Erkenci Kuş: Bad For Me

By TheWordsmythe

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The villains in Erkenci Kuş, Huma, Polen and Yigit, get their comeuppance for their scheming to split up Can... More

Chapter 1: In Which Huma Arrives
Chapter 2: In Which Huma spins her web of lies
Chapter 4: In Which Can tries to get away
Chapter 5: In Which Sanem follows Can
Chapter 6: In Which Yigit arrives...with a bang!
Chapter 7: In Which Can and Sanem make up
Chapter 8: In Which Polen is sent packing for good
Chapter 9: In Which Huma and Yigit play their trump card
Chapter 10: In Which Huma and Yigit twist the knife in the wound
Chapter 11: In Which Sanem Breaks
Chapter 12: In Which Can Returns
Chapter 13: In Which Can Reads Sanem's Letters
Chapter 14: In Which Can and Sanem start to actually communicate
Chapter 15: In Which Things Start to Unravel for Yigit
Chapter 16: In Which Can seeks help for his anger and unforgiveness issues
Chapter 17: In Which Huma is finally cut down to size and banished to obscurity
Chapter 18: In Which Can and Sanem make up
Chapter 19: In Which Can proposes to Sanem...for the last time
Chapter 20: In Which Can and Sanem get married
Chapter 21: In Which Can and Sanem sail around the world on their honeymoon
Chapter 22: In Which Can and Sanem settle into married life
Chapter 23: In Which Can and Sanem's dreams come true

Chapter 3: In Which Can Feels Betrayed

753 51 59
By TheWordsmythe

That evening, Can stormed into his home, his eyes blazing with anger as he sought out Emre. He found his brother lounging in the living room, seemingly relaxed and unaware of the storm brewing inside Can.

"Emre, please come with me." Can snapped as he stepped out into the back garden.

Puzzled about his brother's ire, Emre followed him outside.

"Did you know that Sanem signed her perfume formula over to Fabri?!" he bellowed, his fists clenched at his sides.

Emre's eyes widened in shock, and he swallowed hard before admitting, "Yes, I knew."

"Damn it, Emre!" Can roared, pacing the room like a caged lion. "How could you not tell me something so important?!"

"Can, I didn't want to cause any more trouble between you two," Emre tried to explain, his voice wavering under Can's fiery gaze.

"Trouble?!" Can scoffed, his voice dripping with contempt. "This isn't just 'trouble,' Emre. This is betrayal."

Just inside the doorway, Huma hid, listening intently, her lips curling into a cruel smile as she eavesdropped on the brothers' heated argument. She revelled in Can's anger towards Sanem, convinced that this would finally be the end of their relationship.

"Polen," Huma whispered into her phone, "you need to get here immediately. It seems our dear Sanem has made quite a mess of things, and Can could use your comforting presence."

"Really?" Polen replied, her voice dripping with false concern. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

As Can continued to berate Emre for his part in Sanem's deception, the atmosphere in the tastefully furnished home grew increasingly tense. The vibrant colours of the flowers lining the fence seemed to dull in the shadow of the brothers' conflict, and the once tranquil space became a battleground.

"Can, please try to understand why Sanem did what she did," Emre pleaded, his voice barely audible over Can's heavy breathing. "She was trying to protect you, the agency and everyone who works there."

"By betraying me?!" Can spat back, his eyes dark with fury.

"Maybe she didn't have a choice," Emre argued weakly, knowing that his words held little weight against Can's anger.

"Sanem always has a choice," Can growled, his chest heaving with a mix of rage and heartache. "And this time, she chose wrong."

As Can stormed out of the house, his mind reeling from the discovery of Sanem's betrayal, Huma watched him go, her cold gaze following his retreating figure. She knew that this was only the beginning of her plan to rid Can's life of Sanem, and she felt a surge of triumph as the door slammed shut behind him.


Can sat in his cabin hut watching the flames licking at the wood in the wood burner, his thoughts were heavy with Sanem's betrayal and the fractured pieces of their relationship.

