Izuku Midoriya: From The Bott...

By Aberisten

14.3K 429 90

"This world is always, "Quirk this, Quirk that. " That needs to be fixed." Throughout history, more and more... More

Izuku Midoriya: Origins Of A Vast Mind
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ONE FOR ALL Analysis
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

1.5K 49 16
By Aberisten

"Hey mom, is it okay I stop going to school?"

Inko was startled as she was washing the dishes, due to her son's extreme request.

"What! Why??" She asked. 

"Well. The logical reason, I'm already really smart. And the personal reason..." He grimaced as he thought about it. "Since the quirkless are discriminated against, It won't be long until my peers start bullying me."

Inko had a somber look on her face. She hated it. She didn't want her son to be ridiculed for something out of his control. She hoped that his friend, Katsuki would be understanding. They have been growing up together after all.

"...okay, I guess." 

After that, Izuku decided to create his plan of becoming a hero. Obviously, he had to train physically. He was born without a genetic gift unlike Kacchan and the other kids, so he had to put more thought into his physical prowess. And second, he also had to learn how to fight. If there's anything he's learned or what his dad taught him, it's that some heroes are too reliant on their quirks, they don't do any semblance of physical training.

And thanks to his notes and intellect, being a quirk analyzer will help him immensely with figuring out villains quirks.

And finally, there's his inventions.

Juu. Set up Physical Training program for peak human performance.

Understood, brother. In advance, here are the Martial Arts Styles being relayed. Which one will you pick?

Well, I do want to be flexible with it. Learning multiple styles will help me to pinpoint which technique would be useful, so I can invent my own style. I'll go with the following: Kyokushin Karate, taekwondo, kickboxing, muay thai, kobudo, and for grappling, Judo and Jiu jitsu.

Compiling training program for Martial Arts Styles chosen to integrate with physical training program. Please wait in 5 minutes.

Thank you brother.

You're welcome.

"What do you mean you're leaving deku!?"

"Sorry Kacchan, It's, it's just personal..."

Katsuki was confused on what deku was going on about. Did it have something to do with his quirk? Must be a pretty shitty one...

"Does it have something to do with your quirk?"

Deku looked a bit uncomfortable about it. So he was right.

"Yeah... I'm quirkless. Just... don't tell anyone. Okay?"

Katsuki scoffed. Why should he listen to the quirkless idiot anyway? He pushed past him with him looking back shocked at their friends actions.

"Whatever deku. You can go away. You'll be doing me and all these extras a favor, not showing your quirkless butt anywhere!"

Izuku glared at Katsuki, walking off. He thought that his friend would accept him, but apparently he didn't.

Guess he and Bakugo weren't friends anymore.

It has been an entire year since his quirk diagnosis. And it hasn't been long until word got out that he was quirkless. Whenever he went out by himself or with mom, people would look at him with pity, and without her, Some of them with disgust.

Some of the kids tried to bully him, shaming him for not having a quirk, until he beat them up.

Martial Arts really helps that much.

The now 5 year old was in his room, throwing his All Might figure up and catching it when it came down, self playing some catching game.

Right now he had one thing on his mind.

Quirks, are like extra muscles.

But what if they weren't?

What if, instead of muscles that you have to exercise to strengthen them, they were... something else?

Izuku catches his All Might figure again and jolted up from his bed. Juu. I think I've got an idea.

Lay it on me, Izuku.

If he could make what he thought he could, this will help him spread his message further.

Izuku was in his lab, furiously tapping on the holographic keys, as if he was looking for something hard.

And he was. People with versatile quirks would be useful in the hero industry, and since he was training to be the first quirkless hero, even with his gadgets, he could only do so much with them.

So what if there was a way for him to level the playing field?

Running Electric Signal, Attempt #27


Running Electric Signal, Attempt #76

Another failure.

Running Electric Signal, Attempt #154

This whole thing was hard for Izuku. He and Juu have been going at this for 2 weeks. He had done extensive research on quirk biology and had found something that would surely get an advantage on quirked humans. But achieving it was extremely hard, each attempt would just come up in failure, with him coming closer to finding the right input of code for it to work. But he wouldn't give up. He and Juu Knew that they could succeed. And succeed they would.

Which is why this time.

Running Electric Signal.......22%.....42%.........14%........57%...........36%........73%..........100%.

