A Beastman Story

By Froggy76

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How would you feel if you found yourself in a different place with no memory of how you got there? Wel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 10

1.1K 78 9
By Froggy76

Everything is going good until Genisis hears the Screeching voice talking outside of their cave, she walks out to see that nasty female trying to feel up her mate Anders and he is trying not to hurt the female but trying to avoid the female touching him. 

Genisis steps up beside Anders and looks at the nasty female that is encroaching on her mate. She looks at the female and grabs her arm as the female is again trying to touch Anders, Genesis bats her hand away from touching Anders.  "Who do you think you are coming to our cave and putting your filthy hands on my mate?" Genisis asks the nasty female.

The female is shocked that someone is telling her what she can and can't do. In her arrogance she pulls back her hand and attempts to slap Genisis, but Genesis steps back and the female loses her balance and face plants on the ground at Genisis's feet.

Screeching in anger she says " My name is Altamira and I am the future queen of Cairn City, so back off ugly female, I will have my mate the king to kick you out of my city.

"Really?, if King Akela really is your mate let's just go see him and get this sorted out right now!" Says Genesis

With that she walks away towards the castle with all her mates escorting her.
Altamira follows along saying things about what will happen when she gets to the palace and tells her "Mate"  "The King" about the ugly female and how she will be kicked out soon enough.

She is so loud that she is drawing attention to Genesis and herself. They walk towards the palace and stop at the large towering doorway. The Guards recognize the screeching female and wince at seeing her again.
Altamira commands the guards to go and get her soon to be mate the king.

One of the guards notices Genisis is also there and runs into the castle to inform the King that his hopefully soon to be mate Genisis is there, the other guard tells Altamira to wait there and tells Genisis to go on into the parlor that she met the king on the day before.

King Akela is told about the two females that are there to see him and he makes his way to the parlor first, Genisis and her mates Ash, Anders, Jasper, and Mizu are awaiting him.

He is so happy to see her again that he asks her "what can I do for you sweet one?"

She said that she wanted to ask him to be her male and that she would give him time to decide, so while he thinks it over  they would be courting and that will give them time together first.

He is so happy that he rushes to say "I don't need any time to think it over, ever since I first spoke to you I have wanted you as my female and my queen, please say that you will mate me?".  "Also my good friend and village elder Kintaro wants to mate you too."  "Could you mate us both?"

This is exactly what Genisis and her mates talked about last night and she is surprised they want to mate with her like she wants to mate with them too.

She tells Akela she wants to mate but reminds him that he doesn't have to answer right away he can take time to think it through.  He is adamant about not needing the time and that he has already decided that she is perfect for him. Akela also says that Kintaro feels the same way and they can have a message sent to him to come to the castle.

Akela sends a message to Kintaro telling him to come to the castle quickly. Then Akela, Genisis, and her mates go out to where the female Altamira is still screaming and yelling at the guards. The group makes it outside and Altamira tries to grab onto the king, the guards are trying to gently keep her back, she starts yelling that they should not touch their future queen.  Akela steps out of the way of the delusional female and takes Genisis by her hand, he asks Altamira why is she back again at the palace?

Altamira narrows her eyes and stomps her foot, "Why are you touching that ugly female when you are going to mate me?"

Akela's eyes go wide then he gets a look in his face of distaste, as he says "I have a mate and she definitely isn't you!" "My beautiful female is of course Genesis." " Why do you constantly come here spouting these lies female?"

As this is all going on Kintaro has arrived and he hears most of what is said, he is wondering what is going on with the two females and the king, he is glad that the female that has been bothering the king hasn't been bothering him as well, he in fact hopes that Genisis is there to ask him to join her family, he hopes whatever drama is unfolding is dealt with quickly so he can finally ask to be a part of Genisis's family.

At the Kings response Altamira stammers and screams incoherently for awhile then stomping her feet yells that "That ugly female is going to disappear soon enough and the king won't have any choice but to mate with her."  "In fact she says " I , Altamira, challenge you, ugly female, to mate the king Akela."

Genesis knows that they won't let her fight but she can pick from any of her mates to fight for her, as she is about to choose, the king himself chooses to fight for her.

Altamira is shocked but still thinks she can win, she picks her biggest but dumbest male to fight for her.
The Arena is in the middle of the city and it will be full when the battle is started. Especially knowing that King Akela is fighting in the arena.

The time comes for the challenge and Akela welcomed everyone to the arena match.
He explained that a female challenged His female for the right to mate him. He lets it be known that even if he were to lose that he will not mate anyone else but Genisis.

Altamira is throwing a fit through the entire speech, she is yelling about how she is the best most beautiful female and she deserves to be Queen. And how Akela has no choice but to mate her when she wins.

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