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Shura joined Rin, Yukio and the other exwires at the Christmas party. She felt a warmth deep in her chest when she saw their sweet, youthful faces. She knew she made the right choice. Rin and Yukio felt like Shura's own kids. Regardless of what would happen, she'd never abandon them.

"How did your marriage hunting party go?" Yukio asked without a hint of interest. "Did you find the man of your dreams?"

"Nah." Shura smiled wistfully. "I was so fucking bored, you have no idea. But I've learned a lot about myself in the last few days. Maybe my life is going in another direction, and I'm at peace with it."

"What did you learn?" Yukio pushed his glasses up on his nose.

"That I care about you little turds." She ruffled Yukio and Rin's hair. "Even though yer pains in my arsehole."

"Seriously?" Rin's happy grin fell. "Is it a sharp pain or a constant pain?"

"A pain that keeps me alert, that's for sure." Shura laughed good-naturedly.

She reached out and hugged the boys with genuine affection. "I wouldn't have it any other way; I'm glad I got to know ya."

"You're acting like you haven't seen us since forever." Rin joked. "It's only been two days."

"Yeah," She sighed. "Don't worry about it. I get a bit emotional at Christmas."

"Shura," Yukio questioned. "Is everything alright?"

"Ya, ya. Of course it is." She patted Yukio on the shoulder. "I've never been better."

Shura left the boys' side, fixing a dinner plate at the buffet table. Yukio was suddenly next to her, serving himself a piece of cake. He eyed Shura with suspicion.

"You seem different." He spoke with lowered tones. "I've noticed you've been spending more time with Sir Pheles."

"Yer imagining things."

"No, I'm not. He's sticking to your side like glue."

"I'll tell you what's up with me." She whispered in his ear. "When you tell me what's up with you. I know something's wrong. I wish you'd just open up."

"I'm perfectly fine." Yukio lied.

"I don't believe you...."

"GUTEN ABEND!!!" Mephisto appeared in a poof of purple smoke, interrupting their conversation. "How are my little monsters tonight?"

"Awww...who invited Mephisto?" Rin whined. "He's gonna eat all the good stuff."

"Mind your tongue, Son of Satan!" Mephisto snatched a plate from the table before adding. "Where is the good stuff, anyway? I'm famished."

"There's some beef hotpot left." Rin offered with a sigh. "But you'd have to split it with Shura."

"That's fine." Mephisto winked at her. "I don't mind sharing things with Shura; as a matter of fact, I'd love to share everything with her.."

Shura's face reddened as the demon spooned the food onto her plate. Yukio crossed his arms and openly scowled, much to Mephisto's delight.

"Hey, don't forget about ME." Lightning barged unexpectedly through the main doors. "I like beefy things."

The demon frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect you at a kid's party," Mephisto remarked, scraping a portion of beef and rice onto another plate.

"My dance card was empty." Lightning laughed. "Thanks for the food; I didn't know you cared."

"I don't."

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