Castlevania Nocturne: A Guard...

By TriforceofWisdom

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The sequel to Castlevania: Of Darkness and Light. Emmaline Tepes always believed in guardian angels, people... More

Act of Retribution
Angel of the Ocean Waves
The Parting Storm
A Guardian's Promise
Farewell to Good Company
The Provincial Life
New Beginnings
Author's Note
Dracula's Legacy
Lioness and Cubs
The Hunt
Mentor and Pupil
Love In a Time of Revolution.
The Mal'akh of Machecoul
Mother and Daughter
Author's Note
Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Hall of the Angels
Light at the End
Author's Note
Author's Note
Miracle Maker
The Visitor
Baby Bat
Eyes Unclouded
A Vampire's Nature
The Sires
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Striga and Morana
Blood Price
Heart of a Vampire
A Vampire's Promise
Author's Note
Ange Gardien
The Peacekeeper
History Makers
The Fires of Revolution
The Old Orchard
An Opened Door
Angel's Duet
Bonus: La Seine: Castlevania Nocturne Version
The Malbeast.
La Velue
Forgotten Memories
The Pitfall
The Vampire Hunter
Author's Note
Secret Keeper
The General's Guard
Unending Revolution
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité,
Son of the Lioness

Protector of the Realm

165 11 11
By TriforceofWisdom

"You don't need to stay. It's all right, I'll watch over Emma." The young Belmont was reluctant to leave her.

"I'm sorry." Richter apologized. "If you want me to leave, just tell me. I didn't mean to overstay my welcome."

"Richter." I responded firmly. "You are always welcome in my home, you're my family too, and I'll never turn you away. Especially after saving my dear Emma's life." I lit the candles at the coming of dusk.

"Thank you Amalie. I feel bad leaving her when she's this vulnerable." He admitted, looking as if he were about to cry.

"She'll be fine. I promise you." I gently reassured him. "Emma will be up and recovered before the end of the week, and no vampire, save Vance, can pass the wards around my house."

"It's not that. I know we're's just...." Richter uttered in tears. "Emma was there the night my mother died, she couldn't save her life but she protected me from the vampire that killed her, and ever since then, she's always been there for me."

Richter gazed over  at my daughter sleeping soundly in bed,  her palm on her chest. "I need to be there for her." I touched Richter's shoulder, soothing him with my glyphs. "If you want to stay, stay. Tera will understand, but if I were you I'd go and let her know first. She'll get worried."

Richter agreed, but didn't leave just yet. "Did you know about Emma?"

" Know what about Emma?" I asked suddenly nervous.

"That she is something else?" Richter spoke cautiously.

"I don't understand."

"Emma told me about her son." Richter stated.

"She did?" I was surprised, lowering my  head. "It was a tragedy what happened, and she never fully got closure. That's why finding the boy was so important to her." 

"I know that now." Richter said quietly. "It didn't make sense she had a grown son when she is half Tera's age and looks a few years older than me, but then she said  there are immortal beings like vampires, but more benevolent.  Emma told me she was one of them. Whatever the hell they are."

"And she's right."  I confirmed. "Don't worry about revealing too much to me, Richter, I know what Emma is.  She's a hybrid of the benevolent immortal creatures she spoke about, and a vampire. She carries both bloodlines."I sighed, not wanting to open an entire can of worms after an already draining day. Especially without Emma being awake and present. " Tera knows too, but nobody else, and you must promise me not to tell anyone. For Emma's sake and for everyone we love."

"I promise." Richter vowed.

"Thank you Richter." I said relieved.

Richter nodded before looking into my eyes. "You're not really her sister, are you?"

I sighed.... he was going to find out sooner or later, best  get it over with. "No." I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the glyphs on my arm. "I'm her mother."

Richter froze stunned, eyes locked onto my arms. "I fucking knew it."

"What?" I gripped my bare arm with another hand. "You did?"

"Well....I was catching on!" Richter stammered. "You and Em act way too close to be just sisters.  The way you look at her and how you give Emma pet names. Emma referred to you as 'someone she loves dearly' the first time she mentioned you. Hell, I've caught you kissing her when she naps under the tree in your garden sometimes! At first I thought maybe you were lovers, not that there's anything wrong with that..  but then I noticed you two look similar.....your mannerisms, the way you talk... I figured you were somehow related and when Emma said she was a lot older than she looked, it had me thinking." He snapped his fingers. "I was fucking right."

