Toddlers Until Teenagers

By bookwormorwhatever

88.6K 2.9K 970

"Jenna, " she started off. "Remember Alex? Your best friend?" She paused. Tingles fell through my body. Alex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 24

1.2K 48 17
By bookwormorwhatever

Evelyn's POV

I curl up and sniffle, wrapping the dark blue blanket around my legs. I think I'm so sick right now, and yesterday's night flashbacks are so it helping. Oh my god, I feel so cold right now even though it's like, what, 60 degrees? I go over to my central AC and turn it off, feeling a tiny bit better.

I sulk at the walls as I return to my little area, with my blanket, a couple of CDS, a TV, a sofa, and a bunch of tissues everywhere. I don't believe that I broke up with Ben. I can't believe my life right now. All this promises, every single lingering kiss, every whisper, every night, every day, was it all fake? He never loved me. He was always head over heels for Jenna.

And I can't believe my own friend cheated on her boyfriend and broke my trust! I never even realized, I was so dumb! I should've realized earlier that Ben and Jenna were goggly eyes at each other so I didn't waste my time on that girl, and neither on Ben! Of course Ben can get any girl he wants. He's a damn lifeguard with abs and blonde hair! What else do girls want?!

But I wanted his personality, I wanted him because of his funny attitude and everything else, beyond that. Because for me , I believe in love that colour, race, weight, age, or appearance does not and should not come in between. But that is only if you love someone with your heart.

That isn't the case in my life.

Just then, I hear a faint knock at my door. I look through the peephole to see Alex, and I let him in. "Hey, Lynn." He bluntly says, before entering and looking around my messy apartment.

"What the f*ck happened here?" He turns to me, his blue eyes wondering and confused. I laugh darkly and plop into the sofa, simply looking back at his confused features.

"Nothing." I reply in a duh voice.

"What's wrong with you, Evelyn? Your apartment is messed up." He states, clearly as if it's the worst and most unlikely thing that could ever happen.

"Well, my whole life is turned upside down. That's simply what's wrong with me." I remark, hurt covering my features. Oh do not cry, do not cry, Lynn, don't cry again or else you'll never stop.

I feel protective arms around me. I look up to see Alex hugging me, so I hug him back. "It's ok, Lynn. I don't know why they both left us but I think clearly they aren't worth it, so don't mourn about them."

"Are you- are you sure?" I sniffle, looking up at him and letting a tear run down my face. He doesn't look at me, he's looking out the window at the sorrowful weather, the wet streets and sticky air and grey clouds.

He doesn't reply to me.


Alex's POV

I rummage through the closet, looking at each and every outfit of Jenna's. She.. She lied to me, she's actually in love with Ben! And God knows where they are and what they're doing! Suddenly, anger builds up inside my chest.

Then I lie down and think about the days earlier, before all of this happened. Before my mom died. My mind suddenly hurts, and then one name is lingering on my lips : "Liana!"

Before I know it, I'm up and out of this hotel, driving faster than ever towards the hospital my mom died in and which hides a small and frail girl, whose trapped and scared, who actually loves me. Liana.

Oh god, should I be thinking these thoughts? No I shouldn't. Maybe Jenna.. Shut up, Jenna isn't worth your life, your love, she's gone! She's out of your dumb life and she can't return because she has another lover, another boy, a boy who was my best friend, a boy called Ben.

I enter the cool aired hospital and flashbacks run around in my brain as I reach the hallway in which me and Jenna used to eat Tim Hortons and everyday wish that my mom would get better. I pass by the room that my mom died in, and I stop dead in my tracks as I see another lady there, her back to me. Before I know it, I've knocked on the door and someone has said'come in' and I've entered.

The woman turns around and I almost scream. It's mom! It's really mom! She's alive, her face is tired, her eyes are tired, but despite her appearance and her white hospital gown, she's alive! I run towards her with open arms as she smiles at me, saying "My baby boy." She opens her arms and I start going toward her arms but another man whooshes past me and hugs the woman.

Suddenly I realize that it's not her. Suddenly I realize that isn't my mom, it's a look alike. Suddenly I realize, my moms dead.

And she'll never come back.

This thought enough is to keep me sobbing as I collapse into the blue chairs in the hallway, and no one notices. The man is still hugging his mom and a bunch of other kids push past me and run into the room, slamming the door. Cheers of happiness pour through and everything is so joyful for that family, for the mom and her kids.

I can't believe that my mom is dead, she'll never return, she'll stay dead. She'll never hug me or kiss me or play video games with me, she will never ever be there and feed me cookies, and scold me, and help me, and teach me how to garden.

She's gone and I can't believe it. Just then I see Liana looking gorgeous as ever. Her eyes find mine and she almost trips, running toward me with open arms. Her head is bandaged, but she's still strong.

I instantly wrap my arms back around her and feel her warmth that I've missed so much. "Liana, I've missed you."

"Me too. Please take me away." She whispers.

"You're discharged?" I ask. I don't know what I'm doing but all I know is that Liana needs me right now.

"Yes, but my brothers will be back anytime. We have to hurry, Alex." She warns. And then I take her hand and lead her away from the hospital, as we rush down the elevator and into the parking lot, into my car, and we zoom off.

