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By Jayycz

7.2K 1.2K 245

Mia, a twenty-four year-old multimillionaire who has dedicated the past fifteen years of her life to hustling... More

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103 29 8
By Jayycz

7:44 pm

Tess's POV

Exhausted but I need to talk to Yanelie, I hate the fact she isn't speaking to me. But before I do that I need a shower first. I placed the pharmacy bag containing her prescribed pills and the house keys on the countertop. With a sigh of relief, I began to take off my shoes. Just as I was doing that, Yasmine came out from the room.

"You were gone for a minute." Yasmine pointed out.

"Needed some air." I stated. "Is she okay?" I then asked.

"Yes, she showered, ate and slept I was just waiting on you to come back I need to go back to HOME." She replied.

"My bad little one." I smiled.

"Can we talk it's about Yanelie." She then asked.

"Yea, sure." I responded.

"So, uh don't tell her I told you this, but Yan likes you, like—like you." She claimed. "She won't admit it, but the crying wasn't because she had an episode and nearly killed someone, because she killed before. The crying was because she nearly killed someone she actually liked and since y'all you know..."

"She told you?" I questioned Rhetorically.

"We're sister, we tell each other everything." She stated matter-factly. "Look, Yanelie is all I've got, and I'd kill for my sister, like I know she would for me. Yanelie may look carefree, but I know she's sensitive. She just laughs everything off. Right now, she thinks you hate her and don't want to be near her anymore."

"That's not true." I frowned.

"I tried telling her that, but I think she needs to hear it from you." She said.

"I've been trying to but she's the one who won't speak." I explained to her.

"Well, she's awake. Go talk to her. I'm heading out. If there's anything, call me," she said, grabbing her book bag from the counter and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Alright," I replied, watching as she began walking towards the front door. But then, she stopped in her tracks.

"And, uh, Tess," she called out, turning back to me.

"If you hurt my sister, I won't hesitate to kill you. And before you say you're not afraid of me or some shit, I might be small and young, but I'm really good with poison. I'll make sure you have a long and agonizing death," she said, grinning. "Bye," she added casually, like she didn't just threaten me before leaving.

The fuck? Did a eighteen year old who's barely five feet three threaten me and actually scared me?

I chuckled a bit, heading to Yanelie's room. Hesitantly, I knocked on the door and then opened it. She was sitting up, Indian style, watching something on the TV, looking like a whole ass kid. It was cute.

"Yan?" I called out, and she turned to look at me.

"Was the TV too loud? I'm sorry," she quickly apologized.

"No, I could barely hear it. I just wanted to talk to you... Are you feeling better?" I awkwardly asked, trying to break the tension.

"Yeah," she replied plainly, avoiding my gaze.

"I'm sorry, I reacted like that," I apologized, feeling the need to explain myself. "I was just shocked and confused. I'm not afraid of you. I've been through much worse. I was a drug lord after all and got into some shit at only 19. But that's not the point. Uhm, I just wanted to say sorry."

"I get it, it's fine," she said, cutting me off before I could continue.

"Uhm, alright..."

"I'm going to sleep. I'm still tired," she stated.

"Okay, I'ma go shower and u—"

"—You don't need to sleep with me anymore. I got sleeping pills now, so you don't have to," she interrupted.

"Are you sure?" I asked, wanting to make sure she was okay with it. She nodded in response. "Okay, well if you need anything, let me know. I'll check up on you later."

"Goodnight," she said softly.

"Night," I replied, before leaving the room. As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel kinda disappointed. I liked sleeping with her. She was warm, and her skin was soft. She was just comforting.

Tess, snap out of it.

I took some clothes before hopping to the shower, a nice cold shower would do the trick well that's what I thought. I've been laying in bed for the past hour and no sleep, so I gave up and went on my phone scrolling through my socials watching meme and and edits, I was even reading articles about what Leah pulled on Ashtray.

Why's everyone in Mia's business like that?

Personally, I'd beat her ass on the spot if she called me a dyke, I don't give a fuck if I was at work, the bitch called them a home wrecker. What fucking home? Delusional ass bitch. She's too pretty to have that type of behavior.

Apparently Ashtray's real name is Amethyst Lee Cooper, daughter to the owners of Cooper & Co, they came from a rich ass family and use to be an influencer back when they were seventeen. Till they disappeared suddenly to 'focus on their studies' the article stated that it was to hide the fact that they were in prison for robbing their own parent's bank.

I know this but how the fuck did they find that out?

My train of thoughts were cut off my two soft knocks on the door, I know it wasn't Mia for sure her mean ass would never knocked on her own door.

"Yanelie?" I asked and the door opened and she stepped in.

"I couldn't sleep...can I sleep with you?" She asked, looking down, fidgeting her fingers.

