A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc...


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"We're the Storm Hawks, and for us... The Sky is never the limit" Who would've guessed a "Lady in Waiting" wo... Еще

Luna Profile
Mags Profile
Chapter 1 ~ Age of Heroes
Chapter 2 ~ Gale Force
Chapter 3 ~ The Code
Chapter 4 ~ Tranquility Now
Chapter 5 ~ Best Friends Forever
Chapter 6 ~ The Black Gorge
Chapter 7 - Absolute Power
Chapter 8 ~ Velocity
Chapter 9 ~ Fire and Ice
Chapter 10 ~ King for a Day
Chapter 11 ~ Terra Deep
Chapter 12 ~ Storm Warning
Chapter 13 ~ A Little Trouble
Chapter 14 ~ Thunder Run
Chapter 15 ~ Mending a Glass Heart
Chapter 16 ~ Escape!
Chapter 17 ~ Forbidden City
Chapter 18 ~ Leviathan
Chapter 19 ~ InFinnity
Chapter 20 ~ Terra Neon
Chapter 21 ~ Storm Hawks Nine
Sky Knights of Terra Celestial
Chapter 22 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 1
Chapter 23 ~ Terra Celestial - Part 2
Chapter 24 ~ Surprise
Chapter 25 ~ Siren Song
Chapter 26 ~ Calling All Domo
Chapter 27 ~ The Lesson
Chapter 28 ~ Dude, Where My Condor
Happy Halloween
Chapter 29 ~ The Masked Masher & Flying Solo
Chapter 30 ~ Atmos, Most Wanted
Chapter 31 ~ BATTLE Of The Band
Chapter 32 ~ Stratosphere
Chapter 33 ~ The Last Stand
Chapter 34 ~ Life with Leugey
Chapter 35 ~ What Got Into Finn
Chapter 36 ~ Royal Twist
🎄 Merry Christmas🎄
Chapter 38 ~ Operation: Contessa
Chapter 39 ~ I OBJECT!!!!
Chapter 40 ~ Radarr Love
Chapter 41 ~ Scout's Honor
Chapter 42 ~ Sky's Ends
Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 43 ~ Five Days
Chapter 44 ~ Sparks Fly
Chapter 45 ~ Energy Crisis
Chapter 46 ~ Dark Waters
Chapter 47 ~ Number One Fan
April Fools War
Chapter 48 ~ Colonel of Truth
Chapter 49 ~ Training
Chapter 50 ~ Shipwrecked
Chapter 51 ~ Power Grab
Chapter 52 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 1
Chapter 53 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 2
Chapter 54 ~ NIGHTMARE: Part 3
Chapter 55 ~ MOVIE Night
Chapter 56 ~ The Origin
Chapter 57 ~ Ultra Dudes
Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons
Chapter 59 ~ Payback
Chapter 60 ~ The Key
Chapter 61 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 1
Chapter 62 ~ Cyclonia Rising: Part 2
Storm Hawk - Season 3 (Trailer)
Chapter 63 ~ Cyclonis Origin
Chapter 64 ~ Azul
Chapter 65 ~ Ruins of Cyclonia
Chapter 66 ~ Ghostly Reunion
Chapter 67 ~ Capricorn's Payback

Chapter 37 ~ Second Chances

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Luna's P.O.V

We all rushed to Terra Atmosia to witness Carver release from prison, it was still a shock to all of us but we weren't certain that if Carver had a change of heart. when we arrived, we were greeted by the Zodiacs and my father when Piper ran up to Capricorn and hugged him but they also shared a kiss. Making me and Mags smile along with the boys, seeing Piper find love is a wonderful thing.

Piper: How was your mission at Terra Blizzaris?
Capricorn: Cold, but fun
Scorpio: Alright you love birds, we gotta get to the city so we can see Carver get out of prison
Virgo: Ugh!! I can't believe these guys are literally letting him go because of a "good behavior" more like the bad behavior
Taurus: You said it, Virgo
Finn: What?! You guys don't like him?!
Taurus: Like him? Dude
Zodiacs: we all hate him
Libra: He has no respect for the other Sky Knights, including Scorpio
Capricorn: One time when I was gathering some books, I tripped and fell when my glasses fell off and got smashed by Carver, he even bullies me because I'm the scrawny one who can't even fight
Gemini: Another time, Carver said to us that "girls" should be working in the Airship while us "guys" can fight the battles
Aquarius: And last but not least, he also has a beef with Scorpio
Aerrow: Really? You too?
Capricorn: 72 wins for Scorpio and only one win for Carver, it's really embarrassing and no other Sky Knight never forgets it. Whenever Carver around, the other Sky Knights remind him of his lost against Scorpio and he gets so mad that he says that Scorpio "deliberately" cheated
Aquarius: Tch, more like he's being a sore loser
Piper: Poor Capricorn, I didn't know Carver had bullied you
Capricorn: Yeah but that's all in the past, luckily I keep a spare in case mine break

Piper smiled and kissed Capricorn's cheeks while he blushed, making Sagittarius and Leo snicker.