"Can!" A familiar sultry voice ringing out from outside interrupted his thoughts, effortlessly pulling him from his reverie. He looked up to see Polen, her beauty a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions swirling within him but it was nothing compared to Sanem's allure.

"Polen," he said with a guarded expression, tension radiating from his broad shoulders. "What are you doing here?"

"Is it a crime to drop by to see an old friend?" Her lips curved into a knowing grin as she sauntered closer, each step oozing confidence and control. Sliding into the seat across from him, her fingers brushed against his hand, lingering just a moment too long. "Besides, I heard about your recent... relationship developments. I heard about what happened between you and Sanem. I'm sorry, Can."

Can's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing as he searched for the hidden meaning behind Polen's words. "Thanks," he murmured, his gaze dropping to the floor, unwilling to meet her eyes. The last thing he needed right now was Polen's pity, or worse, her manipulations.

"I can't believe she would deceive you like that. It's unconscionable! I would never do that to you." She said coyly. "But you must admit, our connection was something special. We understood each other in ways that no one else could."

Can hesitated, his mind drifting back to the days when he and Polen had shared laughter and late-night conversations, their barely-there passion fuelled by a mutual understanding of ambition and success. He shook his head, trying to dispel the memories. "That was a long time ago, Polen. Things have changed."

"Have they really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned closer. "Or is it just that you're afraid to admit that Sanem will never truly fit into your life? After all, you're here moping, and she is God only knows where."

Anger and frustration coursed through Can's veins, but he held his tongue, refusing to give Polen the satisfaction of knowing she had affected him. He forced a tight smile onto his lips. "I appreciate your concern, Polen, but I don't need your advice. Sanem and I will make our own decisions about our relationship." Yet, deep down, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of doubt – could Sanem truly handle the pressures that came with being a part of his world, especially considering how she'd handled the Fabri situation?

"Very well," Polen replied, her eyes glinting with determination. "Just remember, Can – I'll always be here for you, should you ever need a friend who truly understands you."

Can nodded dismissively, willing her gone so he could wallow in his misery alone.

"Actually, this is fortuitous," Polen continued, undeterred by his sullen demeanour. "Remember the agency in London that I told you about the other day? The photography job in the Balkans is still available. It's a big opportunity, Can. You'd be perfect for it."

The prospect of escape tugged at Can's heartstrings, tempting him with the promise of distance and distraction. A part of him yearned to leave behind the pain and confusion that gripped him, to find solace in his work and the beauty of foreign lands.

"Maybe," he conceded, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't know if I'm ready to leave everything behind just yet."

"Think about it, Can," Polen urged, placing a delicate hand on his knee, her touch as light as a feather. "You deserve a break after everything you've been through. This could be your chance to clear your head and start fresh."

As he looked into her eyes, searching for any trace of deceit, Can found himself considering the possibility. In the face of such overwhelming emotions, the thought of a temporary reprieve was undeniably appealing.

"Alright," he said finally, his voice laced with uncertainty. "I'll think about it."

"Good," Polen replied, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I'm sure you'll make the right choice."


When Emre had called to tell her that Can knew about the perfume formula, Sanem had felt the ground give way beneath her. All of her plans to tell him that night had been foiled by some unknown force. Now he'd heard someone else's version of the truth.

Can, who detested lies and deception above all, had found out from someone else, not her and now she was going to pay for hiding the truth from him.

She'd called him several times but he didn't pick up. Panic surged through her veins like electricity and she knew only one place where she could find him so she headed straight for his mountain cabin. Her steps felt heavy, like bricks, as dread weighed down every step closer to him.

Her heart stuttered, her face a mix of shock and betrayal as Polen's hand rested on Can's knee.

Can and Polen both turned to look at her; Can expressionless, while Polen grinned smugly.

"Sanem," Can said flatly, rising from his stool, "what are you doing here?"

"Come on in, Sanem." Polen smiled. "I was just leaving." Placing a kiss on each of his cheeks, she held his arm. "Think about what I said, Can. This will be really good for you, and I won't take no for an answer." Brushing past Sanem, she sassed, "See you, Sweetie."

