No matter where | Woosan

By Vinetodine

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Life could be a dream ----------------------- San is the best volleyball player at his university and well kn... More

Burn Pt.2
No matter where
No matter what|AE


732 37 25
By Vinetodine

...Saturday night

"Heyyy stoppp, I'm not done drinking yet", he complained, giving San his big puppy eyes.
San smirked, looking the shorter guy up and down, "I know"
He swiftly grabbed two shot glasses,
"Me neither"

"Eyo bro, there you are!", Hongjoon walked into the kitchen, breathing heavily, "I thought you left already".

The guy looked like he'd been run over by a bus. Eyes glossy, red neck and sweat all over him. Hongjoon leaned on the countertop to support his wobbly legs, which were extremely close to just giving up on him.

„The fuck happened to you?", San asked, raising his eyebrow in an amused manner.

His friend just waved his hand in front of his face, shushing the taller, „Rough night".

San just chuckled at his behavior before turning his attention back to the pretty boy.

„So", he filled up two shot glasses, quickly glancing at Hongjoon before adding a third, „Let's get wasted, shall we?".

The two shorter men happily accepted the offer and quickly gulped down their liquor. San joined them, emptying his glass in one big sip. The vodka tasted  like pure medicine, causing him to scrunch up his nose in disgust. If one thing was for sure, then that this vodka wasn't exactly expensive.

They probably found that shit on the streets, the athlete thought.

„Holy fuck that's so disgusting", Hongjoon spoke his mind, still coughing. San nodded in agreement, setting down his glass.

He turned to look the other guy who hasn't said anything yet, just to be greeted by a big smile.
„How can you not die? You don't exactly look like a drinker?", San asked the shorter in disbelief.

„I've reached a pointtt", he hiccuped, "Where anything I drink just tastes the sameee. Like woter".

„You mean water?", Hongjoon asked.

„I'm from Australia"



"FELIX, there you are!"

"Why the fuck is everyone searching us? This kitchen is literally OPEN-Oh it's pinkie pie"

Wooyoung just stared at him, dumbfounded, "Where'd you get that name from?"

"Mingi", San replied nonchalantly, reaching for the vodka again.

"Well, it's certainly not our fault that you guys just wandered off somewhere?", Wooyoung huffed.

"Yeah what the fuck did you expect?", San groaned, now adding a fourth shot glass to the table, "We've been here for literally an hour and everything's already so messy.

Aren't things happening a little too quick? Can't we just drink and chill for fucks sake?"

"Chill? The author has things to do"






San hastily stood up, gabbing the bedsheets to hide his body on instinct, accidentally ripping them off of Felix.

"Bro what the fuck", he yelled, quickly hiding his private parts with his hands, "You're not even naked, I am! Chill the fuck out!"

San looked down at his body, which was, in fact, still clothed. The only thing he was missing was his shirt, which wasn't too bad and well, also his memory, which seemed like a much bigger problem.

He threw the sheets back onto Felix,
"Sorry, didn't check", he cleared his throat, "So..."

"So what?"

"Did we fuck or-"
"NO WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU", Felix practically screamed, throwing the nearest stuffed animal at him.

San just stared at him, obviously confused.
He didn't sleep with him? He did not fuck the guy he was obviously interested in last night?

Well then why the fuck is he naked?

"Ok then, why am I here?", San asked, rolling his eyes. This whole situation seemed so unnecessary. It was way too early for this, also his head hurt like hell.

"Honestly I'm not too sure either", the blonde groaned, rubbing his eyes, "I just recall getting the best blowjob of my life but that certainly wasn't by you"

San grimaced at the statement. That's what they all say. Well, actually not really, Felix was being weirdly specific but still.

"Look, there's no need to lie", San said, eyes scanning the room for his shirt, "If you don't want people to know we fucked, I won't tell."

Where was his damn shirt?

"I wouldn't have anyway."

It had to be here somewhere!

"I actually couldn't give less of a fuck-"

"We. Did. Not. Fuck", Felix interrupted his monologue, pushing his shirt onto his chest.

"Neither are you my type, nor would I ever come near you. Bro's before hoes"

San crooked an eyebrow, "Whatever pleases you, Freckles"

He nonchalantly accepted the shirt and put it on, even though it basically reeked of alcohol and smoke.

"I'm gonna get going", he put on his socks and shoes, "See you", he turned to Felix again, "Hopefully never".

San yawned, opening the door, which he assumed was the right way out of the room, only to be greeted by an equally tired Wooyoung.

"Oh, what's up Hyung"

San let out a deep sigh, mustering the younger. His pink hair was lying messily on his head, strands falling onto his shiny face. He had just put sunscreen on, San was sure.

Wooyoung's pink lips had some little cuts in them, looking like he had bitten them open.
San's eyes landed on his neck.

Okay maybe someone else had bitten them open because his neck was littered with hickeys and bruises.

San snarled at the other, slightly shaking his head.