Gemini: Oh! Let's not forget Carver gets so jealous of Aries because he's so popular with the ladies [chuckles]
Aries: Shut up already, It's bad enough he thinks I'm a womanizer but he doesn't realize that being a jerk doesn't do well with most ladies
Finn: Seriously?! Luna, how come you didn't fell for him
Luna: Oh, I think of the Zodiacs like my family, so it'd be super gross if I fell in love with one of the guys. They're like the brothers I dream to have, strong, independent, smart, and caring people. Besides, I love you and Stork, just haven't decided who I want to be with yet
Finn: Awww and we love you too, Luna [kiss her cheeks]
Piper: So how did Carver get released?
Libra: Apparently they saw he was a victim of mind control, but now that it's worn off he backs to being himself
Sagittarius: [scoff] That's just a bunch of-
Virgo: Shhh, pipe down you two. We're almost there. Also, we received word from the chief of Atmosia that Aerrow, Mags, Piper, and Radarr are to be on camera for Carver's apology
Gemini: Ugh, don't tell me he's gonna do one of those "apology videos" they always look like they're apologetic but in reality they aren't
Aerrow: Is that why you're here Zodiacs, to be as witness in case something happens
Scorpio: Yep, be cautious
Aerrow: You know I am

We all knew that Aerrow isn't careful, due to the many times he's done so much stunts. A crowd gathered around to see Carver apologize while Aerrow stood next to Carver with Mags by his side, Piper, and Radarr.

Carver: I want to take this moment to apologize to the Storm Hawks, and to Aerrow especially. I don't know if I could've done what he did, stopping me and saving Atmos.
Guy Skyly: Guy Skyly, inside Atmos. Atmos' number one source for celebrity news
Carver: Guy, thank you for the opportunity to address the good people of Atmos. Though it wasn't my fault, I still want to make it up to the people whose trust I betrayed. That is... If there's a squadron willing to take me under their wing
Luna: [whispers] Uh oh
Gemini: [whispers] This is not gonna be good

Just then, the reporter moved his mic from Carver to Aerrow for him to speak. Making me feel bad for them cause Aerrow did say "no more new members," but sadly if we deny it, that would make them a bad person.

Aerrow: Who, us?
Finn: And he's only the coolest, most famous sky knight ever!!
Guy Skyly: What a scoop! Carver is joining the Storm Hawks

[Crowd Cheering]

I felt really bad for Aerrow because at the same time I could feel Mags's scary aura growing as he looked at Aerrow with anger brewing up in his eyes. After the interview was over, we were about to leave when Carver walked up to Scorpio, making all of us at the edge of our seats.

Carver: Scorpio
Scorpio: Carver
Carver: Look, I said a couple of hurtful things to you and your squadron, and I didn't mean to-
Scorpio: Before you say anything, I just want you to know that I respect the ladies in my squadron the way I respect my mother, my grandmother, and the rest of the ladies who are Sky Knights so don't think just because you're apologizing now doesn't mean I haven't forgotten what you said to them... In other words, I'll be keeping my eye on you, me and my squadron will be keeping an eye on you to ensure that you don't cause any harm to this wonderful squadron that took you in. Do I make myself clear?
Carver: Sure, no problem. Buddy
Scorpio: See you around, Carver
Libra: Report to us if anything changes in Carver [hands Aerrow a vanilla folder] this will keep all the information we need to know and have this in case something goes wrong

Libra handed Aerrow a call button that will alert the Zodiacs in case Carver tries to attack us, I hope that things don't end up horribly bad.

Aerrow: Thanks
Scorpio: We'll be in touch

Scorpio and the Zodiacs left, while my father told me that he had to go back and run the shop. I nodded and went with the Storm Hawks as we got back to the Condor, from there we had forgotten to clean up but I got to work on cleaning the Condor while Radarr tried to catch a mouse.

Piper: I'm sure as a celebrity you're used to slightly better accommodations
Finn: It's Carver! He can handle this. Like the time you slept in sludge to stop the baby panda-seal poachers? Or the time you went without food or water to rescue the Princess Hannah! Tell us about that adventure! Do you still keep in touch with her?
Luna: Finn, I'm sure Caver has been though enough. Give him a break
Aerrow: Wow, Finn. You know a lot about his adventures
Finn: I read all your fan club newsletters. I'm club member number 00002

I just rolled my eyes and continued cleaning the Condor, while hearing the others talk.

Carver: I see a lot of potential in you, but you need a little polish. And I know exactly the right place to start

Carver took us so we could get better and newer uniforms, however I wasn't too keen about the idea but the others were.