Electric Signal synthesized.

"YES!" Izuku yelled In excitement. "We've finally got it! Now all we just have to do is find someone. But we should return to this tomorrow. I'll go get some sleep. Goodnight Juu."

Good night brother.

He's done it. He's finally gotten what he wanted. It took a huge amount of trial and error, but it was all worth it in the end.

Now all that's left is finding a quirk in action.

All right, who do you think are target should be first Juu?

It can essentially be anyone, Izuku. All I would have to do is anal-

His words were interrupted by a child screaming. A girl screaming.

Izuku looked to see who was in trouble, and too bad, the person who was in trouble was being tormented by the guy he didn't plan on or want to see.


He was towering over a girl with his hands bared, explosions crackling. Along with his other two extras. The girl was dressed in some fancy clothing, seemed to have had baby blue hair, and what was the most interesting, a yellow monocle on one of her eyes. Which it's lens were cracked, most likely thanks to Bakugo.

"Your stupid quirk's useless! What else are you gonna do other than be smart, huh?!" He snarled, looming over the girl in a threatening manner.

He saw the girl was shaking in fear, her face filled with dread. Izuku couldn't believe his former friend. Was he really that much of a quirkist?

So, he did what any other good hero would do.

Get in other people's business.

He ran and punched Bakugo straight in the cheek, getting him away from the girl and blocking him and his friends. 

"DEKU!! Who the hell do you think you are, you useless freak?!?"

"I'm just doing what any hero would've done. Who do you think you are, bullying a girl for her quirk?!"

"The extra brought it on herself for being so useless! I was showing her her place, like I should with you, quirkless loser!!"

Izuku found himself getting irritated with bakugo's words. It has been since what? A year that he hasn't seen him? And he's already gotten this immature?!

"I'm sorry, who are you to decide if a quirk is useful or not?" He spoke with earnesty. "Your quirk doesn't give you the right to bully anyone. In fact, using your quirk in public right now is ille-"

"SHUT UP, LOSER!!" Bakugo roared. He and his gang started activating their quirks and prepared to go into a brawl. 

"You can't do anything!! You're quirkless!!" Bakugo roared again as he and his friends charged at Izuku, ready to rain down harm on the kid.

Izuku readied his stance and prepared for the incoming assault. He didn't think he'd have to fight Bakugo right now,  but having that thought was irrelevant.

Izuku stood still as he tried to catch his breath. He didn't use much stamina, thankfully. And he had a slight Scorch mark on his cheek, but other than that, he was all right.

The other kids weren't. They were layed on the ground, beaten. Bruises all over them.

I can't do anything, huh? He thought, looking over Bakugo.

Well, guess what. I just beat your quirkist ass. He sneered with venom dripping from his voice.

He then looked back to the fancy looking girl who was looking up at him in awe. She blushed when he saw him looking at her.

"Are, you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" He asked with concern.

She took some time to recompose herself. "N-No. I'm fine. He just damaged my monocle." She took said monocle and lifted it in her hands.

Izuku Midoriya had found out her name was Saiko Intelli, so they had introduced themselves too each other.

He asked her about her quirk, hearing Bakugo saying it made her smart. If it was what he thought it was, he wanted to know.

And it was. Her quirk was called IQ. When she drinker tea and closed her eyes, her IQ would increase. She initially thought that it wasn't much, but Izuku thought otherwise, thinking of ideas to find out the strengths of this quirk, so he brought out his journal and pen to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses.

"Does the type of tea you drink, affect your IQ increase?"

"I did not put much thought into it at first.... but I did get a slightly higher IQ increase when I drinked Harrod's tea compared to harrison's."

"Is the IQ increase permanent, or does it have a time limit?"

"Time limit. It will last a few minutes."

"You said your IQ increases when you close your eyes. Would the thing still happen if you closed one of them?"

Saiko widened her eyes at the question. She... didn't realize she could do that. Every time she closed both her eyes, she'd get a significant boost in IQ but she never put thought of closing one of them to achieve the same affect.

"I..... never thought about It. I always closed both my eyes for my quirk to take affect."

"Okay, and here's another question. Does your IQ go back to normal when you open your eyes, or does it stay increased and will continue to increase, the longer you close your eyes?"

