The Traveller

By Firehedgehog

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The Multiverse died. It shook. It wailed. Everything died lost to the endless void. Two survived changed, now... More

Prologue: We Watched it Die
Chapter One: White Error's
Chapter Two: Meetings and Libraries
Chapter Three: Dream a Potter
Chapter Four: Here be Dragons
Chapter Five: Fated
Chapter Six: In The Dark
Interlude: Its the end as you know it
Chapter Seven: Cycle of a curse
Chapter Eight: Blotchless
Chapter Nine: You are Error... no not you
Chapter Ten: Blotchless Return
Chapter Eleven: Eat me Break me Take My soul
Chapter Twelve: Who would care
Chapter Thirteen: Return of Dragons
Chapter Fourteen: Bug
Chapter Fifteen: Finality
Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part One
Chapter Sixteen: A matter of falling Part Two
Chapter Seventeen: A Child among Monsters
Chapter Eighteen: Bittersweet
Chapter Nineteen: Mangled Dustberry
Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 1
Chapter Twenty: A Fox In Strings Part 2
Chapter twenty-One: Those that Return
Chapter twenty-two: Trollish Visits
Chapter Twenty-Three: Return to Eat me Break me Take My soul
Chapter Twenty-Four: Traveller's fall
Chapter Twenty-Five: The End's Destroyer
Interlude: Fragments
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Puppet the Mask hides
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Insurgence
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Oh little Dragon child
Interlude: Multiverse Forgotten
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Keep Doctor's away
Chapter Thirty: Memoir
Chapter Thirty-One: A bit of help
Chapter Thirty-Two: More then One type of Traveller
Chapter Thirty-Three: Awakening
Chapter Thirty-Four: Up to Karma
Interlude: Maybe time for a break...
Chapter Thirty-Five: Karma
Interlude: More Fragments
Chapter Thirty-Six: Stories Lost
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lets never ever talk about this EVER!
What if: Lets never ever talk about this EVER!
Chapter Thirty-eight: A Soul Indeed
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Breath of Choice
Chapter Forty: Titan
Interlude: Storm
Chapter Forty-One: to Heal
Chapter Forty-two: Memories of Yesterday Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: Memories of Yesterday Part Two
Interlude: Spite
Chapter Forty-Three: Scenic Banter
Chapter Forty-Four: Purrr
Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Two
Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing Part Three
Chapter Forty-Six: A Matter Of Fate
Chapter 47: Recovery
Chapter 48: Star to See you
Bonus Special: Scenes that never Happened and never will happen
Chapter 49: Training montage... wait where did it go?!
Chapter 50: Under One Sky

Chapter Forty Five: Not Done Playing part one

91 6 2
By Firehedgehog

This one will likely be multiple parts, may or may not get co-writers for this place.


"Why why why why why!"

The word continued, screaming and sobbing dust falling between there fingers as they dug at it as if that would rebuild the monster with there determination alone.

It was suppose to be a game.

"Why.. get up!"

"Sans, I'm sorry. I'll never cause a genocide again"

Begging didn't fix it either.

"Its not true, the reset will fix it.."




"Why won't it fix anything!"

"Come back, don't leave me alone!"

There was always denial.


The fallen child sobbed, the dust of the monsters making there body look grey.

"Your not allowed to stay dead, I'm not done... you hear me. You can stay dead when I'm done playing!"

They smiled.



He studied the door to the multiverse, he studied it.

"The codes are strange here, can't see what type of multiverse this is"

"Still... I haven't been here before," he told himself, then grinning entered the multiverse.

He wouldn't remember anything for quite awhile.


Blue woke with a start and a shiver, another reset.

He sat up his sheets pooling around him, his arms hugging his arms as if he was trying to warm himself. He felt cold all the time, he didn't know why.. but he did.

It was still late at night but he crawled out of bed and managed to go downstairs, his nose wrinkled seeing pappy drunk and unconscious.

Blue wondered if his brother would remember the resets this time, once upon a time Papyrus always remembered and Blue only remembered once he left there AU the first time but now...

It was lonely.

He liked being Blue, but here he was just happy energetic Sans no one took serious.

Why hadn't he seen Ink or Dream in so long?

Or even Error?

He wondered if he had been forgotten, after all he had the Papyrus spot in his world.

He rubbed his face again, pushing those darker thoughts away.

One day he'd learn to portal himself, he'd learned to shortcut so he'd learn to Portal. Then he'd be able to see everything himself without waiting for an outsider to open one for him.

He peered out the homes window, towards the ruins wondering if it would be murderous Frisk or sweet Chara coming out.

"Bro..." Papyrus said waking up, voice echoing through there home.

"Don't come out, let us have peace" Blue begged, and closed the curtains.


Traveller travelled.

Confused, lost.

Left was right, right was left.

Disorientation was his friend.

Where was out of here, this multiverse was a mistake.. he had to escape.

How long had he been here?

He had to get back to hsi brother, who was likely getting into trouble without Oneiro realizing a child shouldn't be doing it.




"Bro you okay?" Papyrus said giving blue a concerned look.

"I think I'm over tired, I have been working on my puzzles a lot," Blue said with a smile.

"A rare day off won't kill you. You nodded off there, strange dreams?" he asked yawning, there face showing that they were rather amused there hyper smaller sibling had fallen asleep randomly.

"Likely, I don't remember a single thing"

The Resets and being trapped in his AU was getting to him.

He needed to stimulate his mind, something new. Maybe something cool, he wanted... he wanted...

Blue curled into Dream and Ink, there presence warm and comforting.

Dream was ever there a rock of positivity, but so much more then what they represented.

Ink soulless, but so much more alive with or without there paints

He loved them, as best friends. Of brothers of another place.

Not a romantic sense, that would be strange but he loved them all the same.

A smile lit his face, as he spotted Dream and Ink share a little touches when they thought no one looked. Blue couldn't wait for them to tell him, but eh could wait.

He shook his head, there was nothing Blue could do but move forward.

"I the Great Sans am going on a walk!" Blue cried out cheerfully, and pulling on his boots headed off.

"Have fun bro," came the tired yawn, and Papyrus conked out on the couch. Blue rolled his eye lights, likely his brother would go to Muffy's after a nap.

He started on some far paths, ones he usually avoided as it was no where near the ruins where that cursed child wandered in the resets. Usually monsters evacuated using these paths during the very back ones, but today he needed some peace and quiet while in lasted.

He felt his soul settle, calming as he walked within nature. Just the trees and himself, and the rare wildlife of the underground.

"Yes.. this is wonderful," Blue said cheerfully, he needed this.


"Why hello there," Blue said happily, spotting a small brown squirrel chattering at him from the remains of a rotting fallen tree. He dug through his pocket, grinning as he found a few nuts from a granola bar he'd been nibbling on yesterday.

"Here you go little one"

He scattered the treat on the log, watching the fluffy creature go crazy on the food.

Suddenly there fur floofed out and they fled, Blue frowned.

"Wonder what scared it?" Blue asked confused.


Blue froze, pain going through his body as something sharp went through him unnaturally from his back into his soul.

"Lets play again Sansy," Frisk cooed dementedly.

Blue died.


Well this is a pickle

What gave is away, the fact we are not where we are suppose to be Celestial?

This place is a trap, Traveller is lost and that monster....

The trial is definitely disrupted

I think, we may have to take this up a notch

This, has bad idea all over it Celestial


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