Piper: I thought only rock stars and zillionaires had their clothes made by Giovanni!
Aerrow: I don't know, Carver. Are you sure we really need this?
Luna: I actually love the ones we have on better
Mags: Ditto
Carver: [chuckles] Aerrow, to be the best, you need to look the best

I was about to walk off when Piper dragged me with them, and pretty soon we were all wearing new clothes. However I didn't like mine at all, why? This particular outfit had a skirt! A skirt?! I mean I'm fine with dresses and all but a skirt was a nono. Plus it didn't help with the fact that the boy shorts didn't show, when we walked out everyone had their eyes on us. It made us a bit nervous, but Carver decided to show us how it's done when he high five a few civilians and walked up to a woman so she could get a picture.

Luna: [sigh] Just when we didn't want to draw attention to ourselves

[tug... Tug]

Little girl: E-E-Excuse me Miss
Luna: Hm?

I felt someone tugging the hem of my skirt that I looked down to see a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, as she looked a bit nervous but also scared too as she held a stuffed rabbit in her arms against her chest. She wore a pink frilly dress, black shoes with white socks that go up to her knees.

Little Girl: W-W-Will you and the Storm Hawks protect us from C-Cyclonians?

The little girl looked like she was about to cry, so I had a faint smile and got down to her height as I gently caress the top of her head.

Luna: Don't worry kid, the Storm Hawks will protect you. There's nothing in this world that can stop us, we will make sure that you and the rest of Atmos will live in peace and harmony. Where you'll be able to grow up and start your journey to an incredible adventure. But for now, be sure to help out with your parents, study hard, stay in school, and make your own journey

The little girl stared at me in awe, as she ran up and hugged me making me fall on my butt. She smiled and hugged me close making me feel happy inside as I hugged her back. What I didn't know was that Stork and Finn were watching me from afar, and I wasn't able to hear what they said.

Aerrow: It still doesn't feel, right. This isn't what being a Sky Knight is about
Piper: Maybe it is. At least a little bit. After all, people need heroes. This doesn't change who we are
Aerrow: Maybe you're right

I lifted the girl up in my arms when I stood up, Stork and Finn stood by my side as the parents got a picture with us and the little girl. I handed her back to her parents until I got an idea, I rummaged through my satchel and started making something for the little girl until it was complete.

Luna: Here, have this. It's a wishing star bracelet, whenever the full moon is up you can wish for a better day. Just remember, You can't expect something to happen for you to succeed, you have to just go with the flow. Okay?
Little Girl: Okay! I promise to never take it off
Luna: That's the spirit

Just then, someone shouted "my baby" as Aerrow climbed up to the tree to fetch the woman's pet cat.

Piper: Aerrow, be careful
Aerrow: Here, kitty, kitty!

Just then, it snarled at Aerrow causing him to fall back and land where no guy want to land, making all of us wince at the thought of how painful it could be until the branch broke and he fell, while the kitty landed in my arms when suddenly the siren went off and Junko spotted a falling airship heading towards us.

Aerrow: Storm Hawks, get everyone to cover. Carver, you, Mags, and me
Carver: Right with you, kid!
Aerrow: Luna, we'll need you to be near in case things go wrong
Luna/Mags: On it!

Mags, Aerrow, Radarr, Carver, and I rushed to our skimmers and flew into the sky after the airship.

Mags's P.O.V

I followed Aerrow and Carver into the hangar and parked, we rushed to the door and pulled it open to find no one around.

Carver: Crew must've bailed out

Aerrow, Carver, Radarr, and I got ahold of the steering wheel as we pulled back at the same time, making the airship move a different direction away from Atmosia.

Carver: We did it!
Aerrow: This thing is still going down. We're going to have to ditch it in the Wasteland
Carver: Then let's not stick around

Carver and Radarr went ahead, while I followed along with Radarr when suddenly the door slammed closed. Making my heart race when I looked back and saw that Aerrow was still in the bridge, we all tried to pull the door open but for some reason it wouldn't budge at all.

Carver: It's locked!
Aerrow: Stand back!!... Ugh!! Huh?
Mags: Aerrow!! What happened?!
Carver: It's re-enforced. No way we're cutting through
Aerrow: You guys go!! I'll find another way out!!
Mags: What?! No!!
Carver: We're not leaving you. That's not what a Sky Knight does, kid!


Aerrow: That's an order! Go!!
Carver: You heard him, Radarr, Mags. Good luck, Aerrow!
Mags: But Aerrow-
Aerrow: Don't worry, Mags. I'll be okay, I'm sure a little rebel will come and save me

I didn't understand at first what Aerrow meant, but just when I started to realize it. Carver pulled me and Radarr away as we rushed back to our Skimmers and sped off out of the airship, when I spotted something flying from afar toward the airship making me put the pieces together and flying ahead feeling confident but also worried if they both don't make it. When we got back, everyone was waiting for us as we drove next to them and stopped.

Piper: Radarr, Mags, where is Aerrow?
Radarr: [squawk]
Mags: He... He had to stay behind to steer the airship to the Wastelands
Guy Skyly: This is horrible! Tragic!!

[Crowd gasping]

Guy Skyly: You're getting this, right?

Just then, and explosion was heard and my heart sank when I saw no signs of Aerrow in the sky, while Piper hugged Junko when all of the sudden we heard something in the sky.