She looked down in thought. "Well, I did experiment and was a tad bit disappointed when the effect came off whenever I opened my eyes. So yes, my IQ will return to normal when my eyes are open."

"I see. Which brings me to this question. Does the amount of tea you drink affect how much your IQ increases?"

"Well. I did try drinking lots of tea once. She grimaced at the memory as an image formed in her head. "I gave myself a huge headache. So I've been taking small amounts from time to time."

Izuku was finally finished with his notes. He had heared everything he needed to hear in order to improve this quirk.

Saiko was a bit floored with how Izuku expressed so much interest her quirk, they both talked for a bit and she expressed how much she wanted to be a hero to prove that she can still save people, despite not having a flashy quirk, and Izuku supported her on that.

For Izuku, before his diagnosis, everything judged that he had a potent IQ quirk. And when he found the person that had the quirk so many had thought he had, he knew he needed to know how the quirk worked. And he got what he wanted.

Saiko Intelli knew that Izuku was an enigma, and yet, a beacon that she knew didn't want to go out. 

Izuku had listed several strengths and weaknesses of her quirk, and how to actually increase its potential.

He recommended experimenting with different teas, trying closing one of her eyes after drinking tea, and, slightly to her discomfort, for her to drink huge amounts of tea. But since he knew the saying, "Quirks are extra muscles", he said she could in theory, grow a tolerance to the headache and increase the amount of IQ she normally would have.

And to improve her effectiveness as a hero, he had told her she needed to train physically and learn how to fight cause she was essentially quirkless, to which she couldn't help but agree to.

When the word quirkless came up, she thought back to how the blond brute had said about him being quirkless. So when she asked if it was true and he confirmed it.....

Saiko couldn't help but feel slightly frightened of Izuku.

He was quirkless, 5 years old and was as smart, if not, way even smarter than she was when she used her quirk.

When he told her his goals and reason of becoming a hero, she couldn't help but feel sad and heartbroken over how corrupt the hero industry could be. She knew her society wasn't good since most of her peers were praised for their strong and physical quirks, that factor applying to the hero industry made her really sad. And with the quirkless.... it was heart wrenching. 

She found herself admiring Izuku, as he wanted to be a hero to tell everyone that anyone can do it, despite the status of their quirk. And she swore she would help him with his goal.

Inko was in the living room, reading the current hero news on newspaper as Izuku called out to her from his lab.

"Hey mom! Me and Juu want to show you something!"

Inko then walked to where her son would be and entered his lab to see him smiling brightly. She figured that he and Juu made a new invention and took a look at the main computer, seeing a string of complex code she didn’t understand. And what else she saw confused her.

Live Footage of Bakugo using his quirk yesterday.

After what had happened, Bakugo had raged at what Izuku had did, and initially, Aldera couldn't do anything to Izuku since he was no longer a student of the school.

So their solution, trying to get him in trouble with the law.

Keyword, 'tried'. After what Izuku had told her what Katsuki did, she and Mitsuki were having none of it. Especially Saiko's parents, who apparently were a prestigious family who had ties to people in politics and the law. They along with her and Mitsuki, threatened to shut down the school and get all of the faculty fired, should they try to hurt Izuku. With the Intelli family forcing them to apologize to their daughter and Izuku, and threatening to get their star pupil expelled and dedicating their lives to making sure he never would get a chance into UA if they don't discipline him.

"Now, I understand you are confused, mother. But let us explain first. With what me and Izuku had discovered. We've found a way to revolutionize the support and hero industry."

Inko, now more intrigued with whatever her son's had made, decided to listen with her whole intent.

Izuku then tapped on some keys and the screen showed another string code which made the sentence, "Quirk signal".

Izuku said, "Do you know the saying, "Quirks are extra muscles"? Since they are extra muscles, they need to be exercised like the rest of your body, training them to be stronger, until you felt the strain from overusing them. But here comes the million dollar question. What if they weren't, 'extra muscles'?"

Inko, even more intrigued, asks for her sons to continue.

"So, to be specific, Izuku has done extensive research and found out the quirk gene emits a special electrical signal, one that could generated artificially."

"It took trial and error to even find the right input of code, but then we've eventually got the right one. Which leads to-" He then started typing and then showed the footage of Bakugo. "This."

"I took the function of the Item manufacturer, and added it to what we've made, and now here's this." He began to type furiously on the keys, with lines and lines of code piling on the computer with a sentence showing.