" Oh. You were." I laughed. "Clever as a Belmont. Congratulations.  Now don't go telling everyone in town. Tera knows, and if you want you can tell Maria (if her mother hasn't already mentioned it.)" I looked him in the eye and clutched both his hands. " But nobody else.Swear to me you will not tell anyone."

"I swear...." Richter held my hands. "I swear it on my mother's soul I won't."

"Thank you Richter." I let go and drew  away. "Now hurry on and let Tera know if you're planning on staying here tonight."

"I will." Richter hurried off. "Thank you Amalie, for telling me this."

"No problem kid."I huffed. After he left I sighed and slumped against the wall. I was not planning on dropping that reveal today.

"You shouldn't have told him that." Vance's voice echoed.

"Maybe not, but I was going to tell him sooner or later, no point in hiding more secrets from him." I stepped downstairs.

"Like the fact you're his ancestor."

"Yes. That can wait for another day." I stirred the dinner stew, clenching back my fist to keep from lashing out at the vampire materialized next to me. "There was much you didn't tell him,Amalie. Who you are, and who Emma really is."

The fact that is own grandfather lives on the outskirts of town. He deserves at least this.

"In time, Vance. In time, it shouldn't be only me to do so."

The vampire nodded silently and changed the subject. "There's something you should know. The nesting vampires were under the protection of the Marquis. He allowed them sanctuary to roost in those  caves as long as they didn't cause too much trouble. One of the unfortunate buggers told me  before he met his end."

I curled my knuckles, thrumming my other fingers on the table. "That is.....concerning."

"It is." He darted a mahogany eye at me. "If I were you, I'd discuss it with the Abbot. He seems to be the one in charge here, and he respects you."

"Not a bad idea." I agreed. "I will speak with him tonight. Thanks for letting me know Vance." I turned my head to the enigmatic vampire, his thick dark brown hair curled on his brow and tucked behind he pointed ears. He was handsome, as far as vampires go, and he held  a gentleness in his eyes lacking in other vampires, save for one. "I'm surprised you'd be cool with ratting your kinfolk out."

"Only my sires are my kinfolk." Vance bristled his teeth. " And it's not necessarily ratting others out. Our code of honor deems we cannot interfere with each other when hunting. Or steal prey while we feed. Nothing about stopping a haughty nobleman for harboring marauders and vagrants." He grumbled... "Just like in the colonies..."

I winced from the sharpness of his voice and apologized. "I meant no offense."

"None taken." Vance forgave. His response brought up an interesting question. "I thought vampires only had one sire."

"We technically do." Vance shrugged his shoulders. "The one that turns us. I was turned on the brink of death by a powerful vampiress. Her and her mate raised me in my second life until I was ready to make off on my own. I haven't seen them in centuries." He quickly switched back to the main issue. "The Marquis should be investigated. You will speak with the Abbot?"

"Yes. Hopefully he's more proactive than his knights."

"And what if he's not?"

" If the Marquis is harboring vagrant vampires, I'll put a stop to it." I turned off the boiling kettle.

Vance spoke my name, the name he knew me by, the name Alucard gave me long ago when I knew not who I was.  I shivered, I haven't been called that name in a long time. "Your daughter is here, and your family. Don't risk yourself when you've got so much to lose. Besides, nobody else needs to know what you really are, and getting eaten by vampires  would wake your husband up."

"Not as if any vampire would survive drinking from me." I chuckled. "Thank you for being concerned for me, but I can assure you those days are over.   I'm the town doctor now, not a heroic white mage jumping  at every chance to be a hero." I winked.  "Though I'm still an angel, and we angels have many ways of keeping people safe."

Grabbing my brown cloak and staff, I asked Vance to keep watch over Emma until I returned. "I shan't  be home late and if any vampire gives me a problem." I tipped my staff.

Vance flexed his claws. "Be careful, Angel, and good luck with the Abbot."

"Thank you." I stepped into my boots. "Richter might come in.  He wants to stay with Emma for the night."

"I'll try not to annoy him further." Vance grinned. "No more than I already have today. A vampire working with a Belmont. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

" Never. It's a miracle you didn't kill each other while navigating the caves." I tied my boots.

" I'm good at putting old grudges aside for your daughter's  sake." Vance blinked his flickering eyes. "And Richter? His love for Emma is stronger than his hate of me. His own words."


It was early enough in the evening where the sky was still light and the streets still milled with people. I hiked my way up to the abbey once more, its doors opened yet guarded by the knights. "I need to speak with the Abbot, please may I come through?"