"Can, we need to talk." Sanem said to him.

"Talk? Now you want to talk. What is there to talk about Sanem?" His face contorted with a mixture of anger and disbelief. He stared at Sanem in shock, the air around them crackling with rage. His voice boomed like thunder as he yelled, "You shared our secret with him? How could you do this to me?! You knew how important that perfume was to me, to us!".

Sanem was left speechless, tears streaming down her face as she watched Can yelling at her. He was so angry. His eyes smouldering with a raging inferno.

"How could you, Sanem? You keep lying and lying, you can't even recognise the truth if it smacked you in the face." He bellowed.

"Can, I can explain—" she started, but he cut her off.

"Explain?" he roared, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. "How could you do this, Sanem? We were supposed to be in this together!"

His chest heaved, his breaths ragged and unsteady. His eyes, once full of warmth and love for Sanem, now burned with a cold fury. "You betrayed me," he yelled, his voice echoing through the empty room. "You've broken everything we had."

"Can, please," Sanem begged, her voice quivering as she tried to hold back her sobs. The air between them was thick with tension, every word spoken like a dagger aimed at their hearts.

"Did you even think about what this would do to us?" Can continued, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Did you not care that by giving away our special perfume formula, you were tearing apart everything we built together?"

"Of course I care!" Sanem cried, her tear-streaked face a testament to her heartache. She closed the distance between them, trying to erase the walls that had formed around their love. "But Can, I thought I was helping us. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to find happiness."

"Is that what you really believe?" Can asked, his voice cracking under the weight of his pain. He stared at her, searching her eyes for any hint of the woman he'd fallen in love with. But all he saw was a stranger, someone who had caused him an unbearable amount of anguish. "Was it worth sacrificing our trust, our love, for some illusion of happiness?"

"Can, I never meant to hurt you," Sanem pleaded, her words barely audible as she choked on her tears. She reached out to touch his arm, desperate to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

But Can flinched away from her touch, shielding himself from the person who had shattered his soul. "I can't look at you right now, Sanem," he admitted, his voice trembling with emotion. "I need time to think, to clear my head. I don't know if I can ever forgive you for what you've done."

"Can, I did it for us!" Sanem pleaded, desperation clawing at her throat. "I couldn't bear to see you suffering."

"Us? Us? Stop saying 'us'. There is no 'us' anymore. It's over! You're just like everyone else to me."

His words sent a searing pain through her chest. It took everything she had to stay upright. She opened her mouth to speak, but shut it when she couldn't think of the right words.

"I'm sure you're wondering what Polen was doing here." He continued, his chest heaving up and down.

Hidden behind a thick curtain of ivy, Polen eavesdropped on their conversation, her heart pounding in her chest as she strained to hear every word. She couldn't help but smirk as she felt a wicked thrill surge through her veins. Huma's and her plan was playing out perfectly, better than they'd imagined. Sanem herself had handed Can the knife he would use to sever their bond for good. She knew that Can's heartbreak would pave the way for her own happiness, and she couldn't wait to celebrate her victory with Huma. She'd heard enough. Slipping off unobtrusively, she hurried to call her partner-in-crime.

"I didn't...I don't-" Sanem stuttered.

"I'll tell you anyway. Polen made me an offer I couldn't refuse, Sanem," he spat, the pain and betrayal in his eyes cutting through her soul. "I'm leaving Istanbul for a photography job in the Balkans. We're done."

Sanem's shoulders slumped in defeat. Pain, like she'd never felt before, stabbed at her heart as tears streamed down her face. The love of her life was leaving, and it was all her fault. She couldn't bear the thought of never seeing him again. The pain was all-consuming, and she wished for nothing more than to turn back time and fix the mistake that had led them to this moment.

"Is that what you want, Can?" Her eyes pleaded with him to reconsider, to not make any rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

"It's not what I want, Sanem. But it's over. We're over."

And with those final words, she turned and slowly walked away from him, leaving the shattered shards of her heart at his feet. The taste of salt lingered on her lips, her tears a bitter reminder of the consequences of her actions.