Explosion: Loading...

"If you take the Electric signal of the quirk gene, and fuse it with the analyzed properties of someone quirk...."

Explosion: Complete

Nanotech from his collar formed around his hands, making gloves. He then faced her, prepared to punch his fist into his palm. And when he did,

And explosion was made.

"You have yourself a digital quirk."

Inko was completely floored about this. Her son had did what no support company had. He made a quirk, completely from a computer!!

Motherly pride swelled up in her chest as tears came down her eyes. She then grasped her son in a tight hug, to which he embraced back.

"Izuku, oh Izuku! I'm so proud of you!!"

It has been an entire year since he made his breakthrough, digital quirks.

Unlike physical quirks(he came up with the label with quirks that were genetic) digital quirks would not give him the physical drawback most quirked individuals would have. Even transformation quirks. 

Another great thing, control how much power he would use from a digital quirk, once again, giving him an advantage over quirked people.

And, since they were completely artificial, they couldn't be nullified by quirks!

Unfair? Yes it is but hey. he's quirkless. The world isn't fair.

He had told Saiko of the invention he made and she was shocked of what he had accomplished, but also admired how smart he was.

So for the past year, Juu had been analyzing heroes, people's, and even quirks he didn't could exist. All for the project he was planning.

Project: Meta. In which he would have total power once it was complete.

The now 6 year old had completed 7% of Meta, and was looking through some of the quirks he had Digitized.

1. Gravikinesis: The user has the ability to manipulate gravity.

2. Dimension: The user can enter a dimension in which they can control and alter the landscape of it.

3. Fix: The user can fix objects thar have been broken in any way.

4. Multi-task: The user can passively focus on many subjects at once.

5. Identity: The user can copy the appearance of anyone they know. This also ranges to voice too, the only thing that doesn't change are the clothes.

6. Non-existent: The user can become completely invisible to any form of sight. Their heat signature is also gone, they don't make noise and they can't be smelled. It's as if they never existed.

7. Space Pressure: The user has the ability to make folds and rifts in space.

8. Energy Manipulation: The user has the ability to manipulate existing energy.

9. Energy Absorption: The user can absorb energy, for their own use.

10. Virtual Reality: After hitting the target with a laser beam with their eyes, they send their consciousness into a another reality where they have total control over. Everything in the reality the target feels, they also feel in the real world.

He knew gravikinesis would be useful when it came to his physical training. He and Saiko had done the peak human performance program but they could only go so far. That's due with gravity. 

But with more of earth's gravity forcing down on the human body, it would adapt and then get stronger.

Fix would be good in the unexpected scenario should his machines ever get destroyed. He would set it up as automatic and he wouldn't have to get worried.

Non-existent is the Best quirk for stealth.

Energy Manipulation and Absorption would be a good combo. He was working on creating his first prototype, "Quirk Armor", so that these two quirks would exist inside it. They would perfectly in tandem.

Virtual reality.... if he could modify it a bit, he could use this for training scenarios for hero missions and tasks. The Perfect tool for heroes.

And then there was dimension and space pressure. Now, these quirks are very good on their own, but their usefulness doubled thanks to the quirk he had also digitized.

Mix: The user can fuse quirks together onto themselves to create a new one by touching two targets.

With Dimension and Space pressure fused together, he could essentially create a rift in space, and create what he needed in it using the ability from dimension. And the area could only be accessible to him whenever he needed it, and he wouldn't be wasting space(heh, get it?).

After planning with what he would do with his new quirks, he got a warning from Juu.

Warning. Musutafu police detective approaching Midoriya residence.

Detective? Juu who is it? Izuku wondered.

Naomasa Tsukauchi. Quirk: Lie Detector. His quirk lets him know if someone is either lying or telling the truth. 

I see. What are they doing here? Izuku thought.

He then went to the door and heard a knock. He opened it and revealed a man with short and spiky black hair, who was wearing a beige trench coat.

He got eye level with him and said, "Hello, kid. My name is Naomaso Tsukauchi. I'm a detective. Your name is Izuku Midoriya right?"

"Yes? Is something going on?" Concern edging in his voice.

The detective took on a somber expression.

"Yes... forgive me for telling you this but,"

"Your mother has been hurt in an accident."

Izuku's blood ran cold.

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