Guy Skyly: Wait a minute! What's that I hear?

We all looked up into the Sky and spotted two skimmers and saw Aerrow with Luna, we all cheered and I sigh of relief when I saw that they were okay, especially Aerrow. As soon as Aerrow landed, I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, while Stork and Finn tackled Luna in a hug too as they knocked her off her skimmer.

Carver: See, you're a hero. They're eating it up. That waiting 'til the last minute thing was brilliant
Aerrow: No, that wasn't a thing. It was really stuck
Carver: The point is you're a hero! Everyone in Atmos is going to be talking about you and your new sharp uniform. But I gotta ask, how?
Aerrow: I owe it all to Luna, I knew she'd rebel against my orders, so I waited for her to arrive so she could use her gravity manipulation to make the airship float while crunching that door too
Luna: It was a piece of cake, though I would've used the acid bombs to melt it, but~ Aerrow didn't let me

After that, we went back to the Condor where we all relaxing day.

Luna: Hey guys, I'm gonna head off to visit my papa
Finn: Ohh!! Ask him if he made some of those... Um... What do you call them?
Luna: My papa's carne asada tortas, don't worry Finn. I'll bring some back
Finn: Sweet!
Mags: I love those tortas
Aerrow: Me too, especially her dad's chicken enchiladas
Finn: Bring those too!!
Luna: Okay okay, but I'm also bringing a jar of habanero too. You guys won't last long eating those, they're extremely spicy
Finn: Ah, as if that can make me cry and scream
Luna: [smirk] Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you

Luna walked up to Finn and kissed his cheeks, while she left to go day bye to Stork. I was walking with Aerrow and Piper, when suddenly we spotted Carver walking up to us.

Carver: Piper, would you happen to have a map of the Ruplands?
Piper: Actually I do, maps of the Ruplands are hard to come by
Carver: I knew if anyone would have them, you would. Aerrow, Mags, buddy, we'll finish sparring later. Best two out of three?
Aerrow: Yeah, sure thing, Carver
Carver: Mags, I was wondering where Luna is
Mags: Oh, Luna. She left to go visit her father, she's gonna bring us back her father's homemade dishes
Carver: Excellent, you know I was hoping maybe I could take her out to show my appreciation
Mags: Oh, that's nice Carver, but-
Aerrow: Luna is currently in a relationship with Stork and Finn, it's complicated but they promised to love and cherish each other until she decides who to be with
Carver: Oh, but isn't she-
Aerrow: Yeah, she isn't married to the Dark Ace, but she still binds to him until she signs the scroll
Mags: Also, excuse me for being overly protective but~ that little girl is a child, I don't wanna see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon. Do you understand?
Carver: Uhm... Yeah, understood
Mags: Good, I'm glad we're all in agreement here
Aerrow: Also, I need to talk to Mags for a bit

Just then, Aerrow pulled me away as he took me to his room so that he could talk to me privately about something.

Aerrow: Listen, Mags. I'm not sure if you'll believe me or not but, I'm not sure having Carver around is a good idea
Mags: I mean you did say no more new members
Aerrow: And I did, but I just got word from Scorpio that if Carver is confirmed ready and good, then he'll be back with his squadron. I hope you can believe me when I say that I don't trust him in the future
Mags: Aerrow, I'll always believe you
Aerrow: Thanks, you're always there for me when I need it

I smiled as Aerrow smiled back, we went to go walk into the Bridge to meet with Piper when we spotted a camera crew here with us.

Aerrow: A camera crew?
Carver: I invited them, this'll be good for all of us. A little publicity never hurts

I wasn't too sure about it, since Finn was enjoying it too much, but just when I was fixing myself up I noticed Carver being rude to the staff lady.

Carver: I said I wanted hot towels, these are just warm [toss the towel aside]
Finn: Hey!!!
Mags: Hmmm... Maybe Aerrow is on to something

[Door Opens]

Luna: I'm back~
Finn: Sweet!! Did you bring the food? please say you did!!
Luna: My papa is still making them for other people wanting them, but don't worry he'll get to us soon
Finn: Aw man

While we were being filmed, we wers soaring into the sky when suddenly Aerrow's Skimmer started to fall apart, making me panic as Luna and I swooped in to catch Aerrow and Radarr, that's when his skimmer crashed to the ground and Aerrow was on my skimmer while Radarr rode with Luna.

Mags: What's going on? That's never happened to Aerrow
Luna: Yeah... Really strange
Aerrow: We'll come back to get my skimmer, for now let's just head back

Another time, we went off to fight some creatures in the Wasteland when Aerrow struggled to get his energy blades out. When he finally got them out, they broke and one of the creatures came to bite Aerrow when I stepped in and blasted it, while Luna used her energy whip to wrap around it's snout and pull it forward so it'd crash into the ground. Carver managed to take down the other creature as they slithered away, everyone high five each other however Aerrow only picked up his weapon and looked confused.