As she left, she was consumed by a grief that threatened to swallow her whole. She had risked everything in an attempt to protect their love, but in doing so, she'd become the very thing they both feared – a destroyer of dreams. And now, all that was left was the haunting silence and the echoes of a love that could never be the same again.


Sanem's heart, like a delicate glass ornament, shattered as she sat alone in her dimly lit room which was awash in the melancholic glow of the setting sun casting long shadows that danced with her silhouette. The dancing shadows mimicked the chaos that consumed her thoughts.

The softness of the bed beneath her contrasted sharply with the emotional turmoil swirling within her chest. Her face buried in her hands, tears streamed down her cheeks like raindrops on a windowpane, leaving glistening trails of sorrow in their wake. She mourned not only for the loss of her relationship with Can but for the dreams and aspirations they had conjured together in their moments of deepest intimacy. She felt the weight of heartbreak pressing against her chest, making it difficult to breathe. Each breath hitched in her chest, a painful reminder of the gaping hole left by Can's absence.

"Sanem, are you in there?" a muffled voice travelled through the door, accompanied by a gentle knock. "It's us, Osman and Ayhan."

The sound of her friends pulled Sanem from the depths of her sorrow. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether she should let them in or continue to wallow in her grief alone. But as another wave of tears threatened to spill over, she mustered up the strength.

"Coming," she croaked out, her voice hoarse from crying.

She wiped her face with the back of her hand, leaving behind a salty residue. Reluctantly, she rose from the bed, her legs feeling heavy with the weight of her heartache.

When she opened the door, her tear-stained face elicited immediate concern from Osman and Ayhan. They exchanged worried glances, their eyes betraying a wellspring of empathy.

"Sanem, sweetheart," Ayhan said softly, her lively eyes filling with concern as they took in the sight of her best friend's tear-stained face. Stepping forward to wrap her arms around Sanem, she whispered, "We're here for you, okay?"

"Thanks," Sanem whispered into Ayhan's shoulder, leaning into her friend's side, feeling the warmth of her body as a comforting presence. Choking back the fresh tears threatening to spill over. "I didn't expect to see you guys today."

"Of course we'd come, you think we'd let our favourite writer wallow alone?" Osman chimed in with a comforting smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Are you okay?" he asked gently, his brow furrowed as he looked at Sanem with genuine concern.

Stepping back into the room to let them in, Sanem shook her head slowly, unable to find the words to express the anguish that had taken residence in her heart. "Can... he..." Sanem stammered, fresh tears welling up in her eyes just at the mention of his name.

"Shh," Osman murmured, rubbing gentle circles on her back. "You don't have to say anything right now. Just know we're here for you."

A soft sob escaped her lips, causing Osman and Ayhan to exchange worried glances before stepping into the room.

"Hey, hey," Ayhan cooed, wrapping her arms around Sanem in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to say anything, okay? We're here for you."

"Always," Osman added, his hand resting on Sanem's shoulder, a steady presence amidst her turmoil.

"Thank you," Sanem mumbled, her voice barely audible through her choked sobs. She leaned into their embrace, drawing strength from the warmth and love that radiated from her best friends.

As they stood there, Sanem's mind raced with memories of the moments she shared with Can - the laughter, the passion, and the dreams they had woven together. But now, it all seemed to crumble like the ashes of a dying fire.

Together, they sat huddled on the bed, surrounded by the soft glow of the evening sun filtering through the curtains, Sanem found solace in Ayhan and Osman's presence. Her tears ebbed, replaced by a quiet determination growing within her heart.

"Sanem," Osman said softly, his voice breaking through her reverie. "No matter what happens, we'll always be by your side. Your parents are at the store. Now, how about we get some fresh air and talk? I think you could use it."

"Yeah," Sanem agreed, taking a deep breath as if to inhale courage. "A little distraction might be good." Grateful for their unwavering support, Sanem felt the first flicker of strength returning to her heart.