"He has retired  for the day." Informed Mizrak. "You can speak with him tomorrow."

"It can't wait." I insisted. "It's about vampires in the commune."

Josiah hushed me. "Quiet woman! Do you want to stir unneeded fear?"

"Peace. Josiah." Mizrak calmed him, addressing  me. "I will find the Abbot, come with us." The two knights led me into the Abbey grounds, holding up their spears like bodyguards.

We passed the knight's quarters and the sparring yard where swords and spears clashed. Many turned to look at me, surprised a woman was allowed access to their living grounds. Mizrak and Josiah left me in a secluded cloister and asked me to wait.

"I will get the Abbot." Mizrak left. Josiah practically ignored me, as if acknowledging  the mere presence of the opposite sex would tempt him to sin.

How quick  would it be for me to pop out my wings and demand their Abbot's presence at the request of my old Boss?  I thought humorously. No, no cheating.

Mizrak returned. "This way." He let me inside the cloister through  a short hallway to a door with a bronze knob.

 The Abbot's private office. A modest space for such a prominent man. The room was clustered with maps, manuscripts,  and a shelf stuffed with old books and scrolls. The Abbot himself sat at his desk by the window, scribbling with a short plume on old parchment with his good hand. His broken arm remained in the sling. "Thank you Mizrak, you may leave. Please close the door on your way out." 

Mizrak nodded and shut the door, leaving me alone with the Abbot.

The Abbot kept seated, scribbling his quill without looking up at me. Anxiety suddenly bubbled in my gut. Standing alone with the Abbot in the small dark room smelling faintly of alchemy (what are you up to Emmanuel?) resurfaced the memory of the Elder Whisperer's office long ago,  when I sought her clan's aid to save Alucard's life from a night creature's deadly poison. You have nothing to fear, Messenger. I told myself, regaining confidence.  You are older, wiser, and stronger, and you know who you are.

The Abbot put away his quill and sat up straight. "Mizrak tells me you have unsettling news." He gave me eye contact and offered the seat in front of him. I sat, holding my staff, briefly summarizing the rescue mission in the caves and their success.

"Ah I've heard." The Abbot's voice rose intrigued. "The boy's mother came  to the  abbey earlier to pray and give thanks for her son's rescue. Emma found him in the end none too worse for wear."

"She did." I smiled proud of my daughter. "Richter helped her too." And Vance, but you don't need to know that.

"Yes. The Belmont boy. The child was blessed indeed. You know, his mother believes Emma was an angel sent by God to protect her son. One who brought a Belmont to her aid. This is fortunate, word of his rescue will spread, and those who may have looked ill on your sister will no longer."

"Let's hope." I said quietly before speaking with confidence and clarity. "But that's not what I'm here to talk about. One of the vampires pursuing her  claimed the  Marquis was allowing them sanctuary in those caves. Allegedly letting them nest and hunt in your governed lands  while turning a blind eye."

"That is a troubling claim." The Abbot replied concerned. "But I would not take the words of a vampire, no more than the words of a demon, or Lucifer himself. He may have been lying in a pitiful attempt to save himself."

"I have no reason to believe he was lying, or doubt my sister's hearing. She overheard the vampire while hiding from  him."  The anxiety left me. Remember who you are, you have nothing to fear. " I believe it's something to be looked into. I don't know the Marquis, if he's a just man or not, but if he's allowing vampires to hunt the citizens of this commune , he should be questioned."

"I can assure you he is just." The Abbot replied confidently. "The Marquis is a pillar of this community, but I will look into it." He fiddled with an enormous curved talon on his desk, half  the size of his forearm. It caught my attention the moment I walked into the room, and I fought with every fiber to keep my eyes on its current owner. Another reason for my nerves acting up.

"Speak none of  this to anyone past these doors." The Abbot ordered. "I do not want to spread unnecessary fear. As far as I'm concerned in the moment, the boy ventured into a den of lions  and found it teeming with beasts. If you are foolish enough to wander into danger, danger shall find you. Don't you agree?"

" Of course...." I nodded. "Still wouldn't it be better to ensure there's no danger to begin with? Kick the lions out of their den so they don't hunt and eat  people?"

"Vampires are  different beasts, Amalie." The Abbot chuckled amused. "They will not leave for other prey if forced from their dens, they will seek revenge on the one who exiled them."

"So we do nothing and  leave them be?" I asked, feigning worry . I don't like  the direction of this conversation, he should show far more concern about his ally potentially hosting vampires.