Mags: How did your blade broke and got stuck?
Aerrow: I don't know, that's never happened to be before
Luna: Maybe Virgo can look into it
Aerrow: Yeah

We all went back to the Condor and watched the film, I felt bad for Aerrow cause it made him look bad.

Carver: I think we came off pretty good!
Finn/Junko: Yeah!!

While the guys left, Aerrow was frustrated and Luna got up to leave so she could get the food her father was gonna make.

Piper: What is it, Aerrow?
Aerrow: I'm getting a little fed up with Carver. It's one thing for him to want to regain peoples' trust, but he's doing it at our expense
Piper: Our expense? Aerrow, the only one who seems to be suffering is you. I've never known you to be so clumsy
Mags: But it's not like him at all, it's so bizarre
Piper: Is everything okay?
Aerrow: I think Carver's out to get me. Remember what Scorpio told me, I have to be careful
Piper: [stifle laugh] Sounds to me like you're just a little jealous
Aerrow: I'm not jealous, I don't trust him and neither do the Zodiacs. And I'm going to find out what his game is

Aerrow left while Piper and I were left alone, I sighed and went to my medical room to arrange my supplies when Carver walked in.

Mags: Hey Carver, I'm just finishing up organizing my medical care alphabetically in order
Carver: Mags, I have to be completely honest. I'm a little worried about Aerrow
Mags: Oh?
Carver: You're their squad medic, have you noticed him feeling a bit jealous, paranoid, clumsy, angry? Maybe denying everything when you confront him?
Mags: Yeah, why?
Carver: Then it's just what I feared. Those are the exact symptoms I had. The next thing I knew, I woke up in jail
Mags: What are you saying?
Carver: I think Aerrow may be suffering from the early stages of Cyclonian mind control
Mags: What? No way! I've known Aerrow for a long time, there's no way. And even if he is under the influence. Wouldn't he try to harm his own squadron? That's what-
Carver: [scoff] I should've known you wouldn't listen, the others are at the kitchen, feel free to show up when you realized that Aerrow is under mind control

Carver left and I was just dumbfounded by the fact that they think Aerrow is under Cyclonian Mind Control, either way I needed to let Aerrow know before the others do something stupid. I walked towards the door when my body slammed into the door, I was confused but then I realized the door wasn't opening. I panicked and started trying to pry the door to open up, when I managed to get it open I rushed ahead to the Hangar and to my shocked I spotted Carver pulling out a crystal that was the mind control.

Carver: The mind-control crystal that infected Aerrow
Aerrow: I don't know where that thing came from. It must be some kind of trick!
Carver: Stage five. Paranoia. Yep, Cyclonis definitely has him
Aerrow: Guys, this is absurd. I'm not under Cyclonis' control!
Piper: We're really sorry, Aerrow. But this is for your own good
Mags: Wait!! Don't-

I rushed forwards to try and stop them, when Junko held me back. They retrained Aerrow as he sat down and looked really frustrated.

Aerrow: Guys, you can't do this! You're making a huge mistake!
Mags: Guys!! Listen to him!!! He isn't under Cyclonis's mind control!! Piper, you can reverse this, right?! Call your boyfriend and he can help!
Piper: You're right, I'll contact him immediately! [walks away]
Carver: Piper!

While Carver went after Piper, I got near Aerrow and felt worried and scared for Aerrow. Just then, Piper and Carver came back and told us that they were taking him to the high security Stockade on Terra Atmosia.

Mags: No!! [hugs Aerrow] You can't take him away!! You just can't!!

Tears were starting to flow as Finn and Junko tried to pry me off, until they managed to do so while we arrived at the Stockade and the guards took Aerrow away while he stared at me in shocked, I guess since I haven't cried in so long. After that, Carver became our new leader which was bad news for us while I was in a depressing mood.

Junko: Hey, we'll visit him Mags! Everyday! Twice a day!
Mags: It's not the same
Carver: Absolutely not! The best thing we can do for Aerrow is to move on
Mags: Move on? Move on!? We can't move on!! He's the last descendant and he should be here!!
Carver: Aerrow would have wanted it that way
Piper: Mags is right, we can't give up on him. If I can study that crystal, I might be able to find a way to speed up the recovery process, plus Capricorn is willing to-
Carver: Enough!! I'm your Sky knight now, and I say we forget about Aerrow

Just then, Carver dropped the mind control crystal on the ground and smashed it. Then it hit me, why did Carver still had the crystal and crushed it? Piper and Capricorn could've find a way to fix this.

Carver: Aerrow is finished. Besides, you can do better than that nerd, Piper. Get over it [walks away]
Piper: [glares] Hey! He's not a nerd!!
Finn: Finished?! I thought you said he just needed time for the spell to wear off?
Carver: Uhh right, right. That's what I meant. Everyone, back to work. And where is Luna? She's late!
Mags: Hey! Luna has family and she hasn't seen her father for so long so be nice!