As they ventured outside, Sanem couldn't help but replay the memories of Can in her mind's eye, her eidetic memory making the images all the more vivid. She longed to share her thoughts with Osman and Ayhan but hesitated, fearing that speaking the words would make the pain even more real.

The trio made their way to Osman and Ayhan's cosy living room in their home just down the street, a refuge from the storm brewing within Sanem's soul.

A plush throw blanket draped over the back of the couch seemed to beckon them, inviting them to find solace amongst its soft folds. Sanem sank into the welcoming cushions, momentarily closing her eyes and allowing herself to be cocooned in warmth.

As they settled on the plush sofa, Ayhan handed Sanem a mug of steaming çay, its earthy aroma wafting through the air, and placed and a plate of cookies on the coffee table. Sanem wrapped her fingers around the warm glass, feeling the heat seep into her chilled bones.

"I heard someone needed some emotional nourishment," Ayhan announced, a light-hearted grin spreading across her face.

"Did you know that the best way to mend a broken heart is by indulging in copious amounts of sugar?" Ayhan winked at Sanem, picking up a cookie and playfully waving it in front of her. "Guaranteed to make you feel at least 20% better."

Despite her sorrow, Sanem couldn't help but crack a watery smile at Ayhan's attempt to lighten the mood. The familiar scent of sweet vanilla wafted through the air as she took a bite of the cookie Ayhan offered her. In that moment, it felt like a small piece of her world was slowly falling back into place.

"Alright, now that we've got the sugar sorted out," Ayhan said, taking a seat on the other side of Sanem. "Why don't you tell us what's going on? We're here to listen, Sanem."

Sanem hesitated for a moment, unsure if she had the strength to put her fears and doubts into words. But as she looked into the earnest faces of Osman and Ayhan, she knew she could trust them with her deepest emotions. Taking a deep breath, she finally opened up, pouring out her heart to her friends.

"Can and I... we broke up. He broke up with me...said I am nobody to him," Sanem began, her voice shaky. "I'm scared that we'll never be able to find our way back to each other again. What if this is really the end? What if I'm not enough for him? What if... what if I never get to share my dreams with him?"

As Sanem voiced her fears, Osman and Ayhan listened attentively, their expressions a mixture of concern and understanding. They knew how much Can meant to Sanem, and they could feel her pain as if it were their own. Their staunch support made Sanem feel less alone in her struggles, and she found herself daring to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for her and Can after all.

Her heart ached as she finished sharing her story, feeling vulnerable and exposed. But as she looked into the eyes of Osman and Ayhan, she found solace in their lack of judgment.

"Sanem," Osman began gently, his voice thick with sincerity, "you're one of the strongest people I know. You've faced challenges your entire life, and you've always come out on top. Don't start doubting yourself now."

Ayhan nodded in agreement, placing a reassuring hand on Sanem's shoulder. "And remember, Can fell in love with you for a reason. You are more than enough. Don't let this fight define your relationship or overshadow all the beautiful moments you've shared."

Their words washed over Sanem like a soothing balm, planting seeds of hope in her heart. She took a slow, steadying breath, allowing gratitude to fill her chest.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Leyla, Sanem's older sister, stepped into the room. Her arms were laden with a vibrant bouquet of flowers, their blossoms a riot of colours and fragrances that seemed to chase away the shadows from Sanem's heart. The sight of her sister with the flowers brought an unexpected warmth to Sanem's cheeks, especially how Leyla didn't much care for them but knew that her sister loved them.

"Hey, little sis," Leyla beamed, crossing the room to sit beside Sanem. Her fingers, cool and gentle, wrapped around Sanem's hand like a lifeline. "I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself, even when it was hard. You gave Fabri your perfume formula to help Can, and the agency. Naturally, he's upset that you kept it from him and he found out from someone else, but soon he'll understand your reasons."

As Leyla's words settled into her heart, Sanem felt a newfound strength coursing through her veins. Perhaps losing herself in despair was not the answer; maybe she needed to fight for what she wanted, for the love she had with Can. And with the loving backing of her friends and sister, she knew she could face any challenge that lay ahead.

