy for demons; that was just the way of their kind.

Besides, it was Mephisto's job to concoct the perfect fantasy and be the one to trap his victim. He crossed the room to a pewter wine bucket, removing the bottle from the ice. He poured himself a long, delicate flute.

Yes, his lady would be here soon, and she'd forget all about the past and focus on the future.

The future they would have together.

The door to his closet creaked open, signalling her arrival. He turned to greet her, only to be grabbed harshly by the neck.

"Eek!" Mephisto squeaked as his glass smashed to the floor.

"I have more questions!" Lightning announced with a disconcerting seriousness. "And you better answer them!"

"You're cockblocking me!" Mephisto hissed. "I was on a date. What the fuck do you want!?"

"What are your plans for Shura?" Lightning accused. "Were you going to seduce her?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Mephisto snarked. "We were going to watch movies and play Twister."

"Twister?" Lewin laughed harshly. "I bet you were!"

Lightning then saw the Twister mat laid out on the floor. Mephisto smiled antagonistically.

The exorcist couldn't tell if the game had been there the entire time or if the demon had stopped time just to troll him.

"Where's Miss Kirigakure?" Mephisto demurred. "Was she hurt?"

"No, we already played Twister!"

Mephisto smirked knowingly at the bruises on Lewin's neck.

"I see my champion won." Mephisto winked. "Thank goodness she's without demon powers. She might have gotten the better of you."

Lightning crossed his arms in dismay.

"Will you answer my questions?"

"What questions could you possibly have?"

"You have a birthmark; I want to see it."

"A what?" Mephisto was taken aback. "I do not."

"I want proof."

"Surely you don't want to see me naked again."

Lightning slipped Mephisto's sash from his kimono, and the fabric fell into a puddle of silk. Lewin studied the demon's body and found what he sought."

"There it is!" He shouted.

"Release me, you pervert!" Mephisto ordered. He snapped his fingers and disappeared. With a poof of purple smoke, he rematerialized across the room. The demon snatched another robe off a chair to preserve his modesty.

"When were you going to tell me!!" Lightning growled.

"Tell you what?"

"That you're my father!"

Mephisto paused, a slow grin sliding across his features.

"How do you know that?"

"Our bodies look the same!!!"

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