"I will investigate it, Amalie, do not be afraid. I have my ways." The Abbot responded in convincing reassurance. He noticed my eyes hovering on the talon. "Quite a relic isn't it? It catches the eyes of  everyone who comes into my office."

"It sure is eye catching." I marveled. "I've never seen such a talon before. Must've been a huge bird."

"Not a bird." The Abbot smiled in pride. "Nor of any creature of this mortal Earth. It's a relic of protection I brought from Malta, an angel's talon. It's been in my family's possession for many generations. Allegedly it was Zaharial's, the last Watcher. Do you know about the Watchers, Amalie?"

"No." I lied. "Should I?"

"Perhaps not, it is an apocryphal tale." The Abbot remarked. "The Watchers were angels who rebelled against God's will and fornicated with human women. A great sin, but not all of them were guilty of it. Zaharial was the youngest and innocent of her brothers' crimes, but she felt ashamed of being in the same choir. She hewed off the middle  talon on her right foot  and gave it to humanity as a sign of protection and devotion, promising she would never turn to sin the way her brothers did."

"And did she uphold that promise?" I asked with an uneasy pit in my stomach, curling my right toes inside my boot.

"No, not if you believe in the legends of the Belmont Clan, where the child she mothered with a human  became the ancestor of their House. " The Abbot curled his fingers around the Talon. "If those legends are true, I do not fault her. I pity her. She was alone and she fell in love."

"Sounds like an interesting story." I flexed my toes. "Will you look into the Marquis? Treating one victim of a vampire bite was traumatizing enough on both ends, hundreds more within weeks would be too much, even for me."

"I will. You need not worry." The Abbot reassured. "And if he is harboring vampires, I will deal with it accordingly." There was a knock on the door, and Mizrak came in. "Mizrak will see you out. Thank you for informing me on this potential issue, Amalie, may you have a good night."

I couldn't shake off the burning campfire smell as I was escorted out the abbey grounds, nor the  prickling sensation in my right foot as I wiggled my toes. The middle toe was stunted and crooked, as if I stumbled and broke it.  That talon, I'll be thinking about that damn talon all night!   I had doubts if the  story was  true, because even back then I wouldn't have been righteous enough to hack off my own toe as a promise to be a good little angel and not muck up like my brothers.

I didn't return home when I left the abbey, rather, I strolled down the hill and stopped inside the local tavern. A warm light bathed the inside as people chatted, drank, and enjoyed their meals. The smell of ale lingered in the air. "Aye, he's back there." The bartender pointed his thumb at the table all the way in the back of the tavern. An older grey haired gentleman sat alone and separated from the rest of the clamoring patrons.

"Right on the dot." I huffed. "Here every Tuesday night from six thirty to eight. Wish he could just stay home with me."

"Can't help someone who doesn't want help, Ma'am. You do enough for him." The bartender responded in sympathy.

Maybe he can do this for me. I took a seat in front of the old man mulling over his drink. "Good evening, Dad."

"Still going with that?"

"Yup, explains why I'm the only other person you're ever seen around." I propped my staff against the wall, still in reach if I needed to grab it.

"What do you want, angel?"  Juste lifted his eyes from his drink.

"A favor." I discreetly  cast a spell over us so we wouldn't be overheard. " I have reason to believe the local Marquis is letting vampires  hunt and shelter within the commune. Today my family and I went on a little rescue mission inside the caves and-."

"You don't need to recap." Juste cut in. "Tera informed me earlier when I visited her, and Richter was at your house." His lip curved into a smile. "My grandson did well, I've heard."

"He did." I said. "He saved my daughter's life. He's ready to take up the mantel, you should be proud of him."

"I am." Juste took a drink of his ale. "How's Emma?"

"Bruised and battered with a few broken bones, but she'll be all right." I informed him.

"Good. Good." Juste drank. "If she's anything like you, she'll bounce back in the bat of an eye. Now, you were saying about the Marquis sheltering vampires? Did you talk with the Abbot on the potential issue?"

"I did." I sat back. "He said he would look into it, and deal with it if the claim is true, but I don't believe him. He seemed too, blasé, about the whole thing. Your ally is potentially opening the door to vampires and saying 'hey you can hunt and hide here, the peasants taste great!' and you're not overly concerned? No. I've a bad feeling the Marquis may not be the only one turning a blind eye."

"And what do you want me to do?" Inquired Juste.

"Do what you do best." I implied.

"Ah, I see." Juste smirked. "That I can do."