"Remember the time when we all went camping and ended up getting lost in the woods?" Osman began, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he recounted the memory.

"Oh, don't even start!" Ayhan laughed, playfully swatting her brother's arm. "That was all your fault, Mr. 'I Know These Woods Like the Back of My Hand.'"

Sanem couldn't help but giggle at their banter, the corners of her lips curving upwards for the first time since the heartbreak. The laughter that filled the room served as a balm to her wounded spirit, reminding her that there was still light amidst the darkness.

"Okay, okay," Sanem interrupted, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped her eye. "I admit, that was pretty funny. But you've got to agree, it was also terrifying."

"Absolutely," Osman agreed, his laughter subsiding as he took a sip of his tea. "But we made it through that night, just like we'll make it through this. We're stronger together, and we'll always have each other's backs."

Sanem looked at her friends and sister, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the fire dancing in the hearth. Their love was like a beacon in the storm, guiding her towards the strength she needed to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Sanem whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"Hey, that's what friends are for," Ayhan replied, giving her a comforting squeeze.

"And big sisters," Leyla piped. "Now, let's enjoy this time together and leave all our worries behind, okay?"

Sanem smiled and nodded.

"Hey, what do you guys think about a movie night?" Osman suggested a few hours later, his eyes twinkling with excitement, his eyebrows wiggling mischievously. "We could watch some of Sanem's favourite romantic comedies."

Leyla and Ayhan groaned but Sanem could see the crinkling around their eyes as they hid their smiles.

Sanem hesitated, her fingers tracing the rim of her teacup. The thought of watching romance on screen stirred up a mix of emotions – a painful reminder of her own fractured love story. But as she looked from Osman's eager face to Ayhan's encouraging smile, she realised that there was no better way to find solace than in the company of her loved ones.

"Alright," she agreed, her voice soft but steady. "Let's do it."

"We all know that laughter is the best medicine. Besides, it's been ages since we had a proper movie night together," Ayhan reassured her.

"Alright," Sanem agreed with a small smile, touched by their unwavering support. "Let's do it."

"Great! I'll grab the DVDs and set everything up," Osman declared, bounding off towards Sanem's collection of movies which she'd left from their last movie night.

"And I'll get the popcorn going," Ayhan suggested, winking at Sanem before heading to the kitchen.

"I'll help," Leyla said, following Ayhan.

Sanem swallowed the tears that threatened to fall. This time, they were happy tears. She was so blessed to have the support of a loyal sister and such great friends.

"Let the movie night begin!" Osman announced, pressing play on the remote.

"Sanem, do you remember when we used to make up stories about the stars?" Ayhan asked, gazing out the window at the first twinkling lights of the evening sky.

A nostalgic smile tugged at Sanem's lips. "Of course," she replied. "We would get lost in our imagination for hours, creating entire worlds up there."

"Those were some of the best times," Osman chimed in, his eyes filled with fondness. "I always admired how you could spin such incredible tales from the simplest of things."

"Yeah, Sanem used to spin such yarns to Mum and Dad whenever she got in trouble." Leyla smiled, shaking her head. "Mum always saw through them though."

They all laughed.

Hearing her friends' and sister's words and laughter, Sanem felt her chest swell with warmth, the tendrils of doubt that had been weighing her down gradually loosening their grip. She looked around the room, her gaze settling on the familiar faces that surrounded her – Osman with his infectious enthusiasm, Ayhan with her unwavering loyalty, and Leyla, the sister who had always been her rock.

"Thank you, guys," Sanem said softly, her voice thick with emotion. "Your support means more to me than I can express."

"Sanem," Leyla began, her eyes shining with conviction, "we've always believed in you, and we're not going to stop now." She stood up, raising her glass in a toast. "To Sanem – a woman of talent, determination, and endless dreams. May she continue to write her own story, filled with love, adventure, and the happiest of endings."

"Cheers!" Ayhan and Osman echoed, clinking their glasses together in a resounding chorus of solidarity.