I was really growing frustrated by Carver, he changed the second Aerrow was gone. When he left, I quickly picked up the crystal shards and walked with Piper so we could piece them together. While Junko and Finn made sure Carver is away, Capricorn, Virgo, and Pisces arrived and said they got some news for us.

Virgo: We heard about what happened
Pisces: And boy do we have some solid evidence for you guys
Virgo: Let's head to the research lab so Capricorn and Piper can analyze the crystal, though I think Capricorn can tell just by looking at it
Capricorn: Can I have a look?
Piper: Sure

When we got to the lab, Capricorn examined the crystals and nodded so much that he figured it out.

Capricorn: Yep, this crystal is a forgery
Finn: Huh?
Piper: Meaning that this crystal is a dud
Finn: You mean it's not a hypnosis crystal?
Capricorn: No, the hypnosis crystal is green and it dangles from a sting, just like the one Piper used to hypnotize Junko to fall asleep
Piper: The internal composition is all wrong. Something I never would have been able to tell if it hadn't been crushed. Huh thanks, Carver. There's no way Aerrow could be under mind control
Mags: I knew it!!! You all didn't believe him and me!! I would like an apology from all of you, and you'll also apologize to Aerrow too
Piper/Junko/Finn: We're sorry
Stork: Umm... We have a slight problem. Someone cut the locks and now my Scarlet Maw Razor Fang Arachnoid is missing... Oh and Mags the wires that activate your infirmary door to open are ripped out
Mags: [growls] Carver, I should've known. He was the last to leave my medical office
Piper: And I think you mean stolen
Mags: When I see him I'm gonna-

Just then, the doors open and Carver came in with his blade out and ready to attack.

Carver: So you figured it out. Too bad there aren't any flicker-reel cameras around to capture the moment

Just then, Carver stiked a blast towards the table making Capricorn shield Piper and get hit while Virgo shielded Finn and I, Pisces shielded Junko and Stork.

Carver: That was a not-so-friendly reminder who the sky knight is around here
Piper: Aerrow was right the whole time. We should've listened
Mags: Ya think?
Junko: We gotta go let him out
Carver: Oh, you're a little late, it seems a Scarlet Maw Razor Fang Arachnoid got loose in his cell. Oops
Mags: [eyes widen] No...

My heart dropped when I realized that Aerrow could be dead, I covered my mouth as my body began to shake in horror.

Stork: Ahh!!!!! If that's true, then Aerrow is doomed. Double doomed!!!

Tears started to fill up as I close my eyes and cried just the thought of it, I fell down on my knees and screamed while Virgo came next to me and held me in her arms while I let it all out.

???: I wouldn't be so sure, Stork
Mags: [gasp] Huh?

I looked up and saw Carver then turn around to see Aerrow, alive and standing. I couldn't help myself but smile and rush forward to hug him, I buried my head into his shoulders while he hugged me back, just when things were getting better.

Carver: Impossible!! But how did you, he said it was-
Aerrow: I have Radarr and the Zodiacs to thank for helping me get out of prison. I assume Virgo and Pisces haven't told you yet
Virgo: We knew from the starters that you would reluctantly join the Storm Hawks, just to get revenge on Aerrow for humiliating you from your pathetic defeat against their leader
Pisces: More like you got roasted by a kid, burn~
Aerrow: As for the spider, it turns out that this is Scarlet Maw Tickle Fang... I had a certain rebellious glittering bomb queen to thank for getting it and for getting to Zodiacs to help me prove my innocence
Carver: You mean-
Luna: Eyo~ your obnoxious crazy bombastic right hand woman is here~
Storm Hawks: Luna?!
Luna: So~ are you gonna kiss him now Mags?
Mags: Gyah!! [lets go] Luna!! [glares] Where were you?!
Luna: Oh you know, here and there, also I have the spider in my hands to deliver to my captain who I love~ [walks up to Stork] Here you go, Captain Stork
Stork: The non-poisonous kind [groan] that's disappointing, in a glad-you're-alive sorta way, but I'm glad you're safe my dear [kiss her head]
Carver: But how did you Zodiacs know?! I was careful!!
Pisces: Not enough
Luna: You see...

~ Flashback ~

~ Earlier ~

Luna [narrating]: When I went to go see my papa, it turns out I was sent by Aerrow to investigate a series of events that happened to him. Starting with the airship, that explosion you all saw was actually my bombs. I had enough time to make the airship float and land in the Wastelands, from there Pisces shape shift into a wolf and sniffed around only to find your scent around the door. Turns out that the door has a pressure plate in the inside for it to remain open, but if the pressure plate is light the door closed from both sides making it hard to open with only strong arms, but not strong enough for me to use gravity manipulation to crunch the door off
Pisces [narrating]: I realized at some point something was off, about the doors and when I sniffed around I found your scent all over the airship
Virgo [narrating]: Then when Aerrow skimmer and weapons were destroyed I realized that they were completely sabotaged and tinkered with, when Pisces sniffed them he discovered your scent around it, plus the damage on the skimmers didn't match Aerrow blade so he couldn't have sabotaged his own skimmer, instead it matched with yours