"What's so funny?", Felix joined the two, finally dressed, "You're the one who did that to him"
San's smirk quickly faded, staring at the hickeys with more intensity now.

"Stop with the lying it's literally so annoying"

But why didn't it feel like a lie? The way Wooyoungs eyes went wide, how his ear's reddened and his mouth went slack.

Felix chuckled, "Lying? Whatever pleases you"

Come on San, remember. Something. Anything.

————————-Saturday night————————


"Holy fuck this vodka tastes like shit", he coughed, tears forming in his eyes.
"Right!?", San answered him, looking equally disgusted by the flavor.
"This is literally the ninth shot, will we ever get used to it", Hongjoon joined, wiping the remaining liquor off his lips.

The boy's had been standing in that kitchen for at least 40 min now, only taking shots and talking trash. Surprisingly, San didn't seem to actually mind his presence anymore, even though Wooyoung was still certain that he had a long way to go if he wanted to get that D.
"You know what", the oldest spoke up, "Fuck this. I'll make us real drinks"

"YOU? Oh god please no, you'll get us killed", Seonghwa suddenly appeared, taking the bottle from San, "Let me".

Surprisingly, San obliged, nodding at his friend and gladly handing him the cups. Cute Wooyoung thought, already pretty intoxicated by the alcohol. He watched as Seonghwa poured each of them a solid amount of Barcadi into their cups, before adding sprite into it. He finished off their drinks with a little bit of lemon juice.

"Enjoy", he said, handing everyone their drinks.

One drink didn't find his owner though.
"Whose cup is this?", Seonghwa asked, placing it on the table.

The group just shrugged their shoulders, trying to figure out who was missing.

"Oh Felix!", San realized, making everyone else nod, "When the fuck did he go?".

Wooyoung just shrugged. Felix is a grown man, he would be fine without them. The only thing the pink haired could focus on right now? was the way San's arm muscles flexed, whenever he brought his cup to his mouth.

"He's either getting laid or throwing up", Jongho walked in, seeming unfazed by the situation. He swiftly took the drink that was originally prepared for Felix and gulped it down in one go.

"Damn, someone's thirsty"

"Rough night", he answered, staring directly at Hongjoon who hastily avoided his gaze. Weird.

"Guy's I'm fucking bored, this party is shit", San interrupted the awkward interaction between the two, before also emptying his cup in one go, "And your drinks are boring as fuck Hyung"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the younger, taking a sip from his own drink, "I like it like this. But do whatever you want bro"

San just made a weird 'tzz' sound, and took his cup to pour himself another drink. With the little difference, that his drink was basically pure alcohol with a little drop of soda.
Wooyoungs eyes lit up. He quickly emptied his own cup before placing it in front of San's hand, "I'll take one of those".

The older crooked an eyebrow, looking him into his eyes with amusement.

"Sure", he replied, doing the same as he did in his cup.

Wooyoung stared back at him, somewhat challenging him to drink and San understood. The taller just smirked, placing his cup to his lips, before using his other hand to guide Wooyoungs hands which were holding his drink, to his lips as well.

Both men began gulping down their drinks. The taste was horrible and it actually felt like he was pouring fire down his throat but he kept going until he reached the bottom of his cup. San finished a few moments before him, staring at the shorter until his eyes landed at his lips.


Wooyoungs whole body froze, slowly swallowing the remaining liquor he kept in his mouth.


He should't feel so affected by those words but oh boy he did. San looked so fucking hot right now, Wooyoung almost lost his mind right then and there. The tallers lips were glistening, his hair was lazily laying down his face and his eyes were so dark, Wooyoung could almost see his reflection in them.

He was clearly intoxicated by now but looking at San made him feel so much tipsier than before.

Wooyoung suddenly hiccuped, steadying himself on the counter before taking a deep breath.

"Too much for you?", San asked, his voice deep, almost mocking.

"I can take it"

"I'm sure you can"

"I can take much more"

"Yeah? Think you could handle it?"

"Well, what do you have to offer?"

San smirked, taking a step closer to Wooyoung,

"It would ruin your little body"

"Give it to me", the shorter breathed out, voice almost above a whisper. San chuckled deeply, staring into Wooyoungs glossy eyes before taking another step closer to him. He leaned over the counter, trapping the younger between his arms before reaching behind him. Wooyoung's breath started to shake. He was so close. Everything was so hot. San pulled his hand from behind him. He just wanted him to grab his ass and fu-

"German hazelnut", he suddenly held a bottle in front of his face, taking a few steps back before showing it to the others.

Right, the others.

"80% pure alcohol, as I said", he turned to Wooyoung again, that stupid smirk forming on his lips again,
"It'll ruin that little body of yours"

Fucking bastard.

...To be continued

Aaaaand still no smut🤷🏻‍♀️,
but finally some Woosan action..

I've been busy with my final exams so sorry for keeping you waiting! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one.

Also, have you ever tried German hazelnut? It's actually INSANE.

See ya guys tomorrow!!!

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