As the evening wore on, the trio continued to engage in light-hearted banter, the warmth of their friendship providing the much-needed distraction Sanem craved. With each shared memory and burst of laughter, Sanem's heart grew lighter, her thoughts momentarily free from the weight of her lost relationship. And though the road ahead was uncertain, she knew that with her friends by her side, she could face whatever challenges awaited her.

As the movie played, Leyla settled into the couch next to Sanem, her hand gently enveloping her sister's. The warmth of Leyla's touch seeped into Sanem's icy fingers, easing the tension that had been building up within her.

Leyla brushed back a stray curl from Sanem's forehead before speaking, her voice soft and soothing. "Sanem, do you remember that time when we were kids and you stood up to those bullies who picked on me?" Her eyes held a warmth that seemed to radiate through Sanem's fingertips, connecting their hearts.

Sanem's lips curved into a faint smile as the memory surfaced. "Yeah, I was so scared, but I couldn't let them hurt you."

"Exactly," Leyla affirmed, giving her sister's hand a reassuring squeeze. " I know this hurts now, but you have always been strong and resilient, even when faced with adversity. You need to hold onto that strength now and fight for your relationship with Can. You've faced challenges before, and you've always come out on top. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way."

Sanem's lips quivered as she attempted to hold back fresh tears. Her gaze met Leyla's, and she found resolve in her sister's unwavering belief in her. The room seemed to hum with the energy of their shared determination, and Sanem knew that she could face any challenge with Leyla by her side.

"Remember who you are," Leyla continued firmly. "You are Sanem Aydin, a dreamer and a fighter. You've never backed down from anything in your life. So don't let this break you." She paused, allowing her words to sink in. "Fight for your love, Sanem. Fight for Can."

As Sanem stared into her sister's determined eyes, a memory flickered in her mind, like an old movie playing on a projector screen.

A wave of guilt washed over her as she locked eyes with him but she knew what she had to do. "Fabri, I'll give you the formula my homemade perfume scent," Sanem said, her voice wavering, yet her decision resolute. "But you have to release Can from police custody and return Fikri Harika shares back to him. And he can never know about this."

Deep down, she knew this was wrong and that Can would not like it her if he found out what she'd sacrificed, but she wanted him free from police custody so badly that she pushed the thought away.

"Deal," Fabri replied, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Sanem exited the restaurant where she'd met with Fabri feeling a mixture of relief and dread. She had successfully negotiated the release of Can and the return of Fikri Harika shares to him - but at what cost? The perfume meant so much to him, but as far as she was concerned it had been taken from her by no choice of her own. As she walked home, she couldn't help but think of how Can would react if he found out, picturing his disappointed face and hurt eyes.

They'd been through so much to be together, she had to do everything in her power to get him out of custody.

Sanem's heart raced as she realised the peril she had put herself in. With Fabri's reputation for treachery, there was no guarantee that he would keep his word. She had no idea if Fabri would actually deliver on his end of the bargain, and if he didn't, she would be left with nothing.

Sanem's heart constricted painfully at the memory, feeling as if she were being suffocated by the weight of her actions. But Leyla was right – she couldn't let this break her. She needed to fight for Can, for their love.

"Thank you, Leyla," Sanem whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the movie playing. She brushed away the remnants of her tears, as Leyla squeezed her hand reassuringly, giving her the strength to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly, focusing on the sensation of air filling her lungs.

"Of course, little sister," Leyla said, her smile gentle yet firm. "Now go show the world what Sanem Aydin is made of."

With each word of encouragement, Sanem felt her spirit grow bolder, rising like a phoenix from the ashes of her despair. She would not let Huma and Polen win. She would fight for her love, for Can, and for the future they deserved – together.

As they watched the romantic comedy unfold on the screen, Sanem allowed herself to become lost in the story, all the while feeling the fire within her begin to smoulder, preparing to roar back into life when the time came for her to face the challenges ahead.

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This is an AU story inspired in the original dizi of Erkenci Kus. I had some ideas to many open points that where left without a reply. I missed a di...
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EK (AU) Description is in 💐Introduction to Tough Love💐