~ Flashback Ends~

Virgo: [glares] You may think you were too careful, but you can't avoid Pisces nose, my weapon knowledge, and your idiotic skill of using a false mind control crystal
Pisces: You're finished Carver
Scorpio: After we presented the evidence to the chief of Atmosia we were given permission to arrest you. By orders of the Sky Knight Code, we will take you into custody, Carver. You are under arrest for treason against Atmos and the Storm Hawks
Aerrow: Master Cyclonis'll be disappointed in your big plan crashed and burned
Carver: Hahahahaha, her? Cyclonis has nothing to do with this. It's all about you and me, it's about payback

All of the sudden, Carver came at Aerrow when Scorpio pushed him and me aside while he blocked Carver's attack.

Scorpio: [glares] The only way you'll get to him is if you defeat me

Just then, Scorpio and Carver fought until they created a huge hole on the side of the Condor, making them jump out and continue the fight outside.

Aerrow: I have to go and stop him
Mags: But Aerrow, you just-
Aerrow: Don't worry about me, it's time to end this

Aerrow rant off, leaving us to follow them as Carver and Scorpio fought head on against each other. Scorpio was quick and swift as he blocked Carver's attacks and kicked him far so he could strike and attack, before Scorpio could get a strike, Aerrow blocked both Carver and Scorpio as they both stumbled back a bit but held their grounds.

Aerrow: Scorpio, no. This is my fight, I'll end this on my own
Scorpio:... [sheath his sword] You may do as you wish, I understand. End it, Aerrow. I know you will come out victorious
Aerrow: [smile] Thanks

The Zodiac formed a circle around the as Scorpio backed up and join them, soon Aquarius stepped up and spoke clearer.

Aquarius: The battle for the title of Leader of the Storm Hawks will now! Begin!!!

Aerrow and Carver fought head on, and started blocking each other's attackers, while Carver kept striking at him.

Carver: I underestimated you when we first met, you caught me off guard. I'm not making the same mistake twice

The fight continued on, until Aerrow blade was held down by Carver while Aerrow was glaring at him.

Carver: And I have a few new moves of my own!

Carver pushed Aerrow back as he fell, but got back up in time to avoid Carver's attack when suddenly the Condor started to move.

Piper: Aerrow's in trouble!
Stork: Um, is it just me or is the Condor moving?

We all looked back at Stork and realized he wasn't steering, but instead found Luna on the bridge steering while Radarr was on her shoulder.

Piper: Luna? Radarr? What are you doing?

Before Luna could say, Radarr snarled at us as we backed away from them.

Stork: Okay, okay. She fly

Just then, we landed on some cliff where Aerrow was waiting for Carver to continue the fight while the Zodiacs stood on some pillars that Leo made on his own gifted powers to make melted glass into pillars for the Zodiacs to stand and watch the battle go on.

Carver: You can't run from me

Just then, Aerrow got blasted away making me worry and go after him until Luna caught my wrist and held me back.

Luna: Hold it, not yet...
Carver: It wasn't easy you know, convincing everyone I was under mind control with a phony Crystal [pull Aerrow up] I'm disappointed that none of my earlier attempts to do you in worked, but I knew I would get you in the end [grin] After all, the "Big hero" always wins
Aerrow: [smirk] Did you get all that?
Guy Skyly: Every frame!! This is the biggest scoop of my life! Thanks for the tip... Radarr and Luna
Radarr: [squawk] [thumbs up]
Luna: No problem
Carver: [glares] You... You tricked me!
Aerrow: Time to take you home, Carver. Back to Terra Atmosia Stockade

The fight continued as Aerrow kicked him far, making Carver frustrated until Aerrow used Lighting Claw to finish Carver off and knock him unconscious.

Aerrow: Aerrow two, Carver Zillah!!

[Zodiacs and Storm Hawks groans]

Aerrow: What? You gotta admit, that was good, right?
Aquarius: Fufufu, Aerrow is the winner!

We all cheered while Leo and Sagittarius cuffed Carver and took him back to the Stockade, where he'll be locked up for a long time without bail. We all saw the news and were happy to have Aerrow back as he stretched his arms and was wearing original uniforms we had on.

Junko: Aerrow, why are you wearing the old stuff?
Aerrow: We're going back to our old armor. The new ones weren't our style
Finn: Aw!
Aerrow: What, you liked the new uniforms?
Piper: They are kind of nice
Finn: They're so cool!
Aerrow: [laughs] Then maybe we can bring them out on special occasions
Finn: Sweet!!
Luna: Well I'm not. Finally!!! I'm free from this hideous skirt!!

Luna ripped out her new uniform off and revealed that she was wearing her old uniform this whole time, making us look at her in shocked and confusion.

Finn: Okay, how did she do that?! And when can she teach me to do that?
Stork: So I traded in the arachnoid for a new pet. This one is most assuredly the deadliest on Atmos. Wanna see?