"Of course." I replied, a little too quick to my taste, she smiled and got into bed with me. She was a little too far from me, so I pulled her closer to me by her torso. She was now facing me and she had this look in her eyes, she looked so innocent, yet she killed and tortured people in prison with stupid Gio & Glo.

She then rested her head on my chest, and within seconds, I heard her soft snores. That was quick as fuck. Soon, I began to feel myself drifting away into slumber.

After a while, I heard the doorbell suddenly rang, jolting us awake. Yanelie and I both got up, and I instinctively grabbed my gun with me. Cautiously walked out the room to the front door. I checked the peephole, it was Ashtray so I put my gun away in my sweats. I opened the door, they looked worried.

"Sup?" I asked.

"Is Mia home?" They questioned.

"No, I don't think so," I replied, just as Yanelie disappeared into the hallway, probably in search of Mia.

"She called a couple of minutes ago, I came to check up on her," Ashtray stated.

"She's not there," Yanelie confirmed, returning from the hallway.

"It's almost 1 am, she should be home by now, and she isn't responding to my texts or calls," Ashtray expressed. "I'm going to the club."

"I'm coming with you, just give me a sec," I said, quickly returning to the room to grab a hoodie. Yanelie followed suit, also putting on a hoodie. "Is that my hoodie?" I asked, noticing her wearing my favorite one.

"No," she replied with a smile, obviously lying.

"Right...let's go," I said, shaking my head playfully as we left the room together.

Ashtray's POV

   We were on our way to the club, we tried to reach Mia once again, but all our calls went unanswered. Frustrated, I decided to give Cassidy a call instead.

"In what honors?" her voice echoed through the speakers of the Tesla.

"Cass, are you already at the club?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Can you do me a favor and check up on Mia for me?" I asked.

"Okay." She agreed, before muting the call.

"Uh Ashtray, you just went through a red light." Yanelie stated.

"I don't care," I responded calmly, my mind preoccupied with Mia. I could feel it in my guts, something's wrong.

After what felt like an eternity, Cassidy's voice came back on the call. "I knocked and she isn't answering. I don't want enter without permission, she doesn't like that."

"Go ahead, Cass," I reassured her, my voice filled with urgency. "She won't mind, I promise."

"I don't know Ash"

"I promise, I won't let her." I insisted.

"Okay," she finally agreed, and a little while later, I heard her speak again. "It's locked, the door is locked. Which is weird, she's never locked the door before. She's claustrophobic..." Cassy voiced, Tess and I look at each other.

"I'm on my way," I said, as I quickly parked the car. We all got out and hurried towards the club. The place was as packed as always, but we finally made it to her office. Cassy was still there, waiting anxiously.

"Step back." Tess warned, before pulling a gun out of her sweats. We immediately complied, with a steady aim, Tess shot the doorknob, causing it to shatter. She then kicked the door open, leading the way inside. We followed closely behind.

My heart sank to my ass as I laid my eyes on her, lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Her once pristine white shirt, hand, and handkerchief were stained with crimson.

"Shit," Tess hissed, as she quickly crouched down beside her.

"I'll call an ambulance," Yanelie stated, her voice filled with urgency as she pulled out her phone.

"No, we're taking her to the hospital," I declared, as I crouched down beside her and checked her pulse. "She's still alive."

"Ash, she's bleeding from her head," Tess exclaimed, showing me her hand covered in Mia's blood.

"She must've hit her head. I heard a thud when she called me," I explained.

"It's not safe to move her, we need to call an ambulance," Yanelie stated.

"I'll do it," Cass said, dialing a number on her phone. As Mia weakly opened her eyes, a sense of relief washed over me.

"Ash," she called softly, her voice barely audible before her eyes closed again. "Mia? Mia, stay with me, come on Mia," I pleaded, taking off my shirt and pressing it against her wound, applying pressure to stem the bleeding.

"Yes, she looks like she's lost a lot of blood...okay...uh, no, she's unconscious again," Cassy relayed the information over the phone. "Is she still breathing?"

"Hardly," Tess responded, as she checked Mia's pulse. Just when I thought I couldn't feel any worse she said that, my heart felt as if it torn apart. Tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably.

I just got her back I can't loose her now, after everything she went through dying like this right now is not fair at all.

"Hardly" Cassy repeated. "They're on their way." She stated.

6:07 am

Yanelie's POV

We were in the waiting room, it's been 4 hours since they took her in the emergency room, and nothing. We were in this boogie ass hospital, they even gave us a private waiting room. Everyone was anxious as hell but Ashtray was the worst out of us all of course. They've pacing around the room for the best two hours none stop, mumbling something I think they were praying.

I was currently sitting next to Tess with my head on her shoulder, her arms we wrapped around me.