"Liana are you sure.. You should be doing this? You know you have some memory loss and all-" I start.

"I'm positive. And what I've lost, I remember now." I almost choke on my saliva once she says this. Wait so if she remembers that I left her, why is she running back to me and hugging me?

"Liana, are you mad at me?" Or are you just using me right now?

"No, I'm not , I've thought about it. I think.." She stops to choose the right words. "I think you've changed a lot. And I think you've changed as in a good change. Maybe another chance. Since , you do know that.." We skid into the parking lot, and I park the car.

"I do know what?" I ask her, pleading her to continue as her sweet breath comes out of her pink lips. Her big green eyes shine in delight.

"That I wanna start over with you." And then before I know it, her lips are on mine. They're moving softly and gently, and I'm not sure if I should kiss back.

But she's what I need right now. I needed a hug at the hospital and she came running. Maybe it's fate that brought us two back together. She didn't leave me, she never cheated on me. She gave me another chance. Maybe she is the one.

I hug her a bit and quickly pull away, opening the door. I don't know what stopped me from kissing her but I don't really care, something feels completely wrong about it and I won't do what my heart says that's wrong. Even though I'm most cases my hearts thoughts are shoved back.

We enter the hotel and the elevator, and we reach my floor, open the door, and I rush into the bathroom right away. I can't stand it, anymore, I don't even know why I have brought Liana here.. Maybe because she was actually there for me when I needed someone most?

But , I can't help thinking of Jenna. Where would she be now, would she be okay... I bet she's with Ben, and the thought makes me shudder and glare at my reflection in anger. "Argh." I groan and then wash my face, coming out of the bathroom. Liana is sitting on the armchair near the window and staring out. "So where's Jenna?" She asks, turning toward me.

Her green eyes motion me to tell her an do slowly suck in a breath, sighing deeply afterward. After my exaggeration, I ️finally speak up. "Jenna was cheating on me, she left, we're not together anymore.. At least think so."

"Oh, wow. " her eyebrows raise. If she actually loves me then she would've happy since this would be a very good chance for her; her little enemy is wiped out of the way. "Yeah."

"Listen, Alex, I know there's been a lot going on in between us and everything, but I've realized now.. That I may not love you the same way I did when we were younger, when you.. You used me." She chokes back tears and continues. "So, that's all over and I don't want to recall that. All I want to say is, I wanna start fresh and be your friend. I know you need one right now so have me. "

"Not as boyfriend and all, just friends. Since I can see in your eyes that you're broken, but I'll help you be fixed. Because I know how it feels to be broken. I know how it feels to lose everything and to be alone. "

"I'll help you get back Jennifer." She concluded and my heart pangs.

"I'm the reason why you were alone and broken, I shouldn't have left you, I'm so mean I'm so stupid-" i get cut off by Liana.

"Shh." She says.

"Why would you help me?" I ask her, and her truthful green eyes gaze into my eyes as she answers my question.

"Honestly, after you left me and all, I would never want to come back to you again. I was so depressed and I was alone! I and no one and absolutely no support as I got kicked out by my brothers. But despite all, I still feel pity for you and I think we might need to start fresh and new." She answers and her deep preach makes me just nod.

"That kiss? In the car?" I question.

"I don't know what was wrong with me. But now I've thought about it." She smiles at me.

"You can stay with me as long as you want. I know you need shelter and you know I need someone."

"Deal?" I ask.

"Deal." She nods.


We change rooms into the one beside , and it's a suite. Honestly I don't feel comfortable sleeping with her so a new room was necessary. I feel a bit comfortable after her explanations and she actually is becoming a good and better friend to me.

Our deal is clasped in between us and I hope I get some support and she gets some shelter, because she is actually loyal to me. She had called her brothers and told them that she safe and they had actually tracked us down but then they thought it was safe for her to stay with me, since they stayed with us too in the suite.

So much in one day. I'm living with my ex and my ex's older brother. It's very panicking indeed but what else have I got? Besides, they're kind of nicer.

As soon as my damp head hits the soft pillow, I' m off to sleep.


"Good morning," Liana greets me the next day as she is dressed in a long night gown and is pouring herself some cereal. Her brother is sitting round and watching tv. He's literally invisible However when you look at his intimidating and daring eyes you have to look away. And they are in a loss of money since they hospital charges were a lot, so these two will stay with me. David and Liana.

"Morning," I reply back and eat my toast and juice, then hurry over to my room and slump onto the bed. What to do today? I can't help but stare at the selfies of Jenna on my phone, and I realize how much I actually miss her.

No way!!!

She's like with Ben which surprised me the most! My best friend. Could fall down and for a girl he's known for a couple of weeks, maybe a month. He would actually leave and Evelyn? He would turn out to be.. Not the loyal one?

How could life be so cruel?


Sorry for the later update! The thing is, I'm writing this new book from pizzaqueenof2015 's ideas, and I'm really excited for it.. It's called Playing The Player. The first chapter is posted up and please do comment, vote and read! Thank you guys so much I love you💘


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