We all didn't want to see Stork's pet, only for him to show it to us anyway as we all stare at it in disgust.

Stork: I know, isn't it great? What should we name him?

After that whole dilemma, we all went to our respected post to relax, while I decided to get some fresh air in the Balcony.

No One's P.O.V

Day turned into night and everyone was asleep except for Stork since he was piloting the Condor and Aerrow, he checked in on everyone as he saw his crew asleep. Finn mumbling about how beautiful Luna is, Piper sleeping in her bed, Junko sucking his thumb while holding his teddy bear, he went into Luna room to see her on the hammock with her head buried into her arms on the desk. He chuckled and carried Luna to her bed as he tucked her in, and placed a kiss on her head.

Aerrow: Sweet dreams you crazy girl

Aerrow left her room and went to check on Mags only to find his room empty, making poor Aerrow worried. He looked around the Condor until he saw Mags on the balcony, Aerrow walked up to Mags and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Aerrow: Hey
Mags: Hi
Aerrow: I wanna say that, thank you. You both saved me from a terrible nightmare of a life time
Mags: Yeah, Me and Luna pieced together all the evidence and figured Carver was up to no good
Aerrow: Still, I owe you
Mags: Yeah... [blush] Y-You know, I was really worried about you. When they put you in prison I feared for the worst, and when Carver told us he sent a deadly spider to your cell. I was... [hold back a tear] I-I-I was thinking of the worst
Aerrow: Hey hey [rub Mags back] it's okay, I'm here now
Mags: [frown] Yeah but something bad could've happened, Aerrow I was really worried about you
Aerrow: But I'm here now, and that's all that matters... [clear his throat] Mags... There's something I've been meaning to tell you and, all these months I've been overthinking things for a while but now, I think that if I don't say or ask anything then how will I know
Mags: Aerrow...
Aerrow: Like Luna always says. "You can't expect something to happen for you to succeed, you have to just go with the flow." So, what I'm trying to say is... You have been by my side for as long as I can remember, and I really appreciate that. I was so worried about you many times, when Dark Ace attacked you, when those Night Crawlers were about to hurt you, I couldn't bear to lose you. And when Carver was about to end me, I was worried that I would never get to see your smile again. You brighten my day, I wanted to be your Knight in Shinning Armor and so I did when we were little... But that wasn't enough, I need to gain your trust. Sure it took a while but I managed to overcome it and succeed, you and I were inseparable and I really enjoy that [blushes] so the real thing is... I like you, like really really like you a lot... Do you like me?

Mags was blushing and was lost in words, Aerrow really likes him and after all these years he finally had the courage to confess. Mags was overjoyed to hear him confess that he jumped into Aerrow arms and said the words.

Mags: Yes!!! I really like you too, Aerrow!!!

Aerrow held Mags close, taking in the hug and closeness of a life time, that they pulled back and look into each others eyes. Their faces slowly lean in close as they close their eyes and their lips connect. The butterfly in their stomachs fly off, fireworks erupting, it was truly magical to them.


???: FINALLY!!!!!!!! I HAVE IT!!!!!!!

Aerrow and Mags pulled away, only to see Luna holding a picture while the rest of Storm Hawks shake their heads, and Piper bonk Luna on the head.

Luna: Owie~!!!
Finn: About time Aerrow!!
Junko: Yeah, we're so proud of you guys
Piper: We're so happy
Stork: The happy couple finally confessed
Luna: ABOUT TIME!!!! I can't wait to show this picture to Starling, Dove, Suzy Lu, and every Sky Knight we know including my aunt Celenia!!!
Mags/Aerrow: [glares] No you will not!!!
Luna: Try me [Speed runs]
Mags/Aerrow: LUNA!!!!!

Mags and Aerrow chased after Luna while the others laughed at their failed attempts to catch her.


While the Storm Hawks were relaxing at Atmosia, Aerrow and Mags were cuddling under the tree's shades while the others and a couple Zodiac, Absolute Zeroes, and Rebel Duck members played soccer. Aerrow kissed Mags cheek as they both enjoy the day, until it got interrupted by Luna showing the picture to Starling, Suzy Lu, Dove, and the rest of the girl Zodiacs the picture.

Luna: See, they finally kissed!!! I have the proof
Starling: Wow, after so long they finally confessed
Suzy Lu: Took them long enough
Dove: And perfect timing, you should run Luna
Mags/Aerrow: LUNA!!!!!
Luna: Oh boy, gotta go fast!!

Luna sped off running while Aerrow and Mags went for a round two to chase after her and snatch the picture. Meanwhile back at Terra Celestial, a happy mother was super happy to see her next future couple finally together.


Back at Terra Atmos, Scorpio stood firm up on a cliff watching them all chat and play while Leo walked up to him.

Leo: When do we start Operation; Contessa?
Scorpio: Soon, for now. Let the Storm Hawks enjoy their time together, this mission will be crucial for getting the scroll back and eliminating it once... And for all

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