"If you see a problem, like vampires hunting down innocent travelers, or stalking them in the streets,  deal with them, but don't go out of your league." I advised. "My daughter and your grandson might not be there to save your ass the next time."

"I'll try." Juste snickered.

"Do or do not, there is no try. I need you alive, Juste Belmont." I warned.

"All right, Guardian Angel." Juste smiled. "Shall I get you a drink?"

"No thanks." I declined. "I need to get home, and angels are poor at holding their liquor. Anything stronger than wine I'll be wasted." That got a chuckle out of my descendant.

 "There's something else I wanted to ask you." I removed my right boot and pointed to my crooked toe. "Know anything about this?"

"That's your middle toe." Juste observed.

"I know that smartass." I snipped at him. "It's crooked."

"You've spent over 300 years in a human body and only now you're realizing you have a broken toe?"

"That's not what  I meant!" I banged my fist on the table, nearly spilling Juste's mug. "The Abbot had a relic in his office, an angel's talon. A Watcher's talon. He claimed it was mine." I told him the story the Abbot gave.

"Sounds like a load of shit if you ask me." Juste growled.  " If you were the way you are now as you were back then, you wouldn't have done that."

"That's what I'm thinking." I  said.   "I'm just wondering if you knew  the true story. Do you remember reading it or hearing about it in your youth?"

"No." Juste answered. "Not a clue."

"Great." I shrugged, standing up and taking my staff. "I thought I was done with mysteries."

"Life is full of mysteries, angel." Juste wheezed snickering.

"I'll freeze your beer, dude." I warned half-joking.

"Hey. I'll doing your favor, don't make it harder on me." Juste cracked a smile. "I'm proud of Richter. He's shaping up to be a fine hunter."

"You can tell him that yourself, you know." I lowered my brow.

"No, it's better this way." Juste mulled over his beer. "Emmaline is a better role model than I could ever be."


Emma's soft and near silent footsteps padded above me as she crept out of bed later that night. Richter was asleep  downstairs, and she moved in the naturally quiet steps of a vampire not to wake him. Had I not married a dhampir, I wouldn't have heard her. Then again, a mother is always intuitive to her children.

"I know I'm supposed to rest." Emma gingerly stepped down the steps like an elderly human. "But I just woke up, and  I am hungry."

"No worries. Wait, I'll bring up dinner to you."

Emma crept back into her room, patiently waiting in bed as I set the platter at her bedside. "Thank you Mother." She set the platter on her lap, eating the stewed meat and potatoes. "I forgot how hungry I get when I'm healing broken bones."

"You're welcome dear. Go slow, there's plenty. I made extra stew because Richter's staying over." I advised. Emma cocked her head surprised. "He is? I thought he left?"

"No." I sat in the chair at her bedside. "He's sleeping on the couch downstairs."

Emma's eyes widened. "Why is he sleeping here?"

"To make sure you're okay." I smiled. "He wants to be there for you while you recover."

"That's sweet of him." Emma murmured touched. She dipping the bread into the stew, her  smaller fangs flashed taking a bite out of it. "I told him about my son, and perhaps revealed more than I should have. Forgive me Mother, he deserves to know more about me."

"It's all right honey." I reassured her. "You were right to do so, made it easier for me to reveal our true relationship."

"What?" Emma's teeth flashed in exclamation. "You told him I was your daughter!?"

"He figured it out." I recalled our conversation.

Emma sipped her stew. "He'll keep his promise, don't you worry about that. He's honorable like his ancestors, and apparently clever too when he's not being a putz."


"It's true. He's a good lad, and I won't lie it's a relief not having to keep that from him. Can't have him thinking we're lovers." Emma pretended to gag. "Gross! I'm not into that Oedipus stuff, I'm not really into any stuff if I'm honest. Not until the love comes first. Did you reveal anything else, like who you really are and my father?"

"Not yet." I said. "Wait till everyone's under one roof and we can explain everything." I stroked a lock of golden hair on her face. "When you're recovered." Emma's  eyes glistened with tears as  she  tried to hold back emotion. 

"Emmaline, what's wrong?" I questioned her concerned.

"Nothing." She wiped her face with the blanket. "I didn't want to tell you what happened in the caves until we were alone." Emma rarely made eye contact, but she did now. Her gilded eyes glimmering in the candlelight. "I saw my brother."

My brain and mind clicked confused before jolting together in realization. "Aiden's spirit came to you in aid?"

Emma took my hands. "Not Aiden, Mom. My eldest brother and the only other Nephilim like me. I met Valerius......"

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