"Come on Ash sit down you making me anxious." Tess voiced, our gaze following Ashtray's every move.

"I can't." They stated, as they ran their fingers through their hair.

"Where is she?" Mia ex-girl said walking in, I honestly don't remember her name.

"What are you doing here, Leah?" Ashtray questioned.

"I heard on the news she was taken to the hospital tonight." She responded and we all gave her a blank expression. "Any news from the doctors?" No one said anything, so I spoke up.

"No, she's still in the emergency room." I stated.

"Do you guys know what happened?" Leah asked looking at us.

"No, but I'm pretty sure your bitch ass girlfriend got some to do with it." Tess said before she took off her arm around me and walked up to her.

"What?" Ashtray asked, a confused expression on their face.

"This evening, I found her side bitch in Mia's office pointing a gun at her." Tess explained.

"The fuck? Who the fuck is her side chick?" Ashtray questioned.

"Ion know her name but we're about to find out." Tess said, placing the gun against her temple. "So, what's your girl's name?"

"I don't have a girl," Leah answered.

"Not in hospital, Tess." Ashtray voiced.

"All she needs to do is give us her name, and I'll put the gun down," Tess said with a smile, cocking the gun.

"Kendra Wilson," Leah breathed out.

Damn that easy?

"Thank you, pretty lady," Tess smirked, tucking the gun back into her pants. Just then, a woman in a white coat and mask walked into the room, presumably the doctor.

"Family of Michaela Jackson," the woman called out, catching our attention. I immediately stood up.

"I'm her wife," Leah stated, stepping in front of us confidently.

"No, fuck the you're not." Tess retorted, pulling her arm back and allowing us to step in front of her.

"And I thought I was schizophrenic bitch delusional as fuck, this uh" I pointed at Ash. "What's the right word, again?"

"Partner." Tess responded, helping me out.

"Yea Partner, this one here is delusional." I said pointing at Leah.

"So, is she okay?" Ashtray questioned.

"I have good and bad news." The doctor be cause.

"Start with the bad." Tess sighed, her eyes fixated on the doctor.

"Okay, as you wish. She's in a coma, but she's alive," the doctor stated. "We can't say she's going to survive, the next 24 hours are uncertain. There were some complications, and she lost a lot of blood. She's O+, which is a rare blood type, but we eventually found some to infuse. She also hit her head, which caused a concussion that led to her state of unconsciousness. We don't know how long she will stay in a coma." She explained.

"I'm sorry which is the good news?" I questioned confused.

"I'd like to know as well cause what the fuck." Tess scoffed.

"Can we see her?" They asked.

"Yes, but two at a time maximum."  The doctor stated.

"I'll go first." Leah chimed in.

"I dare you," Tess challenged. "Yanelie, go with Ash. I'll stay and keep an eye on this bitch," she instructed, pointing at the doctor.

"I'd rather not. I'm not good with hospitals," I admitted. "You go with Ash, and I'll watch the perra," I grinned at Leah.

"Alright," Tess shrugged.

"Follow me," the doctor said, leading the way. Ashtray and Tess followed closely behind her.

"Hii Perra, I'm Yanelie" I greeted, walking up to her.

"Sound like fucking Dora." She mumbled.

"What? Speak up chula." I said, getting closer to her, she backed away hitting the wall, eyes still on mines. "You said some?" I asked and she shook her head no, in response.

"That's what I thought." I said looking at her up and down. "The color blonde looks good on you."

"T-Thank you." She replied.

"Dominicana?" I questioned and she nodded. "Words chula."

"Y-Yes." She spoke up, her stutters just brought a smile to my face.

6:34 pm

   Ashtray and Tess entered the hospital room where Mia was being cared for. Prior to allowing them inside, the doctor insisted that Ashtray and Tess wear isolation gowns, masks, and gloves to ensure Mia's protection from any potential germs.

Mia lay motionless, her face obscured by an oxygen mask that was connected to a complex array of breathing machines. The machines hummed softly, providing the life-giving oxygen she needed. Her head was gently wrapped in bandages, evidence of the injury she had sustained. She appeared fragile and vulnerable, her body weak and her breathing labored.

Ashtray and Tess cautiously stepped further into the hospital room, their hearts heavy as they approached Mia's bedside.

The weight of the situation hit Ashtray like a ton of bricks. Seeing Mia in such a helpless state, unable to breathe on her own, was overwhelming. The doctor's words echoed in their mind - the next 24 hours were uncertain, Mia's life hung in the balance.

As Ashtray struggled to hold back tears, Tess noticed. Without a word, she pulled Ashtray into a tight embrace, offering solace and reassurance.

"She's going to be alright, Ash," Tess stated softly, as she caressed their back.

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